■ ♦ ' A Newspaper With A PRICE Constructive 6c Policy PER COPY VOLUME 1», NUMBER 17 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1950 (til PRICE SIX CENTS “LITTLE CASSiNO” FALLS TO NEGRO TROOPS 24th Regiment Units Take SHIPS-TROOPS MASS ABOVE, KOREA PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Over Without Single Loss F.mon R. Smith, of Washington, I). mi nominated thia week by WITH THE 24th INFANTRY RE had commanded earlier In lhe mom President Truman, for a pout on GIMENT IN KOREA Scamper- tug Navy plane, ininieiiiaicly ,woop the District municipal court ing tip a craggy, towering moun- ed down over the temple and spray- tain under a blanket of darkness, ed rockets bench. Mr». Smith and non Emory. units of the crack. all-Negro 24th A veteran of tlie fight for the Jr. partake in the happy event of I infantry captured "IJttle Cassino" Abbey of Monte Cassino tn Italy reading congratulatory telegram». .early Tuesday morning without the «tubbed the peak. "Little Cassino." WIN8TON-SALEM. No Carolina Toss of a siygle man Maj Horace Donatio, of Ins Ange- Gov Kerr Scott struck a strong The battle-scarred veterans had les. said that the precipitous moun- blow against racial and religious fought battle after battle during the j fain was a miniature Cassino. prejudice In Winston-Salem Mon­ I»st three days to capture tlie stra- AiUiough'there was a Buddhist day and declared that these pre­ tegic. mountain |*eak temple instead «if a Catholic abbey judice. were responsible for the de­ Soon after the 24th raptured tlie yaj Donaho |>ointed out that the k "i feat of Sen Frank P. Graham th peak, however, confusion set in and r<x^y. craggy positions approximat- tlie recent Democratic primary. other American troops, believing p{j j|lr surroundings of the fight MANCHURIA Vladivostok Lillie Cassino' was still in the llir Abbey of Monte Cassino hands of the enemy, opened fire on Uful mnns W(mps((|i n( Mukden the iwax Princeton, Ind. .aid that Lieut A blazing mortar barrage ot white Anselmo and his men moved out at phosporus and high explosive, wa Monday night with another rained on the tan doughboys One c(Wnpany in support Thompson add­ infantryman was wounded a a d « others were shaken up Later, headquarters sent nn or "Tho.» r-lipped up behind ill the dcr down for the men to naive from night without the North Koreans tlie peak lor a redisposition of pnu. I even knowing they «ere tljrte" tions/'Stillenly, -the men complied Tlie 24th is now fighting in the with the order and evacuated thr I Southern ector of the—Korean peak Company Commander I ieut front The Ian doughboys were shift Gabrit'l Anselmo, of Portland, (ire cd to the Murtu'i'n sector aftcr'sev- was in charge of flic men oral micccsmw4ii the northern «'area Observers later reported tjiat North where they scored the .first major Sea of Japan Koreans were disiiersed around Hie American victory of the war by Boddhis4 temple which the 24th capturing Yeehori Educator Pleads S. KOREA Of Embezzlement TALLAHASSEE. Florida. -(SN81- In Tallahassee Tuesday, the for­ mer extension director of Florida A BY HOWARD HANDLEMAN plunk,.I md M. College for Negroes pleaded roKYo (WMhmdgy) on the guilty to charges of embwxlement l — Communist troops forged three -cavalry from the school. Anthony Gatnaa new footholds across the uul Nak- 2 One mile northeast of Waeg- and two other former employ«, J-tong river defense line Tuesday ifi nfWi,' 13 miles northwest, of Taegu, Statute Miles who entered pleas of no defenM. the springboard of the expected all- <iri the north flunk of the first vac- remained ^Liberty under bond out enemy offensive ' airy. pending sentencing by circuit Judgt IT. S mechanized cavalry a n d 3 Eight miles northeast of Wfvcg- i Hugh M. Taylor. South Korean troops were hurled wan hi tlie Southern Korean first against the,bridgeheads in a des- division sector lierate effort to crush the enemy Each new crossing was estimated shock troops before the main force j to have been made In regimental Welcome For New Students At of an armoured communist dlvt- | strength of approximately 6.000 or | ston can he brought up to reinforce more men Thfy arc believed to (them. < - •. , I have employed tlso Mwlet-lypa on- Of Harvard University Faculty Hundreds of Allied planes lolned I deruater bridge In at least one of in the -battle, striking against the the crossings. BY SAMVEL P PtRRY JR I September 15th. Tennessee A and r ciors mu assist him in forming an 1 entertained 30 guests in their subur- doggered enemy on tlie east bank ' appropriate curricular program and BOSTON, 'ANPi— Dr Ralph ban Belmont home, at which the 1 State College wi!l-ae)ri>roe ap­ of the Naktong. U. N. Rights Group worth-while extra-curricular pro­ J Bunche, senior director of the guests of honor were Dr. and Mrs. proximately 600 students for study The communist penetrations were gram The 1950 program has been UN Trusteeship council, will be­ Bunche. i made above and below strategic lit the Tennessee A and I. State Sends Draft To College for 1050-1951. planned by the Freshman Weak come a member of the Harvard The other guests included Dr Taegu tn what may he the start of A series of orientation activities Committee. Chairman. Dr. Vir­ university faculty, in October. 