Brickey V. Amazon.Com

Brickey V. Amazon.Com

Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 1 of 28 .-- I UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS £'iJ iV/ DIVISION 4 EO,V .BPI frEy (at1N/k (Enter your full name) / AM,zo,y, Copftgy 3E7OS S A1 3 CAO 961 XII CASE NUMBER:___________ v. (To be supplied by Intake Deputy) (Enter ft.ili name oeach Defendant) Defendant(s) COMPLAINT NOR, I F1E/vJ4Ai2? Ziv £'ELL/,..ij my cL2, mu ,,vd Ci,v Z, 7i 141'.fri-103 r ) y, T '11y CtN N7 1 NA VE 0WNSN,/6, ,,vd CoQqH7 i7r 1411 Fu,( i 'v,S1 i by , '77Ey iv,, z;:;, ,v S 9Z Z,'wg id ZL A 2 N4vE tORi7E .z,ql So,v pQS CF EFE,vd,7 'ILL JpoNa cP?/1( '1 Tr ii/) ,A/7 7 7/j/ A /Z fti f,e,?i 23 Fo 'PE . 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MA/7 S1qA/ ,9,vZ',o, 7? 77 4f-7.; iiMX3 ,Lt,C( 641vT ?oFF' 73Q-3// - L £4 SE 7EA 5$ S Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 3 of 28 your NCNO ENCbCEd z y PDDP oI' °P7'- n' NA/liEd Wd4M71 2r ?'k4' 14,E' 4i/d N7' fo sr(3)ps. 2 ,q o' r''' No & SE ,VE. .2 SEtfr ñ y u"y for W' 'Q1v'S77cE c/ôd'! 2'? £ z i/E(r, FES'P9 . ; W$i ij if F CftJP 147 fi' .iiLi7 5e' o >/O/' feZi 63 /7 4.4l 5'+' (c).) O p22AL7 AILLLELL2) J2f 9/L £ 7'Y - 4'1F 1//f77Vk7-' w t*4' f j9k iT ZZ___ FFEJ dA 2 $ if Ln7i4p 4 F I of )lf L ?9- o'h,'° LAp -r u 2&V#Ly. / ilq / ., OO OO9 Z (3) '' '4 OtO 'OO i# ii, p, A E x ci fllif ,v 2L 4,v,i' 2s A S ,'1v Ads', 2)L '9 Z N4#ue d "v EHd,S1V7-i -5S ñ? ON A/E)(r r £/?g LEN'1 L E9ñZ ,441EA 7A?,vk ot#' /%)/VOT, £,4'CFEl7c4 - P (L) Case 5:13-cv-00961-XREw'4,vZi Document 4,4hZi9 Filed 10/23/13 £ S5' Page 4 of 28 , ,'. C M Zvc PrE 5/ c/1 NT f' .60 'rn 7 20$ 4L/ 7"y 4 4 S7'74E, 1v'A ?8/o9 32/0 ',,vE (o6) Z-/000 C.D 2LNI'VEcE iAZ 2Ep7" S Ia! v dTh',c'Z 7?o,L WIJJijParI CT oçLqQ-a3o .z'1r I3cc1 V1Z,qc/z ))7i m,qx 6 0,9 /& cA Nc IO,YE F CrB1I4(I4J 8MZ O 7/22 )2?oNWiy £RoO/c 71.24' dA/ ?/ô- -4'S (iDr 10? ,4'p,i,'e'r, A Bc' c 7' / ,y ?i s ,qg o 71fp B4',q ivc/ LeL /(e',i', /(4E -'Tf 77, 74 5 i 4"r, /( ,Vvzf )P s,cc,v IgL gc c 2: r eE5 ./tvL r 71e *frc/1s" 7 -7 7q17:,, s'z; "f 7 ,V, )f,* Zod I 'fi (4'-J - z;; A'#T d47, 74sW,1Ld,9, /Vôistvy, i4iV/ .279Iy ,4,yc a 76,f , ;; S Y )et'y /fA.' te7,v )Q4 c ,4"ou oL L E! e','cJ. f.s 2Ed. ,1 7 t4' 7 , HE,'4E .2,v £4 .4' ,1,Y /-f,ivi d L -'oi OAI ,43 /1ifE h4r )If N4EKT 7'E '7i?5' 4,'E9S/ Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 5 of 28 L ov (ic if) Z'fC 35/p Gr'i4'7 /13 ;;; S,',,v ,4N7(/O7 78w? 0 / . 7',q cVi' 76777 Ei9C// z7r of C/Yi7i OFF -pH4t )t- 73Q -3// 721 g27 7'9) CaseSTh7iin4'7 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document of 4 Filedp)9crc. 10/23/13 Page 6 of 28 Ne',vo7, yoce' '7Y' 7ZqX Z,qe.,q 71E'PhcEJ CD, i?S' Z A Ct 71 ic4' S Z 7LI ?C/ 7 5 ,'w ,1,'I %gi3 4 1%1 Jir/-6Z fl1$fC /,1A/4' " c'4 /4 c 2 )&4 ,/i z:4/ /i t C ,41s' 3 oP /21,7 /d4 4 e siw 4'E, i4iVc/ 4 L L 5ic,.'9A' #MI )frtr L4 4L A-tv ctLN7-Z8i, ,iI-c M;/s4c #V1 ,A/O i1VcL cl/cl ,1,c? EXCE,v7%2/ 2 A So 4,4t / 'çp . 