HOME E1P Herald-Post EDITION The Newspaper That Serves Its Readers PRICE FIVE CENTS DELIVERED B? CARRIER EL PASO, TEXAS, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1957 300 PER WEEK ' VOL. LXXVII NO. 257 Puzzle Grows Find Patterson's Over Ouster Mystery Clothes Here OfZhukov Feeling Spreads That General's Removal Prowls Was Step Downward Bv Associated Press MOSCOW, Oct. 28.—The belief Is growing among Westerners in Moscow that Marshal George K. Zhukov's Another Home removal as defense minister means he has been downgraded and that Nikita Khrushchev sits j firmly in the Kremlin saddle. Intruder Soviet officialdom is stiH veiled ..: silence. Nothing specific has Program Of aec-n added to the terse, nine-line announcement Saturday that Zhu- Frightens •cov has been replaced by Marshal Radion Y. Malinovsky. Daniel Takes Most Western diplomats in Mos- cow believe that regardless of E. P. Woman whether Zhukov receives a new Believed To Be government post, Khrushchev's au- Whole Session iiority in the Kremlin is at least Chief Executive's 5 One Who Entered as strong as ever. Only One Effect Proposals to Take All Hervey Home They also believe that there will be no adverse reaction in the Time Allotted Solons The mysterious intruder country, no matter where Zhukov who has entered at least six turns up next. By ERNEST BAILEY homes recently, prowled One veteran western diplomat Herdd-foit Aailln Cormvondent AUSTIN, Oct. 28.—House again early today. said: He entered the Leon Siegel "TTie omission from the official Speaker Waggoner Carr to announcement of any indication home at 4228 Hampshire street day said he didn't know and was frightened away by their that the change was made to per- whether or not the Legisla- mit Zhukov's assignment to other ;ure can complete action on •creams. duties—such as premier or deputy Govrenor Price Daniel's five-point Ht took 34 centi from Mr«. premier—could have only one pos- progarm so that other matters can Seigel'f purse. sible effect on the Soviet public. Mrs. Fred Hervey, wife of tht They would read into the an- presented for consideration nouncement that Zhukov is out. next week. former mayor, said she was. un- "Certainly if the Communist high In an exclusive interview with able to determine from the descrip- tion if the intruder were the same command planned to kick Zhukov The Herald-Post Austin corre upstairs into a new job there would man who broke into her home at nave been some hint of it in the spondent, Speaker Carr said: 4025 North Kansas street and beat announcement if for no other rea- "There are still some things that her several weeks ago. son than for home consumption," are unpredictable as far as setting "I didn't get a good enough look See More Changes any time limit. at the prowler," she said. "I couldn't tell the color of his hair or In the West a host of theories Not Going Too Fast how it was cut." about Zhukov's fate kept even the "We will do the best we can. The Seigel home is only a few best informed experts on Russia "There are a lot of questions blocks from the Hervey home. puzzled. Soviet censorship prevent- that still have to be worked out. The Seigels said the prowler wa« PATTERSON'S SUIT - Mrs. Carmen Hernandez holds suit owned by W D. Patterson. The suit young — about 20 or 21, about six "Wo are not going so fast on feet tall, blond hair cut short and wasiafT™ cbaning shop shortly before Mr. and Mrs. P.ttersonjJropped from s,ght last spnng. anything to be detrimental to any was wearing a dark turtle neck part of the state." Governor Daniel said Saturday iweater and dark trousers. Before Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Patterson vanished from their An El Paso housewife, who home at 3000 Peidmont avenue last March, they left ex- - Mr,. U. asked that her name not be used Question Jurors told The Herald-Post her maid sur- pensive clothing at cleaners and laundlres that never has this week then two subjects per- street holds purse rifled by prowler. ' ' prised a man in her yard at night taining to the school segregation about a week ago whose descrip- been pciked up. f issue could be considered starting They left their electric and gasjyears cared for like a child, was On Death Penalty tion tallies almost exactly with the next Monday. service connected aad both the|lef„t to fora-oge- fo- r itself or starve, The prosecution today asked the description given by the Seigels. Integration Measures Ties, Upsets Too Much electricity and gas remained asj The new boat that was being first venireman questioned in the Mrs. Seigel said she and her hus- band were asleep between 12:30 they left it until the service was buil..t. b. y Mr-. Patterson«_ii , know!