PAMBER PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of Pamber Parish Council held in St. Stephen’s Hall, Little London on Monday, 14th March 2016 at 7.30 p.m. Present: Apologies: Cllr. C. Goss (Chairman) County Cllr. K. Chapman Cllr. P. Kingston (Vice Chairman) (From 7.35pm) Borough Cllr. Mrs. M. Tucker. Cllr. Mrs. M. Hale Cllr. R. Gardiner Cllr. G. March Cllr. G. McGarvie Cllr. D. Snook Cllr. Mrs. J. Tyson Cllr. T. Young Cllr. Mrs. A. Witchalls Mrs. E.A.Knight (Clerk) and nine members of the public. 54/16: Declarations of Interest. Register of Interests: councillors were reminded that any changes must be reported to BDBC. Cllr. McGarvie declared an interest in item 75/16b. 55/16: Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a true record. 56/16: Matters arising and not appearing elsewhere on the agenda. There were no matters arising. 57/16: Public Participation. No issues were raised. 58/16: Planning. a) Planning applications: 16/00300/FUL: Erection of 2 no. three bedroom bungalows Land Rear Of Greenacres Aldermaston Road Pamber Green Hampshire Comments 16/00335/FUL: Change of use of land from electrical substation to residential, and erection of 2 sheds (part retrospective Electricity Sub Station Knollys Road Pamber Heath. No objection 15/02685/RET: Siting of a mobile home for residential use of one gypsy family and erection of a utility/day room building Land Adjoining Forest Farm Sandy Lane Pamber Heath. Objection 16/00520/HSE: Erection of single storey front extension. 28 Church Road Pamber Heath. No objection 16/00555/LBC: Installation of 7 no. security cameras to main house and entrance gate (Part Retrospective) Wyeford Farm Road To Wyeford Farm Ramsdell. No objection 16/00552/HSE and16/00553/LBC : External and internal alterations to stable block to form ancillary residential accommodation, including installation of a biomass boiler, new chimney, replacement windows to the north elevation and the removal of an internal partition Wyeford Farm Road To Wyeford Farm Ramsdell. No objection 16/00508/FUL: Erection of 1 no. three bed dwelling Land Adjacent To Barnsted (Plum Trees) Green Lane Pamber Green. No objection Application decisions - Deferred from last month T/00043/16/TPO: Wakeford Court Silchester Road Pamber Heath. No objection 16/00147/HSE: Erection of extension to existing garage to create carport and conversion of existing garage to create ancillary accommodation with home office above Valentine Cottage Silchester Road Little London. No objection 16/00069/HSE: Erection of open porch Ramblers Aldermaston Road Pamber End. No objection. Comments regarding access. 16/00118/HSE: Erection of first floor extension involving raising of the roof with juilet balcony to front elevation. Avenbury Ramsdell Road Pamber End. No objection b) Planning decisions 15/04335/FUL: Erection of rear smoking shelter following demolition of shed. Installation of rear doors to replace existing window and creation of beer garden with associated landscaping The Pelican 8 Silchester Road Pamber Heath. GRANTED 15/04338/HSE: Erection of part two storey, part single storey side/rear extension Fir Tree Cottage 10 Burney Bit Pamber Heath. GRANTED 15/03634/ROC: Variation of condition 1 of planning consent 14/02338/FUL (Installation of a solar park and associated works to include a temporary roadway and construction compound, security fencing and landscaping works) to allow an alternative site layout. Variation of conditions 3 to 11, 15 to 16 and 20, for works to be carried out in accordance with submitted details Land at Berry Court Farmhouse Bramley Road Little London GRANTED 15/04567/HSE: Erection of single storey rear extension, alterations to the roof and internal alterations 85 Silchester Road Pamber Heath. GRANTED 15/03813/FUL: Erection of replacement dwelling and garage following demolition of existing bungalow Nut Trees Ramsdell Road Pamber End. GRANTED 15/04281/HSE: Erection of two storey rear extension and a single storey side extension to include new chimney and balcony to rear Pamber Farm Bramley Road Little London. REFUSED 15/00691/FUL: Amendment - Change of use of listed house to offices, change of use and single storey extension of listed barn to small tool hire facility, Open plant storage, retention of security lighting and associated works. Retention of existing parking area and access with new surface treatment; (Part Retrospective) Skates Farm House, Skates Lane, Pamber Green. GRANTED 15/00692/LBC: Change of use of listed house to offices, change of use and single storey extension of listed barn to small tool hire facility, Open plant storage, retention of security lighting and associated works. Retention of hard standing as parking areas and access; (Part Retrospective) Skates Farm House Skates Lane Pamber Green. GRANTED 16/00069/HSE: Erection of open porch Ramblers Aldermaston Road Pamber End. GRANTED 15/04334/FUL: Erection of children’s play equipment The Pelican 8 Silchester Road Pamber Heath. GRANTED c) Members noted comments from a parishioner regarding the lack of notification by BDBC of a neighbouring planning application. 