, . " , , , . " ' '. , . / V C .. ', ;', c A.dl-Ki'~'I': ,~ ,\"·~".::~.t:;·•. / 'r}lt,'~ ;" ';',~. .\ "-"'. ". ,- ,. ~ .,~ ' .• "... ....... ,aB '-WISH POST Th"""",. Moy 19" .. "" . t)! page~Te~n~ ___,-,-,-,- __~ ___---,_~--, ________~~~~:.:.~~~~::..:. _____-:-:_--:- __--,- ____-------~~~~~ Thursday,May 19, 1966 TUB, .JBWISH POST Page Eleven , ecutive. Mrs. Segal introduced the , ' . • I was articled to the late Frank R. ·Israel Bond committee, past chair- R - H d 'h ha!i Jacob replace Esau for Isaac's, the mistress of the household - she Evans, Q.C., of the finn of McArthur I man of the :United Nations Yaison. speaker and Mrs. Minoviteh· ex- .Conservat.ves I' eg.na 'a ass blessing we would never have been I who established and provides for pressed appreciation: • t S - .- & Evans, and was called to the Bar i Mr. Spivak ·has been actively e.n- WOo r"shop Held CELEBRATES 80TH BIRTHDAY privileged to undergo the Exodus I the Jewish home? , N om.na e p.VQK. in 1953. He was appointed Queen's gaged in the business commuruty. from Egypt, receive the Torah on "For this reason," stat,;s ~bbi Counsel in 1965. life of Manitoba, as· prime mover Mrs, Hyman Wiesenthal, dominion By JACOB BET,I,m lands, periodicals from ISrael, Am­ I Mount Sinai, or eventually acquire, Naftali H. Frankel. executive vlce­ Active in community seryice and and principal shareholder and direc- vice':' president of Hadassah - Wizo erica, South Africa - from any~ P'ostal Services Eretz ISrael, now the State of Israel.: president of the Beth Rivkah Schools, political life, he is past president of tor of several Manitoba corporations, Organization of Canada, arid chair­ The type of community worker where that Jewish life pulsates and ,and leader who was closely and lives. Though my assignment was to Moreover, the training of our daugh- i "we chose to give the crown of the South Winnipeg Progressive the most recent was the develop~ man of regions, was -the guest of the H'oliclay Schedule intimately bound hy co un tIe s s have an interview. with the octo-, ters, the mothers of the future, is: honor to him who was deserving of Conservative Association,. past viee-· ment of the International Inn located Anna Frledgut and Regina Chapters The Post Office 'has. announced vital' '- they are the foundation of it - to Barney: Aaron who has, president of the River Heights Pro- next to Winnipeg's new Interna- on May 9. Activities included a that Victoria Day, Monday, !May 23, threads to all aspects of coinmuniiy' genarian to be honored, our con­ the Jewish home and of the future shown interest in our school which gjressive Conservative Association, tional Airport. workshop ch;Ured by Mrs. S. Sil- will be observed as a statutory holi- needs and .community life has be-:- versation soon lost its formal ,char­ come more and more extinct as time acter. Before, long Barney Aaron generations," is an accomplished fact now that and was active in the election of ve;man,presideni of Anna Friedgut day by the Postal Service, and there The Beth Rivka girls' schools are the sod has been turned. According W. B,. Scarth, Q.C., was· election . Ohapter;and a· continuation of the will be no delivery 'by letter car- goes on. In a changing world the was mingling comic episodes in his old-time leader is disappearing and career with ,tragic and was Inter­ distinctive in that they are' open, to our builder's plans; oUr huilding campaign. manager for Gordon Grandstand Show workshop chaired by Mrs. E. Yudit- rIerS. All postal stations and letter he is being replaced hy fue profes- jecting coinmentariesand interpret­ for all Jewish girls irrespective of i will be of the most modern struc­ p Chown. for the Hon. Maitland ,B ..Ca' n· ad',-an· Fla~or: sky, president of the. Regina ,Oha .- carrier depots will "be closed as will siolial social wor\o;er, The, gil(er no ations' on various passages in the ideology. Their goal.' is to hand' ture with all' faCilities; with the Steinkopf, Q,C~ and for L. R. (Bud) " .., Iter. wicket services at the General Post . comes in contact with the Scriptures and the Talmud. , do~ ~ur' ag~-ola tradition, ~ur I necessary 'classroom's,'. a library, Sherman, He is the chairman'of the Grandstand 66, the main attrac- ' At the money basket were treas- Office. The, lock box lobby at the 'long~r Torah in the Jewish home,.to main- re.creation hall, dormitory, etc.", 1966 'fund raising dinncr' for, the tion at the Red River Exhlbition urers Mrs. Wm. Simon and JYIrs. Ceneral Post, Office ,wmbe open to receiver arid social welfare has more Who said that Litvaks are dry? tain the link with, our rich ,past. Jewish,community leaders, in Mont­ Manitoba Progressive Conservative this year, will feature the RCMP H. Beckennan. At the head table the publicfroin 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and more assumed the fonnat of a Barney Aaron is a sharp' Misnagd How can this better be, achieved real have shown a wann interest in Association:. He is the chainna:n of Ride and La Clique Alou- for the hmcheon were !Mrs. 