9A/c/ SE,'' 7- - 411 c v i1a",'p' $' d 4 0 iT ,4 sk /e F EcI9frt-f O' ZN n-r,9 7,si ,4a 7 c- 2, ,'14Z/ Fi'1r', #11,9z ' ,v )ii; /7! 7 Z3 QA' ,c,1tce ,?,vd me's tce,q 7y 2'J ZI2yII7,/r Ii A'o L H r 7j Efdn N? 4C)Po$S S / 4dh, 26 / 1\lax Baca I)utt11 / Bick Bi'ickey N rin B1u's and Country n1earJerkers \\ iiu ii iiiil ni1ii ii \iiiIi IJ In 2 \\L1 1i I Ilk 241 li b Bii Ia uni Ri I a \ ,tIiih i liLdit 4 2 lId Iii on \k lutiIIUL I 4 b u1u 4 ( ii iied \lan K I zht fidtn UIuL 2 3( kftI ( h. [)l I tic lI1iL S I K Katiuc 2 45 ), L K L l'o 1 h 2i ) \ Ic ivaii Bc tut I II) III liii \\ \RNlNCi \II KtiIit t LlthrILd dipli ink I PlInkd in I A a dhttiiI t ippIi U__ Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 7 of 28 - I I I - C - - . I I; -tM. _. -.'Ei I- r- l.a_Il- J I_.I: ( , - G II, a - I.. __I I Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 8 of 28 ._..ra; ;i: ic C 9 - C If C - C Li.Vi e Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 9 of 28 _______ CONTRACTORS INVOICE WORK PERFORMED AT: I 71 t'b( !h,u TO: I 7 ,a3 i 4'e O P RA / 7 I '? YOUR WORK ORDER NO; OUR BID NO. 31, Zoa ': (f1 £U_- tLA \/ (( C( Iti' -//(/-!P // - i /1( -t JJ 1a _____, f) /(iir2 i C I All Material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work was performed in accordance with the drawings and specificatio,p( provided for the above work, and was completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the agreed sum of If óUQ t7 l,UJ Oy_.- Dollars ($ 1k4PA / This is a E4artiaI LI Full invoice due and payable by: f_'( . /'- Month Day Year _7 I -) in accordance with our LiLAgreement LI Proposal No. Dated iLl-. _-(../CJ Month - Day _{f Year TC8122 CONTRACTORS INVOICE Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 10 of 28 Formal Agreement Between Max D. Baca and Herman Brickej . 1. Four air quality recordmgs at t' Includes a. studio hours b. lead and background vocals c. studio musicians 2. 50% of publishing royalties under BACAnciones Publishing BMT. 1' (DO. paid in advance. 0 balance due at the conclusion of sessions. Signed Herman Bricks Signed Max D. Baca Date - October 8, 2008 -1e / Where is CD Caseuniverse 5:13-cv-00961-XR home address Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 11 of 28 Page 1 of2 x '4 kodét C C1C vreIe Ask us anything GO Sign ni Sign BANKRUPTCY tRW COAliNG R[GULAT'3NS BUSiNESS LAW CHiLDREN ANDIHE LAW Answers.eom > Wiki Answers S Categories> law & Legal Issues> Where is CO universe home address? Roftrsance Rates for Where is CD universe home address? See what questions your In: LaW & Legal Issues [Edit categories] friends are asking today. WeDs 275% 2.98% Legacyaccount member? 35511131 vu r Li /\I1 ii.. 1111 Li Li C Sign in. Fir Platform Feet. Is Data Fees. 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