TOTTERNHOE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF TOTTERNHOE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 9 JUNE 2020 AT 7.30 This meeting was held “virtually” using Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions. Present: Councillors: M. Mustoe (Chair), R. Clarke, V. Kelly, D. Greatorex, CBC Cllr Spicer In Attendance: The Clerk 1. APOLOGIES Cllrs Linney, Pratt and Bodnar. 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None 3. PARISH COUNCILLORS UPDATE Cllr Mustoe has decided to step down as Chair however still remaining on the Parish Council. Cllr Clarke thanked Cllr Mustoe for all her hard work over the past year. Cllr Clarke proposed Cllr Kelly as chair, seconded by Cllr Mustoe and unanimously agreed. Cllr Kelly proposed Cllr Clarke as vice chair, seconded by Cllr Mustoe and unanimously agreed. Cllr Greatorex was welcomed to the Council. He has been co-opted as a Parish Councillor. Cllr Tasker has for the present decided to step aside from his Council duties. Councillor’s responsibilities/portfolios were agreed as follows: Planning Cllrs Mustoe, Clarke and Linney Highways All Parish Councillors Recreation Grounds All Parish Councillors Speedwatch Cllr Kelly Rights of Way Cllrs Linney and Pratt Allotments Cllr Bodnar 4. CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCILLOR REPORT Cllr Spicer reported: School 20 mph Speed Limit - details of the proposed 20 mph speed limit outside the school have been circulated to the Council. TPC to apply for £500 grant from War d Councillors Grants Scheme. ACTION: Clerk Dunstable Road Flooding – Jill Cross, CBC Highways has agreed to jet the gullies and offlets asap and will review the ditches and arrange for these to be dug out. Memorial Hall Road Drain – work completed. 30 mph Signs – CBC looking to replace signs either end of the village. CBC Hardship Grant – details have been posted on the Totternhoe website. Memorial Hall Grant – need to reconfirm application for Ward Councillor Grant. ACTION: RC Whipsnade Zoo – it was unanimously agreed that a £250 donation be made to Whipsnade Zoo. Proposed by Cllr Clarke and seconded by Cllr Mustoe. ACTION: Clerk Lockington Farm – Cllr Clarke raised the issue re the restoration of the flint wall. Cllr Clarke has been in contact with Jonathan Prosser, CBC Conservation Officer and Tomos Chenery, CBC Planning Officer – correspondence to be forwarded to Cllr Spicer. CBC are requesting evidence of the length of the previous wall – Cllr Clarke has been in contact with previous owners. ACTION: RC The stone cladding has now been agreed – Creton Bed limestone from Lincolnshire. 1 TPC Minutes 09/06/20 5. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 17/03/2020 To be reviewed at next meeting. 6. MATTERS ARISING Ongoing: 5.i New gate at the access into Church End Recreation Ground from Lancotbury Close – poor weather and ground conditions are delaying this work. ACTION: JP 5.ii Repair to the water trough in Church End Allotments remains ongoing. ACTION: TL to follow up with JP 7.5 Recreation Grounds - VGS have reported damage to the play equipment at Church End Recreation Ground. It was agreed that Cllr Clarke would obtain quotes for this work. Clerk to forward possible companies to undertake this work. ACTION: Clerk/RC 7.10 Council Finances – reimbursement for electrical report to football club. Cllrs Clarke and Tasker have reviewed the lease and it is unclear who is responsible. It was agreed to obtain two quotes for legal advice and a letter to be sent together with payment to the football club stating the parish council are settling this invoice as an exception. ACTION: Clerk/RC From 21/01/20 Drain Cover – Cllr Mustoe to follow up letter to Mr Wood. ACTION: MM Hedge Cutting – Furlong Lane and Church Road. CBC are investigating. ACTION: MM ASM Signs – Cllr Clarke confirmed the land does not belong to the St Albans diocese. Dr Briggs is looking into