Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84522-9 - Aristocracy and Athletics in Archaic and Classical Greece Nigel James Nicholson Index More information INDEX Acmatidas of Sparta, 103 Argos, people of, 97, 242 Aegidae, 51, 52 Arion, 75 Aegina, 11 Aristocleidas of Aegina, 192, 198–200, aristocratic families, 7, 18, 152 –153 , 176, 207 187, 252 Aristotle, Rh., 82 relations with Athens, 7, 155 , 168, 180, Arrichion of Phigalia, 14, 129 251, 259 Artemidorus of Tralles, 248, 254 Aegyptus of Elis, 114 Astylus of Croton, 9, 78 Aelian, VH, 38, 236 Athena, 13–20, 28, 30, 31 , 104, 181, 183, Aeneas, 88–89, 91–93 184, 185, 201–203, 204, 205, 261 age categories, 170, 218, 249 Athenaeus, 165 agency of victor, 29–40, 70, 74, 102–108, Athens, 11, 12, 92, 180–181, 185. See also 177, 178, 183, 197–200, 203, 261 Aegina, relations with Athens; Agesilaus of Sparta, 3, 40 dedications on the Athenian Agias of Pharsalus, 168 acropolis; Eleusinium Alcibiades, 8, 76, 114 athletic events, differences in the Alcimedon of Aegina, 136–140, 145, 182, representation of, 7–18, 20, 21, 207 207–210, 211–213 Alcimidas of Aegina, 151 , 207 athletic events, varieties of, 4–5, 126 his family. See Bassids of Aegina Aura, 95–96, 97, 99, 100, 116 Alcmaeon, 28, 29–40, 53 Alcmaeonides, son of Alcmaeon, 28, Bacchylides, 11, 195, 262 53–57, 102 1, 244 Alexibiades. See Carrhotus 2, 244 Amesinas of Barce, 209 4, 239 Anaxander of Sparta, 40 5, 95–96, 98, 101–102, 103, 110, 111, Anaxilas of Rhegium, 13, 82, 83 113, 239 anecdotes, use of, 17, 132, 165 6, 246 Antipater of Miletus, 162 7, 246 apobates race, 4, 40, 80 8, 241 Appadurai, Arjun, 9, 109 11, 103, 244 Arcesilas (IV) of Cyrene, 43–44, 92, 186, 12, 249 214 13, 7, 20, 122, 145, 167–169, 181–187, Arethusa, 83 189 275 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84522-9 - Aristocracy and Athletics in Archaic and Classical Greece Nigel James Nicholson Index More information INDEX Bassids of Aegina, 137, 154 Crotty, Kevin, 142, 143 Baton, 32, 86 Cynisca, 40, 41 Battus, 44, 50, 52 Cyniscus of Mantinea, 123 Beazley, John Davidson, 28, 31 , 108 Cyrene, 18, 52, 92, 209 Bell, Malcolm, 77–78 as charioteer, 52 Blundell, Mary Whitlock, 229 bridegroom, victor as, 44, 58 Damonon of Sparta, 4, 114 Bury, J. B., 146 Damophilus, 186 dedications, 11–12 Callias, son of Didymias, 123 at Delphi, 27, 38, 44, 49, 50, 52, 56, 98, Callias, son of Phainippos, 221, 240, 242 162, 168, 208, 225, 230, 232 Callimachus, 211 at Olympia, 1, 11, 14, 20, 27, 36, 37, 39, Calliteles of Sparta, 37 44, 63, 77, 96, 97, 99–100, 102, 103, Camarina, 221, 248 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 119, 122, 128, Campbell, David, 182 131, 162, 192, 200, 228, 243, 252, 259 Carrhotus, 19, 43–52, 92, 238 at the Ptoion, 19, 53–57, 102, 232 charioteers. See drivers on the Athenian acropolis, 123, 231 Charmides of Elis, 123 other, 11, 39, 79 Chiron, 148, 171, 195–198, 208 See also Delphic charioteer; Eleusinium; Chromius of Syracuse, 32, 34, 75 Motya Youth Cimon (I), 38, 92, 99–100, 228 Deinolochus of Elis, 126 Cleogenes of Elis, 114 Deinomenes, son of Hieron, 113, 235, 241 Cleosthenes of Epidamnus, 27, 99–101, Delphi, 45. See also dedications at delphi 115 Delphic charioteer, 27, 77 Cnopiadas, 54–57 Delphinia, 153 coin issues, 10, 27, 83, 85 Democedes