THE LONDON GAZETTE, 29 MABCH, 1935 2139 lands hereinafter described and on those lands Acts the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act to continue maintain erect alter improve ex- 1S45 the Companies Clauses Act 1863 and the tend renew and use or discontinue gas works Gasworks Clauses Acts 1847 and 1871 with modi- machinery and apparatus and to make and fications and exceptions and to exempt the store gas and to work up and convert the re- Company from some of the provisions of those sidual products of gas that is to say: — Acts and to amend or repeal any of the pro- A piece of land in the parish of IShefford visions of the Tottenham and District Gas Hardwick in the County of Bedford contain- Acts and Orders 1859 to 1932. ing 1 rood or thereabouts being the close or Any local or other public authority company piece of land numbered 34 on the ^^ or person desiring to -bring before the Board Ordnance Survey for the said County Sheet of Trade any objection to the draft Order may XXII 12, Edition 1901 and boing the site of do so by registered letter addressed to the the existing gasworks of the iShefford Company. Director of Gas Administration, Board of A piece of land in the urban district of Trade, Great George Street, London, lS.W.1, Stevenage in the County of Hertford contain- and despatched on or before the 30th ing 1 acre 1 rood or thereabouts bounded on April 1935. Any such objection must state (a) the north west by Letchmore Road on the the specific grounds of objection and (&) the north in part by land in the occupation of omissions, additions or modifications asked for the Stevenage Company and belonging or re- and a copy thereof must at the same time be puted to belong to the Stevenage Consolidated forwarded to the under-mentioned Solicitors Charities and in part by land belonging or and Parliamentary Agents. reputed to belong to Ayres, on the north east by the close or piece of land A copy of the draft Order and ordnance numbered 338 on the 5^ Ordnance iSurvey maps showing the situation of the existing of the said County Sheet XII 15 Edition works and the proposed new works and the of 1923, on the south by iSish Lane and on the boundaries of the existing and proposed areas west in part by land belonging or reputed to of supply have been deposited for public in- belong to the Trustees of the Wesleyan Chapel spection at the Chief Office of the Company and in part by land belonging or reputed to Woodall House, Lordship Lane, Wood Green, belong to Boorman & Son being the site of the N.22 at the offices of the Hitchin Company at existing gas works of the Stevenage Company. Starlings Bridge, Hitchin, in the County A piece of land in the borough of Hertford of Hertford at the office of the Biggleswade bounded on the west in part by Gashouse Lane Company at 3, Market Square, Biggleswade in and in other part by the existing gasworks of the County of Bedford, at the office of the the Company on the north and north-west in Clerk of the Peace for the County of Bedford part by the said gasworks and in part by the at his office at Bedford, at the office of the River Lea Navigation on the north-east by Clerk of the Peace for the County of Essex land belonging or reputed to belong to at the Shire Hall, Chelmsford, at the office Permanite Limited on the east by other land of the Clerk of the Peace for the County of of the Company and on the south by Mead Hertford at his office at Hertford and at the Lane. office of the Clerk of the Peace for the County To authorise the Company for the purpose of Middlesex at the Guildhall, Westminster, of facilitating supplies of gas to lay and main- e.w. tain pipes outside their limits of. supply as Printed copies of the Draft Order may be follows, that is to say: — obtained at the price of one shilling per copy (a) A pipe, in the road leading from Hert- at the office of the Company aforesaid at the ford to Stevenage commencing at the point above mentioned offices of the Hitchin Com- where that road crosses the boundary between pany and of the Biggleswade Company and at the parishes of iStapleford and Watton-at- the offices of the under-mentioned Solicitors Stone and terminating where that road and Parliamentary Agents. enters the urban district of (Stevenage; Dated this 25th day of March, 1935. (&) A pipe in the road leading from Ware to Stevenage commencing at the point where BLYTH DUTTON HARTLEY AND BLYTH, that road crosses the boundary between the 112, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, parishes of Sacombe and Watton-at-Stone London, E.C.2, Solicitors and Parlia- and terminating with a junction with such (175) mentary Agents. before-mentioned pipe at Watton-at-lStone, (c) Such further pipes in any part or parts of the districts and parishes aforesaid which may not be included within the Com- COUNTY OF HERTFORD. pany's area of supply by the Order as made ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, 1930. as may be necessary for the purpose afore- said. OTICE is hereby given that on the 18th N March, 1935, the Minister of Transport and to make provision for the application of modified and confirmed the County Council of the Gasworks Clauses Act 1847 to such pipes. Hertfordshire Roads (Restriction) Order, 1934, To make provision as to the recovery sum- made by the County Council of the Adminis- marily of .sums due for fittings. trative County of Hertford, under Section To confer upon the Company all or any 46 (1) of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, and powers commonly conferred on gas under- Section 29 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, takers and not hereinbefore referred to and 1933. to enact all such provisions as may be deemed The Order as modified provides that, subject expedient for effecting the purposes of the in- to certain exceptions, no person shall drive or tended Order. cause to be driven any vehicle at a speed ex- To incorporate with the intended Order alj ceeding fifteen miles per hour through Mark- or some of the provisions of the Lands Clauses yate Street, on that portion of the St. Albans B 2.
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