Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:276 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimes www.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes SATURDAY . MAY 07. 2016 -Saur 18, 1395 HS Yo ur Yo ur ad ad he re he re 0778894038 UStroops targeting Daesh, Al-Qaeda in AT News Report Afghanistan KABUL: The Special Forces of ABUL : US forces are con calling the counter-Daesh cam- the Afghan National Army (ANA) ducting operations to pre paign as an aggressive effort. About on Thursday night raided a Tali- Kvent Al-Qaeda from using 100 counterterrorism strikes were ban-run prison in Nowzad dis- Afghanistan as a launching pad for conducted in the first three months trict of southern Helmand prov- attack against the West, a top of the current year, he said of op- ince, the Ministry of Defense on American military official said on erations Al-Qaeda and Daesh tar- Friday said in a media statement. Thursday. gets in Afghanistan. Less than 19 After securing the prison, the Brig. Gen. Charles H. Cleve- strikes were carried out last month, ANA freed 60 prisoners from land, Resolute Support mission’s mostly against Daesh targets. Taliban captivity, the statement deputy communications chief, told “The No. 1 goal is for Afghans to said. Two militants were killed a Pentagon media briefing the be able to defend their own terri- and three others received injuries troops were authorised to target tory and address transnational and during the raid, the statement said. the Islamic State. trans-regional terrorist organisa- The prison was running by “We believe we really have ar- tions that often will base in this the Talban shadow provincial guably the best counterterrorism region and then try and strike the governor, Abdul Rahman, also forces on the planet … here in Af- West,” he said in a report on Pen- famous as Mullah Mannan, the ghanistan,” Cleveland remarked, tagon’s website. (Pajhwok) statement said. Without giving further details, MoD said that ten motorcycles belonging to the mil- itants were destroyed in the raid. Additionally, large amount of ex- plosives were also seized. However, the Taliban mili- tants didn’t no comment into the matter so far. Situation in Afghanistan Doctors claim neighbors misleading remains highly volatile, Indian Afghan patients in ad campaigns Embassy alerts citizens A number of doctors in Kabul said he Embassy of India in Kabul and maintain a high level of vigi- Friday that despite improved has issued a security alert lance.” treatment in Afghanistan for seri- Tto the Indian citizens resid- “Non-essential movements ous health problems, Afghans are ing in Afghanistan and travelling especially during peak commuting falling victim to false advertising to the country, warning regarding hours may be avoided, as also un- by health care facilities in neigh- the persistent volatile situation of known areas and establishments boring countries. The doctors said the country. frequented by foreigners. Move- that such treatment often comes “All Indians residing in Afghan- ment should not have a predict- at a very high price – adding that istan and Indian travellers to Af- able pattern and vehicle should be this practice also sees millions of ghanistan are advised that the se- parked in secure premises,” the dollars in capital outflow leaving curity situation in Afghanistan re- statement added. the country annually. But a num- mains highly volatile. This comes as the US Embas- ber of Kabul residents rejected Terrorist attacks have taken sy in Kabul issued two separate these claims and said the local Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Speaker Abdul Raouf Ibrahimi place in many parts of the coun- alerts on Wednesday and Thurs- health care services are still below on Thursday night assigned Ma- asked government to introduce try against a variety of targets in- day, warning regarding a possible standard in the capital, and often soum Stanekzai as caretaker min- another nominee for the key slot – cluding foreigners and are expect- suicide and coordinated attack or non-existent for people in remote ister for the National Directorate claiming the lack of leadership in ed to continue. kidnapping attempt of foreigners areas. (ToloNews) of Security (NDS) and minister the important ministry had added There is also the risk of kid- in capital Kabul. advisor to the president. He also to the rapidly-growing insecurity napping and hostage taking In its first statement the US assigned Lieutenant General Ab- across the country. Stanekzai throughout the Afghanistan,” ac- Embassy said the militants are at- dullah Khan as caretaker defense served as Afghan Communications cording to a statement by the Indi- tempting to carry out attack or kid- minister. Stanekzai is currently Minister from 2002 to 2004 and an Embassy. napping in police district 10 of the 2 wounded in rocket strike on acting defense minister and Khan then as former president Hamid The statement further added city, citing the police chief of the is currently