Phone Your WHUS Marathon Requests Today'8 I Connecticut Daily Campus ! Sewing Storrs Since 1896 VOL. CXVI NO. 113 STORRS, CONNECTICUT TUESDAY. APRIL 23. 1963 Communist Leader To Lecture On Communist Viewpoint In colleges all over the country payments increased only 10%. l significant in the will to act for many students have come to hear During this [>eriod economic stag-: peace. tlie views expressed by Commun- nation sot in" Mr. Johnson dis- He attacks the war attitudes ists. (Jus Hall, Benjamin Davis. cusses a tax program for this of the sects and local churches be- James Jackson, Elizabeth Flynn. session of Congress, financing a longing to the John Birch Society, Arnold Johnson, Carl Winter and tax cut. closing loopholes for cor- the Christian Crusade again-.! other spokesmen for the Com- poration tax evasion, reducing Communism and other reaction- munist Parly have spoken to armament Spending, and the eco- ary organizations. He believes overt'lowing crowds at Yale, Har- nomics of a new tax cut. 'thai the majority of Americans vard, Virginia University, Colby, Thermonuclear Suicide? want peace. The problem lies in and other colleges. Tonight at Mr. Johnson also raises the lack of expression through the 7:45, in the HUB Ballroom, the question along with millions of present organized peace nv» e- • ISO will present Mr. Arnold Americans. "What does it take ! ment. Peace is a political affair Johnson, speaking on Uie "Com- to prevent thermonuclear sui- and leaving the demand for pe l ■ munist Viewpoint." cide?" "As part of tiie struggle in a minority protest movement, 'Second String' Leader for peaceful co-existence and in as the peace movement is today, At present Mr. Johnson, though!. .discussing the lessons of the Cu- is not enough. not an official member of the ban events, we must, with others, He turns towards analyzing the Communist Party, is to be put' intensify our examination of what Peace Movement itself. Mr. John- on trial under the MeCarran Act it takes internally to prevent this son praises Women Strike for for alieged membership in the i country from embarking on a Peace as the most vital force He Communist Party. Mr. Johnson course of thermonuclear war." admires their all "inclusive" at- recently spoke at Trinity College He shows the developments which titude which allows all people to in Hartford. He was among the have occurred in religious areas, joiti regardless of ideology, lie "second string" of Communist trade unions and the peace move- disagrees with Dr. Homer Jack. leaders who were arrested and| ment itself. In religious areas he Executive Director of SANK, and tried under the Smith Act and finds the Ecumenical Council others who are often preoccupied served a three year prison sen- called by Po|>e John XXIII, the with keeping Communists out of tence in Federal prison. He has World Council at the New Delhi the peace movement in the US. 55 grade school students from the Hartford Tutorial Pro- written several articles concern- Assembly representing Protestant Yet. Mr, Johnson regards these gram visited DMU tills past Saturday. Sondra Gold, chairman ing important questions on I he' Seels, and the declarations of people as peace advocates and an of tlie trip and member of the Board ot Governors, eoiulueted present American political scene. main' Jew ish religious loaders as Important contribution to peace. the trip. The ehildren spent five hours on eampus, being expos«-d Two articles for "Political Af-■ to Ueonn life and all its commotion. fairs" have analvzcd the Ameri- can peace movement and lax' Highlights of the t<mr were visits to the agricultural and : Skitzofunia Winners Announced Fine Arts Departments, an inside look at the dress rehearsal of programs for the United States. Mr. Johnson discusses in the Joan Caliahan and Ron. Cassl- created Si>ecial Media i ie\ Isiaa "Brigadoon." and an invitation from APO to the Midway and April issue a tax program for the OCC Parade. (Campus Photo by Albino) dento, co-chairmen ot the 1963 for their film entitled "Ernie Ko» United Slates. He shows how Skitzofunia, have announced the vacs Plus." many corporations manage to winners of this year's competi-, "Excellent Performance Quality'* avoid taxation through clever tion. In the doubles category, a "This year's performance >f Experts Enlisted To Head schemes and strong government women's residence and a men's Skitzofunia has been one ot the lobbies. Meanwhile, many Ameri- residence, the First Place trophy most successful performance.