Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated Dr. Andrew A. .Ray., Grand Basileus Kenneth E. Rodgers, District Representative THE OMEGAN Zanes E. Cypress, Jr., Dir. of Public Relations Founded November 17, 1911 Fall 2010 Edition “THE VOICE OF THE SECOND DISTRICT” New York --- New Jersey --- Pennsylvania --- Delaware --- Maryland Dr. Andrew A. Ray 39th Grand Basileus Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Inside this issue: Sigma Beta Beta Articles 3 Beta Alpha Alpha Articles 6 Pi Omega Article 12 Omega Chapter 12-15 Suspended & Expulsion List 16-17 Nu Nu Articles 20-21 2010-11 Second District Executive Council 25 Friendship Is Essential to the Soul THE OMEGAN Page 2 District Representatives Message magnificent accolade, we also inherit the Please note the Congressional Black Cau- tremendous responsibility that is synony- cus (CBC) was held in Washington, DC mous to the home of the Grand Basileus. th We must ensure that our actions in the During the September 16 weekend. The Grand Basileus and the Supreme Council Second District are representative of the finest qualities of our great Fraternity. were in town in support of that event. We Brother Littlejohn follows a long line of also convened a Supreme Council meeting leaders at the undergraduate level here in on September 17th and18th. On Thursday, the Second District; nonetheless, we are September 16, we attended the Fatherhood proud to host the Second Vice Grand Initiative Symposium which was held at Basileus and will support him and his the Convention Center. Later that evening, agenda for the undergraduate community. the Supreme Council hosted a reception in honor of the men of Omega who are serv- Additionally, please join me in recognizing ing in the United States Congress at the the gallant race and show of sportsmanship Westin Hotel. Brother Kenneth E. Rodgers from our own, Brother Calvin Zellers, candidate for Grand Keeper of Finance. Second District Representative Brother Zellers represented us well. Al- though we fell short of our goal of a clean Finally, I encourage each of you to register early for the Centennial Celebration. The I greet you in the name of our beloved sweep, we are proud of each of our candi- current registration rate is $375 dollars. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. It has dates for international office. The Grand Marshall and the planning team been an honor and privilege serving you is working hard to present to you a superb in the capacity of District Representative event that will be enjoyed by the Men of for the past five months. Since we left As a result of the elections and appoint- Omega and the residents of Washington, the District Conference in Syracuse, we ments from the international office, I DC. I ask Brothers, Line Brothers, and have been extremely busy serving the would like to recognize Brother Reverend Chapters to support the "Brick" project. Second District. I have assembled a Dr. Christopher Curry who has been ap- Please visit www.oppf.org to learn more capable team of leaders who are step- pointed as the Grand Chaplain. Addition- about The Centennial Celebration and the ping up to the plate to serve you as Cor- ally, let me acknowledge our Immediate Brick project. You may also register on ridor Representatives and Committee Past District Representative, Brother James line for the celebration and you may pur- Chairmen. Thanks to all of you who W. Jordan, who has been appointed to the chase your brick today. have asked to serve. I encourage you to position of Chief of Staff to the Grand seek a committee of your desire and Basileus. Consequently, with the elections continue your efforts to serve this great and appointments at the international level, District. To date, we have attended nu- we have had to fill a few voids locally here Fraternally, merous chapter events, hosted a Candi- in the District. Accordingly, I have ap- dates Forum, conducted our re organiza- pointed Brother Raymond Smith, Gamma tion meeting, and participated in the Mu Chapter, as the Second Vice District Kenneth E. Rodgers 76th Grand Conclave. As we embark Representative. Brother Smith previously served as an Undergraduate Representa- upon the 100th anniversary of our illus- tive. I filled his vacancy with the appoint- trious Fraternity, let us remain steadfast ment of Brother Dayquan McCall of Kenneth E. Rodgers in our commitment to serve mankind. Kappa Nu Chapter. Lastly, I appointed 2nd District Representative Brother Reverend Dr. Gerald Folsom of Gamma Pi Chapter as the District Chap- [email protected] I wanted to take a moment to update you lain. Brother Folsom has an awesome task NY,NJ, PA, DE, MD on a few activities that have occurred in following Brother Curry, but he is a man since we last met. But before I get into of God and is up to the