The Magazine of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities Winter 2006/07 2007 M.O.S. & MTCML Trade What does the Show AMM do for YOU? First of a 3-part series: Anatomy of an Amalgamation Convention Re-cap • Speech from the Throne F EATURES What does the AMM do for YOU? 8 The changing face of the AMM Board 12 Cover: Meet the AMM Executive for Anatomy of 2007. (L-R) Doug Dobrowolski (Rural Vice-President), Ron Bell (President) and an amalgamation 18 Shirley Kalyniuk (Urban Vice-President). Municipal Leader is published quarterly by the Association of Manitoba Municipalities. Please address inquiries to: 2007 1910 Saskatchewan Avenue W. Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0P1 Phone: (204) 856-2366 M.O.S. Fax: (204) 856-2370 e-mail: [email protected] & MTCML Internet: www.amm.mb.ca Note: The views expressed in this magazine are Trade not necessarily the views of the AMM or its Board. Show 35 Publication management and production by: ‘ 3rd Floor - 2020 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K4 ‘Best Practice Ph: (204) 985-9780 Fax: (204) 985-9795 www.kelman.ca for hiring engineers 50 e-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor: Terry Ross Art Design/Production: Dana Jensen 2006 Convention recap 55 Advertising Manager: Cindy Robin Contents may not be reproduced without D EPARTMENTS the express consent of the publisher. President’s Report ............................. 4 Update from Broadway ................... 30 AMM Mission Statement Executive Director’s Report ............... 5 MMAA Report ................................. 32 The Association In Brief ............................................. 6 Insurance ........................................ 46 of Manitoba Municipalities And Furthermore ............................... 7 Legal Corner ................................... 48 identifies and Municipal Profile ............................. 18 Candid Camera ............................... 60 addresses the needs and Upcoming Events ............................ 22 MTCML .......................................... 65 concerns of its Education ....................................... 24 Professional Directory ..................... 68 members in order to achieve strong and effective municipal government. Municipal Ideas............................... 28 Reach our Advertisers ...................... 70 Winter 2006/07 | Municipal Leader | P RESI D EN T ’ S R EPORT AMM Board Meeting of Directors with Premier EXecUTIVE President kicks off '07 Mayor Ron Bell, Town of Birtle Vice-President, Rural Ron Bell, President Councillor Doug Dobrowolski, RM of Macdonald must begin by conveying my deep grati- Another important event took place in tude for showing your confidence in me early January – our annual Board strategic Vice-President, Urban I by acclaiming me as your President for a planning session. During this session, we Mayor Shirley Kalyniuk, third term. It’s a humbling experience indeed reviewed our policy priorities and identified Town of Rossburn and one I do not take for granted. I can’t our main issues and goals as we move for- express enough, after the difficult year we ward in 2007. I am certain that it will come faced together in 2005, how proud I am at the as no surprise that our #1 policy priority for DIrecTORS way we all pulled together in 2006. Our recent, the coming year is fiscal balance and infra- Councillor Ralph Groening, highly successful Convention is a testament to structure, followed by land use and water RM of Morris that. Our resolutions sessions were virtually planning. Education taxation, physician and seamless and we have a very clear picture of Mayor Melvin Klassen, health practitioner recruitment and retention, our lobbying direction as we enter 2007. rounded off our list of top issues Town of Altona and recycling You also elected two new AMM vice for the coming year. Reeve Alice Bourgouin, presidents during Convention and I am excited As you know, there is a definite possibility RM of Rosser to be working with them. Both Urban Vice- of a provincial election on the near horizon. President Shirley Kalyniuk and Rural Vice- This is your chance to voice municipal con- Mayor Randy Sigurdson, President Doug Dobrowolski bring a wealth cerns and have strong input into the future Town of Arborg of experience to their new roles and will be a of our province. The AMM will certainly be huge asset to me as we lead our organization doing its part to ensure our priorities are on Reeve William Danylchuk, throughout the next year. I would also like the agenda. A provincial election gives us all RM of Tache to welcome our four new board members an opportunity to position ourselves so that – Western Urban Director Maxine Chacun, municipal issues are front-and-centre with all Councillor Art Rempel, Central Rural Director Ralph Groening, parties. Let’s seize that opportunity! City of Steinbach Central Urban Director Mel Klassen, and Our own municipal election last fall City of Winnipeg Director Russ Wyatt. I look resulted in