IS 」ⅡSt ?07 mclcls h h01η lhじ SumnlH IS 0IS C註" cnjoY P【1"01'a訂U . Iento 1.akc Ab;1S11in.【"1{kc l"ofⅡISU N010ro ;"1d l"akC 入・10k010 '1S 、YじⅡ a S1111'ctoko pc"1ns nd lhc sc ▲ Viewing pla廿orm overlookin套_ Ok110lsk al】d 111. .' .',ン'. N11 TC11to 、、'as dcslcn:"C〔 h hiretoko world Natura11t-j11 鳳・ , Beauti6.11, . \八later・rich . City ofthe Nort ' へlt. Tento overlooking A world NaturalHeritage site 、 Ca.e Notoro In the okl)otsk Breeze Connect 圦lith okhotsk cultlH'e Abashiri prison Museum Froln seasonal Foods to The Sτ則Cture oflhis historic outdoor museum was odgina11y .史奥^、 bU11t otthc foot ofMt. Tento overlooking l"ake Abashid, aTld New Local cuisine Was used as Abashid prison before being relocated, PrcseNed and opened to thc pub11C. Today it seNes as a haTlds、on faC11ity 晒,here Ⅵ5itors can leam oboutthe historyof Hokkaido's development from the exhibits on display in t11is genuinc Meiji・e鳳 Structure ゛Guided louTs aTc ava11able ln the museum (inqU1訂es required) .1.1' Yobito, Abashiri .Hours: Apr.- oct.:8:00 -18:00; NOV.- Mar.:9:00 -17:00 ●Open year-『ound .Admission: Adults:1,050 yen; univetsity/high scho01 Students:730 yen; elemenねⅣ/junior high school studen{S 520 yen (group rates ava11able) (For more information) Abashlri prison preservation Foundetion Tel:015245・24TI Mt. Tento observatory/okhotsk Ryuhyo Museum Hana Tento Flower Garden DHn ice muscum on top ofMt. Tcnto alongside the obseNatory. TheN ate fiv In the summer one ofthc slopes on Abashiri CxhibitioD rooms including a hl・visio"小eater dcpicting the four seasons o Lake view ski HiⅡ is tTansformed by Abashid on a large 300、inch scrccn and a space where ⅥSitors can see clione Abashin city volunteer aroups into an (also known assca angels)andothermystcri0ⅡS creatures. The mostpopularisth extcnsive flowcr garden, crcatina an ddn ice cxhibition room where a tempeta加Te of・18 C and rcal drin ice await enchanting and c010r丘111andscape .2451, TentoZ3n, Abashiri ●Hours: Apr oct.:8:00-18:00; .28.3, Yobito, Abashi6 NOV.- Mar.:9:00 -16:30.open year.『ound ●Admission: Adults:520 yen; .Flowering season: August - october hlgh sch卯IS加denw:420 yen; e1θmen始ry4Unior high schoolstuden婚:310 yen (For more inf0巾auon) TOU"sm secuon, (group mte58Vailab1田 AbashM MunldpalGovernment (For more mfonηヨUon)okhotsk Ryuhyo Museum Tel:0152435951 Tel:015244.6111 H厶ι10yN'1'i 'bゾ・1>ιtio udl p'1J'た This cape protNding into Access the sea of okhotsk is a Wpical vicwpoint of Vvakkanai C Noto o Abashiri. There is nothing mbets A旦a hir akash'betsu that blocks thc vision ^ ape Asahi Memambetsu Alrport From this point visit0郡 Kushiro Feelthe okhotsk breeze Can overlook l"akc Notoro O ada Ihi o and the coast of Kiねmi W among the no、Ners and ice noes Ciw'S Tokoro to the west as we11 as the shitetoko Mountains f盆「 to the east The clear sea of okhotsk as seen from a cliffat this Point is brcathねkingly beauti金11 and expansivc This is also a we11 known dH介 icc viewing spot Nagoya Japen Aidlne$ ^ 0570.025071 0開胎 A" Nippon Airways ^ 0570029'767 Hokkeldo lntematio"ヨ1Aidines^ 0120057・333 HAC ^ 0570.006.007 Airplanes Misaki'S Japanese ash tree,研,hich has been sclected as one Ofthe loo Forest Giants by thc Forcstry Agency,is about 37 .Haneda ←→ Memembetsu (duration:100 -110 min.) meters ta11 and has a tNnk of 4.6 meters arouDd. 