challenge of serv- the details, let me pause and recognize ing the Lord and the District as the new officially the 39th Grand Basileus, Chaplain. These are but a few actions that I Brother Dr. Andrew A. Ray. Addition- wanted to bring to your immediate atten- ally, let me acknowledge the 42nd Sec- tion. I expect in the days to come, we will ond Vice Grand Basileus, Brother have other announcements that will impact Robert Littlejohn, Jr. We are extremely the Second District as the Grand Basileus proud to have for the first time in nearly is currently looking at talent here in the 40 years, a Grand Basileus from the District and throughout the fraternity to fill Second District. Of course, with that various positions on the international level. THE OMEGAN Page 3 Park Renamed for Deceased Sigma Beta Beta Brother Alphonse J. Campbell l-r Bro. Eric Harley, Bro. Henry Mack, Bro. Jerry Mackey, Chapter Basileus Bro Bill Cherry, Bro. Jim Burton, Mary Campbell (Widow of Bro. Alphonse Campbell ), Bro. Frank Drayton, Bro. Martin Lavergne, Bro. Jayson Smith, Bro. Dr. William Smith, Bro. Dr. Robert Hylton, Bro. John Nedd and Bro. Vernon Campbell. Westbury, NY, Saturday, May 1, 2010 The Brothers of Sigma Beta Legislature, the Business Improvement Department, the New Beta Chapter came out in force to participate in the ceremonial dedica- York Institute of Technology Dean’s Service to Teacher Educa- tion renaming Powells Lane Park to Trustee Alphonse J. Campbell tion Award, plus many others. Park, in Westbury Village, NY, in honor of deceased Brother Brother Campbell, who entered Omega Chapter on December Alphonse J. Campbell. Bro. Campbell, who became the first African 8th , 2003, crossed the burning sands at Eta Upsilon Chapter on American to sit on the Town Board of Westbury, New York, served as th Westbury Village Trustee and on many other executive boards. Bro. March 19 1959 and served our beloved Fraternity for 43 years. Campbell received numerous honors, awards and recognitions for his As a Charter member and pillar of Sigma Beta Beta Chapter in services. Included among his awards were recognitions from The Of- Westbury, New York, there was nothing that Bro. Campbell fice of Nassau County Executive, The Office of Westbury County wouldn’t do for his Chapter and he is sorely missed to this day. Sigma Beta Beta Annual Memorial Day Pilgrimage Westbury, NY. May 31, 2010. On Memorial Day, 2010, the Brothers of Sigma Beta Beta, along with undergraduate brothers from Upsi- lon Mu, set out on their annual pilgrimage visiting the gravesites of deceased chapter members and those of brothers who hailed from the Long Island, New York area. Beginning at 8:30am, the Brothers caravanned to several cemeteries from Cypress Hills Cemetery in Brook- lyn, NY to Pinelawn Cemetery in Suffolk County, Long Island. At each gravesite visited a prayer was offered and flowers were laid where appropriate. Sigma Beta Beta Chapter Raise $3000 for Scholarship Fund in Memory of Slain Undergraduate Omega Man Dennis Hayle Westbury, NY. August 2010. – Led by the Brothers of Sigma Beta Beta Chapter along with the Undergraduate Brothers of Upsilon Mu (S.U.N.Y. Old Westbury), Mu Psi (North Carolina A&T) and the Sorors of the Nassau County, NY Alumni Chapter of DST on Aug. 14 th 2010, over 100 people attended the Dennis Hayle walk raising $3,000 for a scholarship named after the Mu Psi Brother who was tragi- cally killed in front of his campus apartment in Greensboro, NC. The scholarship was created in 2009 at North Carolina A&T for a scho- lastically deserving student. Dennis was initiated in 2008 as an undergrad in the 6th District; however, his home was the 2 nd District. Sigma Beta Beta is dedicated to keeping his legacy alive and plans to have additional fundraisers to support the scholarship fund. For additional information concerning the Dennis Hayle scholarship, please log onto www.sigmabetabeta.com. Sigma Beta Beta Brothers at the Annual Memorial Day Pil- Sigma Beta Beta Brothers with the mother of slain Brother Dennis Hayle and Immediate Past DR James Jordan at the Dennis Hayle Walk Page 4 THE OMEGAN Delta Upsilon Build Day at Habitat for Humanity Trenton, NJ. Saturday Sept 25, 2010. Delta Upsilon Brothers participated in a Build Day at Habitat for Humanity (HFH) -Trenton Area. The Build Day, organized by the Delta Upsilon Social Action Com- mittee, was the second of this year and is a continuation of Delta Upsilon’s support for Habitat-Trenton’s effort in building homes with people in need. Our Build Day effort received significant and enthusiastic support from the Social Action Committee of the Trenton area Alumnae of Delta Sigma Theta Soror- ity . Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Epsilon Xi Zeta Chapter also had a member on hand.
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