Index abattoir operations 20 compounds 91-3 accelerated aging using fungi 114 fermented meat 100 accelerated freeze-drying (AFD) formation 137--8, 141 process 24 see also volatiles acetate 177 Aspergillus 24, 49, 115-16, 119-21, 124, acetic acid 31, 88, 177 143, 195--204, 208-9 Achromobacter 14, 15, 17, 23, 29, 62 Aspergillus caespitosus 116 Acinetobacter 95 Aspergillus candidus 116 Acinetobacter johnsonii 97 Aspergillus jlavus 111, 116, 195, 203, actin filaments 3 209 actomyosin 3 Aspergillus fumigatus 116 additives for raw sausage 161 Aspergillus glaucus 208 adenosine diphosphate (ADP) 6 Aspergillus niger 111, 116 aden~sine triphosphate (ATP) 6, 21, 22 Aspergillus ochraceus 209 aerobic psychrophils, carbon dioxide in Aspergillus oryzae 121 suppressing 20 Aspergillus parasiticus 195, 209 aerobic storage 97--8 Aspergillus restrictus 111 Aeromonas 62 Aspergillus sulphureus 116 Aeromonas hydrophila 98, 154 Aspergillus versicolor 111, 203, 209 aflatoxicol (AFL) 197, 199 aflatoxins 195--201 Aspergillus wentii 116 Aureobasidium pullulans 113 B (AFB ) 194-200 1 1 Australian Code of Manufacturing B2 (AFB2) 195 G1 (AFG1) 195 Practice 32 G2 (AFG2) 195 M 1 197, 199, 200 Bacillus 14, 26, 94, 96, 100 Ql 199 Bacillus anthracis 13 accumulation 198-200 Bacillus cereus 147 cooking 200 Bacillus subtilis 121 excretion 198-9 bacon products 25, 26 feed-to-tissue ratios 200 bacteraemia 14 aki-el-muluk 50 bacteria, inhibition of 100 Alcaligenes 62 bacteriocins 100, 153 alcohols 190 bebontot 43 aldehydes 190 detected in fermented sausages 186 beirta 50 alkanes 190 Belgium Alternaria 14, 111, 143, 208 processed meat market 228 Alteromonas putrefaciens 90, 98-99 sausage production 228-9 amino acids 177, 180, 181 Berliner 55 T-aminobutyric acid 183 Bierwurst 223 antibiotics 29-30, 81, 100, 120, 122 Bifidobacterium bifidum 154 antimicrobials produced by fungi 120-1 biltong 23, 40, 44 antimould preservatives 40 biogenic amines 89-91, 183 see also pimaracin and sorbate black spots 113 Ardenner 229 Blutwurst 223 Ardenner ham 133 Bockwurst 55 Ardennes ham 229 Bologna 55, 60 Arachis hypogaea 44 Botrytis 111 aroma Boulogna 229 236 FERMENTED MEATS Braunschweiger 55, 75 colour formation 139 bresaola 43 colour stabilisation 82, 140 brine salting 133 competitive flora 166 Brochothrix thermosphacta 15, 17, 20, connective tissues 3-5 29, 72, 73,83, 84,90,94-100,154 contamination, sources of 13-5 Brucella abortis 13 cotechino 226 Bruhwurst 223 courant 229 Bullera 111 Cryptococcus 111, 116-7 bunda 44 Cryptococcus albidus 119 bundnerfleisch 43, 207-8 Cryptococcus infirmominiatus 114 Cryptococcus laurentii var. laurenti 114 Cryptococcus zeylanoides 114 cured-meat products, flavour and Calebresse 226 taste 133 Campylobacter jejuni 13, 14, 28 curing process 25, 26, 72 Candida 116-7, 124, 142 cyclopiazonic acids 145, 203, 208, 210 Candida albicans 121 Candida catenulata 116 Candida famata 117 dark, firm, dry (DFD) beef 80, 97-8 Candida rugosa 116 Debaryomyces 41, 85, 116-7, 124, 134, Candida uti/is 63 142 Candida zeylanoides 111 Debaryomyces cantarelli 63 canning 22 Debaryomyces hansenii 49, 63, 117, 119, cappicola 56 124, 142, 167, 171 carbohydrates 81 Debaryomyces kloeckeri 63 carbon dioxide Debaryomyces pfaffii 63 atmospheres 17 defects 99, 111, 113, 