July 5, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1021 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO ADAM HACKFORT Liaison in July 2012. He became the principal tute in 1961, where he was class president strategist and advisor to both the Secretary, and an all-Catholic and all-Western New York HON. DAVID YOUNG and Chief of Staff, of the Air Force and a crit- football player. He went on to earn his degree OF IOWA ical conduit between their offices and Con- in industrial and labor relations from Cornell gress. Under Colonel Grable’s leadership, his University, while also capturing all-Ivy League IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES office was able to shape programs critical to honors as a center and linebacker on the foot- Tuesday, July 5, 2016 the future of our national defense such as the ball team. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise KC–46 Tanker and F–35 Joint Strike Fighter. Mr. Ryan served in the Navy from 1965 to today to recognize and congratulate Adam The Congressional Appropriations Commit- 1969, in which he spent 17 months in Vietnam Hackfort, a member of the 2016 Iowa Boys 2A tees and our country owe Colonel Grable a as a diving team commander. He earned the State Golf Tournament Championship Team. debt of gratitude for his tireless work. Bronze Star for his actions and rose to the Adam, and his teammates at Panorama f rank of lieutenant before returning home from High School, persevered through a tough sea- service. son. With steady and consistent play at the HONORING GARY BERBLINGER Upon his return, Mr. Ryan’s involvement state tournament, these students showed the and influence in the community began and state of Iowa that they were worthy of a state HON. JASON SMITH grew for more than forty years. An engineering championship two years in a row. OF MISSOURI consultant in 1971, the late Mayor Frank Mr. Speaker, Adam’s determination, hard IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sedita tapped this rebel with a cause to serve work, commitment and team work is what con- as the executive director of the Citizens Advi- Tuesday, July 5, 2016 tributed to the stellar success of his team. His sory Committee, where he energetically di- willingness to give it his best effort is what will Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise rected the Community Development Block be valuable later in life and I am honored to today to honor Mr. Gary Berblinger as he re- Grant program and fostered the growth of represent Adam in the United States Con- tires after 46 years in publishing. Gary began local nonprofit neighborhood groups. gress. I ask my colleagues in the United his career in Belleville, Illinois in 1973 and In 1982, he helped found the local Vietnam States House of Representatives join me in continued to work in journalism in St. Louis Veterans Leadership Program and served as congratulating Adam Hackfort and his team for and in Bradenton, Florida. Since 2006, he has its first president. A horrific bicycle accident in competing and winning this rigorous competi- worked in Park Hills, Missouri, first as busi- 1985 would leave Mr. Ryan paralyzed but his tion. We all share in wishing him nothing but ness manager and since 2008, as publisher of efforts to assist others in need could never be continued success. the Daily Journal, Farmington Press, and contained as even from his hospital bed he fi- f Democrat News. nalized arrangements for his self-created Best Gary has distinguished himself in the com- of the Turtles race to raise scholarship money RETIREMENT OF COLONEL munities he serves as a member of the St. for the children of local Vietnam veterans. SAMUEL D. GRABLE Francois County Rotary Club, Greater Farm- In 1998, City of Buffalo Mayor Anthony ington Regional Chamber of Commerce, and Masiello appointed him as Community Devel- HON. KAY GRANGER the St. Francois County Community Partner- opment Commissioner. Mr. Ryan remained in OF TEXAS ship. He and his wife Mary have been mem- that position for more than four years leading IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bers of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Farm- the creation of the Department of Strategic ington. Planning and a focused effort to engage resi- Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Mary says of her husband’s retirement, ‘‘I’m dents in planning initiatives to revitalize neigh- Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to looking forward to having him home. He’s borhoods. honor the Director of the Air Force Office of worked 50 years of his life. He has always With staunch determination to be an advo- Budget and Appropriation Liaison, Colonel loved his job. His work has been his hobby, cate for others, Joe Ryan volunteered count- Samuel Grable. too. Now is our time to travel and go see the less hours to the community and those in Colonel Grable is retiring after a long and kids and grandkids.’’ need. He served on the national board of di- impressive career in the Air Force. Here in In celebration of his dedication to publishing, rectors of the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans, Congress, we are especially grateful for his his community involvement, and his citizen- which advocated for veterans on health care work in communicating the Air Force message ship, it is my pleasure to recognize Mr. Gary issues. He took part in the Paralyzed Veterans in a clear and concise manner. Berblinger of Farmington, Missouri before the America Wheelchair Games in 1987, helping He played a critical role during the budget United States House of Representatives. raise money for the Erie County Medical Cen- roll-out process in 2013, 2014, 2015 and f ter spinal cord injury unit. 2016, setting the highest standards for clarity He served as a chairman of the Board of and honesty. His personal approach and re- HONORING AND CELEBRATING THE Managers for Erie County Medical Center in spect for others helped rebuild credibility be- LIFE OF JOSEPH E. RYAN the 1990’s and was President of the Friends tween the Air Force and the Congress. of the Night People. Mr. Ryan had also been Colonel Grable is a native of Seattle, Wash- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS on the board of directors of St. Joseph’s Colle- ington, and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Ac- OF NEW YORK giate Institute, and a board member of the Na- counting from Pepperdine University in Malibu, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tional Spinal Cord Injury Association, the Buf- California, and a Master of Arts degree in Or- falo Area Council of Alcoholism and Sub- ganizational Management from George Wash- Tuesday, July 5, 2016 stance Abuse, the United Cerebral Palsy ington University in Washington, DC. Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Foundation, and the Cornell University Presi- During his career he has served in a variety honor and celebrate the life of Joseph E. dential Council. of operational, command and staff assign- Ryan, a man who served his country, city and Mr. Ryan was justifiably recognized many ments in the United States and overseas. He community in times of need. A leader on the times for his life’s work in public service. He deployed as the Chief of Plans to Multi-Na- field of battle so many times and in so many received the D’Youville College Community tional Corps in Baghdad and as Mission Sup- ways, Joe Ryan lived a life full of triumph and Service Award, and was named Buffalo News port Group Commander at Kandahar Airfield, tragedy that is testament to his indomitable Citizen of the Year in 1986. He was given the Afghanistan in support of Operations Iraqi, and spirit and determination to make a difference Clarkson Center’s Courage to Come Back Enduring, Freedom. in this world. Award for devoting his talents to providing Colonel Grable became the director of the The first born in a family of ten, Joe Ryan customized housing that allow people with dis- Air Force Office of Budget and Appropriation graduated from St. Joseph’s Collegiate Insti- abilities to live independently. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:37 Jul 06, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JY8.001 E05JYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 5, 2016 And while he lived an independent and pur- longer than 300 years. For generations, the CONGRATULATING THE WEST poseful life, little would have been possible Abenakis knew the island as a place for good VIEW MASONIC LODGE NUMBER 103 without the unconditional, unyielding love and spear fishing. John Parker—to whom many loyalty of his devoted wife of 44 years, Eileen current residents can still trace their lineage— HON. JASON SMITH and their greatest shared accomplishment, built its first permanent homestead on land he OF MISSOURI son Sean, a former NFL player. purchased for a hogshead of rum and a few IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I honor the life of Mr. Joseph pumpkins in 1649. And its location on the bor- E. Ryan. I ask that my colleagues join me in der between what was then New France and Tuesday, July 5, 2016 expressing our deepest condolences to all of New England brought several conflicts during Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise the Ryan family, including his daughter-in-law, the French and Indian Wars of the 1700s.
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