E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1997 No. 115 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was Senate session each day just to hear in the morning. We have not set a called to order by the President pro the Chaplain's prayers. I wish to ex- time. It could be as early as 8:30 to ac- tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. press, again, my sincere appreciation commodate Senators' schedules, on the for the beauty and for the meaningful- cloture motion on the Food and Drug PRAYER ness of those prayers. It gives us the Administration reform bill. We need to The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John right frame of mind to begin a day's get this bill done. It was reported out Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: work together for the American people. overwhelmingly from the committee, O God, You have prophesied through f and it has broad bipartisan support. Isaiah, ``You will keep him in perfect Unfortunately, this is even a cloture peace whose mind is stayed on You''Ð SCHEDULE vote on the motion to proceed. Isaiah 26:3; and promised through Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, the Senate The Senator from Massachusetts, Jesus, ``Peace I give to you, not as the will immediately resume consideration Senator KENNEDY, has objections to world gives do I give to you. Let not of amendment No. 1077, offered by the this FDA reform. I thought we had your heart be troubled, neither let it be Senator from Indiana, Senator COATS, them worked out two or three times at afraid.''ÐJohn 14:27. who is here and prepared to go. This is the end of the session, before the Au- That is the quality of peace we need an amendment, of course, to S. 1061, gust recess, and then it seemed to get to do our work creatively today. Often the Labor, HHS appropriations bill. It away from us. the conflict and tension present in our is hoped that an agreement can be I hope we can get all the Senators to lives threaten to rob us of a calm and reached this morning to conduct a vote work together and work out agree- restful mind and heart. It is so easy to on the Coats amendment by mid-morn- ments so we can move this very impor- catch the emotional virus of frustra- ing, hopefully within the hour. tant legislation. It is very important to tion and exasperation. Help us to re- In addition, Members can anticipate the health and general quality of life of member that Your peace is a healing additional votes on amendments cur- all Americans. This is an agency that antidote to anxiety that can survive in rently pending to the Labor, HHS ap- has been bureaucratic, it has been any circumstance. propriations bill and other amend- slow, it has not done its work where it Provider of peace, give us the peace ments expected to be offered to the bill should be doing its work, and it has of a cleansed heart, a free and forgiving throughout the day's session. I under- tried to force itself into areas where it heart, a caring and compassionate stand a couple of amendments have really doesn't belong. This is long over- heart. Right now, may Your deep peace been offered and set aside. I know there due. flow into us, calming our impatience are some other amendments pending. I, again, am interested in getting it and flowing from us to others. As always, Members will be notified of done. But if we have to, we will have Especially, we pray for Your peace exactly what time the votes will be more than one vote or votes on cloture. for the women and men of this Senate. scheduled. We will work with all Mem- We need to go ahead and complete this. May Your profound inner peace free bers to make sure they have an oppor- I think, once we can get it to debate them to think clearly and speak deci- tunity to offer their amendments and and vote, it will not take very long. If sively while maintaining the bond of debate them, and then, of course, we we can work out something, by the peace with one another. Through our will have votes, if necessary. way, on the bill, before the time, then Lord and Saviour. Amen. I ask, again, that all Senators co- we would not have to have a cloture f operate with our managers on both vote tomorrow. I would be glad to work sides of the aisle. They are trying to with the leaders on the legislation, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY move this very important legislation Democratic leaders, to decide on a LEADER that means so much to our country. time when it would be debated and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The And, as is quite often the case when we when that would be scheduled, either able majority leader, Senator LOTT of return from a period back in our re- later on this week, or Monday or Tues- Mississippi, is recognized. spective States, we have not gotten off day. We will work together on that. Mr. LOTT. Thank you very much, to a fast start. We hope to complete f Mr. President. this very important appropriations bill CONTESTED LOUISIANA ELECTION f today. We do have some problems and some delays. I would like to address Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, the other THE CHAPLAIN'S PRAYER those just for a moment. issue I want to address is some of the Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, it is worth First, with regard to tomorrow, it is problems we have today. When we have coming to the opening moments of the still my intent to have a cloture vote something brought to the Senate that · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8765 S8766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 4, 1997 we have to look into, and, in this case, I want to do that. But if we are going here in the Senate. It is not December, I am referring to the election in Lou- to start playing this game of threats it is not January, February, March, or isiana for the Senate last year, where and delays and obstruction and block- April; it is September, and we have a allegations of fraud have been made, it ing of committee meetings and that Member of the Senate who is still seat- is incumbent upon us to thoroughly sort of thing, then I have no option but ed in this Senate, seeing activities of a check those allegations out. Unfortu- to put the time on the back end. committee on an investigation in nately, the committee charged with ju- So, I don't think that is necessary. which allegations of fraud were made. risdiction in this area has not been We have had a good feeling here in the And I might say that the committee able to work together in a bipartisan Senate for the last 2 months. We hired a couple of investigators, law- way to get it done and get the work worked together in a bipartisan way, yersÐa Republican and a DemocratÐ completed. I want us to reach that even when we disagreed. I think we can and the first report they gave to the point sooner, not later, and I have continue to do that, and I certainly committee was to say there is nothing worked across the aisle to try to come will try to continue to keep my word there. But that was not enough. up with a process to make that happen. and work with the Senators on this I am not going to go into what is I thought we had it worked out, again, schedule. That is one of the reasons going on in the committee. I don't the last week in July, and at the last why we might have to vote early in the think we need to have that discussion. minute that fell apart. morning, because some Senators on But, you know, it is September. It's So, we have to do our job. I am not both sides of the aisle want to leave. September, and we have a Member of going to come to the floor of the Sen- That is fine. We want to help them. the U.S. Senate who is still held in ate, look Senators in the eye, and the But we also have work to do. limbo, here, on this issue of investiga- American people, and say, ``We So, I just wanted to point out what is tion. I saw yesterday newspaper after checked it out thoroughly, there is going on. I don't have any problem newspaper after newspaper in Louisi- nothing here,'' or, ``There is a real with doing it this way. I just want ev- ana, the editorials and stories say, problem here,'' until all the work that erybody to understand I am not doing ``There is nothing here. Let this go. needs to be done has been done. I can't it to cause confusion or delay. I have Stop this investigation.'' do that. no option. So, you know, the concern that some Now we are being told, well, if you The Environment and Public Works exhibit on the floor of the Senate about continue it, we are going to have Committee will meet today.
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