123, 168 in suppressing aerobic psychrophils 20 dehydrated meat 24 carbonyls 190 dehydration 23 carne de sol 43 dendeng 43 carne seca 43 Denmark Carnobacterium 83 meat processing industry 229 casing 119,162 sausage production 229 catalase 93-4, 137, 140 deoxynivalenol 204-6 cervelat 56, 118, 162, 221-2, 230 diacetoxyscirpenol 204-6 Cervelatwurst 177, 180, 187 dimethylamine 183 Chaetostylum fresenii 113 discoloration 98,139,140 charqui 23, 44 dodery 50 chill temperatures 20 chilling operations 18 Chinese sausages 47-8, 53, 71 Edelkost 229 chloramphenicol 30 electrical stimulation 19 chlortetracycline 30 Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) chorizo 48, 56, 71, 182-3, 190--1, 227 pathway 134 chourico 161 Enterobacter aglomerans 98 chourisam 48 Enterobacteriaceae 20, 73, 91, 97-8, 162 citrinin 204 Enterococcus 170 Cladosporium 14, 111, 143, 208 enzyme production 119-20 Cladosporium cladosporioides 113 enzymes 11, 93-6 Cladosporium herbarum 113 equine leukoencephalomacia (ELEM) climate 54 206 Clostridium 73, 98, 100, 147 Escherichia coli 13, 14, 29, 62, 85, 88, Clostridium botulinum 14, 23, 28-30, 44, 94, 100, 121 72, 167, 169 esters 190 Clostridium perfringens 14 Eurotium 115-6, 120--1, 124 cold-shortening 19 Eurotium amstelodami 121 cold storage, spoilage in 112-4 Eurotium chevalieri 121 coliforms 23, 82, 96, 147 Eurotium halophilicus 121 collagen 4 Eurotium repens 124 INDEX 237 Eurotium rubrum 124 human health effects 194 in fermentation 118-21 toxins in raw and fermented farep¢lse 49 meats 194-216 fatty acids 183-6 see also starter cultures fermentation 31-2, 55, 131-3 Fusarium 111 control of 87 Fusarium moniliforme 206 products 74, 87-9 Fusarium toxins 204-6 fermented foods 70 future developments 101-2 fermented meats 70-1 aroma 100 chopped or comminuted 44-50 Gelderse rookworst 230 historical aspects 53-68, 130-1, 160 Genoa 226 product types 40-1 Geomyces pannorum 113 production and consumption in Geotrichum 111 European Community 217-33 gergush 44 products made from offal and other Germany parts of animals 50-1 processed meat market 222 safety 66 sausage production 222 specialities 56 Giardia Iamblia 13 terminology 54-6 giddeed 44 glucose 81 use of term 131 whole-meat products 41-4 glycerol 27 world perspective 39--52 glycogen 13 fermented sausage 160-75 glycolysis 177 classification 55-7 Gram-negative bacteria 15, 73, 85, 96-7, HACCP concept 173 99, 111, 133, 153-4 microbiological processes 167-9 Gram-positive bacteria 73, 94, 97, 100, normal ripening 167--8 120, 122, 154 production problems 164-7 starter cultures for 170-3 HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical topography of bacteria 169 Control Point) 14, 173 figatelli 47 Hafnia alvei 90, 98 Fijnkost 229 Halomonas 72 fjellm¢rr gilde 49 ham Flavobacterium 14 country or country-style 41-2, 221 flavour chemistry 91-3, 176-93 dry-cured 79 flavour components in cured-ham enzymes 65, 120 products 133 fermentation 132-3 food-poisoning 13, 39, 167-9 raw 64-5,70 France Hansenula 117, 142 meat processing industry 224 Hansenula ciferri 117 sausage production 224-5 Hansenula holstii 116 frankfurter 45, 55, 118, 131 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point freeze-dried spores 124 (HACCP) 14, 173 freeze-dried