—«.,,_n ncl-r^kas John* Rw . MotleMnflpwy rapranfei case if she The Herald-Post had previously changed to the name of the present had conscientious scruples against carried exclusive stories on this. and 1 a. m. today when she awak- th* pride and joy of its builder, occupant of the house on July 15. the death penalty. One subject would allow for the For Gridiron Predictors ened. Every item of personal property wat left unfinished, and after the Motley is on trial on a statu closure of any Texas school occu- "Whe"wnen Ii openeujjtaicdu muijyr eyesc_yc., I «aw and every household feature was Pattersons disappeared was moved •»ry rape indictment which pied by Federal troops. The other It was a bad day for favored teams and contestants in the man.t back>.. she said. left by the Pattersons just as if to a place where it ii exposed and charges he had sexual relations would direct the attorney general The Herald-Post'* $500 Football Contest. "I wa* paralyze•'—d' -•"wit•h fear. I they expected to return in min- with a 13-year-old girl who ac- to defend school districts involved That's what it was Saturday. Another wave of gridiron didn't siy a word. I don't think is showing decay. I could have, I was so scared. utes or hours. | companied a party consisting of in integration lawsuits. upsets inundated the experts and sank the score pre- Foul Play Strengthened All friends of the Pattersons who her family and Motley and his Governor Daniel will also con- "The man walked through our know how Mrs. Patterson trea- blond wife, Eunice, to El Paso sider at the end of this week dictors. There were no winners bedroom door. He was as quiet All this points up even more in the week's contest of The Her- sured and pampered Tommy, and from Florida. whether to allow the Legislature to (Continued on Page ii, Coi. 1) the theory that the missing couple Zhukov ald-Post. Scores of Games met with foul play. who know Mr. Patterson's regard Mrs. M. E. Ward, the prospec- act on some 50 requests for local tive juror, said she had no No less than six games besides Mr. Patterson left expensive' ^^ an} certain ^ jj ed Moscow correspondents from bills. against the death sending some interpretations of the During a special session the gov- a tie went contrary to the pre- In Grid Contest Five-Day Weather clothing for deaning without ask- Pattersons should.- retur• ufnn theft y ,will dictions of the odds-makers. ing for one-day service or other as such in certain crimes, in- Zhukov removal. ernor decides what subjects are to call for an accounting of why cluding rape.' She was challenged be considered by the Legislature. The tie was a 14-14 game played Texas Western 42, New Mexico indication he expected to go away. Diplomats in London suggested between Duke and North Carolina, The clothing is still in the clean- Tommy and the boat were treated by the state after questioning there soon might be more changes The deadline for the current ses- Aggies 12. developed the fact that Defense sion is Nov. 12. It caused the most casualties West Texas 39, Hardin-Simmons ing plant with such disregard by whoever in the Kremlin. smong the thousands of con- Friends who attempted to tele- Attorneys William L. Merkin and They said Khrushcher seemed 19. was supposed to care for them. Ray Pearson had represented her testants who sought a perfect Texas 19, Rice 14. phone the Pattersons at their home Sudden Departure to have tightened his hold by re- Soviet, U S. Talks score. during the first 'ew days after the in civil litigation. moving his strongest potential rival Texas A. and M. 14, Baylor 0. Motleyl*iVV*vj,f 65-years-oldvt^j »«•»•* **••-,) gray-haireo'v*if —•••—'d Bl International Newt Servlc* But there were other games couple disappeared said they heard All of these circumstances, the Arkansas 12, Mississippi 6. and stoop-shouldered, wiped tears for power. WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. - The (Continued on Page 4, Col. I) Georgia 33, Kentucky 14. the usual sound of a telephone wearing apparel left in cleaning from his cheeks with a handker- United States and Russia today ringing. But some six weeks after Tennessee 16, Maryland 0. and laundry plants, the utilities chief as the first prospective juror began talks aimed at stepping up Michigan State 19, Illinois 0. jlefi connected, was being examined. the cultural and technical ex- e customary Historian Penn State 20, Syracuse 12. DISTRICT U Ul was not Assistant District Attorneys Ed- change programs between the two Freezing Weather Washington State 13, Southern cording that the telephone was disclosed fact the Temperatures near normal.
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