USA West Province Newsletter • San Francisco, California April 23, 2017 time into planning and executing these two Salesian events. The Salesian Family Day included members of the Salesian Family and had as its theme: the Strenna for this year: WE ARE FAMILY: Every Home, A School of Life and Love. The day was composed of presenta- tions on the Strenna and it included HAPPY EASTER prayer time, snacks, good conversa- tion and a wonderful lunch. I pre- sided at the Eucharist which brought APRIL BIRTHDAYS the Family Day to a close at 3pm. Fr. Nick Reina.....................07 It was a wonderful day of family connections and enriching reflec- Fr. Tho Bui..........................17 Dear Salesian Sisters and tions on our Salesian Charism. Br. Mike Herbers................17 Brothers, Fr. Steven Way....................17 But, the Family Day did not really Br. James Nguyen...............17 Our Regional, Fr. Tim Ploch, peri- end at 3pm. At 4pm, those who odically will email the provincials wished and, all were encouraged to PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK of the region, a message updating us stay, the Province Youth Ministry Fr. Lucian Lomello, SDB on his “whereabouts.” He always Department led us through the rest titles it: “Donde Esta El Regional?” of the day with booths, food, music Br. Jerry Weirich, SDB or “Donde Estuvo El Regional?,” and presentations on Social Jus- Br. Tony Matse, SDB meaning where is the Regional or tice issues. Several speakers (two Fr. Armand Oliveri, SDB where has the Regional been? This young boys from Honduras who had Fr. Mario Rosso, SDB is what I would like to title this letter: escaped the violence in their coun- Fr. John O’Brien, SDB “Where has the Provincial been?” try and a Syrian immigrant who had Fr. Avelino Lorenzo, SDB or “Where is the Provincial?” It has also left Syria because of the war), been three weeks since I have writ- shared their stories and struggles REST IN PEACE ten an update on my “whereabouts.” of how they made it to the United The last few weeks have been filled States. The day was inspirational Martha Nguyen Thi Phu Aunt of Frs. Chinh/Chuyen Nguyen with much traveling and “Salesian and educational. Once again, the 10/10/1952 - 3/31/2017 enriching” activities. On March Salesian Family was challenged Doris Roche 19th, I was in Bellflower, California, to open its borders and widen the Mother of Fr. John Roche. participating in the Salesian Family boundaries of family. RIP on Jan.23rd Day and the Rock Out Youth Pov- Fr. Amable Lorenzo, SDB erty evening. I wish to congratulate In the evening of Saturday, March the brother of our Fr. Avelino RIP on Jan.18th all those who put so much work and 25, I flew out of San Francisco for INTOUCH • April 23, 2017 1 Cochabamba, Bolivia for our Inter- big THANK YOU to all who par- Pastors on Wednesday, April 5 and Regional Team meeting. These ticipated in creating this wonderful provincial council meetings all day meetings included the provincial Salesian experience. Thursday and Friday of that same councils of the 13 provinces from week. On Friday evening, after our our region and the members of the Among the topics discussed at the provincial council meetings, I flew General Council which includes Team Meetings were those of re- out to San Antonio, Texas. I arrived the Rector Major. Our Provincial dimensioning, formation, formation at midnight. Council also participated. of the laity, finances, the Salesian Family and vocations. Different My purpose for going to Texas was I arrived in Cochabamba on Mon- members of the General Council two-fold. My official provincial day morning, March 27th, after gave presentations and the Rector visitation was scheduled for our many long hours waiting at airports Major intervened at different times Salesian Parish of San Luis Rey in for transfers to Cochabamba. The (quite often) to help clarify the Laredo, Texas. But, I flew out a week at our Salesian Retreat House Congregation’s position and views few days earlier due to an invitation in Cochabamba turned out to be a on different topics. Our Provincial from the Salesain Sisters to preside very beautiful experience of family, Councils met at designated times at a Mass for Gratitude Day for Sr. good and honest discussions, lots and were asked to come up with Patricia King. This year Sr. Patricia of fodder for reflection, prayer and goals and actions steps on how to will end her term as provincial of a very hospitable setting with great implement some of these issues in the Salesian Sisters in the Western fraternal gatherings. Hats off to Fr. our provinces. When we discussed Province. She still has a few more Javier Ortiz, the Provincial of our Formation, our two United