WWW.LP.ORG MiniMuM GovernMent • MaxiMuM FreedoM The Party of Principle™ David Bergland Moderates Wrights/ Johnson Debate - Page 3 June 2012 The Official Newspaper of the Libertarian Party Volume 42, Issue 2 Voting Libertarian is the Only Cure for Big Government - Page 5 Winner of Libertarian Solutions Contest - Page 6 In This Issue: Chair’s Corner.............................2 LPGov. Gary Johnson, News Judge Jim Gray Top LP Ticket roller-coaster ride, a heart-rending LP Presidential Debate................3 celebration of the party’s 40-year A history, the election of our high- profile presidential and vice-presidential Bylaw Changes...........................3 candidates and a refreshing departure from today’s scripted, tightly controlled, and Convention News..................3-6,8 taxpayer-funded Republican and Demo- cratic conventions -- that was the 2012 Platform Changes.......................5 Libertarian National Convention held at the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada LP Candidates......................6-8,11 on May 2 to 6. The presidential debate between Lee Libertarian Solutions..............6,15 Wrights and Gary Johnson was as friendly as a reunion of two old friends. The presi- Awards.......................................8 dential and vice presidential nominations were decisive. The Libertarian Party elected former two-term New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson (left) as its presidential can- An array of Libertarian Heroes and diate for the 2012 election. Judge Jim Gray (right), a veteran trial judge in California, was elected Vice President. Gov. Gary Johnson Inverview......9 other fascinating speakers graced the con- Then came the election for party of- ian Presidential nominee, receiving 419 of vention with inspiring talks and powerful, ficers. Buckle your seatbelt! No one knew the 595 votes (70 percent) in the first round Affiliate News............................12 useful candidate training sessions. how the passionately contested race for of balloting. While left largely intact, some im- Chair would end. “I am honored and I just want to Libertarian Party Speaks Out.....14 portant changes were made to the party’s Delegates chose former New Mexico continued on page 4... bylaws and platform. Governor Gary Johnson to be the Libertar- PERMIT NO. 1541 NO. PERMIT Washington, DC 20037 DC Washington, OKLA CITY, OK CITY, OKLA 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 Suite NW, Avenue Virginia 2600 U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE U.S. Libertarian National Committee, Inc. Committee, National Libertarian NON PROFIT ORG PROFIT NON PAGE 2 THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY - WWW.LP.ORG JUNE 2012 Hundreds of people shouted their feelings, not with HAIR S ORNER a single reason, or a single voice, but as a response to The following individuals C ’ C leadership they couldn’t and wouldn’t support. My elec- tion was achieved by a 62-percent final total, which I became Lifetime Members of would consider to be a mandate if I had an opponent the Libertarian Party between Things Must Change other than NOTA. Let me be clear: NOTA got the man- date, not me. 3/16/12 and 6/1/12: he Libertarian Party has Thirty-eight percent wanted someone besides me. long had a tradition of ad- Upon the announcement of the results, when walking to Drew Bisson (IN) Tvocating that “none of the the stage, I asked a friend “Is 62 percent enough?” Jerry Bloom (MI) above” (NOTA) be a choice on I hope it is, to give me a chance to earn the privi- John Bowers (MN) every ballot, so that voters are not lege and duty of being your Chair. But I’m still not sure. Michael Brickey (OH) forced to choose between candi- All I know is that the delegates that supported me chose dates they do not want. We use me, but those who chose NOTA are the electorate we Thomas Buchholz (CO) NOTA in our internal party races on the LNC must address. The delegates spoke loudly, Stephen Collett (CA) as an affirmation that this prin- clearly and unambiguously that things must change. Aaron Day (NH) ciple apply not only to govern- After the convention, there were some signs lying Geoffrey J. Neale Marc Feldman (OH) ment positions, but to ourselves around that said “Re-Elect No One for LNC.” I have as well. one on my wall in my office. I intend to bring one to Catherine Jeffrey (NC) I’ve secretly rooted for NOTA for years, hoping every LNC meeting.The LNC cannot forget what hap- Todd Larson (IL) that we Libertarians provide an example for the world of pened. We can only acknowledge the dissatisfaction, Sharon Maguire (PA) why NOTA is a great idea. If it’s a great idea for public listen to the membership, and most of all hear what they Edward Marsh (TN) elections, we should be able to show and acknowledge have to say. that it’s a great idea for us too. Then change! Aaron Massey (IL) I never anticipated that this