59/16: Finance. a) Cheques for payment: £ 001298 Silchester Parish Council S 137 300.00 001299 BDBC Grounds maintenance Feb 971.44 001300 R. Huitson Materials for book exchange 18.98 001301 A. Witchalls Travel expenses 3.3.16 12.70 001302 HM Customs and Excise Tax and NI 217.23 b) Income received since the last meeting: £ Lloyds Bank Interest February 1.48 c) Quarterly Update of Income and Expenditure: a copy of the quarterly update was given to each member. No queries were raised. 60/16: BDBC Consultation: Future Housing Priorities. Details of the consultation were noted. No response was made. 61/16: Parish Lengthsman Scheme. a) Cllr. Kingston gave a report on the meeting that he had attended at the Hampshire County Council offices and outlined details of the scheme. Resolved: Pamber Parish Council would act as lead parish in the scheme. b) Bramley Parish Council would decide whether to join the cluster led by Pamber Parish Council later in the week. Two other parishes were interested in joining. 62/16: Events for 2016. a) The Queen’s 90th Birthday: Members agreed that the beacon would be lit at 7.30pm on 21st April 2016. b) Summer Event. The date and theme would be discussed at the next meeting. 63/16: Police Matters. No matters were raised. 64/16: The Memorial Hall. a) Mirrors - A request has been received from the Hall Management Committee that mirrors should be attached to the trees in the grounds of the hall to aid sight lines for walkers using the gate from Tadley Common opposite to the hall. Members agreed that there could be problems with glare and other safety issues if mirrors were installed. It was suggested that the cutting back of foliage from the Tadley side of the common be investigated. b) Marquee – The hall committee had requested that the marquee be made available to them for the Family Fun Day on 10th September. Resolved: the marquee would be made available on 10th September to the hall committee providing adequate insurance was provided to cover any damage. Members of the parish council would erect and dismantle the marquee. 65/16: St. Stephen’s Hall Cllrs. March and Witchalls reported on the committee meeting that had taken place earlier in the month. The financial situation was outlined and the difficulties that were being experienced were highlighted. Much work had been carried out to improve the decorative order of the hall and to treat the woodworm. Attempts were being made to improve bookings. The tree outside the hall which had been planted by a committee member had become unsafe and would be removed. The members indicated that they would have no objection to a hall notice board being erected. 66/16: Open Spaces to include Annual Playground Safety Inspection a) Inspection of play equipment by BDBC: Regular inspections had been carried out and no new faults had been reported. b) Cllr. Goss had inspected the parish council open spaces and found no matters of concern. c) Annual Safety Inspection: the details of the inspection were noted. d) The Little London Book Exchange; this was now open. Members agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent to Mr. Huitson who had agreed to run the project. 67/16: Highway Matters to include bus stop issues in Little London. a) Bus stops in Little London: The project had progressed and various options had been put forward by BDBC. Councillors agreed with the Transport Manager that a flag pole could be placed near to Frog Lane and that a bus stop sign could be placed at one of the give way signs near the junction of Silchester Road with the C32. Councillors were of the opinion that an addition flag was not required at the existing bus shelter. 68/16: Affordable Housing: Consideration of sites in Pamber Heath (North Ward). Councillors suggested that an update be requested from HARAH for the Annual Parish Meeting. 69/16: Arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting. No matters were raised. 70/16: Councillor Issues. No matters were raised. 71/16: Borough and County Councillors’ Reports. Cllr. Gardiner reported on the current situation regarding devolution which was, at present, confusing. The next budget was awaited before there would be any further developments. Local Plan- the Inspector’s report was awaited. 72/16: Reports from Parish Council Representatives:- a) Pamber Forest Advisory Committee: no meeting b) Basingstoke and District Association of Town and Parish Councils: no meeting. c) The Memorial Hall, Pamber Heath: no further report. d) St. Stephens Hall, Little London: no further report. e) AWE Local Liaison Committee: no meeting. f) Hampshire Association of Local Councils: no report.
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