February 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 4203 I just feel that if we had had an op- I yield back the balance of my time. OATH OF OFFICE MEMBERS, RESI- portunity, Mr. Speaker, if we had had f DENT COMMISSIONER, AND DEL- an opportunity to present an alter- EGATES LEAVE OF ABSENCE native, we could do that in a bipartisan The oath of office required by the way. We don’t hate each other, as you By unanimous consent, leave of ab- sixth article of the Constitution of the know, Mr. Speaker. We respect each sence was granted to: United States, and as provided by sec- other, and in many cases best friends Mr. LEE of New York (at the request tion 2 of the act of May 13, 1884 (23 are on opposite sides of the aisle. We of Mr. BOEHNER) for today on account Stat. 22), to be administered to Mem- can do these things. But somehow this of helping to coordinate the Federal re- bers, Resident Commissioner, and Dele- top down, my way or the highway, sponse and to provide assistance to the gates of the House of Representatives, closed rules, no opportunity to go families of the victims of the tragic the text of which is carried in 5 U.S.C. through committee, we are losing out, crash of Continental Airlines Flight 3331: and it is not right, because the minor- 3407 in his district. ‘‘I, AB, do solemnly swear (or af- ity represents, what, 48 percent? A lot Mr. CLYBURN (at the request of Mr. firm) that I will support and defend of people, a lot of people in this coun- HOYER) for today after 1:30 p.m. on ac- the Constitution of the United try, Mr. Speaker, elected Republican count of his daughter’s wedding in States against all enemies, foreign Members of this House and Senate. South Carolina. and domestic; that I will bear true So as I conclude, I just want to the f faith and allegiance to the same; say to all of my colleagues, on the Re- SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED that I take this obligation freely, publican side we voted ‘‘no,’’ and we without any mental reservation or By unanimous consent, permission to voted no for a very good reason. We purpose of evasion; and that I will address the House, following the legis- have great fear, just as Vice President well and faithfully discharge the lative program and any special orders BIDEN said, that this won’t work. And duties of the office on which I am heretofore entered, was granted to: it is not like, well, it just didn’t work, about to enter. So help me god.’’ and we lost that game and we will play (The following Members (at the re- another one. No. This is too big a risk. quest of Mr. DEFAZIO) to revise and ex- has been subscribed to in person and It puts too big a burden on our future tend their remarks and include extra- filed in duplicate with the Clerk of the generations, and it has the likelihood neous material:) House of Representatives by the fol- of leaving us in this recession for a Ms. WOOLSEY, for 5 minutes, today. lowing Member of the 111th Congress, long time to come. Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. pursuant to the provisions of 2 U.S.C. We had an opportunity. My col- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, for 25: league, my Senate colleague from 5 minutes, today. ALABAMA Georgia, JOHNNY ISAKSON, had an Ms. KAPTUR, for 5 minutes, today. 1. Jo Bonner amendment on the Senate side that Mr. SCHIFF, for 5 minutes, today. 2. Bobby Bright would give every person, every family Mr. HOLT, for 5 minutes, today. 3. Mike Rogers 4. Robert B. Aderholt that bought a new home a $15,000 tax Mr. PALLONE, for 5 minutes, today. 5. Parker Griffith credit. It passed on the Senate side I (The following Members (at the re- 6. Spencer Bachus think by a voice vote, unanimous con- quest of Mr. BURTON of Indiana) to re- 7. Artur Davis sent, everybody. I heard Senator SCHU- vise and extend their remarks and in- ALASKA clude extraneous material:) MER say what a wonderful, wonderful At Large, Don Young idea that the gentleman from Georgia, Mr. CASSIDY, for 5 minutes, today. AMERICAN SAMOA Senator JOHNNY ISAKSON, had, because Mr. SCHOCK, for 5 minutes, today. Delegate, Eni F.H. Faleomavaega this whole mess started with the down- Mr. HERGER, for 5 minutes, today. turn of the housing market; and until Mr. BROUN of Georgia, for 5 minutes, ARIZONA we get those houses moving and sold, today. 1. Ann Kirkpatrick that will get us out of this mess. And Mr. MCCOTTER, for 5 minutes, today. 