I D)ebatiiig the endorsements are, from left, Jac:k Henniiig, Califo)ritia CO)PE Labor Cou'ncil; Jim Wood,, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, and 11ead; Lee Finniey, SEIU Local 535; Rick Sawyer, Santa C:lara Cotunty C:entral Margaret Butz, Contra Costa County Central Labor Council. Endorses~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~StateCOPE The "'gang of five" dissident Democrats in the California Assembly have conditional AFL- I a~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CIO endorsements for the June 7 Primary Election. To retain labor's support, each of them will have to pledge to accept the decision of the majority of the !~~~~~~~~~~~~~m __ I Assembly Democratic caucus on thle slaie aw,-of. the Speaker both .. *- , - -i .- .;7 ,* I...,,,, ,,, - .1 '..-1: .-L '. .I.',.; } ., _ .: ,;,ll.;. :-.;;. .,. - --- .;. .W, of.. 7 W- - -.r-. -.-t- -Ir .,- - -: -.; ;.i -~~~i 7 7~'-' '7~~ r Alwl,1 ... '. "..- ... tollowi'ng the Nove'mb r elections. i W. 1-1- There was much discussion but no dissent concerning the condi- tions as delegates to the Pre- Primary Election Convention of Growers ~~AimP fa the California Committee on Politi- ^-k~~~~Naes Go cal Education (COPE) met yester- day at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in AtFarmWorkers'Allie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'1 San Francisco. bS verTop None of the representatives of The Coalition to Restore Safety AFL-CIO affiliates throughout the A right-wing political co'nsultant firm hired to have the right to lie to you if I think it willwlllhlpme at Work will file much more than state supported the five Assembly counter the success of the California table grape win. '' twice the number of signatures members in their challenge of boycott is mailing anlonymous pac'kets to unions in It gets even more curious. needed to place the initiative to Speaker Willie L. Brown's leader- an attempt to separate Cesar Chavez and the The offices of Roberts' Dolphin Group also save Cal-OSHA on the statewide ship. United Farm Workers from their allies in the labor house something called " Grapew(orkers and ballot this November. There was a murmur of agree- movement. The drive ended last the Farmers Coalition,"^ which has been iattempting signature ment when one delegate suggested Chavez this week denounced mailings, say- -for several years to drive wedges b)etween the Monday. Yesterday, as the last requiring the five to put' their ing they contain allegations that are false. UFW and its petitions still were processed come out of long-time allies, especiially among being pledges in writing. But John F. The mailings of the offices the church groups, academics and politi:ical leaders at coalition headquarters in Henning, head of the state AFL- Dolphin Group in the Los Angeles area Sacramento, more than 714,000 of Westwood. is throughout the U.S. and Canada. CIO and executive secretary- municipality Dolphin Group names had counted. treasurer of California COPE, said headed by Bill Roberts who managed George,-. A caller who asked the Dolp'thin Group beenl and 'telephone operator this week conne-ct him with Monday, April 25, is the day signed pledges were unnecessary Deukmejian's first gubernatorial campaign t'o will be submitted to and unseemly. whose Republican clients and reactiona'ry causes the person in charge of the campaign kaginstthethe signatures Ronald and the 1976 UFW was put to one Adam ( atgains clerks of California's 58 counties to Some 5003 trade unionists present have included Reagan agri- throuo who be verified voter rolls. voted for the conditional en-- business defeated Proposition 14,) identified himself as chief spokesperrsntega against cam'paign.that anNl Farmers Coalition. Coalition leaders will gather at dorsements as recommended by the the ballot measure to reform the Agricultural Grapeworkers Sacramento for a news conference Executive Council ofthe California Labor Relations Act. Ortega said he. was press direcitor for the and to turn in Sacrarnento Coulnty Labor Federation, which. had met Roberts achieved notoriety with this quotation, Dolphin Group. names to the. county clerk there. for two days~prior to the convention published Oct. 13, -1982, in the Los Angeles The news conference will mark in its as the COP.E Stand- The centerpiece of the anonymous mailing is a cap'acity Times and widely reported thereafter: clipping from the Fresno Bee coneierning low- the start of the campaign for votes ing Committee.. am to a lot rules and as well as the successful conclusion the recom- "i1 opposed putting of income housing in Fresno County srponsored by Henning, reporting restrictions on campaigning. I think I ought to of the signature drive, acco'rding to mendation to the