steaks 25 headspace volatile compounds 188-91 freeze-drying 23-5, 148 heat transfer 24 freezing 20-1 Helicostylum pulchrum 113 frizzes 56 hexoses 177 frozen storage, spoilage in 112-4 house flora 64, 11~, 121, 164 fuet 182, 190, 227 hurdles in sausage technology 164-7 fumonisins 206 hydrogen peroxide 88-9 fungi 110-29 hygiene 77 accelerated aging using 114 Hypopichia burtonii 119 antimicrobials produced by 120-1 changes in numbers of 118-9 lberico ham 227 flora of fermented meats 115-7 intermediate moisture meats 27 growth and mycotoxinogenesis on intestinal habitats 77--8 meats 207-11 intramuscular fat 7, 11 238 FERMENTED MEATS ionising radiation 28-9 Leberwurst 223 iqunaq 44 legislation 145, 154 Italy Lebanon bologna 46, 56, 221 meat processing industry 225-7 Leuconostoc 70, 73, 83, 84, 92, 93, 170 sausage production 226 Leuconostoc mesenteroides 75, 99 links 55 jambon blanc 225 lipase 94-5 jambon de Paris 225 lipid oxidation 86, 185--8 jerky 40, 44 lipolysis 114, 119-20, 138, 141, 183--5 Listeria 39, 73, 96, 147, 166, 168-9 Kaidu-Digla 50 Listeria monocytogenes 13, 14, 32, 45, ketones 190 100, 121, 153-4, 167-9, 171 detected in fermented sausages 187 liver sausage 118 kielbasa 225 long-chain fatty acids 183 kilishi 44 longaniza 47, 221, 227 kochsalami 47, 221 low-temperature fermentation 132 Kochwurst 223 luncheon meat 118 kolbasa 53 lup cheong 71, 163 kotimainen meetwurst 49 Krakauer 223 manage 225 Kraski prsut 207 marinades 31 kundi 44 meat as substrate 71-3, 79-80 L. dorsi 21 changes on storage 11-3 laap ch'eung 47 chemical and biochemical nature 6-13 lactate 177 initial composition 6-11 lactic acid 32, 45, 46, 88, 177 structure 1-4 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) 62, 70, 73--7, meat bacteria 81, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91, 99-101, occurrence and abundance of 77-9 132, 134-8, 146, 147, 153, 165, physical parameters 82-4 166--8, 170--1 meat-curing practice 81-2 acidification 134 meat environment 79--81 Lactobacillus 26, 46, 60, 61, 70, 73, 81, meat preservation modes 18-33 83, 88, 122, 132, 134-7, 170 meat production and consumption Lactobacillus acidophilus 154 EU 219-20 Lactobacillus alimentarius 73 world 217-9 Lactobacillus bavaricus 137 mechanically recovered meat (MRM) 80 Lactobacillus brevis 31, 45, 73, 75 mechanically separated poultry meat Lactobacillus bulgaricus 100 (MSCM) 87 Lactobacillus casei 96 merquez-type sausages 46, 221 Lactobacillus carnis 17, 78 methyl decanoate 191 Lactobacillus curvatus 73, 74, 78, 85-7, Mettwurst 46, 55, 59, 162, 222 89, 94-5, 134-5, 137--8, 167, 171 microbial inhibition 27-31 Lactobacillus divergens 78-9 microbial poisoning 22 Lactobacillus farciminis 73, 78 microbial spoilage 13--17 Lactobacillus pentosus 134, 137 Micrococcaceae 72, 73, 76-7, 94, 132, Lactobacillus plantarum 32, 45, 47, 59, 136, 138-41, 146--8, 167, 170--1, 62, 73--5, 78, 82-4, 86, 89, 92, 93, 188 134-5, 137, 146, 150--1, 167, 171 cultivation 148 Lactobacillus sake 73, 74, 78, 89, 100, Micrococcus 14, 41, 43, 45, 47, 59, 61, 134-5, 137, 167, 171, 188-90 62, 72, 76, 79, 94-5, 131-2, 141, Lactobacillus viridescens 73, 89 146 Lactococcus 46 Micrococcus varians 93, 96, 138, 140--1, Lactococcus
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