Attack Plan to Reopen Red a •• SEE STORY BELOW Sunny and Hot Sunny and hot today. Thun- dershowers likely tonight and , FINAL tomorrow. Fair and warm Kifl Bank, Freehold Wednesday. Branch EDITION Moiiinouih roiuiiv's Outstanding Homo Xowspapor VOL 94 NO. 20 BifeD BANK, NJ. MONDAY, JULY 26,1971 TEN CENTS Moon Mission Seeks Data on Solar Origins CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. - the creation of the solar sys- Nixon wishing them "God- the Apennine Mountains to a able places on the moon to America's Apollo 15 explorers tem." speed" on their lunar mission; risky landing in a small basin search for the origin of the today began their trip to the They hope to return to Scott, Irwin and Worden go in the moon's Palus Putre- moon and perhaps the earth moon to conduct man's first earth on Aug. 7 with rocks forth knowing full well that denis, the Marsh of Decay, 465 and solar system," he added. driving expedition on the lu- dating back to the birth of the space flight is still a very ris- miles north of the lunar equa- S-ln-l Site nar surface, a quest among moon, confirmation of wheth- ky business. They have only tor. "We really bave a 5-in-l towering mountains for clues er volcanc?s ever erupted to look back less than a They would be the fourth geology site at Hadley-Apen- to the violent birth of the so- there and enough information month, to- June 30 when the American crew to land on the nine," Scott said. "We have lar system. for scientists to draw an age Soviet Union's three Soyuzil moon in two years-tbe sev-. the mountain in front which Col. David R. Scott, Lt. Col. map of nearly 20 per cent of cosmonauts died during re-en- enth and eighth men to stamp may contain original lunar James B. Irwin and Maj. Al- the surface. try into earth's atmosphere as their footprints in the dust of crust; we bave the mysterious fred M. Worden, all Air Force Wives Present their spaceship suddenly lost the alien land. Rille,-which could have been officers, began their trip atop Among the hundreds of pressure because of a leak. "The landing site is in a formed by lava flow of vol-- a Saturn 5 rocket. thousands of persons hen to Different Design beautiful basin, about five canic gases. The astronauts are embark- watch the blazing departure A similar accident could not miles by seven miles in size, "We have a cluster of cra- ing on what mission com- were the wives and children happen to the Apollo craft be- and is hemmed in on three ters believed formed by the mander Scott calls "the most of Scott and Irwin and Word- cause of a different design. sides by the mountains and oh impact of material thrown out singular, significant scientific en's two daughters. Apollo 15 is to fire into lu- the fourth by a 1,200-foot deep by a larger crater; we have expedition ever con- As they relaxed in the crew nar orbit Thursday and the gorge called Hadley Rille," craters which may have been ducted ... It is a journey quarters prior to-retiring, the next day Scott and Irwin. are Scott explained in a recent in- volcanoes, and we bave anoth- backwards in time-to the astronauts received a tele- to fly the lunar module Falcon terview. er mare (flat plain) for corn- first pages of the history of phone call from President over the 15,000 foot peaks of "It is one of the most desir- See Moon, page 2 Try Hit By LONIAEFTHY, VOULOU the Assembly, we should be dustry could be at stake," and Mr. Ruzicka and Mr. Co- forced to close, simply be- able to expect him to show urged interested businessmen hen, underlined that the pro- cause there was not sufficient NEW SHREWSBURY - some understanding and sen- and residents to contact Gov. posed housing development at public support to keep it eco- APWlnpl»f» Two Independent Councilraen, sitivity to a portion of bis con- William T. Cahill, to arouse, the airport "had been re- nomically functioning." ' LIGHTNING PLAYS AROUND APOLLO 15 - A bolt of lightning appears here/ last night zeroed in to. stituents, both Republican and his interest."