2. Trent Franks 3. John B. Shadegg the Senate knew it. And yet, when they Ms. FOXX, for 5 minutes today. 4. Ed Pastor got to conference committee, what Mr. FLEMING, for 5 minutes, today. 5. Harry E. Mitchell happened? They pulled that amend- Mr. CONAWAY, for 5 minutes, today. 6. Jeff Flake ment out. Pulled that amendment out. (The following Members (at their own 7. Rau´ l M. Grijalva I really believe if that and maybe an request) to revise and extend their re- 8. Gabrielle Giffords opportunity for people to get a fixed- marks and include extraneous mate- ARKANSAS rate mortgage at 4 percent or 5 per- rial:) 1. Marion Berry cent, 30-year fixed rate, let them have Mr. MARKEY of Massachusetts, for 5 2. Vic Snyder that opportunity over the next year or minutes, today. 3. John Boozman so, the Johnny Isakson amendment, Mr. DREIER, for 5 minutes, today. 4. Mike Ross maybe we can pass it as a stand-alone Mrs. MALONEY, for 5 minutes, today. CALIFORNIA bill. The Republican alternative to this f 1. Mike Thompson spendulous bill where we emphasize tax 2. Wally Herger cuts and spending cuts and we spend ADJOURNMENT 3. Daniel E. Lungren more money on infrastructure, I think Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Mr. Speak- 4. Tom McClintock if we came back and did that, we would er, pursuant to the order of the House 5. Doris O. Matsui of today, I move that the House do now 6. Lynn C. Woolsey be out of this the recession in 12 7. George Miller months to 18 months. adjourn. 8. Nancy Pelosi And so that is why I am here this The motion was agreed to; accord- 9. Barbara Lee afternoon, Mr. Speaker, just to share ingly (at 4 o’clock and 13 minutes 10. Ellen O. Tauscher those thoughts with my colleagues. p.m.), under its previous order, the 11. Jerry McNerney And I hope and pray that President House adjourned until Tuesday, Feb- 12. Jackie Speier Obama will be successful; but when it ruary 17, 2009, at 10 a.m., unless it soon- 13. Fortney Pete Stark is something that I have great fear of er has received a message from the 14. Anna G. Eshoo hurting the country, taking us down a Senate transmitting its concurrence in 15. Michael M. Honda 16. Zoe Lofgren road that our Founding Fathers never House Concurrent Resolution 47, in 17. Sam Farr intended us to go, then I am going to which case the House shall stand ad- 18. Dennis A. Cardoza stand up and I am going to say, ‘‘No, journed pursuant to that concurrent 19. George Radanovich Mr. President,’’ as I did today. resolution. 20. Jim Costa VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:19 May 17, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13FE9.002 H13FE9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 4204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 February 13, 2009 21. Devin Nunes 4. Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson Jr. 2. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger 22. Kevin McCarthy 5. John Lewis 3. John P. Sarbanes 23. Lois Capps 6. Tom Price 4. Donna F. Edwards 24. Elton Gallegly 7. John Linder 5. Steny H. Hoyer 25. Howard P. ‘‘Buck’’ McKeon 8. Jim Marshall 6. Roscoe G. Bartlett 26. David Dreier 9. Nathan Deal 7. Elijah E. Cummings 27. Brad Sherman 10. Paul C. Broun 8. Chris Van Hollen 28. Howard L. Berman 11. Phil Gingrey MASSACHUSETTS 29. Adam B. Schiff 12. John Barrow 1. John W. Olver 30. Henry A. Waxman 13. David Scott 2. Richard E. Neal 31. Xavier Becerra GUAM 3. James P. McGovern 32. Hilda L. Solis Delegate, Madeleine Z. Bordallo 4. Barney Frank 33. Diane E. Watson 5. Niki Tsongas 34. Lucille Roybal-Allard HAWAII 6. John F. Tierney 35. Maxine Waters 1. Neil Abercrombie 7. Edward J. Markey 36. Jane Harman 2. Mazie K. Hirono 8. Michael E. Capuano 37. Laura Richardson IDAHO 9. Stephen F. Lynch 38. Grace F. Napolitano 1. Walt Minnick 10. William D. Delahunt 39. Linda T. Sa´ nchez 2. Michael K. Simpson 40. Edward R. Royce MICHIGAN ILLINOIS 41. Jerry Lewis 1. Bart Stupak 42. Gary G. Miller 1. Bobby L. Rush 2. Peter Hoekstra 43. Joe Baca 2. Jesse L. Jackson Jr. 3. Vernon J. Ehlers 44. Ken Calvert 3. Daniel Lipinski 4. Dave Camp 45. Mary Bono Mack 4. Luis V. Gutierrez 5. Dale E. Kildee 46. Dana Rohrabacher 5. 6. Fred Upton 47. Loretta Sanchez 6. Peter J. Roskam 7. Mark Schauer 48. John Campbell 7. Danny K. Davis 8. Mike Rogers 49. Darrell E. Issa 8. Melissa L. Bean 9. Gary C. Peters 50. Brian P. Bilbray 9. Janice D. Schakowsky 10. Candice S.
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