11 ■■ ч ' r: Pagp Eight iii'NTEKPKISE, MOCKSVILLE, N. С. ... THÉ ENTERPRISE “All ïihe Local News.” Our Motto—The Largest PAID-IN-ADVANCE’CIRCULATION of ANY PAPER iri Davie County.' :J- f ngèmiifle ' I'iT' s()tn'"nl'"tlie fpguTàr com- i niisston ratea In each case a saving Dr: LESTER P. MARTIN Notice! Night Phone 120; Day Phone 71. “Whensiri Mocksville eat at ivf about 00 per cent lias been placed Tlie copartnershijviieretof or(> existing FARM In till- ireii.sury. At tho end of the year IVfocksvilte, N. C. Л' between H. B. Ward, J; N. Click; H. GRIFFS CAFE afipr the nccessary surpluses and re- ---------^--------- • ------------1 — .. ' CO-OPÉRATIVE I Kpi-vi's are deducted the patronage dlv- C. Jones and R. A. Neely has this day Special Barbecue f({r Saturday arid I )(li-nd is niallPd out to the agency been dissolved; G. G. Walker having .'uhdiiy. When you eat;ai: GrllT’s yiiu SELLING members. It's the number ot head Dr. E. C. Choate purchased my interest in said Davie , eat what you want, cooked like you ì III sliick marketed that swells the DENTISt. Wet Wash Laundry Company—G. G. want it, and when you want it. ' By GI.ENN G. HAYliS fitrnier;s dividends, not tho number ot In Mocksville. Moiidny, Tuesday and Walker has tak(!n .over my Jntierest in sliiires owned. Wednesday: Ov6r Southern BanK & said business-this is notice . to the TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOiR AND UNHRINCI FIDELITY, TO OUR COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE. , Ч’Ыя plan was adopted in November, public that I will not bo responsible for (Ф. 1У24, .N»«\Vi*|la;ior l.’nlon.) 1021. The provisions for putting It Trust Co. Phone 110. Baxter Byerly, M. D. In Cooleemee Thursday, Friday and any debts hereafter contracted. This VOL. VII ' mOCKSVILLE, N C., THURSDAY, MARCH, 6, 1924 __________ N0. 19 National Live Stock Pro­ Intii ciperatlon were carried out by the Jan u ary 19 th, 1924. Office Over Drug Store. Orfice Phone ; ' Í e.'iocutlve coimulttca" of the'.Ainerlcan Saturday,- Over Cooleemee Drug Store; ducer«’ Association . I 'arm Bureau federation by appointing P ’h n n o o Rfisidence No. 86 H. B. W ard, No. 31; Residence No. 25. Sometime.s we like to fool peo­ r n o n e s oflice Ko. V.\s g o o TAR HEELS GIVEN CHANCE Hie Hrst hoard of directors of nine, l-31-4tf. Former Pàrtner. COOLEEMEE. N.C. NORTH CAROLINA NOTES TT WAS n unit’ more Ihiin twn .vpiii-s .John G. Krown of Indiana was elected ple. It’s fun to watch how they X-ray Diagnosis. N. C. ANGRY OVER PRR-' HAMMER .SEEKS TO {SOLDIERS BONUS SALISBUYTOHAVENEW ■* ago tliat Ihi! .Viitliiiiiil I.ivi' Slo(!k president and ijie jnoveiuent started. act A good partv jjanie for fool­ AT ARMY TRAINING CAM PS’24 ARLSOLD AT A PREMIUM Producers’ ossoi'liilUni г'пшр Inro oxlsf- I On .laniinry 2, 1922, tho flrst pro- ,ence; It «'»я Ihi' tli'si mit!i)niil live diicpr.s’ commission association was ing the chil(Jren is this one; have Dr. R. P. ANDERSON, POSED CIGARETTE TAX AID THE AUÍOIST STARTED ON W A Y SOUIHERNROUNDHOUSE ito ck co-ii¡iny¡it¡\'<‘ Ilf К.Ч icln<l 111- (Im ojiened for .business at the |Natloiial everyone seated and then an­ Allotments By States Have d e n t is t ' Money Be LoaneD To Counr , луоги). I stock .yards, Bast St. Louis, 111. •■^bout nounce that you are about to go itesidence Phone .S7 OlTice Phono 50 It Is PointeD Out That The Seventh District Congress­ Chairman Green . Expects Been MaDe anD 104 Cairo- Announcement Is MaDe By ties For Construction Ofc ■ On till*. Ili'ii liliTlidiiy Ilf ihi.- estiih- the .-ите time tho Missouri l'';«-mers’ around and whisper in everyone’s Schedule of doone-Trail Transportation Company llslmieiit: Ilf lisi llr,-it rii-ii|n riilivi! com- assoi'iation started tiie Farmi-r Com- M ocksville, N. C. State’s Prosperity Is Lar­ man Terms Tax Of Motor Committee to ReportMea- linians Have ApplieD Vice President Miller, In New iSchool BuilDings. ' ■ nilsslun liuiisi' »1 SI, .(imiiar.v 2, mis.Mrn association nt tho sanie mai> ear, the name of an animal. Tell Winston-Salem, Statesvilie, . Charlottè | gely Due To Tobacco ■ Cars NeeDless. sure to House by Sat. Charge Of Operations. 