HEADING RELATED Sub-Heading Year EVENT Year/pages Commando Basic Trg Achnacarry Centre "Birthplace of the Green Beret" 1972/346* Commando Basic Trg "A Commando's Castle is his Home" by A J Achnacarry Centre Perrett 1973/102 Achnacarry 1962 Article - "And It Still Rains At Achnacarry" 1962/377 Aden 1941 Survivors from HMS Capetown landed 1961/47 Aden 1960 45 Cdo move from Malta 1960/169 Aden 1961 Article - Impressions of Dhala` 1961/179 Admiralty Court 1960 600th Anniversary 1960/267 Afghanistan 1960 Expedition to the North West Frontier 1961/317* Albania 1913 International Force, Scutari - "Fifty Years Ago" 1963/320 Altcar Camp 1961 Accommodation for the Band 1961/201 Amateur Dramatics Deal 1960 "Haul to the Shore" 1960/148, The Globe Amateur Dramatics Players 1961 "The Tea House of the August Moon" 1961/77, The Princess Anne, HRH Princess Royal 1971 With Gen & Mrs Whiteley at Plymouth 1971/331* Article Sandpiper 1945 "The Five Rivers" [1 Cdo Bde 1962/30* Article 1958 "Operation 'One Eye'" (Heliforce, Cyprus) 1962/96 Article 1961 "Down to the Sea in Ships" {Wren - Sailing] 1962/32 Article 1962 "Corporal" [JNCOs' Course] 1962/36 Article 1962 "Hassan of the Hills" [Dhala] 1962/45* Article 1962 "The Chutty" 1962/95 "A Year in America" (USMC Senior School Article 1962 Course) 1962/99 Article 1962 "Just Three Guesses" (Clerk's Course) 1962/105 Article 1962 "I want to join the Reserve" (RMFVR) 1962/106 Article 1962 "Skiing in Switzerland" 1962/107 Article 1962 "Once a Marine" 1962/108* Article 1962 "Rescue!" (Life Saving in Snowdonia…….) 1962/112* Article 1962 "a Fitter's Life" (Vehicle Mechanics) 1962/114 Article 1962 "SS 11 training in France" 1962/154 Article 1962 "A Maltese Epilogue" by 'Jamboree' 1962/228 Article 1962 "Royal Netherlands Marine Corps" 1962/229 Article 1962 "First Jump" [Parachuting] 1962/230 Article 1962 "A Recruits Guide" [to RM abbreviations] 1962/232 Article 1962 "Singapore" 1962/236* Article 1962 "Tube Travel" 1962/109 Boxer "Orlando and Others versus Prince Ching and Articles Rebellion 1900 Others" 1961/17, Boxer 1960/397; Articles Rebellion 1900 "Dragon's Teeth" [Boxer Rebellion] 1961/49, Malayan Articles Emergency 1950 "Ten Years After" 1960/212*, New Articles Weapons 1960 The Vigilant 1960/312*, New Articles Weapons 1960 The GPMG 1960/370* New Articles Weapons 1960 The Wasp 1960/371* New Articles Weapons 1961 The Stalwart 1961/356* RM Articles Association 1960 "In Which We Serve" 1960/403. RM Articles Association 1961 "In Which We Serve" 1961/61, 128 Women's Articles Page 1960 "By Sea to Singapore" 1960/349, Women's Articles Page 1961 "Why not go indulgence?" 1961/4, Women's Articles Page 1961 "People We Meet and Things We See" [Malta] 1961/72, Women's Articles Page 1961 "Come on Ladies" 1961/72, Articles 1661 "An Estimation" 1962/181 The Taking of Belle Isle by An Officer pof the Articles 1761 Marine Corps 1961/162 Articles 1807 "Tropical Hygiene 1807" 1962/175 Articles 1816 "The Bu Ngem Ambush" 1960/232 Articles 1884 "The Suakin Campaign - 1884" 1960/32 Articles 1885 "A Faithful Companion" - "Nell" 1962/173 Articles 1922 "Runaground!" 