chief of staff of the Karzai's security advisor. He was that “The Embassy advises all In- district. In its second statement, defense ministry. also the CEO of the Joint Secre- dians in Afghanistan to live and the Embassy said “An attempted Bagram Airfield: Police chief Stanekzai was nominated last tariat of the Afghanistan Peace and work with adequate security pre- kidnapping occurred in Kabul on year for the position of defense Reintegration Program in 2009. He cautions. May 2, 2016 targeting several ex- CHARIKAR : Two civilians have provincial police chief, told Pajh- gating the attack. Meanwhile, Tal- minister but the Wolesi Jirga was however, seriously injured in All should review their person- patriates including a U.S. citizen. been wounded in a rocket attack wok Afghan News the incident iban spokesman Zabihullah Mu- (Lower House of Parliament) a suicide bomb blast in 2011 that al security plans, take appropri- The U. S. Embassy Kabul reminds on the Bagram Airfield in central occurred at midnight. Two civil- jahid claimed responsibility for the failed to give him a vote of confi- killed the then High Peace Council ate steps to enhance personal safe- U.S. citizens that the threat of kid- Parwan province, local security ians injured in the rocket strike had strike, saying the US troops sta- dence. Chairman Berhanuddin Rabbani. ty, remain aware of surroundings, napping and hostage taking con- officials said on Friday. Brig. Gen. been transferred to hospital, he tioned at Bagram had been harmed. However after he was turned He has since recovered from his monitor local media for updates, tinues to be very high.” (KP) Mohammad Zaman Mamozai, the said, adding police were investi- (Pajhwok) down by Parliament, the House injuries. (ToloNews) Treatment ofAfghan interpreters:British minister under fire KABUL : The British minister of this country at great danger to state for defence has come under themselves.” Ashdown, former Lib scathing attack over his depart- Dem leader, referred to two Af- ment's policy on Afghan interpret- ghans waiting for a decision in the ers seeking asylum in the United UK and another 10 caught in de- Kingdom, Daily Mail reported on spair in Calais. One of them was Friday., Earl Howe came in for flak seriously wounded in an explosion. after he defended the British gov- (Pajhwok) ernment for keeping the interpret- ers in the Calais Jungle or deport- ing them. But House of Lords Taliban members slammed the action an 'inexplicable, inhumane and shame- ful'. A ruckus erupted in the house commander when Lord Ashdown insisted there was 'nothing' stopping the govern- arrested in ment from letting interpreters now 'languishing in despair' into Brit- Wardak ain. According to the newspaper, AT News Report 100 interpreters are believed to have directly appealed to the Min- ABUL: The National Di istry of Defence for help under a rectorate of Security second scheme. However, their (NDS) said Friday that its applications have gone unan- K operatives detained a Taliban swered. commander in the central prov- Under the first scheme, 270 ince of Wardak. The intelligence translators were permitted to stay operatives detained Taliban com- in Britain, but only one was al- mander, Qari Syedullah during a lowed in under the second. A doz- special raid in the Sheikhabad area en others are facing deportation of Syedabad district of the prov- from the UK. Ten of them, seek- ince, the NDS said in a media AMYAN CITY : Hundreds ture. The route issue has sparked ety activists protested in Neili alleged the Turkmenistan-Afghan- man firm had recently recommend- ing to make it to Britain, are caught statement. The detained com- of residents of Daikundi worries among inhabitants of cen- city, the capital of Daikundi, and istan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas ed the project should pass through in the Calais Jungle camp. The Mail mander was involved in major Bprovince on Saturday tral provinces. asked the government to change pipeline project had intentionally the central provinces. A civil soci- said 10 more individuals had fled terrorist attacks, including bomb- staged a protest for changing the Da Afghanistan Breshna Shirkat the project’s route so as to benefit been planned to pass through Kan- ety activist, Rahmatullah Shariati, Afghanistan in a bid to reach Eu- ings and conducting several am- proposed route for the Turkmeni- (DABS) spokesman Wahidullah Daikundi and Bamyan. dahar and Farah provinces. suggested a balance in budgetary rope through risky sea crossings. bushes on Kabul-Kandahar high- stan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Af- Tawhidi says the decision to im- A provincial council member, Hadi If routed through Bamyan and allocations and development But Earl Howe dismissed criticism way, the statement said. “Two ghanistan-Pakistan (TUTAP) elec- plement the project through the Rahimi, told Pajhwok Afghan Ghor provinces, the project’s cost schemes for provinces.
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