many new faces around council Reeve Roger Wilson, RM of Birtle forward to working with all of you. tables throughout the province. I believe that One of the first orders of business for our the energy and vision of those newly elected, Reeve Robert Misko, ‘new’ board of directors occurred on Decem- combined with the experience and wisdom RM of Hillsburg ber 19, when we met with Premier Gary Doer of returning council members, will result in a and members of the Provincial Cabinet. This is dynamic surge ahead for municipalities over Mayor Rene Maillard, a very important annual meeting for the AMM the next year. Both as a Mayor and as your Town of Ste. Rose du Lac and we appreciate the opportunity to have a President, I am thrilled to be a part of it. frank and positive discussion with the Premier. Councillor Alan Ransom, (The position paper we prepared for this meet- RM of Morton ing is available on the AMM website.) Councillor Maxine Chacun, Town of Virden Councillor Bert Lagimodiere, Town of The Pas Councillor Russ Wyatt, City of Winnipeg Dale Lyle, President of the Manitoba Municipal Administrators Association Premier Gary Doer and President Ron Bell. | Municipal Leader | Winter 2006/07 E XECUTIVE D IRECTOR ’ S R EPORT MOS – Contact the something AMM Staff Joe Masi, Executive Director for everyone 856-2360 [email protected] Joe Masi, Executive Director Linda Hargest, Director of th he AMM 8 Annual Convention has tion Series. Human Resources for Elected Administration & Marketing come and gone, and our next impor- (also taking place at the Keystone Officials 856-2361 Ttant event is almost upon us. The Centre) will take you through the various AMM’s annual Municipal Officials Seminar details of human resources that elected [email protected] (MOS) and Trade Show takes place from officials are involved in, with the help of February 26 to 27 at the Brandon Keystone an esteemed panel of experts in the field. If Tyler MacAfee, Centre. MOS is an exciting event for elected you haven’t registered for this seminar yet, Director of Policy & Communications municipal officials, administrative staff and you can do so by contacting Donna Belbin, 856-2362 public works employees, in that it truly AMM Events Coordinator at 204-856-2374 [email protected] offers something for everyone. or [email protected], or registering on- Day one of MOS is traditionally ‘policy line at www.amm.mb.ca. For more informa- Julia Green, day.’ A number of plenary and breakout ses- tion about this session, see page 24. Administrative Assistant sions dealing with current policy topics will While events like the annual conven- (Board & Administration) be offered. Day one also features Manitoba’s tion, MOS, and our education seminars largest municipal trade show, the one-day are excellent ways for elected officials to 856-2365 MTCML Trade Show. The day wraps up come together and take advantage of much [email protected] with an always well-attended wine & cheese of what the AMM has to offer, our work event from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. does not stop with these events. And, with Lynne Bereza, Day two of MOS is professional develop- many of you just beginning your terms as Communications Coordinator ment day, and we are again offering an excel- newly elected municipal officials, you may 856-2366 lent combination of plenary sessions and still be unsure as to where the AMM fits in [email protected] workshops to suit any interest. To kick off the whole scheme of things. That is why Day two, we will present the Third Annual we’ve compiled a special article in this Patti De Baets, AMM Municipal Innovation Award. The issue of The Leader. “What does the AMM City and RM of Portage la Prairie took home do for you?” gives you an excellent over- Finance Coordinator the award in 2005, and the RM of Victoria view of our lobbying practices; explains 856-2367 was the recipient last year – their innovative the business of our trading company; and [email protected] idea was even featured in the Winnipeg Free introduces you to our staff. The article is Press. I am anxious to see who will be the featured on page 8, and I do hope it helps Erika Rempel, deserving community this year. (For a com- you to gain a better understanding of the Administrative Assistant plete agenda and trade show listing for this day-to-day work our organization does on (Policy & Communications) year’s MOS, please refer to page 35). your behalf. 856-2369 While MOS concludes on February 27, February 28 brings another informative [email protected] event – the first seminar in our 2007 Educa- Kimberly Ballance, Senior Policy Analyst 856-2371 [email protected] MOS is an exciting event for elected Donna Belbin, Events Coordinator municipal officials, administrative staff and 856-2374 public works employees, in that it truly [email protected] offers something for everyone. The AMM fax number is 204-856-2370 Winter 2006/07 | Municipal Leader | I N B RIEF MANITOBA LEADS COMMUNITY ARTS projector.
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