- jected by the borough's Zon: to strike the Apollo 15 rocket and spaceship as it stands on its launch pad blast Assemblyman Joseph Democrat, who. reside in. this . He also maintained that ing Board," and refused the "If Mr. Azzolina had taken at Cape Kennedy, Fla., last night. The craft was poised and ready for Azzolina of Middletown, R- community." "another housing devel- claim that closing of the air- the trouble to stand at the today's scheduled blast off. Monmouth, and his efforts to Action Sought opment, with its resultant in- port is a "great economic loss Hance Ave. entrance to one of our schools, on any schoolday re-open Red Bank Airport, Mr. Azzolina in his state- crease in school and local to the community." . .. , t which geographically lies ment bad maintained that taxes, is not what is needed Support Lacking morning, to observe aircraft within this borough. "the future of Ft. Monrnouth most in the Shrewsbury-Red The councilmen said: "The landing and taking off," they Councilman Thomas I. Ru- and the related electronic in- fact is that the airport was added, "he would have seen Bank area." that they just cleared the zicka aid Irving L. Cohen, in school, loaded with children. Heart, Lungs Grafted a joint statement, said "We do If he had observed thjs, it not expect Mr. Azzolina, liv- would then have been clearer ing as he does, in safety and, to him in weighing the con' quiet comfort in Middletown, venience of a few business- to Share in our Very personal By TransplantPioneer men against other factors, CAPETOWN. South Africa vious ones, all unsuccessful, 3,1967, on Louis Washkansky, concern for New Shrews- that the risk in reopening the bury." (hP) - Dr. Christiaan N. were performed in the United who survived 18 days. The facility is far too great." .Barnard, pioneer heart and- . Mr. Azzolina in a two- States. Herbert operation was Ber- graft surgeon, yesterday The six-hour operation be- nard's seventh heart trans- pronged effort, announced he The two councilmen said transplanted both lungs and a had requested transportation gan about 4 a.m.-10 p.m. EDT plant. further that the Azzolina heart into a 49-year-old man. Saturday. Barnard and his Shortly after the operation, commissioner John C; Kohl to scheme to revive operation and said the patient was doing seek state funding for reopen- wife Barbara left the hospital a Groote Schuur spokesman implies substantial infusion of "as well as can be expected." soon after it was completed. said: ing the airport and at the public funds to be "committed The wife of the donor, who same time announced plans to. Th^urgeon told newsmen. A heart and both lungs by the state at the expense of died from head injuries suf- were transplanted on a meet with military and busi- the taxpayer. Most likely this fered in a fight, said she had "We haven't had any ex- ness executives "who have patient suffering from an in- would result in the airport not been asked for permission perience with this type of op- curable lung condition which' depended upon the facility" to being taken off the New for her husband's body to be eration clinically and we'll explore methods of raising also affected the heart. The Shrewsbury tax rolls, which used and would not have just have to watch the results operation was completed private dollars to re-open the would, indeed be an economic granted it. very closely." field. without complications. At the loss, but only to New Shrews- The heart-lung recipient, Barnard and his team had moment the heart and lungs The two councilmen bury." done extensive research and stressed that since Mr. Azzo- Adrian Herbert, 49, a Cape- are functioning normally. At Irving Cohen Thomas Rnzlcka Joseph Azzolina See Hap, page 2 town dental technician, was experimenting with animals the present it is too early to lina, "represents all of us in bedridden for two years with in heart-lung transplants. make any prediction about an incurable lung condition They performed the world's the immediate or long-term that weakened his heart. first human heart graft Dec. result." The donor, Jackson Gunya, abont 28, died Saturday night Neighborhood Youth Corps Helps in Groote Schuur Hospital 'Project Appalachia' where the transplant was per- formed. Area's Needy Reach Firm Ground Herbert was reported to be Working in Lincroft "colored," South Africa's offi- By MARIE CIERI ployer would have to make of giving the disadvantaged for a family of four. As Arcy all know how to do something cial term for those of mixed "Project Appalachia." out the paychecks. youths the kind of skills and puts it, "Most of our kids in the way of work." race, and Gunya black. It's under way in Monmouth County and it is being spon- All the youths who bave ap- confidence they will need to come from the ghetto area." sored by the Lincroft Presbyterian Church. LONG BRANCH - Helping Wife Not Told poor youngsters make it on plied to the program, whose break out of the conditions hi Mrs. Reeves says that part Right now the youths are From West Virginia have come nine youngsters-and the headquarters are located in which they now live.
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