1t is .New chitose ←→ Memambetsu (duration:45 -65 min.) estimated to be over 30o t0 40o yeaN old. This stately .osak日→ Memambetsu (duretion:125 -145 min.) towedng tree has appeared in o Tv commcrcial .Nagoya Memambetsu(duration:tlo-125rnin.) .A 20・minute drive from the city JR (Llm118d expre5$ tmlns only) .sapporo - Abashi『i .Abashiri → Sapporo Okhotsk l Okhotsk 2 Okhotsk 3 Okhotsk 4 Okhotsk 5 Okhotsk 6 Okhotsk 7 Okhotsk 8 ●For more jnformation JR AbashⅢ S怡tion (Reservation Ticket 0缶Ce/Midori・no・Madoguchi) Tel:015243-2362 Lake Notoro and Glesswod エヨke Notoro ls a brackish lake w"h a circumfeTcncc of 31 kilometers a9 miles) Ihat is connected t0 小e sea of okhotsk. From late August to late september Horses and cows gr五Zc on lhc city-Nn Misaki Fa如 in CapeNotoro from mid.May to latc october. The sightor C010nics of glasswort (SUcculcnt plants that thrivc in salt maTshcs) tum rcd and 丑nimals in fields ofgreen set against a blue background ^W 〔リ Abashiri Crcatc o f註ntastic conttast with 小e blue sky. Thc Glasswod Fcstival is held Ofsca and sky crcates outstandinapastoralphotogtaphic . ★ Shiretoko A3註h'k丑Wa annua11y ln september Opportunltles QR code for Abashi" city T『avel site .uba『anai, Abeshld ciw .A20minutedrive hom tho c"y Sap;oro (For mole lnf0肋ヨUon) uberanaiToudstAssoclauon Tel:015247.2301 Abashiri ^ AbashiriMuniCゆalG emment Minami 6,O Higashi 4・chome, Abashid, Hokkaido, 回"回 093-8555 Tel:015244-6111 http: WWW.city.abashiri.hokkaido.jp/ Published in Apn12012, by the AbashⅢ Municipal Govemment, 回.゛ AbashⅢ Touri$t Assodation, AbashlriTourism pror"otion corporetion 一=牙=窒一、-C-=昇三n ^^^ ^^^^^ 卑 ●ノ 乳 "タ ^、 、 皿 ' ^ ^ 、゛ ^^ 島 Cユ.' Canoeing, saⅢng, vvindsurfing Lake Abashiri, situated in Abashiri Quasi・Notional patk,is weⅡ hloW口 in Japan as a 1稔inlng slte fbr boat 皿Cers, but the calm lake is also perfヒCt for beginners .pehod: Eady May - mid・october Horse trekking 一シ一●■,二n - Enjoy Ⅱekk1Πg on hoTseback Whilc t丑king in the ma即途Cent Scene四 from a hlgherohscrving 食 Point. nls can be expe訂肌Ced 庄一容則χ in uP1飢d arcas overlooking the ノ Sea ofokhotsk .period: Year・round . " Cycling ______^ーー^ Why not Tent a bicycle to tour 10col museumS 肌d historical Sites? 1f you fceuike getting Out of the clty, the okhotsk Cycling Road Nns along lakes and lhe sea and is popularW11h Cveryonc from novlces to Sightseeing lcebreaker"Aurora" advanced cycliS船 The boat moves through the ice field, breaking ice thatis up to onc meter ●Penod' A11S舶Sons exceplwlnter ーー"、. thick while making a " bong bong" sound. This ls one ofthe highlights of JN 1^, Abashlri sightseeing attractions in winter. During thc cruise ofapproxi・ Dri什 Ice Nature Adventure Skiing and snowboarding 里 mately one hour, passengcrs may see seals lying oo dTift ice as we11 as Abashi' Lakc vlcw sklHiⅡ offeN Ste11er's sea eagles and 訊『hite・tailed sea caglcs nying in the sky Dreamlike expcricnce when participantS 訊,eafing a special dry suit walk on lhe drin ice En豊rave the roughness and beaUり, ofnature・made ice works ofarvice field on your miηd a lotal of slX 円ns for beginncr, .operating period: January 20 - March 31 intermcdialc and advanced skieN, .Boarding place: Ryuhyokaido Abashi"(Minato TOU"sm and Exchange (For more information) Abashirl