1023, tin; Ntitlniiiil I.lvi' Stool: l’i4>- . ket, .ii'.ln reality the record at St. them to be sure to Iveep their April 30th Is The Limit ''flHcers' iiii84i:liitl<m had !i roennl that Louis represents a division of effort name secret and not tell what G. V. GREEN, M. D Raleigh. March 2. -Tüe state ' I’oiKl siiinfitlilti!; liUo thlü: .N’atUmul оГ- , among the farmers themselves. One X Trips not made on Sunday. Salisbury, Feb. 29,—Construc­ disposed of its $3,700,000 short Пее establlshiMl; six icnnlnals opornt- they are. Next say that after Office at Fork Churcli WoulD CutConsumption The Fight Will Continue , Washington, March 1. —Soldier co-operative at that market wotiid Atlanta, March 2.— Applica­ tion of a new 37 stall roundhouse, term sciiool. fund notes in New Intr; J8,52‘t «¡ii's of live stoclj solil: haw had twice the business and but everyone is named you will call Leave Calls at H. S. Davis* Store SOUTH BOUND ■ bonus legislation was started on Í2<),000,00« viihioiH' live siiii:lj hrtndled; little more than half tlio overhead. its way today, the house ways tions are TOlling in fast for the annex machine shop, flue and York at 4.50,;Governor Morrison one of the name’s aloud and the ADvance, N. C. Route 2. Leave Wjnaton Lcuvo Moekavillc Lcavo StatcBviUo Arrive Chulotte ’ Washington,Feb.28 —Astream Washing'on, March 1,—Repre­ '(«rill'n o t eflrnlH.LS UVC4- .’SIOO.OIH). To­ Since the second month of Us carcer and means committee voting to citizens’ milifiiry training camps babbit shop. 100 foot turntable, has annouTiced.' The First Na­ day It lias ten i:n-oiieratIve live stock person whose name that is must 7:45 a. m. 9:45 a. m. 10:10 a. m 11:30 a. m. of messenger boys was today de sentative Wiiliatn C. Hammer, or i the Producers’ commission has .^tood tiegio consideration of such- a in the southeastern states fflr two 100 -foot engine inspection tional Шпк of New York took ì'mM'Ì <>p'mmssIon houses at the tennlniile jump up and run out of the door 10:30 a. m. x 11:30 a. m. x 12:45 p. m. x livering messages to every mem­ the seventh congressional district ! first or second place at that market. O f 2:16 p. m .¿ boys from 17 to 24. The com­ nnd Is dolnfe more than $100,000.000 The first month 2S0 cars were handled as fastas he can. The funny Notice Re-sale! 1:15 p. m, 2:15 p. m. ber of the North Carolina dele of North Carolina, is one of the mer<aure immediately. pits, and a 320 foot runway j:ó hem. When ihe state offered , woi'tli of hiistiu's.s a .vear. 3:30 p. ni. , 5:00 p. m. manding general of the fourth and in the twelfth month 776 cars, part is that you must give every­ 4:80 p. m, 5:30 p. m. , gation in Congress protesting a- busiest members of the Tar Heel Three -iays of hearings on pro­ accommodate a 10 ton traveling hem for salp several days ago :^Back In the-sevoiitles and-eighties itliu total for the year equaled O.O-W state of North Carolina | In Superior 6:45 p. m. 8:15 p. in. ' corps aroa has made the following • fanners took tlieli- own stock to mar- one in the room the same name gainst the Garner amendment delegation. He is not only a hard posals fi*r payment of adjusted .crane tb convey h^avy pai'ts from the best bid was about 4i75, and cars, iiichuling . river and. drlve-ln NORTH BOUND allotments of candidates from t was rejectrd. jltet unit sold It dlrectl.v to the imckers. busli)e.s.«. This .was a total of 481,-170 like Wolf, for instance; Then County of Davie / Court passed on Tuesday in the house worker, but he has the foresight comuensasion to world war veter­ the. new roundliouse to thè flue, . Hut fni-na-rs didn't know much about Leave Charlotte Leave Statesville Leavo Mockeviltc . Arrive WlnBton ! к each state based, on populntidw : head of live stock valued a t $9,625,000. when you call “Wolf!” each one L. P. .Seaford, Admr. of H. N. Burton, to the general tax.bill, increas­ and the discernment to perform ans. beg'nnin,<?'Monday. wore de­ babbit and machine shop, will be Both Governor Morrison-and tliu seUlng ganie and It wasn't long un­ ■Net eai-Jilngs for the year aiiiounted 8:00 a. m. 9:40 a, m. Georgia, 1,050; Louisiana, 750; reasureir Ben Lacy were elated til they besnn.lili-lni; expert salesmen jumps up and starts to run! Of deceased, plantjtf. 10:40 a. m. 11:45 a. m. ing the tax on cigarettes from$3 the service in hand. He recehtr; cided upon setter vvhich. Chair­ begun at Spencer by tho South­ to $i:!,;j'J8,5iO, or Я2 per cent net ' vs. 11:30 a. m. l:lp p. m.
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