•• THE EVENING STAB. Washington, D. C. C-4 MM«H W. IW r«MI. _ Change Seven Races Rules i LEISURE Slated During r>?gifc *; To Provide for i Ski Carnival DAVIS. W V*.. Jan. 24 (Spe- i cial*.—Ski races tomorrow and 2-Club Cities l Sunday and the crowning of a SPORTSMAN i queen tomorrow night are fea- NEW YOU*. Jan. 24 <*>.— i ture* of the Winter Carnival Los Angeles. New York. Phila- i sponsored by the Ski Club of delphia and Detroit can be two- TEST-FIRE BEFORE USING ' Washington. club cities like Chicago If base- Seven races In all are sched- ball changes Its rules as ex- i uled during the two-day com- pected at tomorrows Joint l petition on Cabin Mountain. jj meeting here. War Surplus Rifles The schedule is designed so | | Its Just in case anybody I that the races will not inter- skiing, 4Ht Pa V/, wants to make a move. There fere with recreational l,'mti has been no recent talk of a Turned Sporters i however. Into queen Nancy franchise shift and them is no The will be immediate prospect of a 10- By CHARLES COVELL Monacelli of Washington D C. v Hi team league or a third major Outdeer Editor i Gov. Underwood of West Vir- tyeague. It’s the in-between-season for the outdoorsman, i ginia Is scheduled to crown her Under present rules, it Is with hunting over and spring fishing yet to begin. 1 tomorrow night in ceremonies i Lodge. necessary to set unanimous ap- It’s also the time of year to make new tackle, work at the Blackwater |||V proval in both leagues for one A blessing of the skis cere- i major league team to move to | on guns and think about next season. i mony also will be held Sunday a city in the other major Being a confirmed do-it-yourselfer with an itch- t at St. Veronica's Church in league. In the future it would i ing workshop. I had to look into the subject of foreign Davis. * require only the approval of the i rifles. By foreign rifles. I mean club's own league. imported surplus military wea- a brass • barreled blunderbuss i Auxiliary to Start One of the chief points isi pons that can easily be con- that might have been used to that any city with a population i verted into sporters. repel boarding parties In the 8-Lesson Course ¦ of 2 millionor,more is eligible Past projects hsd ranged Revolution, a Confederate for a second big league team from a 16-foot outboard run- sniper's rifle made In Tennessee Boating Safety The nark must be not less than i about (now four seasons old and British-made Boyes anti- In 5 miles from the park of the but as good ag newt to pine tank that might Interest Division II of the Coast i rifle a Guard Auxiliary will start its existing club and other con- wainscoted recreation room, whale hunter. ditions, seating capac- gun&raithlng 1958 course in Basic Seaman- such as but would be Richards says the Carcano* ity. must be niet. brand new. ship and Safe Boat Handling carbines are the moat popular. February Commissioner Ford Frick Interject 4. Here it is time to a He said 6.000 have been sold The atght-lesson will said the leagues would con- ' warning. course Amateurs should con- locally in the year the store be under the supervision of Dr. STILL LISTENING—Dave Nicholson. 18- sider ending the bonus label on their to -1 fine efforts strictly has been operating. Karl F. Oerlem, division train- year-old schoolboy sensation, listens to the few remaining bonus play- polishing and cutting back the are ing officer. Session* will start another offer in his home at St. Louis as his ers *who received more that : stocks. Any of mechanical Then there Springfield work bought at 7:30 p.tn. in the Commerce mother, Lawrence Nicholson, lends 14 000 to sign*. The owners nature involving breech .30 06's back from our Mrs. an 1 or the Department Auditorium. 14th ear. The young outfielder, being deluged by killed the bonus rule last month 1 or barrel should be done by an allies. British Lee-Enflelds with but didn't make it retroactive short magazine in .303 caliber, street and Constitution avenue offers from major league clubs, may make his ; expert. , - to permit farming out of 7 mm. single shot rolling blocks N.W. decision Sunday. The Senators are in the Furthermore, the dealers In yqoungsters still carrying the made by Remington for Spam Hie course is open to all men bidding, which may reach SIOO,OOO.—AP stamp. these rifles warn that they and South America. 