1960/332, Articles 1943 "Operation Husky. The Assault on Sicily" 1960/133 Articles 1943 "The Assault on Salerno" 1960/134*, Articles 1944 "Walcheren - 1st Nov 1944" [LCFs in support] 1960/300 "A Visit to the Virgin Isles and USA" Articles 1953 [SBS][USMC] 1960/153 Visit to Rotterdam [41 Cdo] (Netherlands Marine Articles 1960 Corps] 1961/10 Articles 1960 "Expedition to the North West Frontier" 1961/317* Articles 1960 "The Forces on FIlm" 1960/57, Articles 1960 "Chung Hum Wan" 1960/63, Articles 1960 "The Outward Bound School - Loitokitok" 1960/67, Articles 1960 "Snow on the Equator" 1960/81* Articles 1960 "Papa Troop per Chopperam" [Helicopters] 1960/111*, Articles 1960 "A Gastic in Hospital" 1960/115, Articles 1960 "Sun, Mountains and Sand" [45 Cdo in Aden] 1960/159, 242, Articles 1960 "The Transistor" 1960/192 Articles 1960 "Duty Regiment" [Malta] 1960/231 "A Dab-Toe with a Green Beret" [Chaplain with Articles 1960 42 Cdo] 1960/231 Articles 1960 "The Law and You" 1960/264 Articles 1960 "Near the Bamboo Curtain" (Malaya) 1960/281* Articles 1960 "Ashore in the Oman" 1960/283, 1961/46 Articles 1960 "Vive Nato" 1960/308, "New Life for an Old Girl" [Brenm Gun Carrier in Articles 1960 45 Cdo] 1960/358* Articles 1960 Army Driving Championships [41 Cdo] 1960/374*. Articles 1960 "Keep Watch" [Sea Cadet Corps] 1960/383. Articles 1961 "See Naples - and Dai" 1961/13* "The Commando Course - A Recruit's Articles 1961 Impressions" 1961/36, Articles 1961 "No place like Foam" 1961/58. Articles 1961 "Those were the days……." 1961/68, Articles 1961 "More Brief Case Miles" 1961/95, Les Paras - K N Wilkins - Exchange with French Articles 1961 Para 1961/158 Articles 1961 What is a CBAL Section by CSgt C V L Wheeler 1961/161 Articles 1961 "Thrills! Thrills! Thrills! [Parachuting] 1961/165 Bon Voyage [No 7 Squad Junior Marines in Articles 1961 Londonderry] 1961/176 Articles 1961 Article - "Settling in Africa" 1961/292* Articles 1961 "Safari to Singapore" 1961/297 "Sur la bouch Josette" - Junior Buglers visit to Articles 1961 Calais 1961/311* Articles 1961 "By Guess and By God……." [RMFVR Training] 1961/344 Articles 1961 "Tuning in with Tommy Steele" [Fastnet Race] 1961/352 Articles 1961 "On Wills" by Capt J P Synott 1961/357 "The Mixture - With a Difference" [Ground Articles 1961 Defence at RNAS Yoevilton] 1961/371 "Ashore - 45 and VR" (The Montforterbeek Articles 1961 Scramble Course) 1961/400 Articles 1961 "Afloat -GHMS Belfast" (The Overlanders) 1961/401 Articles 1961 "Cat on a Hot Steel Deck" [HMS Loch Fyne] 1961/402 Articles 1962 Expedition to Mr Etna" & "Skiiing in Cyprus" 1962/117 Articles 1962 "An Easter Abroad" - Gozo - 40 Cdo 1962/163* Articles 1962 "The Migratory Wren by Wren R E Parry 1962/170* "per monte" - Mt Kilimanjaro - Outward Articles 1962 Bound 1962/171* "Farewell to an Old Soldier" - QMSI Reg Articles 1962 Orton RE 1962/173 Articles 1962 "Para-Frogs" from Brazilian magazine 1962/176 "Flying Training" - Officers to train as pilits Articles 1962 again 1962/176* Articles 1962 "Fish" - Capt W J Backus RM (ret) in USA 1962/177* Articles A J Perrett "White Heather" [Cockleshell Heroes] 1967/395 Articles A J Perrett "Port Royal" [Neslon's BaSE IN Jamaica] 1968/156 "A Life on the Ocean Wave is better when Articles A J Perrett viewed from Above" 1968/288 Articles A J Perrett "Captain Cook's Marines" 1970/86 "HMS Victoria" [The Victoria/Camperdown Articles A J Perrett Disaster] 1970/256 "Voyage to Uncertainty" [First Fleet to Articles A J Perrett Australia - Pt 1] 1971/50 "Founding a Colony" [First Fleet to Australia - Articles A J Perrett Pt2] 1971/178 "Homecoming…….To What End" [First Fleet Articles A J Perrett to Australia Pt 3] 1971/250 "Sgt John Ledyard" [Marine with Captain Articles A J Perrett Cook] 1971/372 Articles A J Perrett 1864 "Remember Shimonoseki" [ RM in Japan] 1972/118 "It's Not Like It Used To be" [ Corps Articles A J Perrett Changes] 1972/230 "Birthplace of the Green Beret" [Achnacarry Articles A J Perrett 1940 - Pt 1] 1972/346 "A Commando's Castle is his Home" Articles A J Perrett 1940 (Achnacarry - Pt 2] 1973/102 "Skua'd Prisoners for Breakfast" [a/ raised Articles A J Perrett from Norwegian Fjord] 1974/290 Articles A J Perrett 1775 "Bunker Hill" {pts 1 & 2] 1975/172, 234 Articles A J Perrett "200 Years of the USMC" 1975/308, 321 Standing Orders of the Portsmouth Division of Articles 1764-1793 Marines 1961/411 "Regiments fo Sea Service" from Western Articles Evening Herald 1961/48, Bradford & Association, RM District 1960 Dedication of Standard 1960/189*, Association, RM 1957 RMA Club closed 1962/410 1960/64, 124, 187, Association, RM 1960 Articles 260, 328, 401. Association, RM 1960 Church Parade and AGM 1960/260*, Association, RM 1960 Annual Shoot 1960/264 1961/60, 127*, Association, RM 1961 President's Letter 206, 286*, Association, RM 1961 Church Parade at St Martin -in-the-Fields 1961/211 Association, RM 1962 Letter - National Sweepstake 1962/49 1962/62, 197, Association, RM 1962 President's Letter 346, 410 Association, RM 1962 Annual Church Parade in London 1962/274* Association, RM 1971 25th Anniversary 1971/140* Auckland, New Zealand 1960 Presentation of Plaque 1960/194, Australia 1960 CGRM's visit to allied regiments 1961/2, Australia 1960 Alliances with Australian Units 1960/70, 268, Aviation 1962 Fifty Years of Naval Aviation 1962/139, 301, Baby Viper 1960 41 Cdo AE rigging 1960/221*, ROYAL MARINES COMMANDO' to be worn on Badges Cloth Insignia 1971 JWH 1971/330 1965/384*; Badges Cloth Insignia 1971 Commando Formation Sign 1971/390 Collar Badges Badges 1967 Globe & Laurel to be worn by Junior Musicians 1967/371 Specialist Badges Qualifications 1968 Para & Observers by SNCOs in mess dress 1968/343 Badges 1960 RMRA Skill at Arms Badge for Recruits 1960/47* Band Service, RM 1978 75th Anniversary 1978/4 et al Portsmouth "Some Recollections……………" by Musn J Bands RM Div RMLI 1893-1906 Barnes 1962/345* Bands, RM C-in-C Med 1961 Article 1961/304 Bands, RM C-in-C Med 1962 Articles 1962/76, 141, Bands, RM C-in-C Med 1962 Article 1962/257 Bands, RM HMS Condor 1961 TV - One o'clock Gang Show 1961/130 HMS Tiger and Ark Royal at World Fair, Bands, RM Massed 1960 Barcelona 1960/206*, Bands, RM Pipe Band 1960 History of 42 Cdo's Pipe Band 1960/290*, Plymouth Bands, RM Group 1960 Moved to Bickleigh 1960/149, Lord Mayor's banquet and "Miss World Bands, RM Portsmouth 1960 Competition" 1961/5, Portsmouth Bands, RM Group 1960 "Friday Night is Music Night" 1960/71 Portsmouth
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