Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 1 of 28 .-- I UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS £'iJ iV/ DIVISION 4 EO,V .BPI frEy (at1N/k (Enter your full name) / AM,zo,y, Copftgy 3E7OS S A1 3 CAO 961 XII CASE NUMBER:___________ v. (To be supplied by Intake Deputy) (Enter ft.ili name oeach Defendant) Defendant(s) COMPLAINT NOR, I F1E/vJ4Ai2? Ziv £'ELL/,..ij my cL2, mu ,,vd Ci,v Z, 7i 141'.fri-103 r ) y, T '11y CtN N7 1 NA VE 0WNSN,/6, ,,vd CoQqH7 i7r 1411 Fu,( i 'v,S1 i by , '77Ey iv,, z;:;, ,v S 9Z Z,'wg id ZL A 2 N4vE tORi7E .z,ql So,v pQS CF EFE,vd,7 'ILL JpoNa cP?/1( '1 Tr ii/) ,A/7 7 7/j/ A /Z fti f,e,?i 23 Fo 'PE . 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I I; -tM. _. -.'Ei I- r- l.a_Il- J I_.I: ( , - G II, a - I.. __I I Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 8 of 28 ._..ra; ;i: ic C 9 - C If C - C Li.Vi e Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 9 of 28 _______ CONTRACTORS INVOICE WORK PERFORMED AT: I 71 t'b( !h,u TO: I 7 ,a3 i 4'e O P RA / 7 I '? YOUR WORK ORDER NO; OUR BID NO. 31, Zoa ': (f1 £U_- tLA \/ (( C( Iti' -//(/-!P // - i /1( -t JJ 1a _____, f) /(iir2 i C I All Material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work was performed in accordance with the drawings and specificatio,p( provided for the above work, and was completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the agreed sum of If óUQ t7 l,UJ Oy_.- Dollars ($ 1k4PA / This is a E4artiaI LI Full invoice due and payable by: f_'( . /'- Month Day Year _7 I -) in accordance with our LiLAgreement LI Proposal No. Dated iLl-. _-(../CJ Month - Day _{f Year TC8122 CONTRACTORS INVOICE Case 5:13-cv-00961-XR Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 10 of 28 Formal Agreement Between Max D. Baca and Herman Brickej . 1. Four air quality recordmgs at t' Includes a. studio hours b. lead and background vocals c. studio musicians 2. 50% of publishing royalties under BACAnciones Publishing BMT. 1' (DO. paid in advance. 0 balance due at the conclusion of sessions. Signed Herman Bricks Signed Max D. Baca Date - October 8, 2008 -1e / Where is CD Caseuniverse 5:13-cv-00961-XR home address Document 4 Filed 10/23/13 Page 11 of 28 Page 1 of2 x '4 kodét C C1C vreIe Ask us anything GO Sign ni Sign BANKRUPTCY tRW COAliNG R[GULAT'3NS BUSiNESS LAW CHiLDREN ANDIHE LAW Answers.eom > Wiki Answers S Categories> law & Legal Issues> Where is CO universe home address? Roftrsance Rates for Where is CD universe home address? See what questions your In: LaW & Legal Issues [Edit categories] friends are asking today. WeDs 275% 2.98% Legacyaccount member? 35511131 vu r Li /\I1 ii.. 1111 Li Li C Sign in. Fir Platform Feet. Is Data Fees. 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