Nortronics/world leader in magnetic tape heads MASTER FILE OF CATALOGUED TAPE HEADS Experience and I magi nation Unequalled Research and Quality control Manufacturing Facilities More than 150 combined yea rs of Between incoming inspection and use engineering experi ence, a heavy Th e n ew 40,000 square foot Nortronics tests just before packaging, each head re search budget, and a stimulating bui ld ing was designed to provide undergoes an average of 30 inspections, environment for imagination are contro l of dust, noise, humidity and and is subjected to an ave rage of important elements in Nortronics' temperature. Equipment, from the seven different microscopic, visual, and efforts to d es ign and build better resea rch laboratory's binocular Unitron electri ca l tests. Mechanically, the two tape heads. m etallurgical microscope with Xenon half sections of a Nortronics head must li ght source, to the production line's be precision lapped to fl atness Nortronics' innovations w hich are now 10-7 Toar vacuum q uartz gap tolerances of one-quarter wave length standard throughout the industry depOSitors, is the best avai lable, much of monochromatic helium light. Include use of the hyperbolic tape head of it designed and built at Nortronics, Electrically, completed heads are face to eliminate pressure pads, to accommodate new departures in checked for inductance, impedance, DC laminated cores, and quartz-deposited product design requiring equally resistance, long and short wave length gaps for popular priced tape heads; dramatic departures in manufacturing response, record and biasing all-metal-face heads; 8-tra ck stereo tape techn ique. parameters, interchannel and adjacent heads for automobiles; " no-mount" channel cross-tal k, shorts, opens and snap-in heads; quick-kit mounting proper grounding. adapters; terminal plu gs with standard pin spaci ng and centering; 3-leg "Z combo" stereo record-play-erase heads in a si ngle case; cassette heads which reverse w ithout fl i p-over; and many more. ( HOW TO SPECIFY Selecting the proper tape head fo r your applica tion ca n be acco mplished by referring to the information belo w. Technical data on all Nortroni cs tape hea ds listed in the fo llowing index is contained o n the individual pages referenced . In determining the part number fo r your application, please refer to th e step­ by-step se lection guide below . Pl ease no te that on mos t item s li sted in specifi­ cation charts, Bas ic part numbers are shown. Th e guide b elow ca n be referred to for exact head characteristics. DESIGNATE DESIGNATE NUMBER OF NUMBER OF TRACK ERASE RI P ELECTRICAL MOUN SERIES CASE STYLE CHANNELS TRACKS LOCATION ELECTRICAL CODE STYLE P=Prem ium series Li st proper letter 1= mono H=2 track (mono heads only) CODE List co de from List pror XP=Extended designation from 2= stereo (half track) NONE= Standard (combo heads only) spec ification chart mountin case outline dwgs shown c tip-premium 3= 3 channel Q= 4 track stereo offset List code from on each page (quarter track) individu; PR or WP=Pro­ 4= 4 channel C= Centered track specification chart fessional series L= 8 track Y= .020 off ce nter (Standard Has No (GIHY) Prefix) .040 off center (8IHY) series case style channels tracks track case code electrical mount location code "A" case style; 1 channel (mono); 4 track; centered track; combination erase - RI P head; No. 4 erase electrical code; No. 6K RI P electrical code; side mount with erase section to the left. INSTRUMENTATION & COMPUTER HEADS • Custom built to your specifications • Digital and analog designs, IRIG and IBM formats • Read , write, and erase heads Mini-digital heads described on Pages 6-7. • Available with adjustable mount, fixed precision Consult Nortronics Marketing En gineering ground base, and as complete assemblies Department of technical information and product literature on other instrumentation and comput er heads. Head assembly pictured illustrates two seven c hannel read h eads and two seven channel write heads which interlace to provide fourteen channels on one inch tape. Full track ferrite core erase head com­ pletes the head configuration precision aligned on m achined base plate. STUDIO SERIES HEADS • Uncompromised excellence for use with two­ inch, one-inch or half-inch tape Page 8 • For professional audio and mastering recorders . Standard SMPTE formats CASSETTE HEADS • Units for mono, stereo, and language lab track configurations Page 9 • Unique bi-directional design permits record-play­ erase in both directions without flipover MINIATURE HEADS • Flush face for use with tape Page 10 • Relieved face for drum, disc, and film stripe applications NARROW TRACK HEADS ERASE • Ideal for dictation machines, card readers, GAP film stripe Pages 12 and 16 • Close-coupled gaps for simplified circuitry, accurate editing R 'P GAP • Extended tip or flush face PROFESSIONAL SERIES HEADS • Unexce lled response from 20 Hz to 20 KHz • Designed for maximum head life P,,'ll ~~ • Full track and two track models for 1/4" tape HEADS FOR 1/4" TAPE • Heads for recording, duplicating, and computer instrumentation a ppl ications 8 TRACK .... ....................... ...... ............. ... 