Issued Thursday Tuesday Thursday Issue Saturday The Courier-gazette By The Ceurier-Guette., 465 Main St. THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. Entered aa Second Glut Mail Matter. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, February 28, 1925. Volume 80............... Number 26. largest of American sailing ships. TO BOOST MAINE The Courier-Gazette the next justice MEMORIES OF AN ACTIVE LIFE He kept the tug alongside so that, “NEXT THING TO A GOOD DOCTOR” I could see the mates choose sailors _ , , , . A 1 J T C An Old Family That's What They Say About THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK Will It Be Farrington, Emery ’ for their watches, which they did al- Kockland Is Asked I O CO- Doctor's Favorite ternately one by one. On the deck Qperate Jn ALL THE HOME NEWS Or Pattangall?-Another Men and Shl«* and Seal,n8 Wax “Story of k Publicity Cam- Prescription. Ballard’s Golden 03 immediately in front of the cabin, Thomaston Boy Who Made Good. A time-tried Family Emerg­ Subscription $3.00 per year payable In ad- Vacancy Soon. j the top of which served as a bridge, paign. ency Remedy, best for Coughs, i vanee; single copies three cents. , the first mate's watch lined up on Advertising rates based upon circulation the starboard, and the second Colds, Colic, Cramps, Croup and and very reasonable. Who is to be the next judge of the ■ Mayor Snow has received (he fol­ all sudden attacks. A Foe to NEWSPAPER FIISTORY (By Charles R. Flint) i mate’s watch on the port side. As Supreme Court of Maine to fill the ' lowing communication from Gov. Inflammation. Keep it in the The Rockland Gazette was established In ,,, ... I 8oon as the first mate reported that ; 1846. In 1874 the Courier was established [Continued—Began Feb. 2G] House. Sold everywhere. vacancy caused by the resignation of most terrible night I have ever been watches were complete, my Brewster in regard to the campaign and consolidated with the Gazette ln_ 1882. ■llt sea' I Uncle James stepped to the rail ___________________________________The Free l*ress was established in 1855, and Chief Justice Cornish? Chapter II.—The Old Ships and the of advancing the interests of the In 1891 changed Its name to the Tribune. There are all sorts of opinions, Old Sea "Yes. Jack." agreed the other, and made this speech: "Boys, there i state of Maine: These papers consolidated March 17, 1807. "It's an awful gale, but I'm glad' are two ways aboard this ship, a , writes the Augusta correspondent Thomaston, Maine, had been .... ..........■-"=-------= we're not in London where one of j smooth way and a rough way. If ■'Confidence is the key to progress •«. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• IF, of the Lewiston Journal. Three men building vessels since 1767. Our old them chimney pots might he blown you take the smooth way, it will he ••• men were libraries of sea lore. and success- If we do not have faith most frequently mentioned for the down and kill us., j very smooth; and if you choose the ••• Many can argue, not many eon- ••• They told me when I was but a 'boy, in Maine, certainly no one will. The Latest Dark Shell In a gale a sailor might rest for a, rough way, It will be damned ••• verse —A. Bronson Alcott. ••• place are Frank O. Farrington of Au­ of the slave trade and the sea rovers “There is enclosed a circular issued gusta. George L. Emery of Biddeford few moments, but the clipper ship j rough!" by theMaine Development Association '4g ••• •«. •«. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• *** —of what going down to sea in ships Frames and Correct Lenses and AV. R. Pattangall of Augusta. captain was always alert. When he Then, Instead of waiting for ap explaining something of the possi­ meant in the old days- I well re­ shouted an order the crew ran tolplause. he ended the speech abruptly SUING A MOTORIST Mr. Emery and Mr. Farrington are member the small arsenals carried bilities of cooperation for mutual ad­ Republicans and Mr. Pattangall is a Ly our vessels in the sixties and how obey or a mate would knock them with the command: "That'll do. the vantage in the State of Maine today. across the deck with a belaying pin. Only $10.00 Here is the other side of it: A Democrat. Mr. Farrington was Gov. the merchant ships had gun ports watch below !" I never heard of , From my knowledge of both the men Brewster's opponent in the primary , palnted „„ thp|r g,dps to makp ,hpm Although the treatment- of these an instance when the "rough way" and the movement I can heartily motorist who drpve his ear