would be the year - that In closing, I want to not only listen, but to hear Rachel Moore (NE) the Chair’s race would be the venue -- that I would be why you voted for NOTA. Please share your reasons Warren Patterson (SC) the “survivor.” Up until 24 hours before the result was with me by emailing me at [email protected]. George Pearson (LA) announced, I sensed that there was a high degree of dis- PS -- I want to personally thank my dear friend and satisfaction that was felt by more than just me. champion of liberty -- outgoing Chairman Mark Hinkle Rob Power (NY) In this election, in this year, NOTA was the irresist- -- for his two years of service to the Libertarian Party. James Rongstad (MN) ible force. I’m happy to report that Mark accepted my offer to con- Hendrik Sharples (WA) The sentiment was clear, but the reasons are many, tinue to both serve and lead in our efforts to raise the Joseph Silvestri (NV) and to assume I understand why the delegates voted for funds for the David F. Nolan Headquarters building. NOTA is a mistake I will not make. Each voter has his or Kirk Singh (IN) her reason for why they voted for NOTA. Jay Wood (CA) From my perspective, our delegates finally em- braced NOTA, and understood their power. In the ab- The Libertarian Party grants Lifetime Member- sence of a choice they could support, they embraced a ship to individuals who contribute at least response they could. What I heard was the same senti- Editor’s Note: Outgoing chairman Mark Hinkle re- $1,000 during any twelve-month period. Call ment expressed by Howard Beale in the movie Network: sponds: “Yes, I will work with David Blau to secure the 202-333-0008 to find out how much more “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this any- funding necessary to buy the David F. Nolan Headquar- you would need to donate to become a Life- more!” ters. Full speed ahead!” time Member today. SEND NEWS, ARTICLES, Libertarian Party News ESSAYS OR (ISSN 8755-139X) is the official LP News PHOTOGRAPHS: newspaper of the Libertarian Party Libertarian Party® of the United The Purposes of the Libertarian Party: 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 States. Opinions and articles Washington, DC 20037 published in this newspaper do not The Party is organized to implement and give voice to the principles embodied in the State- ment of Principles by: functioning as a libertarian political entity separate and distinct from all Phone: (202) 333-0008 necessarily represent official party E-mail: [email protected] positions unless so indicated. other political parties or movements; moving public policy in a libertarian direction by building a political party that elects Libertarians to public office; chartering affiliate parties throughout the United States and promoting their growth and activities; nominating candidates for Presi- SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: NATIONAL CHAIR: Libertarian Party Geoffrey J. Neale dent and VicePresident of the United States, and supporting Party and affiliate party candi- dates for political office; and, entering into public information activities. 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20037 LP NEWS EDitOR: Phone: (202) 333-0008 E-mail: [email protected] Carla Howell Email: [email protected] STAFF AND OTHER CONTRIBUTORS: Max Kniazkov, Nigel Lyons, Alicia Mattson, Vicki Dunbar (photography) VOL. 42, ISSUE 2 THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY - WWW.LP.ORG PAGE 3 MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Next LP National Convention: Hyatt Regency, Columbus, Ohio Debate, or Dance? June 25-29, 2014 Transparency Wins, Fee Ban Fails in LP Bylaw Debate ransparency was a big winner at tration fee, also known as a floor fee. the Las Vegas Convention when The existing bylaws neither explic- Tdelegates set out to discuss party itly prohibit nor allow such a fee. bylaws and proceedings. But an attempt Mr. Lark’s initiative gained a simple to adopt language specifically prohibiting majority of 166 votes, with 112 delegates charging delegates a registration fee failed voting against. However, a qualified two- to get enough votes for passage. thirds majority was needed to ensure pas- Maximum transparency and access sage, something the motion did not attain. to LNC meeting records was the goal of Several proposals were designed to one of 10 new proposals put forward by increase the power of rank-and-file party the Bylaws and Rules Committee. members while decreasing the clout of R. Lee Wrights stands at the podium during a debate with Gov. Gary Johnson. While Johnson ultimately The minutes of past LNC meetings its elected officials. One of them was an won the nomination, Wrights went on to be elected Vice Chairman of the Libertarian Party. are now available on the party’s website, amendment enabling members to bypass www.LP.org.
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