2ow.- ol 5a2 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENI OF EDUCATION ffi Region Xlll Corogo J.P. Rosoles Ave., Butuon Cily Jonuory B, 20lB REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. O 9At .,2018 PARTICIPAIION OF CARAGA REGION IO THE rJr'11 20r7 NATTONAT SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE (NSPC) To: Schools Division Superintendents This Region l. The Deportmenl of Educolion (DepEd), through the Bureou of Curriculum Development (BCD) ond the Bureou of Leorning Delivery ( BLD), onnounces lhe conducl of lhe 2018 Notionol Schools Press Conlerence (NSPC) wiih ihe lheme, "Embroclng ASEAN lnlegrolion: Compus Journolisls' Role in lnclusive Educolion" on Februory 19-23, 2018 in Dumoguete City. The hosi region is Region Vll. ond the hosi schools division is Dumoguete City. 2. This is in pursuont 1o Republic Act (RA) 7079. olso known os the Compus Journolism Act of 199i, ond in complionce with DepEd Order (DO) No. 47, s 2010 entitled Guidelines on Finoncal Subsidy for the conduct of Nolionol Schools Press Conference {NSPCJ, its implemeniing Rules ond Regulotions (lRR} specificolly rule lX of Seciion l. 3. This conference oims io: o. demonstrote undertonding of the importonce of Journolism journolism by expressing it through different journolistic endeovors ond opprooches; b sustoin odvococy on sociol consciousness ond environmentol oworeness; c. provide o venue for on enriching leorning experience for student interesled in Journolism os o coreer ond lhose who intended lo use fhe skill sets leomed ihrough compus iournolism to give them o better edge in their chooses coreeR; d. promoie responsible journolism ond ethicol use of sociol medio; ond enhonce journolislic competence lhrough heolthy ond friendly compeiitions. 4. The Conierence octivilies sholl include the following o. lndividuol conlests; b. Rodio Scriptwriting ond Broodcosting Contesis; c. Colloborotive Desktop Publishing Contest( CDP) Contesl; d. Online Applicolion Conlest {exhibition for secondory level}; e. TV Scriptwriting ond Broodcosting (for secondory level); f. Column Writing ( Exhibition Only) g. Concunenl Sessions with Workshops; ond h. Awording of Winners ond Outslonding School Poper Advisers (SPAs) ond Compus Journolists (CJs), omong olhers. 5. Column Writing os o new contesl on o triol run will be conducted os on exhibition of skills both in Filipino ond in English for Elemenlory ond Secondory levels. The region sholl determine the lhree conlestonts per level per medium from the lisl of the officiol delegotion. 6. The online Publishing is still on the triol run which will be conducied os on exhibilion skills boih in Filipino ond in English for secondory level only. The compeiing ieoms bolh in the Colloborotive Desktop Publishing (secondory level) will olso be the some teoms thot will compete for the Online Publishing Exhibition. Z. All schools divisions should strictly follow ihe No School poper, No Contestont Policy. B. Pleose refer lo the following enclosures for further guidonce: o. Enclosure No. I Officiol List of Delegolion b. Enclosure No.2 2018 NSPC Quolifiers 9. The implementing guidelines/ mechqnics for the selection of winners of different contest (reference: DepEd Memorondum 200 s.,20171 ond progrom of octivities on the conduct of 2018 NSPC ore ottoched for reody reference. I 0. The Billeling Quoder for Corogo Region sholl be onnounced through on odvisory. I l. Sludenls in elemenlory ond secondory (both junior ond senior high schools) levels ore eligible to join the conlests. 