States months before Sr. Rosann Ruiz takes province in Bolivia, for his leader- Provincial Councils met together. over as the new provincial. The en- ship in helping to execute such a I found this joint gathering quite tire province, minus those who were productive and memorable week. helpful. Most of us flew back home too sick to participate, were present. Of course, many other were part on Sunday, April 2. I arrived into The Salesian Family had also been of this organizational team, includ- San Francisco on Monday, April 3. invited. Besides the Eucharist, sev- ing Fr. Tim Ploch, our Regional, The week of my return to the pro- eral musical presentations were per- who helped organize the schedule, vincial house was quite hectic with formed and a box lunch offered to speakers and other logistics. So, a all day meetings for Directors and all in the outside patio. We thank Sr. INTOUCH • April 23, 2017 2 Patricia for her years of dedicated I flew back to San Francisco on Sat- and all it entails. service and her openness in work- urday and will be at the Provincial ing with the Salesian Brothers and House for two weeks before travel- I pray that this Easter Season will Priests. ing to Los Angeles to continue my bring all of us renewed hope and a visitation schedule. This week I heart that dreams and never gives I spent Holy Week visiting our Par- will begin the visitation of the Pro- up; one that sees miracles and ish in Laredo, speaking to all those vincial House community, I will fly blessings (even in the moments of in the community and participating down south for Don Bosco Tech’s darkness and death) and does not in the Parish services including Eas- Gala which will honor Fr. Nick focus and wallow in the negative. ter Sunday Masses. I wish to thank Reina and attend several meetings. Our world is filled with those types Fr. Mike Gergen for his hospitality, So, life goes on and keeps me busy. of people. Christians and Salesians generosity and dedicated service to I wish all of you a blessed and holy are asked to be different, to see with the people of the Parish. Fr. Rober- Easter Season! We have entered eyes of faith and to trust that just to Ledezma (from Bolivia) and Br. this beautiful time which offers us like the Jesus who was crucified was Gustavo Ramirez (third year Theol- so much hope, new possibilities, raised to a new and transformative ogy student) plus two other young and life giving opportunities. God life, we too will be graced with that people, make up the small Laredo is always ready not only to forgive gift of Resurrection. That is my community. I also wish to thank sins but to fill us with new life. To- prayer and wish for all of you! them for their dedicated service day’s feast of Mercy reminds us that and commitment to form a Sale- God’s mercy is not cheap and limit- With warm regards and gratitude, sian community. The Parish com- ed. It overflows and is always there munity appreciates the Salesians for the asking. We are asked to be and their dedicated service not only humble, to be open, to trust and to to the parish but to all of Laredo. I be grateful. God never lets us down. Fr. Ted Montemayor, SDB Province thenCalendar spent a few 2017 days visiting with Perhaps, our small mindedness and family both in Laredo and MacAl- doubts keep us from really experi- Province of St. Andrew the Apostle San Francisco,len where California my brother-in-law suffers encing this new life, this vision and As of Februaryfrom Alzheimer’s. 22, 2017 dream of Resurrection January, 2017 13-15 MO-WE Provincial Council Meeting, Villa Maria del Mar, Santa Cruz 1 SU Mother of God Province17 FR St. Calendar Patrick’s Day 3-5 TU-TH Provincial Council Meeting, 19 SU Salesian Family Province Day, Salesian Preparatory, Richmond Bellflower, followed by Rock Out 4 WE Provincial Council Presentation: Poverty, Bellflower Care of the Elders 26-2 SU-TH “Conjunto”, Cochabamba, Bolivia 5 TH Provincial Council: Report on Novitiate April, 2017 10-19 TU-TH Provincila Visitation, Salesian Community, Bellflower 5 WE Directors-Pastors Meeting, 16 MO Martin Luther King, Quarterly Day 10:00 AM to Dinner, 17 TU Province Financial Advisory Mtg. Corpus Christi, San Francisco 18 WE Board Members @ 1:30 PM 6-7 TH-FR Provincial Council Meeting, SJB Bellflower Provincial Residence, San Francisco 24 TU St. Francis de Sales, Patron 11-17 TU-MO Provincial Visitation, 31 TU St. John Bosco, Founder San Luis Rey, Laredo 16 SU Easter Sunday February, 2017 24-26 MO-WE North American Salesian Conference New Hampshire 1 WE Mass for Deceased Confrere 28 FR Board Meeting, Bosco Tech, 1 WE Members Board w/Dinner Rosemead @ 10:00 AM @ 4:00PM St.
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