-, in cans bear the brunt of a heavy income tax. Using U.S. Depart-1 went to Phi Sigma Sigma and' recent years. Playing before capa- mem of Labor statistics and a Phi Sigma Delta for their ver- city audiences both evenings, the Urban Research Session study by the Conference on Eco- sion of "Mr. K is Shown the proceeds we obtained for the nomic Progress, he documents his Way." The Second Place trophy Scholarship Fund far surpassed A distinguished group of ex- sponsored by the University and analysis. was awarded to the Kappa Kap- our most optimistic hopes." said perts from the field of public the State Development Commis- He advocates complete tax re- pa Gamma-Phi Sigma Kappa com Miss Caliahan. Mr. Cassm > Service and higher education have sion. lief to Americans living in pov- bine for their perofrmance of "A added: "We sincerely thank all been enlisted to help the Univer- The two-day session is slated erty and deprivation. This would Funny Thing Happened On the the Houses that spent those long sity of Connecticut explore the to open April 26 at 1:30 p.m., increase consumption power. He Way to Formumum." hours in rehearsal for Skitzoluu- mechanics of a projected urban with a panel discussion of "Cur- feels cutting of corporation in- In the Women's Single Compe- ia. The quality of the perform- studies center at the University rent Directions in Urban Re come tax from 52% to 47', as tition. Hollister B took first hon- ances this year was excellent U - of Connecticut. search." Moderator will be John projK>sed by Kennedy is unneces- ors for their version of "Help ho|H" that next year will see U The consultants will meet with I P. Keith, executive director. New sary and harmful. "Between 1951 Stamp Out Romeo and Juliet." good a participation and a.s keen members of the Uconn faculties York City Regional Plan Assn. and 1962 corporate cash flow in- Beta Sigma Gamma and Com pa- a sense ol competition as tin* and administration and special In the evening the conferee* creased almost 100$ while tax nv won First Place in the newlv- year." guests April 26-27 at the Student and the general public will In- in Union during a conference co- viled to attend at 8 p. m. a lec- ture at the Von der Mehden Reci- tal Hall by Dr. Mason W. Cross. Greek Rally president of Rutgers. University. Greek Week 196S, a week of Dr. Gross, w hose university re- recognition for Uconn frater- cently launched its own urban nities and sororities begins to- studies center, will speak on "The night with the Greek rally. Role of a State University in The rally, which is handled in an Urban Society." much the same manner as the At 9:30 a.m. Saturday the con- Olympic Torch Run. will begin ferees will reconvene in the Stu- with the lighting of the cere- dent Union for a panel discussion monial torch by the Lieutenant of the "University Urban Re- Governor In Hartford. The search Institute." Moderator will Torch will In- returned to cam- be George H. Deming, program pus by a series of runners director. Graduate School of Pub- from the different fraternities lic Affairs, State University of on campus. New York. A procession which will be- Upon conclusion of the general gin at the Towers and proceed sessions. UofC President Homer to Mirror Lake, will end with D. Babbidge Jr. will summarize a torch lighting ceremony by the conference from the Univer- the presidents of the Greek sity's viewpoint; Leroy Jones, houses. The "Greek God," Don managing director of the CSDC, Kllsunrth. Alpha Gamma Kho. will sum up for the Development and "Greek Goddess" Allyn Commission; and Mr. Deming Peterson, Kappa Kappa Gam- will deliver a summation (or the ma, will be crowned with the conference guests. ceremonial wreath. Ceremonies Among the invited guests will Will conclude with the sym- be a number of State and local bolic lighting of the (.reck Hollister ll take» first place honors la ence two week-, ago. i Campus Pltolo by l.aiigli- Week Rait. officials .UHI members o£ She Legislature. women's singlr* before a capacity skit audi- r*y» PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1963 Connecticut LETTERS TO THE EDITOR University of Connecticut, and in fact the Pretty Pictures citizens of the entire state, ard mature enough to realize this important goal of To the Editor: education. Daily Campus Advertisements, advertisements, and Frederick L. Wallace, more advertisements — that's what we President of the I.S.O find these days in the CDC. Its motto should be changed from "Serving Storrs Since 1896" to "Serving stores, theaters, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1963 restaurants, YWs, L&Ms. and Old Spice Marathon Every Weekday." What ever happened to the pictures? To the Editor: (Not the ones used on the advertise- Although the CCC. Weekend as such ments.) Oh, we've seen pictures: candi- is ovei. WHUS Radio continues the spirit dates for student government, candidates of generosity and good-will. But the staff for editor of CDC, Dr.
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