Tourjst Assoclation Tel:015244-5849 貼 WC11 as a slcddmg coursc for Centet) 5.1, Minami 3、jo Higashi 4・chome, Abash1而 Ch11dNn. ne slopes are also open (For more lnformation) Doto Kanko Kai始ISU Aurora Te励lnalTel 0152436000 " at night ●Pe"以j: Lale December-1ate March .28-3、 Yobito' Abashiri (For more infomlation) AbashⅢ Leke view ski Hi11(in season) Tel:0152叫8・2550 气. Abashi" Gen引al Athletic park (0仟Season) Tel:015243-3647 ' please conねCtthe f0110wing organization for information on activities Otherthan skiing and snowboarding. AbashⅢ Tourist Association Tel:015244-5849 一三n審n一一0=三ヨニ]nZ異仁え0-Cオ=0甜 エミ・ぐ易二ず三ヨnげ曾三^^二6=^= Interaction with okhotsk culture khotsk cultul'c n0Ⅱrislkd alonu t11C sen 010khots、 〔0'1St ln t11C latc Kofun pc"od. but :1bruptl)' disal)peal'cd i11 t11C cal'1)' xara pcnod.1he l、10)'01'o shC11 入10und and nlan、' ot11Cr Nnlains ft'oln nlc culturc ha、'c bccn Uneal'thed in j、baS11il'i citM blH tlk footstcl" and acti、 itics 01'1)coplc froln t11is et'a a代 StiⅡ、,cilcd in nい,skr).、'isit01's can cxpcriC11CC "】c ln>'stcrious ronlance that so endlanted t11e late R) otaro shib:1 - a lcadin票 Jal)ancsc historical no、 clist. Moyoro she11 Nature Tours Omagari Lakeside park Mound Museum Pcople wi血 CⅡlt血I Mck即如水 Visiting the localcountryslde wilh a knowlcdgeable guide to leam about 小e An 80.hectatc park situated atthc fo010fMI. Tcnto, a placc ofsccnic beauty, and 小仟e,erlt 60m t加tofthe AinU 田ld 10cal animal and plandlfe ls a refreshiDg expedcncc for both lhe body and Surrounded by Lake AbashiH and lhc Abashin River. wild 可「ds, n0隅,crS 田ld the 0血er eX13如呂 ethnic comm血廿邸 nlind nests ofwhlte.tailed sea eaglcs ond olher birds can bc scen from the fo0即ath Were ca11加 Moyom people,■od 止」S P1■Ce is hloWⅡ岱 the Moyom She11M0如d ltiS圃OWOMwotldwldeasa即Ical0辻0誕kC111訂配『此1.UD則thωh如師加n郡抑d 血em0此d i個elfhavebeen^Iedto hoW 止Wwelewhentheywele山即兜red fotexhlb1Ⅱon. .Ki怡 2.jo Hlge3N 2Chomo, Ab8Shi"(to b80pen in Mey 2013) 、、 (Formoro in血ΠηヨUon)Tel:0152433090 (Munid那IFolk MU舶Um) 'ArⅡCle6 Un03r廿led hom 廿le Moyoro she11 Mound are exh山赴ed atthe Munldpal FO!k Museum . 二n=6n 三⇔一 、、 \ Abashiri Municipal Museum §', 1あIs museum f毛a加ルS 舶tulal exhib治 Flower Tours 1「 Fruit picking mclud血客 ma血e 抑加als,丘Sh 丑nd she1ⅢSh Uj' 4、 丘om e S卯 ofok互ot3k as weⅡ aS 比πeS虹ial Flower loveN wi11 5Urely delight in Seasonal nui個 like apples, peaN, \, 如ltmls, wild bitdS 日Ⅱd i11SeC鴨血如d am帥d ノヘ a guidcd tour ofAbashlri nora that Plums, chestnuts ctc. can bc pickcd 0 賓. '1 Ab岱吋rl. Alsoondisplayare 脚佃"alS 詑latinE iηCludes indigCηOUs spccics of Among these,thc mostrecommendcd .,.ー、、 to N0仙em cult山e, which star比d mole 血抑 、、ーノ adonis, chCπy b!ossoms, wild activiw ls chcrry picking. savor thc r 、 roscs, a2alca, iris and glass、vort frult under the blue sky 10,ooo yeatS 陀o m the paleo"山ic pedod 肌d WaS 血ⅡOW加 by the Jomon, post・jomon, .period: Late AP而1-1ate september ●Period: July - November S且船11rnorl,0辻0燭k 血d Ai11U CⅡlt11τ喫. ne histoty of tbe legion's development 伽m the う Whale, Dolphin and seab浦 Watching Fishing MeⅡipenod ω the plese訂tiS 田So cover加 ーろ .1.3, K8捻Ura、Nch"dome, Ab8Shl".Hours:9:00 -17:00 (NOV.-Apr.:9:00 -16:0の 、vhales and dolphi"S, as 、veⅡ as In winter,ice fishing for pond smeltis .CI0託d: Mondeys.
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