delegates, de- {Continuedfrom Page 3) coalition spokespersons. clared that Rusty Areias, Salinas; Steve Peace, Chula Vista; Jerry Eaves, Rialto; Gary Coyndit9' Modesto, and Robert Calderon, Assembly~~~~~~~~~to Vot on Jols a fContinued on Page 2) The California Labor Federa- iiltinee heededl them and voted emiploynment when determi-ning the Floyd, whic:h would restore tion's bill to increase unemploy- agalinst the blill. Denior'ats ap- prevailing wage that. public utility jurisdiction over tunnel and mine mient insurance benefits was sent tt proved it. ciniployers are required- to pay satety to Cal-OSHA . The billI wil1 -tVISTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL the As;senmbly floo)r Wednesday ti The i leasure woul1d increase the when they contract out janitorial be taken up later when its impac:t ^ . R£ELAM!NS UJ8RARY apart -line vote of' tlie Ways and tilaxiillulii weekly benefit from servic:es. upon the .state budget is clearer. Meanls Comimittee. $166 to) $186. * AB 2884, Burt Margolin, The comnn.ttee dlenied passage > *--- APR 2 6 1988 Eniiployers,; represented by the Four other labor-backed bills D-Los Angeles, strengthenn e:. wl?AB 273() by Moore, which were sent to tult- os.~ would insruct the Public Utilities *~ ~ ~ EST OP CAU . .I Cilli7is-nia Manuf;acturers; Assn., thle A&sembly by cinogen, protect kiept up their attack o)n AB 4088-by the~-Wta-s and Means Commiittee *AB 3224. Richard Floyd, Cormmlission:not to deimand reduc:- Patrick Johnston, D-Stockton, on the sanlie -day. They are: D-Lawndale, adding protec:tions tio)n ol public utility worker wages even thosugh the balance in the * AB 2713, Gwe'n Moo)re, IOr ciiiployees ot- firmis that. go suN)ect to 'collective bargaining- -tuneiiiploynient insurance trust L)-L.A.. which would require the bankrupt. when setting rate.s. However, Iunjd is nearly $4 billion and is D)epartilient ol'Indusitrial Relations The conmiiiittee delayed action M('xre wa1s grantced pernilssion to tro)wing. Republic:ans on the :onm- lO considler wages in public on another labor bill, AB 2902 by (Cosntituded o*n Pagie 4) main tha ofic appontiv ....... :E---. Propostio 67 incesn ainiu .se.o..-de.;g.-.- Proposition 68, settiing elmitson contributions to leisative cadiattfiesappoitive.................. NOYE Proposition 69, subjecting persns with the AIDSe viupoqaranieadiolato .. ....... NOYE JoeFrancisofSan Diego-ImperialCLC conferswith Lt. Gov.Leo McCarthy makesa-pointduring inter- I W~es Young, Iron Workers 229. view prior to his endorsment. Proposition 70, authorizing $776 million in bonds for park, wildlife, coastal and natural lands ......... ...... No Recommendation Proposition 71, updating the "'Gann" limitations on state and localgovernmentalspendingby tak- ing into consideration inflation and population change................... ........ YES Proposition 72, the latest Paul Gann proposal, 9 mandating state budget reserve, requiring sales (Continued tax on motor fuels to be used only for.streets,. from Page I) highways orcertain kinds oftransit, prohibiting Montebello, all "6belong ba,ck in the from loweringsales the party that elected- them to Legislature tax,:,making_ office.'' it more dift-icult to raise the sales tax on motor "'We have endorsed-them be- -fuels, and exemptingtransportation taxrevenues cause their records, if it were not from "Gann" limitations ................NO. for this dispute, justify endorse- Proposition 73, prohibits use of public funds by ments,'' Henning said. state or local officials fornewsletters; sets limits But the conditions imposed, on political campaign contributions .. .....NO Henning declared,-offer"'the only Proposition 74,-authorizing a $1billion bond issue guarantee we have foraliberal-di- -for streets, roads, highways'and mass transit rectionofthestate Assembly in thie guideways .....;.... ... .. .. YES next two years."' Proposition 75,authorizing $800-million in school Henning reported thiat thie five construction bonds............. .. YES had promised to vote wit organ- Proposition 76, authorizing $510 million in bonds ized labor in the Assernbly. for veterans' homeand farm loans....... YES "sBut by weakening thie leader- -Proposition 77, authorizing $150 million in bonds shipofthispro-laborSpeaker, thiey tfor- earthquake safety and housing rehabili- weaken us,'' the state AFL-CIO tation ... .. .. YES chief warned. "You mirst remember tat the Ur"Il resident Miles Myers and Mary Bergap dlScss unuon7s posi Republican Partyin Califomniais a tionA 'on an endorsement. cohesive party. There are shades Six of thie Democratic ranging from liberal to conser- -Hquse: Them«wasspirteddeate lsoon: PAifsuch officialswere volved selective assigtance -thatt-lit -af- races
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