12. For W Scriptwriting ond Broodcosling contestonts, on orienlotion will be conducted on Februory lB,20lB from B:00 o.m. lo 5:00 p.m. 13. The offlciol delegotes ore expected to be ot lhe venue on tebruory 19,2018. The firsl meol sholl be lunch on Februory 19.2018 ond the lost meol sholl be breoHosl on Feb,ruory 23,2018. 14. Schools Division thot will request for their porticiponts lo be picked up from the oirport upon onivol ore odvised to coordinote with Dr. Nelson Codoy, Schools Governonce ond Operotions Division (SGOD) Chief ol mobile phone no.09l5- 601-3037. I 5. Non-conlesionls, porenls ond other school officiols who ore not port of the officiol regionol delegotion ore required to seek their own occommodolion ond conloct the host region/schools division for ossislonce. They con contoct Dr. Viclorio Moquiling, Division Educotion Progrom Speciolist { EPS) Filipino through Mobile no. 091 5-603-4838 or emoil oddress: vmoquillinq(romoil.com. I6. Eoch porticipont from public ond privole schools, included in the officiol list of delegotion, sholl poy o registrolion fee of Four Thousond Pesos (P 4,000.00) chorged to school Mointenonce ond Olher Operoling Expenses/locol/regionol funds/Speciol Educotion Fund or lhe School Compus Journolism Fund, subjecl to the usuol occounling ond ouditing rules ond regulotions. The registrotion fee sholl cover ihe cosls of boord ond lodging, kils, including conference moteriols, rentol of equipment/vehicle, poymenl for uiilities, conlingency ond other reloted expenses incuned in the conducl of NSPC. Advonce poyment in check sholl be oddressed io the hosi region/schools division while on-site poyment sholl be poid in cosh. l/. Trovelling expenses ond oll olher incideniol expenses sholl be chorged ogoinst School Mointenonce ond Operoiing Expenses/Locol/Regionol funds/Speciol Educoiion Fund, School Compus Journolism Fund ond olher sources subjeci lo lhe usuol occounting ond ouditing rules ond regulolions. 'l B. Porticiponls from lhe privote schools sholl moke their own onongements lo source out funds 1o cover the costs relotive to their porticipotion in the oforementioned octivily. 19. Eoch porticipont is odvised to bring o 2x2 picture which will be ottoched to the NSPC lD lo be provided by the hosl Region. For more informotion ond clorificoiion, oll concemed moy contocl: Dr. Glodys S. Asis, Regionol Journolism Coordinotor, Cuniculum ond Leorning monogement Division, ihrough lhe lelephone # 342-8207 locol 123 ond/or her emoil oddress ot [email protected] ond Dr. lsidro M. Biol, Jr., Chief, CLMD through his # 342- 8207 locol 123 ond / or his emoil oddress ot m m. 20. lmmediole disseminotion of ihis M ndum is highly desired. G. TORNO, Ph.D., CESO lVo - Regionol Director'ff Encls.: As stoted References: DepEd Memorondum: (DM 0, s. 2017) To be indicoted in the Perpetuol lndex under the following subjects: CONFERENCES CONTEST FUNDS PUPILS RULES AND REGULATIONS STUDENIS Clmd05/gso 1l03lt6 Enclosure No.1 to RM@A s.,2018 Republic of the Philippines ".