'Wiesen- Street letter box collections will, centralized system of cases and sta- and like all Litvaks he baS little M~ical thim through the akereih ha-bayith, the institution. the fOI'eign po'licy~ommittee 'of the ette a French Canadian musical thaI; iMrs. H. B. Segal, regional be on the Sunday schedule. Letters tistics. The warm arid encouraging appreciation for Chassidism. He South Winnipeg Progressive Con- pr"';ision group from Quebec City, chairman for saskatchewan, Mrs: posted at the Ge:neral Post Offi.ce word of the giver is now utterly ., UJA B ef.. e'ven explained to me the reason servative Association, ,He is a mem- 'La Clique Alouette, consists of Silverman,Mrs, Yuditsky and Mrs .. will be despatched as usual. SpeCIal lacking. Chassidim shake so while praying. CO' ngress' _ en .c.ary ber of the Canadian Institute of 75 uniformed young men who play L. Minovitch, member at .Iarge for I Delivery ,service. will operate on Barney Aaron is, one of the last He is not a believer in 9hassidic (Cont. from page 3) I Canadian Jewish coinmunit:{"s, posi- International Affairs, member of the bugle and drums and perfonn feats Saskatchewan on the national ex- .schedule, " .' of this type of active community zeal but in serving the Lord in peace ments to the Criminal Code in this, tion on the limitations placed on Mani loba Theatre Centre and Rain- of precision marching and drill. The worker, On the occasion of ,his and good measure. If you do so BARNEY AARON regard for 13 years,' Its executive: future immigration in the "Sedgwick Sidney Spivak, Q.C.. 'has filed bow Stage boards, member of the group' is operated and directed by , eightieth anniversary the Beth Rivka immoderately he is convinced that he came to Canada full of vitality vice-president, Saul H. Hayes,. Q.C., ! Coinmission report· with its ,stress " nomination papers for the Ptogres- Harvard Club, of Manitoba, of the the religious leaders of Saint Vin­ School for Girls'has chosen to honor God himself could not stand it. and inspired, with faith, and hope, 'served on the Dean Maxwell Cohen' on close relatives.'" sive Conservative for Alnerican Society of Intern",tional cent, de Paul congregation, who Archbishop of Canterbury Visits no~ination him at a testimonial diner which Barney Aaron was born in a farm- Fo~ Barney Aaron, the road from commitie~ whose findings on hate ·Mr. Arnold indicated that the bulk , the provincial constituency of River Law. of. the Manitoba" Historical specialize in" youth organizatio~ Hebrew. University of Jerusalem will take place on June 1. He has ing community in the district, of the smail Lithuanian village" to literature and recommendations on of French-speaking North Afriean Heights. : Born' iI) Winnipeg and Society, United Natlons Association where' young iP,rls and boys, stu­ . been chosen because of his record ',Gradno. 'His father Reb Joseph of Montreal was not· paved with flow- legislation were tabled last month immigration to Canada was, na­ raised in Rivl"r. Heigt,s ,he attended of'Canada; co-chainnan of the mid- dentS- and workers, spend, theil­ of contrihution to' the growth and' blessed memory, was a Jew. of ers. He started to work on a farm In the Commons, after 14 months tura'lly, concentrated in Quebec. 'But Queenston, Robert H., Smith and' western advisory board for the B'nai spare time. develo~me~t of communal and c~." . scholarly attainment who engaged for as little as $12 a month., After of study and research. Congress· is if other sources of immigration Kelvin High School. He is engaged B'rith Foundation of .the United ,The organization was founded' in tural life m, Montreal and for his the best Hebrew instructors for his three months he .ffiovedwest follow- also the national voice of Canadian opened, western Canada· would in the practice of law with his father, States and Canada, chairman of the 1952, and has won a, nlimber of interest in all that is, traditionally children _ students from the yeshi- ing the dictum of Horace Greely Jewry when matters arise 'requiring: again, as it had in ':the past, be 'M, D. Spivak, Q.C. ., ,. I Joint' Community Relations Council, championships in, 'competition and J"wish;, . vah of Wolozyn' who were wel1~ '("Go West, young'man") where he co-ordinated' action, such as, the' called upon to accept a fair share. Winner of the Hon, Alexander Canadian Jewish Co~, member h1\S 'become a fe:atured attraetion of Actually one cannot say about I' versed in their studies.
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