onto a last year for the Republican nomina- ,o„k |jkp mpn_of.W!u. that thpv crews seems brutal, everyone on was chosen. commend it to your careful consider- l Southern Pacific track in California, tion for governor. Mr. Emery is the mif,h, f,.lghtpn away Chinese and board was Intensely Interested that During the Civil War. my uncle atlon nt your annual meeting in the OREL E. DAVIES and went to sleep, succeeded in dam­ Tork county member of the Repubii- , jj.l)ay ,,jrates "his ship”—on which he was gen­ met Captain Raphael Semmes of the month of March. aging a locomotive; and the company can State committee and its chair- ‘ j,- father. a practical ehlp-builder, erally betting—should beat its rivals Confederate privateer Alabama at j "The Maine Legislature in session 301 Main St., Opp Park St. ' sued him for the repair cost. "T‘. "e'n“nased ,he 1,artys ca,“- S wanted me to know about vessels. and makp the record run; and .before Why not? Just because the rail­ Gibraltar and they became quite in- at Augusta has carefully considered * 'j , I It was his custom, when I was still the sailors came on hoard they knew, timate. One night after playing I thia matter and has endorsed this ac- road corporation is "big” it loses no 1-riends of both men have urged,, , walk wlth mp from wha,.f if sober, what to expect. It was an rights to decent protection. It Is a poker on board ship till the wee small | tivity hy carrying out its part of the her fitness for the Judgeship, while t„ wharf a, thp Xpw York watpl. aphorism of the sea that “you had hours he sald t0 Scmrnes; "All I program as outlined under section public necessity, that must be main- i tained. It has its right-of-way, ami It ts understood that members of the {;.„n a , , tQ <]iffp the best treatment and worst grub | have for support of my family is a B. This means that attractive, de­ Washington and.Hancock county bars sections each week, we managed to on a Norwegian ship, and the best I master's Interest In this ship which scriptive literature regarding our.re­ I no turn-outs; its trains must make have written many letters to the Gov Inspect almost every vessel in New grub and the worst treatment on a t cannot afford to insure; I am in- sources and possibilities of develop­ ! regular schedules as provided by law erner endorsing Mr. Pattangall for York harbor. In these days the 5 ankee.' „ terested to know what you will do If ment will be made available for ev­ j The motorist has no more right reck­ tile position. These endorsements' water front glistened with bright- \ ery often the captain of an ordl- you happen to sight my ship out on ery community within our state, tell­ lessly or maliciously to impose costs have come from Republicans as well j nary sailing ship, in a gale with sails i ,hp ocean.” upon the million dollar security hold­ varnished masts, spars, and a long ing the story of the State of Maine. The High-Priced Chocolates as Democrats. reefed, hvould see way behind him Semmes did not hesitate. He told ers than he has to steal from the line of bowsprits with rigged out Private agencies are exhibiting tre­ The Governor has -not indicated a white speck on the horizon, watch my uncle that as captain of the Ala­ mendous interest 'and will unques­ blind apple woman; nor has he the whom hfe will name, or even given i jili I corns that reached nearly across it grow until It came up and passed in the Lon-Priced Box” i right to go unscathed after causing a South Street. My father would bama It was his duty to burn every tionably carry out their part of the any one reason to believe that he is him—a splendid ship with "every Northern vessel that he could over­ plan. The thief desire of thousands j railroad wreck that kills railroad pas­ sure to select one of the three men ■point out to me the difference in sail set,” flinging the Stars and sengers. models, comment on the rigging, and haul, and that no exception would he of Maine citizens at this time is that named. It is generally felt that he Stripes to the wind as she went made. This logic, though disagree­ each community shall contribute loyKEfs This suit along a new line of will name one of them and in cer­ call attention to inferior construc­ roaring hy—and then gaze after her I thought may establish a precedent for able. was silently accepted by my something to show its Interest in this tain quarters the sentiment prevails tion. We were paticularly interest­ until she disappeared miles ahead automobile responsibility that will di­ uncle.
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