Free I Volume I Issue 6 End Legislated Poverty's Newspaper Septern her 19941 MacPhail: B. c. won't accept Axworthy agenda The B. C. government "is not waiting for [social policy] changes from the feds. We're proceeding with the clear understanding that we'll have less money," Social Services Minister Joy MacPhail told an End Legislated Poverty delegation at a meeting on August 19th. "If the feds try to impose rules regarding giving less to people or forcing people to do something, we will carry on with our commitment to public programs," MacPhail promised. ELP had set up the meeting to discuss the crucial social policy Diane LeClaire, Jim Pence, and Shari Nelson (left to right) review that the federal government [larticiphte in ELP presentation to Joy MacPhail on Aug. 19th. is doing. Leaked plans from the government show that Human people offUI if someone in Shari Nelson of the Tri Cities Resources Minister Lloyd their family is working, Anti-Poverty Group asked if Social Services Minister Joy Axworthy is actively considering • force people on welfare and MacPhail supported making single MacPhail meets ELP delegation plans to UI to take training or to work, parents on welfare "emplovable." on Au 19th in Vancouver. • drastically cut UI and to • privatize higher education, Federal changes to the Child , • abolish the Canada Assistance Benefit could be designed to torce Plan, single mothers to take low wage Help Terrace Anti-Poverty • use money that is now spent work. MacPhail didn't give a - on welfare for wage specific answer. supplements (welfare for Michelle Des Lauriers asked Group get its grant employers who pay low MacPhail if the government would wages). change the Human Rights Act to By Dave Jaffe Victoria, the grants they had ELP is appalled and scared by give people the protections in CAP applied for. MacPhail said she'd these federal government plans (continued on page 2) The Terrace Anti-Poverty Group look into it. because they mean that the may have to shut down unless we Here's what you can do to help poor will get poorer. More people help save it. save advocacy in northwest B. c.: will be forced to work for low C()ntents "We cover the whole northwest Phone or write to your local MLA wages. ELP wanted MacPhail to of B. c., providing advocacy and and Joy MacPhail, the Minister of make a commitment to fight the Page 2-- letters information to over 1200 people a Social Services. Her address is _~hange~. __ Page 3--8. C. Poverty News­ month," says Gerry King, the Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. New trade deal advocate at the Terrace Anti­ C. V8V 1X4. Tell them that these Page 4--0rganizing around Poverty Group. King advises two groups need their grants and Women, Take Back the province-Victoria people on welfare, UI, WCB, we need their services. Q Q Q the Night corporate agenda workshop pensions, and writing resumes, Page 5--Around the world­ among other things. August didn't disappear U. S. to cut addicts off The Ministry of Social Services Yes this is the September welfare recently turned down T APG's Page 6 & 7--Stop the attack issue of The Long Haul. July was Thursday, September 22, application for $31,000. The the last issue. This Long Haul has on our social programs office will be closed by October the September date because it is 7:30 pm Page 8 & 9--FlAWline-Appeal unless the group gets the grant. distributed close to the end of each Gather at Vancouver review; social condition in On August 19th, at End month. We don't want people to Art Gallery, Georgia and the Human Rights Act Legislated Poverty's meeting with Page 10-- Billionaire list think they are getting an old paper. Howe St. Joy MacPhail, Rose Brown made Thanks to Karen Shillington for grows an eloquent statement urging the the idea. Q 0 0 Page 11 & 12--ElP help for Minister to give T APG as well as Child care provided. low income people-legal Together Against Poverty in For info, phone 872-8212 Services not on strike MacPhail meeting important. and Aboriginal people," she said. delegation included Antoinette continued from page 1) "We have said no at every ELP gave the Minister a leaked Saleh, Diane LeClaire, Jim Pence, opportunity [to Axworthy's federal document <,m Axworthy's Paul Taylor, David Goodwin, agenda], " said MacPhail. The plan, the federal propaganda Joanne Shaw, Jean Swanson, Gael if CAP is abolished. MacPhail said purpose of the Premier's Forum, strategy on the plan, and a copy of Marriotte, Tim Heisler, Mable she hadn't considered this but she said, is ~o set out our agenda. Unfair Shares, the list of Elmore, and Paul Leighton. would. (The Premier's Fonlm is a group corporations that owe billions in Next month: what people at the As a survivor of the psychiatric ofabout 30 people from business, deferred taxes. Apparently meeting thought about meeting system who had been coerced into academia, labour, and community MacPhail's staff did not have with the Minister of Social programs, Dave Ross said, "I'm groups, with no rep from anti­ copies of these documents. Services. 