of Croton, 75, 219 as victory memorials, 13–14 Democrates (I), 8, 242 Cole, Thomas, 252, 255, 259 Diagoras of Rhodes, 11, 119, 200, 201, commodification, 2, 6, 10–11, 66–74 207, 249 of athletes, 9 his family, 119, 200, 254 of charioteers, 8–9, 19, 62–63 Dickson, Keith, 202 of horses, 9, 63 Didymus, 46–47 of jockeys, 9–10, 108–110 diet, 17, 128, 132 of poets and other artists, 3, 10, 63, Diogenes Laertius, 132 66–68 divine favor, 2, 14, 15 , 48, 145, 151 , 172, of trainers, 6–8, 20, 133–134, 140–144 175, 204, 206 commodification of athletics, drivers. See also Carrhotus; Cnopiadas; challenges posed by, 2–3, 45–46, 48–49, commodification, of charioteers; 212 Nicomachus; Phintis mystification of, 71–74, 89–90, 173, 212 Dromeus of Mantinea, 103 opportunities created by, 75–80 Dysniketos, 97, 104–108 See also commodification commodity contexts, 9, 10, 75, 109 Ebert, Joachim, 97 commodity exchange, 47–48 Elean officials, 65, 69, 71, 73, 97, 131, 226 craftsmen, 178–180 Eleusinium, 80 Cratinus of Aegeira, 131 Epharmostus of Opuntian Locri, 174, 249 Cratisthenes of Cyrene, 36, 52 Ergoteles of Himera, 9, 249 Crocon of Eretria, 97, 100 Eryxias, 6, 129, 132, 160, 254 Croton, 9, 11, 78, 127 estate of victor. See household of victor 276 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84522-9 - Aristocracy and Athletics in Archaic and Classical Greece Nigel James Nicholson Index More information INDEX Eudorus, 6, 161 Hubbard, Thomas, 158 –159 , 162, 194, 254, Euphemus of Cyrene, 46–47 261 Euthymenes of Aegina, 170, 185, 189, 256, 257 Iamidae, 83, 87–88, 92, 94. See also Evagoras of Sparta, 99–100 Hagesias of Syracuse Exaenetus of Acragas, 34 Ibycus, 98, 102–108, 221 exclusions. See silences ideology, memorials structured by, 16, 163, 194, 199 Figueira, Thomas, 7, 164 Ilas, 20, 155 –157 , 162, 188, 254 inherited excellence, 2, 17, 20, 21, 48, 70, Gardiner, Norman, 108 113, 134, 135–160, 171, 174, 178, 185, Gelon, 9, 13, 37, 75, 83, 92 195, 197, 203, 205, 207, 209, 262 Gernet, Louis, 55 Instone, Stephen, 198 gift exchange, 20, 48, 49–51, 53, 56, 60, Isocrates, 242 69, 72, 90, 91, 111, 138, 146–148, 156 , 157 , 171, 173, 177, 184, 187, 196, jockeys, 95–96, 98–102, 116 202–204 Glaucias of Aegina, 248 kinship, 8, 19, 49, 152 , 195 Glaucus of Carystus, 17, 119–121, 129, Kurke, Leslie, 16, 53, 67–68, 71, 235, 248, 134, 137, 192, 207, 209, 248 257, 258 Gnathaena, 165 Golden, Mark, 43, 104, 108 Ladas, 128 Gorgon, 220 Lampon of Aegina, 20, 169, 170–176, grooms, 40 185–190, 214 Lefkowitz, Mary, 44, 46, 102, 218 Hagesias of Syracuse, 19, 83, 84–94, 115 Leophron, 240 Hagesidamus of Western Locri, 156 –157 , local festivals, 4, 10, 11, 26, 108, 109, 115, 162, 207, 248 237, 243. See also Delphinia Hamilcar of Carthage, 78 local ideological contests, 17, 52, 165, 213, Hermolykos of Athens, 168 253. See also Aegina, aristocratic Herodotus, 28, 38, 75 families Herodotus of Thebes, 4 Lycus, 98–100, 102, 111 Hesiod, 171 Hesperidae, 46, 229 Macherey, Pierre, 234 Hieron, 9, 19, 26, 27, 32, 33, 52, 75, 83, Malkin, Irad, 92 91–94, 96, 98–99, 100, 101, 102, 110, manager of equestrian team, 46, 232 111 Mantinea, 128 Hippias of Elis, 140 Mastos Painter, 18, 104 Hippocleas of Thessaly, 257 Megacles (IV), 28, 38 Hippomachus of Elis, 254 Melesias, 7, 20, 135–155 , 160, 162, Homer, Il., 