Padilla Bay Bird Checklist Covering the area surrounding Padilla Bay, Sp S F W Sp S F W Sp S F W including Fidalgo and Samish Islands and the Waterfowl __ Horned Grebe __ Wandering Tattler Skagit and Samish Flats __ White-Fronted Goose __ Red-necked Grebe __ Spotted Sandpiper __ Snow Goose __ Eared Grebe __ Whimbrel __ Canada Goose __ Western Grebe __ Long-billed Curlew __ Brant __ Marbled Godwit __ Trumpeter Swan Cormorants __ Ruddy Turnstone __ Tundra Swan __ Brandt’s Cormorant __ Black Turnstone __ Wood Duck __ Double-crested Cormorant __ Surfbird __ Gadwall __ Pelagic Cormorant __ Red Knot __ Eurasion Wigeon Herons __ Sanderling __ American Wigeon __ American Bittern __ Semipalmated Sandpiper __ Mallard __ Great Blue Heron __ Western Sandpiper __ Blue-winged Teal __ Great Egret __ Least Sandpiper __ Cinnamon Teal __ Cattle Egret __ Baird’s Sandpiper __ Northern Shoveler __ Green Heron __ Pectoral Sandpiper __ Northern Pintail __ Black-crowned Night-Heron __ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper __ Green-winged Teal __ Dunlin __ Canvasback Raptors __ Stilt Sandpiper __ Redhead __ Turkey Vulture __ Short-billed Dowitcher __ Ring-necked Duck __ Osprey __ Long-billed Dowitcher __ Greater Scaup __ Bald Eagle __ Common Snipe Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve __ Lesser Scaup __ Northern Harrier __ Wilson’s Phalarope 10441 Bay View-Edison Road __ Harlequin Duck __ Sharp-shinned Hawk __ Red-necked Phalarope Mount Vernon, WA 98273 __ Cooper’s Hawk (360) 428-1558 __ Surf Scoter Jaegers, Gulls, and Terns __ Northern Goshawk www.padillabay.gov __ White-winged Scoter __ Parasitic Jaeger __ Red-tailed Hawk __ Black Scoter __ Franklin’s Gull __ Rough-legged Hawk __ Long-tailed Duck __ Bonaparte’s Gull __ American Kestrel __ Bufflehead __ Heerman’s Gull __ Merlin __ Common Goldeneye __ Mew Gull __ Gyrfalcon __ Barrow’s Goldeneye __ Ring-billed Gull __ Peregrine Falcon __ Hooded Merganser __ California Gull __ Prairie Falcom KEY __ Common Merganser __ Herring Gull Sp - Spring __ Red-breasted Merganser Marsh Birds __ Thayer’s Gull S - Summer __ Ruddy Duck F - Fall __ Virginia Rail __ Western Gull W - Winter Gallinaceous Birds __ Sora __ Glaucous-winged Gull __ Ring-necked Pheasant __ American Coot __ Glaucous Gull __ Caspian Tern Common __ Ruffed Grouse __ Sandhill Crane Should see or hear in primary habitat __ Common Tern __ California Quail Shorebirds Alcids Uncommon Loons and Grebes __ American Golden Plover __ Common Murre May see or hear in primary habitat __ Red-throated Loon __ Semipalmated Plover __ Pigeon Guillemot __ Pacific Loon __ Killdeer Occasional to rare __ Black Oystercatcher __ Marbled Murrelet Unlikely to see or hear, but may be in area __ Common Loon __ Solitary Sandpiper __ Ancient Murrelet __ Pied-billed Grebe __ Rhinoceros Auklet Sp S F W Sp S F W Sp S F W Pigeons and Doves Jays and Crows Warblers and Tanagers National Estuarine __ Rock Pigeon __ Steller’s Jay __ Orange-crowned Warbler __ Band-tailed Pigeon __ American Crow __ Nashville Warbler Research Reserve __ Mourning Dove __ Common Raven __ Yellow Warbler __ Horned Lark __ Yellow-rumped Warbler Owls __ Black-throated Gray Warbler __ Common Barn Owl Swallows __ Townsend’s Warbler Bird __ Western Screech Owl __ Purple Martin __ MacGillivray’s Warbler __ Great Horned Owl __ Tree Swallow __ Common Yellowthroat Checklist __ Snowy Owl __ Violet-green Swallow __ Wilson’s Warbler __ Northern Pygmy Owl __ Bank Swallow __ Western Tanager __ Barred Owl __ Cliff Swallow __ Long-eared Owl __ Barn Swallow Towhees, Sparrows to Grosbeaks __ Short-eared Owl __ Spotted Towhee Small Perching Birds __ Northern Saw-whet Owl __ Savannah Sparrow __ Black-capped Chickadee __ Fox Sparrow Swifts and Hummingbirds __ Mountain Chickadee __ Song Sparrow __ Black Swift __ Chestnut-backed Chickadee __ Lincoln’s Sparrow __ Vaux’s Swift __ Bushtit __ Swamp Sparrow __ Rufous Hummingbird __ Red-breasted Nuthatch __ White-throated Sparrow __ Anna's Hummingbird __ White-breasted Nuthatch __ Harris’s Sparrow __ Brown Creeper Kingfishers to Woodpeckers __ White-crowned Sparrow __ Bewick’s Wren __ Golden-crowned Sparrow __ Belted Kingfisher __ House Wren __ Lewis's Woodpecker __ Dark-eyed Junco __ Winter Wren __ Lapland Longspur __ Red-breasted Sapsucker __ Marsh Wren __ Downy Woodpecker __ Snow Bunting __ American Dipper __ Black-headed Grosbeak __ Hairy Woodpecker __ Golden-crowned Kinglet __ Northern Flicker __ Ruby-crowned Kinglet Blackbirds __ Pileated Woodpecker __ Red-winged Blackbird Thrushes to Waxwings __ Western Meadowlark Flycatchers __ Mountain Bluebird __ Olive-sided Flycatcher __ Yellow-headed Blackbird __ Townsend’s Solitaire __ Brewer’s Blackbird __ Western Wood Peewee __ Swainson’s Thrush __ Willow Flycatcher __ Brown-headed Cowbird __ Hermit Thrush __ Bullock's Oriole __ Hammond’s Flycatcher __ American Robin __ Pacific-slope Flycatcher __ Varied Thrush Finches __ Western Kingbird __ European Starling __ Purple Finch __ Eastern Kingbird __ American Pipit __ House Finch __ Northern Shrike __ Bohemian Waxwing __ Red Crossbill Vireos __ Cedar Waxwing __ Pine Siskin __ Cassin's Vireo __ American Goldfinch __ Hutton’s Vireo __ Evening Grosbeak __ Warbling Vireo __ House Sparrow __ Red-eyed Vireo.
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