whether he owns the land. From 18/02/20 3. Allotment skip – currently ground is too wet. ACTION: PT 7.2 CB/20/00076/DOC Bradwell House – case to be decided. Works have started clearing the land. 7.6 Tracks – contract sent to Green Miles awaiting return of signed contract. ACTION: Clerk 7.6 Apple Cottage, 35 Wellhead Road - cars are being parked using more than 50% of the concrete apron. Ongoing. ACTION; RC/DB 7. REPORTS 7.1 PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS CB/20/00560/FULL 78 Dunstable Road – approved by CBC CB/20/00586/FULL 14 Church Green – approved by CBC CB/20/01880/FULL 40 Castle Hill Road - withdrawn CB/20/01700/FULL 16 Church Green – Cllr Mustoe to review. ACTION: MM 7.2 HIGHWAYS See 4. Central Bedfordshire Councillor Report 7.3 SPEEDWATCH No report – no sessions being held due to Covid-19. 7.4 RECREATION GROUNDS Play Equipment - ROSPA annual safety inspection has taken place and report circulated to councillors. To be discussed at next meeting. Trees – two quotes were circulated to the council prior to the meeting. It was agreed to accept the quote from Heritage Arboriculture Ltd – undertaking all the work. Priority to be given to the trees overhanging the football clubhouse. Cost £1,900 + VAT from Contingency Reserve. ACTION: Clerk 7.5 ALLOTMENTS No report. 2 TPC Minutes 09/06/20 7.6 RIGHTS OF WAY No report. 7.7 TOTTERNHOE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN No report. 7.8 POLICE No report. 7.9 FOOTBALL CLUB Cllr Clarke has been in contact with Machin & Co for clarification on the lease re gas and electricity safety checks. Machins have confirmed these are the responsibility of the football club. Cllr Clarke to draft a letter to the football club confirming this and requesting copies of safety tests. ACTION: RC/Clerk 7.10 COUNCIL FINANCES The Parish Council now has online banking. The finance spreadsheet was circulated prior to the meeting Community account: £1,778.94 Business Money Manager: £41,299.80 Invoices paid since March 2020 meeting – approved by Cllrs Clarke and Kelly. 09.04.20 820 Duncan Tomblin Clearing fallen trees 380.00 March maintenance 15.04.20 821 VGS + warden services 344.40 Allotment Deposit 22.04.20 822 Terry Hall Repayment 30.00 06.05.20 823 BATPC Subscription 275.00 22.04.20 824 Peter Tasker Domain renewal 19.00 Closure of a/c 27.04.20 National Savings transfer RGS Arboricultural 05.05.20 Int Consultants Tree Survey 936.00 Allotments - Brush 825 R M Contracts Cut 90.00 Warden Services - 15.05.20 Int VGS April 344.40 March + April Salary 15.05.20 Int Julie Todd + Xs 362.18 ROSPA Play Play Equipment 15.05.20 Int Safety Inspection 246.60 £162.47 has been credited to the community account from the closure of the National Savings account. 8. ACCOUNTS – 2019/20 AUDIT Prior to the meeting the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20 Part 3 together with the Internal auditor’s report were circulated to all councillors. Cllr Virpi proposed and Cllr Clarke seconded that the Accounting Statements for 2019/20 be adopted – unanimously agreed – and the Annual Governance Statement was approved. 9. CORRESPONDENCE Circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. 3 TPC Minutes 09/06/20 10. ANY OTHER RELEVANT BUSINESS Best Kept Front Garden – Cllr Mustoe confirmed that the Mayor and Mayoress of Dunstable would be the judges – judging will take place in July for the gardens and August for the allotments. Totternhoe Website – NALC have written accessibility guidelines for parish councils’ websites. These have been forwarded on to Dudley Lowe for review. 11. MATTERS TO BE BROUGHT FORWARD FOR FOLLOW-UP NEXT MEETING None 12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday, 21 July 2020 The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.46 pm. Signed…………………..………………..…………………………. Date…………………………..…….………………………………… 4 TPC Minutes 09/06/20 .
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