5, 33, 57, 60, 62, 101, 111, 139, 163–165, 168, 180, 182, 187, 213 148, 156 , 195, 212 Melissus of Thebes, 131, 157 –160, 207, 239 horse breakers, 40 Menander, 7, 20, 167–169, 175–190, 213 horse race, 95 Messana, 83, 85 horses, 9, 20, 27, 38, 41, 96, 114. See also Milo of Croton, 137 Aura; Lycus; Pherenicus Miltiades of Athens, 13 horse trainers, 79 Moretti, Luigi, 97 household of victor, 7–18, 52–53, 54–56, Morris, Ian, 15 –16 62, 108, 109, 111, 114, 169, 173, 189 Motya Youth, 76–78 277 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84522-9 - Aristocracy and Athletics in Archaic and Classical Greece Nigel James Nicholson Index More information INDEX mule-cart races, 82–84, 88 Isthmian 6, 21, 122, 169–172, 175–176, mules, 86–87 189, 192 multiple entries in equestrian events, 8, 74, Isthmian 7, 147 243 Isthmian 8, 122 Mycon, 162 Isthmian 9, 152 Mynnon, 78, 79 Nemean 1, 75 Myron of Sicyon, 220 Nemean 2, 249 Myron, sculptor, 128 Nemean 3, 21, 133, 191, 192–200, 206 Nemean 4, 7, 20, 122, 135, 145–151 , 188 Neer, Richard, 235 Nemean 5, 7, 20, 122, 167–169, 176–181, Nicasippus, 68, 72–74 185–187, 189 Nicomachus, 8, 19, 64–76, 213, 214 Nemean 6, 7, 20, 122, 135, 151 –154 , 188, Nike, 36–37, 41, 83 249 Nikon, 78, 79 Nemean 7, 125 Nisetich, Frank, 70 Nemean 9, 32, 34 nudity in memorials, 31 , 227, 236 Nemean 10, 75 Olympian 1, 33, 99–101, 103, 110, 111, Olympia. See dedications at Olympia 112, 239, 240 opposition, 15 , 16, 17, 165, 176, 214 Olympian 2, 66, 70 Orseas, 20, 157 –160, 188 Olympian 3, 66 Oxyrhynchus victory list, 36, 82, 218, Olympian 4, 35–36 248 Olympian 5, 82, 235 Olympian 6, 19, 82–94, 115 Palatine Anthology, 99, 252 Olympian 7, 11, 21, 191, 200–207 Panathenaea, ideology of, 4, 14, 40 Olympian 8, 7, 20, 122, 135–145, 162, Pantares of Gela, 96, 100, 103 182, 187 Pausanias, 12, 14, 20, 44, 63, 95, 97, 99, Olympian 9, 103, 145, 174 100, 114, 119–121, 122, 126, 128, 131, Olympian 10, 20, 122, 156 –157 , 162, 170, 162, 192 188 pentathlon, 124–125, 207 Olympian 13, 21, 191, 200–207 Pericles, 164 Olympian 14, 246 Pfeijffer, Ilja, 122, 125, 129, 198, 257 Pythian 1, 26, 110 Phayllus of Croton, 125, 231 Pythian 2, 25–26 Pheidolas of Corinth, 95, 97–100 Pythian 3, 101, 102, 110, 239, 240 sons of, 97–100, 102, 110 Pythian 4, 186, 196 Pherenicus, 98–100, 101–104, 110, 111 Pythian 5, 19, 27, 42–52 Philostratus, Gym., 120–121, 129, 132, 134, Pythian 6, 19, 32, 57–58 209, 218 Pythian 7, 28, 38–39 Phintis, 19, 82–94 Pythian 8, 103, 122, 252 Phrikias of Thessaly, 240 Pythian 9, 21, 208–209 Phylacidas of Aegina, 169, 172–176, Pythian 10, 246 189–190, 207 Pythian 11, 128 Pindar, 10, 11, 18, 211 Pisistratus, 38, 92, 228 Isthmian 1, 26, 218 Plato Isthmian 2, 8, 19, 57, 64–76 Lysis, 8 Isthmian 3, 239, 241 Meno, 6, 155 , 161 Isthmian 4, 20, 131, 157 –160, 188 Soph., 140, 141 Isthmian 5, 21, 169–170, 172–176, 189, Pliny, HN, 116, 220, 227 192 Polycles of Sparta, 40 278 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84522-9 - Aristocracy and Athletics in Archaic and Classical Greece Nigel James Nicholson Index More information INDEX Polydamas of Scotussa, 1, 209, 247 teaching, ideology of, 133–134, 135–160, Polymenon, 126 171, 173, 177, 184, 192–210 Polymestor of Miletus, 209 technique.
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