Sparks hot SPARKS dog stand satisfying customers since 1979 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1910 Page 4 TribuneSERVING SPARKS SINCE 1910 Volume 109, Number 14 Tuesday, April 4, 2017 95 cents SPORTS cover story City Council taking action on destroyed D’Andrea clubhouse By Kayla Anderson Sparks Tribune The issues with the D’An- Cougs catcher in drea Clubhouse are mov- ing forward now that the front of regional city council has taken it title push into its own hands. At the March 27 meeting, this item Page 7 was discussed in length as D’Andrea residents express growing frustration about the burned-down eyesore that is greatly impacting the community. After the clubhouse fire in October 2015, not much has been done with it. It was partially demolished as or- dered by the fire marshall and was considered a crime scene until October 2016. Last November, the arson- ist pled guilty and was sen- Sparks schools tenced in February 2017. shine at big Due to the investigation, John Byrne/Tribune track meet the city was unable to pro- The Sparks City Council has asked the owners of D’Andrea to clean-up the former club- ceed with enforcing munic- house that burned down in 2015. Page 8 ipal codes against the build- ing despite many pleas from the community. Now that lations by March 13. Even as minimum effort, the city ect, total demolition would the building is released as a of March 27, the city had still could spend up to $63,500 require the city to secure ad- INSIDE crime scene, the city reached received no response. to remove debris and secure ditional fund and go out to out to the owner citing the Since the property own- the building. bid for the project. Weather...............................2 clubhouse as a nuisance and ers have made absolutely Scenario B: However, this “It’s been over a year and a State Briefs..........................2 requiring him to amend the no effort to make contact effort would further secure half since the fire occurred, Opinion............................10 violations. with the city, it has the right the building with backfill action is needed,” says a Seniors..............................13 Although the city initiated to petition the court for the and metal doors in the base- D’Andrea HOA Board mem- Puzzles..............................14 contact with the property injunctive relief to abate the ment area which house the ber in the meeting’s first Advice...............................15 owner, the absentee own- nuisance. In this particular golf carts. The substantial public comment period. “I Classified Ads..................16 ers have been unrespon- agenda item, city staff asked amount of required labor encourage the city to take all Legals................................17 sive. When a nuisance has the council to direct the city and backfill are expected to action necessary to clean up not subsided following the manager to petition the ap- cost an additional $27,000, the clubhouse,” he added. notice of violation, the city propriate court for injunc- bringing the total to $90,500. In a lengthy discussion, may take the issue into their tive and declaratory relief to Scenario C: This is a pro- city council members dis- Follow us on own hands. Staff sent a cer- abate the nuisance and if so, posal to completely demol- cussed the liability issues Twitter: tified letter to the property to what extent. ish the building and restore that Sparks would incur by @SparksTribune owner on Jan. 24, 2017 and City staff offered three it to a graded pad for future taking on the clubhouse. then a second one on Feb. 7 scenarios for what the city development. Total demo- Council member Ed Lawson identifying the city’s intent could do with the D’Andrea lition of the entire structure was originally hesitant to to seek injunctive relief if clubhouse once it petitions would cost around $253,000. move forward on this prop- the owners did not contact the court: Since the city has put aside staff or correct the code vio- Scenario A: At the very about $100,000 for this proj- See CLUBHOUSE, Page 4 Visit our website at www.sparkstrib.com 2 April 4, 2017 yOuR SEVEN-Day fOREcast today WEDNESDAY THuRSDAY fRIDAY SaTuRDAY SuNDAY MONDAY 65/40 71/46 63/44 52/36 45/33 48/30 51/28 Partly sunny Partly sunny Mostly cloudy Breezy and A little afternoon A bit of rain and Cold with snow, cooler with rain rain snow then rain NEVaDa news bRIEfS Associated Press night’s crash that claimed the life of Gerald Henderson faces up to 15 female motorcyclist dies iN 64-year-old Robert Shaffer. years in prison after he was found crasH at wasHoe lake Near reNo His wife, Lisa Shaffer, and his guilty this week of one count of driv- Nevada lawmakers