1951 John Hope Franklin, professor of | lhe long-awaited Red offensive to General Assembly extended to September 24. will be­ ginia 8 Nyabongo, and Mrs. K. H. He will be professor of government hltory at Howard university, who ' drive united nations forces from gin with the Convocation of Fresh­ Toag. secretary; Mrs M. E. HUI. at the Littouer Center of Public 1ms boon teaching two courses in Korea . GENEVA, Switzerland -(ANT) The son of the late Rev W M men in the College Auditorium at Mrs L 8 Dumas. Mrs. E R Han- administration. hjstory al the Harvard Summer The North Koican fighters were De« latlng that Ils draft of lhe UN Milton of Plttsvlew, All., he is |>ro- 9:00 A M. September 15th. The kal. Mrs. C. H. Floyd, Mrs. H. C. «purred by an order from Com- covenant on human rights was in­ Kinclaide, Dr Can A. Treheme, Offit uus at the university an­ school, George McGhee, assistant minent In Baptist circles within the orientation Activities will include a munist Premier Klin II Sung-de- adequate, the UN economic and Dr M I Clairbome. Mr. W. K. secretary of state. Also present was state of Illinois Born Dec 12, 1902. Day of Advisement with Directors nounced that last April Dr Bunche ' tnanding final victory before the -social council last week decided to Fox, Mrs A. O Sasser, Mrs. G. H. the Ambassador of Israel to the he attended Americus Institute, of Divisions and faculty advisers, was unanimously elected to the end of August, A spokesman at send the draft to the general as­ Kellogg. Mr C. R Crooks, Miss L United Slates. Americus, Ga. thr M'>ody Bible In­ testing program, meetings with stu­ professorship and is thereby the General MacArthur’s -headquarters sembly for further consideration. H Daniel. Mrs O B Fort. Mils stitute and the Northern Baptist dent leaders in residence hall, pic­ first Negro in the history of the declared that there will be HO-Don- This action was taken tro many nic, the tour of the campus. Library Roberta Robinson, Mr. H. C. Hardy. university to hold this rar.k under Theologieul seminary. kirk He said the Allied fighting governments in the council a- well Mrs. L B Watson, Mrs. L. O. Mc­ Fifty-four Persons Lecture Tour, medical examinations the faculty of arts and sciences. Ho is currently press reporter of men will hold the Naktong line as a number of non-governmental and evening program sponsored by Neill. Mrs Hazel Wright, Miss Dr. William A Hinton, who re­ Cited For Contempt the Baptist Stale Convention of 'until sufficient reinforeements ar­ group« throughout the world op­ the Department of Sjieech and Queen Washington, Mr Howard tired last June as clinical professor Illinois rive to motiQ^jijjnuntoroffensive. posed the present draft, as made by Drama. I (Jentry of pathology, was the first. Negro WASHINGTON- <SNS> Fifty the human rights commission Assisting In carrying out the The three new bridgeheads now ! hh-mother" bi^hn W in" M JiVo^neX^ntolnteJ to achieve professorial rank at the four persons were citod for con­ Mam criticism Was that there art Freshmen Week program will be a give the communists four points on school. tempt of. Congress, including Gio­ Aged Lady Killed no :provislons for adequate and ef­ down a flight of stairs, on witch- iTuSeSSS will fiS the east bank of the NaktongHIne — vanni Rnsri Lomanite of Fisk uni- fective enforcement of -the propos-: (Continued On Back Page) Dr. Bunche appeared this week MONTGOMERY, Ala -(SNSt- two above and two below the city , September 18-19 Sunday evening, versify, Nashville, Tenn. of Taegu One of the crossings to- I as a gue.;t speaker at the Harvard Mrs Annie Johnson, 60-year-old A-ordingTo police. Walters gave September 24th, at the Fireside Summer School conference which The 54 persons were cited for con­ one-legged woman, was.killed here day placed the communlsto Just 13 him elf up Shortly After the shoot- ^hat. Dr Davis. President will lad­ Mrs. Allen Woman's miles northwest of the Port city. dealt with the topic. “The Great tempt for refusing to tell the House In a traffic accident around 6PM ing Ho is being held In Rdgersville, ,fTr,^r" ' Powers and the Near East." Prof tJrr American activities commit'ee Saturday.
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