000 really concerned about the talk poverty groups). Additional members of the ELP that people will have to participate "If we aren't successful [in in training programs. I don't want stopping Axworthy's agenda]," the whole public to live with what Subscribe to The Long Haul said MacPhail, "it doesn't mean I've had to live with." Would that British Columbians will be MacPhail support the part of CAP If you would like The Long Haul mailed to you every month, please fill worse off, if we are government." that forbids workfare? MacPhail out this form. Don't fill it out if the paper is already mailed to you. MacPhail said that she sees said she supports the rights in The Long Haul is free to low income people. If you can afford to pay herself as an advocate of low CAP. for a subscription, $30 per year would help ELP meet its printing and income people, but "funding Barb Sutherland asked if the distribution costs. comes from taxpayers so I try to government would create training Please fill out this form and sent to ELF: respect their commitment too." programs for teens that led to jobs Yes, I want to subscribe to The Long Haul. Enclosed is $ to help She talked about how the . with decent wages. MacPhail said cover your costs. (Remember, The Long Haul is free to low mcome government was creating so many the government would work with people). jobs that people were coming from Mynameis,________________________________________ __ ELP on that. other provinces to get them, so the Myaddress___________________ _ Rose Brown asked MacPhail if unemployment rate doesn't go the government would make a Postal code___________ _ down. The government "needs to commitment to learn more about expand this to include job creation classism and offered to help. Send to The Long Haul, ELP #211 - 456 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B. for women, people on low income MacPhail agreed this was C. V5Y 1R3. Thanks for The Long down reform). I'm sick and tired Sarah A (Walsh) Sharpe Editor responds: Try calling the Tenants Rights Coalition at 255- Haul of hungry babies and slum housing. 0546. Maybe they can help you I would like to thank you for Unhappy about photo A practical suggestion: let's force the landlord to clean up his sending us The Long Haul. We I was very unhappy when I saw have some debate in The Long appreciate it very much. my photograph published without Haul as to how we can go on the my permission in the June edition offensive against capitalism as a Betty Wood, Tappen, B. C. of The Long Haul. When I was social movement, rather than fight asked at the ELP offices to have defensive battles to preserve my picture taken I thought it was We need to go on the welfare programs. If we do stay in for use as a personal photograph, offensive such a defensive posture, reacting not for publication in the Published monthly by: In your last, typically excellent to whatever the rightlbusiness do newspaper. End Legislated Poverty #211,456 West Broadway issue , a reader asked in the letters to us, they will always win. Vancouver, BC V5Y lR3 section, "Why are the rich getting The last will be the first, provided Deborah March richer and the poor poorer? What we stop thinking and acting like Vancouver (604) 879-1209 has gone wrong?" we are last. fax line (604) 879-1229 Editor responds: I'm very sorry Surrey (604) 583-7363 I don't think anything has "gone that I wasn't clear about what the wrong." Our system is wrong, but Kevin McNamee-Annett, LIFT picture was for. I've learned by ELP is a coalition of Be groups it isn't the case that it isn't Port Alberni lesson and won't do it again. that want governments to reduce "working properly." Capitalism is and end poverty. supposed to make the rich richer Long Haul used in Slum dwelling makes life Editors: and poor poorer, since it exists to Jean Swanson literacy program Joanne Shaw profit those who own capital. We miserable Participants and staff at the (FLAWline) (the majority) work to produce R. E. A. D. Y Centre are enjoying Layout & Design wealth for the capitalists, and their Thank you for sending the Jean Swanson reading your newsletter, The Long political pimps.
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