seek 22-year-old son, Patrick, suffered ing under the influence of alcohol RENO — A woman on a motor- busiNess data oN costly minor to moderate injuries in the with a prior felony driving under the cycle has been killed in a crash at prescriptioNs head-on collision south of Cold Creek influence. Washoe Lake south of Reno. CARSON CITY — Nevada law- Campground. Police say he had a blood-alcohol Washoe County sheriff’s spokes- makers are doubling down on a push Investigators say David Slaugh- level nearly three times the legal limit man Bob Harmon says the motorcy- for information on why drugmakers ter of Sacramento allowed his Ford when he was arrested in July. clist was killed in a collision with a are dramatically increasing prescrip- pickup truck to cross the center line Witnessed Reno police he crashed recreational vehicle on Eastlake Bou- tion drug prices. and crash into Shaffer’s Toyota Co- his scooter on Kietzke Lane, got back levard at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. A bill heard Monday would require rolla. He was flown to a Reno hospital on the scooter and drove a short dis- Harmon says the woman appar- pharmaceutical companies that pro- with moderate injuries. tance before crashing again. ently failed to navigate a curve before duce particularly expensive drugs to Shaffer coached at Truckee 18 for Henderson was treated for his in- she hit the RV head-on. He says she publicly report their profits, sticker years before retiring in 2013 with a juries at a local hospital before was then ran into the guardrail and was prices, discounts for bulk buyers, and record of 170-32 and four state titles. booked into jail. Prosecutors say he ejected into the water. costs of research and manufacturing. He was inducted into the Nevada In- was convicted in 2001 of DUI causing The cause of the accident remains The state would consult drugmak- terscholastic Activities Association substantial bodily harm, so he won’t under investigation. No one in the RV ers to redact data considered trade Hall of Fame in 2014. be eligible for probation at his sen- was hurt. secrets. tencing set for May 17. Pharmaceutical representatives No cHaNges to Nevada football great raNdall say the information targeted is not miNimum wage tHis year 1-moNtH-old baby boy cuNNiNgHam cut from vegas scHool gig representative of drugs’ values or the CARSON CITY — The minimum fatally sHot Near las vegas insurance industry’s role in driving wage for working Nevadans will stay NORTH LAS VEGAS — Author- LAS VEGAS — Retired football up prices. the same this year. ities are investigating how a one- star Randall Cunningham has been Market experts say that transpar- The state’s labor commissioner an- month-old baby boy was shot dead in sacked from his latest gig. ency alone will not lead to patients nounced Thursday that the hourly suburban Las Vegas. The one-time UNLV and NFL quar- paying less for their prescriptions. minimum wage for employees with North Las Vegas police say the in- terback told the Las Vegas Review- Monday’s Assembly Bill 215 does health benefits will stay at $7.25 per fant and a 22-year-old man were both Journal Friday that he was cut from the not include price caps or other hour. struck by gunfire Saturday night. Silverado High School football team. cost-cutting mechanisms. Those without health benefits The two were in a Chrysler sedan Cunningham was head coach of the A proposal heard last week, Senate won’t see a change either, with the with a 19-year-old woman driver, Las Vegas high school’s football pro- Bill 265 seeks similar reports as well wage set at $8.25 per hour. 4-year-old boy and 2-year-old girl. gram for two seasons. as reimbursements specifically re- Daily overtime wages also will re- They were shot at multiple times The school principal couldn’t im- garding insulin, among other things. main the same for the next fiscal year while parked in an apartment complex. mediately be reached for comment. that starts July 1. Police say emergency crews took Cunningham says he was told that ex-truckee HigH scHool The state recalculates the mini- the man and baby to a hospital after the administration wanted a coach football coacH dies iN car mum wage each year to make adjust- the Chrysler crashed into another car who was on campus during the day. crasH ments based on the federal minimum while driving off. The former football star says there’s SIERRAVILLE, Calif. — A former wage and cost-of-living increases. The infant died. The man is in sta- no hurt feelings and that he’ll miss Truckee High School football coach ble condition. The other people in the his players and the Skyhawks team.
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