13 3, 4 TRACK ... .. ............ 14 15 • All track and channel configurations 2 TRACK ............ .................... .. ......... 16: 17 • New concepts in Stereo Z Combo, with R/ P/E FULL TRACK ........ .. ...... .. .. .... .............. 12 functions in a single stereo head Z-COMBO HEADS • Erase, record and playback functions in the same core structure Pages 6,7, 11,13 • Stereo, mono and special purpose units Bias application notes page 7 • Very close spacing of erase and RI P gaps NORTRONICS ACCESSORIES • Bias Oscillator Transformers • Cartridge and Universal Mounting Brackets Pages 18- 19 • Plugs, Clips, and Cable Assemblies • Contactor Heads, Guide Posts, etc. 5 ~ 'nun un IUIII I NORTRONICS MINI-DIGITAL HEADS ••• The growing need of industry for complex information fast has led to the develop­ ment of a wide range of new electronic calculators, input/ output systems, terminal ••• systems, and other peripheral equipment, designed to bring the speed and selected ••• capabilities of a computer to any desk top. A wide range of digital functions are ••• now being performed by such mini-computer equipment. All specifications and read/write data are based on tests using 3M 870 tape. W2R8N PR·BIF8R P-B2H8R P-B2H8K P-B2Q8R P-BQQN8R P-BQL8R B 1884 W4J8N MODEL NUMBER B 7487 C 5387 C 5383 C 1387 B 3187 B 3587 ZW2RK38N ' B 2484 B 1438 Tape Width (I nches) .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .150 .150 Number of Tracks on Tape 1 2 2 4 A- 8 2 4 Number of Channels in Head 2 2 2 4 4 2 4 Track Width (I nches) .2 50 .080 .080 .042 .037 .020 .056 .021 Channel Spacing (Center to Center· I nches) .160 .160 .136 .071 .0635 .088 .035 Gap Spacer 0.5 Mil 0.5 Mil 0 .1 Mil 0.5 Mil 0.5 Mil 0.5 Mil 0 .2 Mil 0.2 Mil Inductance, 1 KHZ 10 Mhy 10 Mhy 20 Mhy 10 Mhy 85 Mhy 10 Mhy 10 Mhy 10 Mhy Resistance, D.C. (Ohms) 10 28 25 32 290 70 39 68 Saturation Current-mao to Produce 90% Peak Output @ 200 BPI 4.8 2.7 2.1 2. 1 0 .9 2.6 2 .7 2.8 (Measured Zero to Peak, ma o Alternate Polarity) Write Current-mao 150% Saturation Current @ 200 BPI 7.2 4.0 3.2 3.1 1.4 3.9 4 .0 4.2 Read Output-mv. p.p (Open Circuit) 3.75 ips. 11.2 6.5 6.3 4.6 11.8 2.3 4 .2 2 NRZI @200 BPI 15 ips. 40 24 21 17 44 8.5 15 7.4 Read Output-mv. p.p 800 BPI Ref. 200 BPI. 85% min 85% min 85% min 85% min 85% min 85% min 85% min 85% min 'Preliminary data- consult Nortronics Marketing Enginee ring Department for production specifications. 6 1 Z-COMBO EFFECTIVE·240. _ - .490 TRACK - ERASE-RIP HEADS .245 PR-B1F PATENT PENDING B 74 I 1tW.592 -1~/I6 Nortronics Z-Combo heads offer erase plus record and playback functions in the same core structure, permitting very close spacing of erase and rip gaps. High­ frequency bias for the recording section is obtained automatically by internal mag­ netic leakage, so no external coupling is required between erase and record coils. ' 093~_ .043 BIAS APPLICATION NOTES: P-B2Q - . C 13 -- Bias control is required as usual to set the effective . .043 record bias flux to a value which gives " peak" or optimum 1-.575=1 ref:ording sensitivity for a 1 khz signal. Since it is not praciical to .vary the internal bias coupling of the head, the bias must be controlled by changing the erase coil driving voltage. 1---.580 ---1 Recommended method for bias adjustment is to vary the D.C. supply voltage to the high frequency oscillator. BQQN B 31 Since the oscillator operates " class C. " its output voltage will be directly proportional to the D.C. supply voltage. SJ (OPTI ONAL ) RI P CO IL BIAS TRAP .093 DIA. I=?----J f--=--~:;-T~:"'--N\r--mrr6/r--l f--- AU 0 10 (2) I MF ~~ill[IJl W4J B 24 A wire wound potentiometer is placed in series with the t--.4BO --j D.C. line, as shown, to adjust the voltage. Typical sizes for this control may range from 1 K to 5K, depending upon the oscillator current drain. Adjustment of bias is best made while recording a 1 khz signal with the record head and at the same time monitor­ ing the playback signal with a separate, temporarily­ installed, monitor head.
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