6.5 SURPLUS RIFLE MADE INTO SPORTER— and women Interested in boat- bonus rigidly mm. is Wirephoto. should be mounted and Norwegian Krags. .30 06 Ameri- Here a sample do-it-yourself protect for ing safety.' Included among the istring-flred before anyone tries war surplus rifle fans. At left. Sherman subjects are Seamanship. Aids surgeon can-made Enfield* and Russian to use them. A once 7.62 mm. MoßineNaganU. Cogan holds an original Italian Carcano cat to Navigation. Charts and Com- showed me the remains of a pass. Rules of the Road and Delany Seeksj There are also Mausers of bine. At right, the stock has been cut back ,rifle barrel that had burst, cost- and the carbine turned into a sporting fire- Safe Motorboat Operation. Nicholson Due to Settle -Ims a man part of hia hand be- several types. 11 mm. made Those interested should con- for Bouth American countries, arm.—Star Staff Photo. sides other injuries. tact Dr. Oerlein at 3012 Gaines- 20th Straight for Spanish govern- I While deer hunting last fall. 7 mm. the ville street. Washington 20, or ment and 7.65 mm. for Argen- • On Bonus Offer Sunday ! I saw several of these foreign call LU. 2-3041. Una. Win Tonight rifles In the hands of otheri ST LOUIB. Jan. 24 .4*l • I son 670.000 and start him . hunters. One was an Italian Several Objections Cited Nation's high with their Chattanooga farm <**). The schools arc ¦ i PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 24 Carcano carbine. The young Critics full of big. strong boys who of the Southern Association.! —Ron Delany shoots for his cite several objections. can i 1 owner had sanded and refln- Is wallop baseball, but the What does Dave have to 20th consecutive indoor victory First there the question of IiFORE AND AFT Brook Farm a ished the slock but otherwise safety. Richards not only major league clubs see some- inspire such spirited bidding? tonight in the mile run in the warns SISTAUSANT m had not altered it. that the gun* should be test- BY MALCOLM LAMBORNE thing special in Dave Nichol- "Nicholson could become a , star-studded Philadelphia In- The carbine’s light weight, a Country Stook j son. star." said Walter Shannon. quirer track meet at Conven- fired but urges that ammuni-j little more than 7 pounds, im- Uon size be checked carefully. j , 80 many big league scouts . Cardinal's farm director. "And tion Hall pressed me. With stock cut to *2.10 if he does, he could from Carelessness m putting the ' * are knocking on his door with , become a The Villanova Irishman sporting sise. it should be a wrong-sized Private Psrtirs 1 cartridge < great star. He's built like Dublin hasn't been defeated on into a Boat shows will soon be held builders in the bay area have 7101 Wnook*ilte Rd C he»» hae« bonus offers there's practically 1 pound lighter. r rifle can be very dangerous. | RrMrisUes*—Ol 1-IWJi a traffic jam. an ox.” the board's since he came to i her* and in Baltimore, as this taken space m the Armory. Frank Lane. Cleveland's the United States four years Heme Guard Weapons Then there is the question of | popular pastime "We could have held a ma'oi indoor for the Owens Yacht Co. of Dundalk. general manager, said Nichol- ago. posting IS- of his victories These Caicanos are mostly ammunition For many of the gains . plans display league meeting." said Glen winter months momen- Md to 27-foot. ' son has certain weaknesses, in- i over the mile route. A crowd I home guard weapons and con- calibers, of course, ammunition tum. 31-foot and 35-foot express Miller, farm director for the eluding just average speed and i of some 10.000 is expected for sequently only slightly used In Is available in most gun shops. : Chicago really Biggest of the shows south cruisers and a 31-foot sedan AUTO GLASS White Sox. "It's average meet, most > they These include .303, ] or* equipped to promptly ]! j an arm. but: the of the fans 735 mm. are I*3o models the .30 06. of New York, where the Na- cruiser. Cruis-Along of Solo- Wo high-powered competition." “The boy outstanding hoping they'll fabulous > manufactured 1*39 and 7mm. pay puto |ob | is an see the in Because For all others the tional Boat Show Is nearing its mons. Md, also will have four ; ] hondic flau ; Dave. It. is 6-foot-3 and prospect. He has the makings : of supply during store has military ammunition known ta tke iadattry. Delany shatter a record. of difficulties end. is the Chesapeake Bay models to display. weighs 217. His parents expect a great hitter. in for target use reloaded of home run Faces Speedy Held | the war.
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