-t:i"% DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION i"Ei CARAGA REGION Butuan City oFFrclAL PARTTCIPANTS TO THE 2018 NATTONAL SCHOOLS pRESS CONFERENCE (NSpC) No. Delegates SchooU Designation Division Compus toumdtist Winne rs 1 JOIE ANNE MARIE L. IVIAGDALERA BUTUAN CIry SPED CENTER BUTUAN CITY 2 FRATZ IE FLAIRE G. CAMIGUING SAN FRANCISCO PILOT CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 3 FIONA ATHEA A. CURIE AGUSAN DEL SUR PILOT LABORATORY SCHOOL BAYUGAN CITY 4 DIMITRI CALAYOGAN BUTUAN CITY SPED CENTER BUTUAN CITY 5 CODEY ANDREW GO SURIGAO EDUCATION CENTER SURIGAO CITY 5 ZEMVI TRISTAN MAGPATOS ALBOR CEs DINAGAT ISLAN DS 7 KENNFTH ]EROME GLORIA SAN FRANCISCO PILOT CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 8 CARt BENEDICT LORZANO AGUSAN DEL SUR PILOT SCHOOL BAYUGAN CITY 9 RUVIENNE BELLE B. DAGSA ALEGRIA CES SURIGAO OEt NORTE 10 rnneru oawru u. teNeoo BAYUGAN NATL COMPREHENSIVE HS BAYUGAN CITY 11 LEE ANGELA GARNICA FR. SATURNINO URIOS UNIVERSITY BUTUAN CITY 72 MARCEL AN T. RATONEL HINATUAN NHS SURIGAO DEL SUR KENN ETH JEROME GLORIA SAN FRANCISCO PILOT CES AGUSAN DEL 5UR 14 CARL BENEDICT LORZANO AGUSAN DEL SUR PILOT SCHOOT BAYUGAN CIry 15 RUVIENNE BELLE B. DAGSA ALEGRIA CES SURIGAO DEL NORTE 15 CHRISTIAN BENEDICT B. RAMIREZ RAINBOW OF ANGELS LEARNING CENTER BUTUAN CITY 17 RUNNET S. CASINILLO LA UNION ES CABADBARAN CITY 18 JOHN OLIVER BALABA HHSC AGUSAN DEL NORTE L9 HANS ETHAN K. TING RAINBOW OF ANGELS LEARNING CENTER, INC EUTUAN CITY 20 JAMEL VENICE DANDASAN EAST BAYUGAN CES EAYUGAN CITY CIELO CUMAHIG TAGBINA CES SURIGAO DEt SUR KHRISTINE CEE L. MONTENEGRO ENFANT CHERI STUDY CENTER BUTUAN CITY EJ ARREZA CANTILAN PILOT SCHOOL SURIGAO DEL SUR 24 MYLYN BYRONN OLARTE BISLIG SPECIAL SCIENCE ES BISLIG CITY 25 HUMPHRY.IUL B. SARNO ALBOR CES DINAGAT ISLANDS 26 DWINRUB DUANE S. ASUNCION NORCASES CABADBARAN CITY 27 CHARITY E. BUTAL PUTTING BATO ES CABADBARAN CITY 28 MICA DOLOR TRENTO CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 29 ED IAN JAY BAGUIO SAN FRANCISCO PILOT CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 30 MA. ALEXANDRA EFREN AGUSAN DEL 5UR PILOT SCHOOL BAYUGAN CITY 31 G ENIE MANLIGUEZ BAYUGAN WEST CES BAYUGAN CITY 32 IRAH AME REAMBONANZA EAST BAYUGAN CES BAYUGAN CITY 33 AVEGAIL P. ALLEN COGON CES AGUSAN DEL NORTE A JEYTICA MAY NAQUiREZ AGUSAN DEL SUR COLLEGE BAYUGAN CITY 35 JONAH LYN LOZADO EAST BAYUGAN CES BAYUGAN CITY 36 MARIAN JANE LAYASAN BOLOA-BOLOA CES DINAGAT ISLANDS 37 sHAtRtNE T. BAfiAR DAKUTAN CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 3a IAMES TRUMAN D. PABIA NORCACES CABADBARAN CITY 41 PEIER KOBE BADIANG SURIGAO CITY SPECIAT SCIENCE ES lsunrcno crw 42 REX S. PORMENTERA LA UNION E5 lceaaoelnlru crrv 43 BRITNEY GRACE A. OSTOS NOU CES BAYUGAN CITY 44 MARK EUwtEN MATUTTNA lsuntceo ctw etlor es lsunrcao crw 45 DAPHNE GEPIGA ROSARIO CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 46 cATHERTNE roY vELAsco lruoncaces CABADBARAN CITY 47 JEZRIEL SHANE OBANDE lseru ruan es BAYUGAN CITY 4a DIANNE BLANCO SALVACION ES BAYUGAN CITY 49 ALIE PETER NEIt C. GALEON BAYUGAN NAT't COMPREHENSIVE HS BAYUGAN CITY 50 NOEL D. BASANEZ JR. DELA SALLE JHON BOSCO COLLEGES BISLIG CITY 51 NEIL JOBERT L. SENANIN NASIPIT NATL VOCATIONAL SCHOOL AGUSAN DEL NORTE PHITIPPINBE SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL CARAGA EUNICE,]OSHUA GAZMIN BUTUAN CITY 52 CAMPUS 53 JOHNBER VOSETROS BUCAS GRANDE FOUNDATION SCHOOL SIARGAO ISLANDS 54 MART BEBBRETAN M. ATUIAN lslrrur utcnael coLtEGE oF cARAGA AGUSAN DEL NORTE 55 LESTYLT D. BASAN AGUSAN DEL 5UR NHS lecuseru oel suR 56 KENT LAMPAD BAYUGAN NATL COMPREHENSIVE HS BAYUGAN CITY 51 IVANBERT DAMASCO FR. SATURNINO URIOS COLLEGE OF BAYUGAN BAYUGAN CITY 58 KAREN DAWN M.
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