The Salvation Army / USA Central Territory News and Views from the Midwest “We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future.” Eph. 4:3,4 (NLT) Volume 39, Number 7 July 2009 Power at the point of prayer eople don’t pray because they’re supposed to. They pray because there’s a Pneed,” explained Pastor Jim Cymbala, guest speaker for the Power Point Summit. We need God’s Spirit. And so on an average June evening, in a venue which often hosts country or rock concerts, we came into God’s presence, with open hearts seeking His blessing. “What does The Brooklyn Tabernacle need? The same thing The Salvation Army needs. Fire!” exclaimed Pastor Cymbala. Amens echoed through the room. Citing a strong and unusual attachment to The Salvation Army, this dynamic preacher known for his church’s emphasis on prayer General calls Salvationists to pray for the International Conference of Leaders y aving announced in • Understanding cultural trends in e r G February the convening relation to gender issues, the y d n of the International younger generation and other A , l e Conference of Leaders in Christian bodies; b o r H t London from July 7-13, 2009, • The ongoing winning and disci - S m i General Shaw Clifton once again J pling of children and whole fami - , y invites Salvationists around the e n lies for Christ; e g world to uphold in prayer the senior o • The constant need to prepare the V k leaders who will attend from every c i future leaders of the Army on R corner of the globe. y b every continent; s o 135 senior leaders, representing t o • A reaffirmation of the role of all clearly understood h every territory and command in the P five zones, as well as International Salvationists in the building of our holiness heritage Headquarters, will attend. To assist God’s Kingdom on earth. and unequivocally Salvationists in focusing their Delegates will spend time in for - proclaimed the Holy prayers, the General has indicated mal discussions but also in prayer, Spirit’s relevance for the following issues and themes will worship and study of the Scriptures. today. His transparen - feature in deliberations: cy and biblical exposi - A daily news release will be issued tion demonstrated • Working for Kingdom growth from the conference venue located that without God’s through the Army’s growth and to the west of London. The General Spirit, we can do the establishing of Army work anticipates that the conference will nothing; all is but and witness in new lands; wish to issue a statement to all show and doctrine and • Building up of God’s Kingdom Salvationists soon after it concludes. politics. But when His Spirit penetrates our hearts through an ever-deepening com - Serving as a constant reminder to and illuminates our minds, we are more than con - mitment to Christ; delegates of the Army’s primary pur - querors. And this fire is contagious. This is the • The God-given role of Salvation- pose to introduce people to the power we need to live every day, to grow our Army, ists in working for social relief, Savior, the focal point of the confer - to change our world. social justice and human rights; ence room will be an altar together When Cymbala gave an invitation, without fan - with a large cross, prompting dele - fare or emotion, for those who wanted a fresh work • The impact of global financial gates to think of the crucified, risen recession upon the Army; of the Spirit to stand with him, it was not surprising and ascended Lord. delegates crowded the auditorium’s front, spilled up • The challenge of working in From an international news release. the aisles and stood at their seats. Soon the theater Muslim cultures; Continued on page 3 THE SALVATION ARMY 10 W. Algonquin Road Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 Moving? Send the attached label with your correction to: Circulation Manager, 10 W. Algonquin Road, Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 2 A spiritual buzz that won’t go away by Commissioner Barry C. Swanson Territorial Commander can’t get the subject of prayer wonderful communicator of truth. leaders: Commissioners Ken and 9. The sight of 12 altars, represent - off of my mind. As I write these 2. A large group of men and women Joy Baillie; Harold and Betty ing each command in the territo - words, the territorial Power responding immediately and pas - Hinson; and Harold and Polly ry, being carried into the audito - IPoint Prayer Summit is 48 sionately to an invitation to serve Shoults. They all look great. I am rium in solemn procession as the hours old. The spiritual buzz just as Salvation Army officers. It was thankful for their Godly legacy. congregation sang, “Send the won’t go away. a very encouraging sight. 6. The commissioning and ordina - Fire.” It was truly moving. We began the weekend by asking, 3. We prayed! The weekend’s goal tion of Salvation Army officers is 10. Finally, the realization we have “Lord, teach us to pray.” And did He was more prayer, and that was always a high, holy moment in now entered a year of concentrat - ever! In one of the most moving achieved by repeated scenes of our tradition, and this year was ed prayer with our 24/7 prayer events of my life, I saw and felt the hundreds of people on their knees no exception. movement. I can’t imagine what Holy Spirit direct in remarkable before the Lord. 7. The celebration of world mis - God is waiting to do as we ways. Much of the weekend’s activi - earnestly seek Him. Please see 4. Thanks to Visual Communica- sions again took center stage. ties will be featured in this publica - $7,293,444 was raised by our ter - your corps officer for information tion, but I’d like to give you my top tions at Central Territorial Head- on when your corps or center quarters (THQ), services were ritory last year, and 44 young 10 list of memorable moments. people were dedicated for short- will be called upon to labor in broadcast live over the internet. prayer. I am depending on you. 1. The preaching of Jim Cymbala. Hundreds of people were able to term missions this summer. Guest for the weekend, this pas - watch around the world. At least 8. The realization God heard the I realize only a fraction of the ter - tor of The Brooklyn Tabernacle two reports indicated people came prayers of His people in prepara - ritory could be in attendance, but be gave us two unforgettable ser - to faith in Christ as the gospel was tion for the event. For seven days assured a fire of high intensity was mons depicting the power and preached in real time. Hallelujah! prior, officers and employees of started. Before long you will see its urgency of prayer. With a humble THQ prayed night and day in its light and feel its heat. Don’t be and unassuming style, he was a 5. It was a homecoming of sorts for afraid to let it consume you. three sets of former territorial newly created prayer room. What’s on your stone? World Services/ Self-Denial Giving rayer is our work. It’s that Jesus for mercy, Commissioner Despite the challenging economy, simple. It gives us vision. It Swanson urged officers and employ - our territory raised a record— enables our ministry. A spe - ees to answer the question Jesus nearly $7.3 million—for cial focus on the privilege of asked, “What would you have Me do World Services/ Self-Denial! P To God be the glory! prayer recently began in our territo - for you?” ry. It’s called the 24/7 Prayer She extrapolated, “What would Experience. you have Me do for The Salvation Eastern Michigan $803,250 The debut of this initiative Army?” They were encouraged to Heartland $316,404 occurred last month at Central write it on a stone to be kept on their Indiana $452,880 Territorial Headquarters (THQ) a desks, prompting them to ask God Kansas/Western week before the Power Point for this often. Revival. Holiness. Missouri $636,684 Summit, intentionally timed to Encouragement. Healing. Metropolitan $1,034,688 bathe this territorial gathering with Wondering what the territorial Midland $754,086 intercession. a place where we expect God to ambassador for prayer wrote? Fire! Two adjoining rooms have been meet us, to empower us. Northern $600,000 dedicated at THQ’s conference cen - “The upper room was Western $468,894 ter for 24/7 prayer this year. They the launch pad for the Western Michigan/ will serve as “upper rooms” of sorts, Church,” said Northern Indiana $443,190 Commissioner E. Sue Wisconsin/Upper Swanson, territorial Michigan $664,326 ambassador for prayer. Adult Rehabilitation She explained that the Centers Command $850,578 early Church was about prayer. It is the primary College for Officer Training $77,418 reason they saw people coming to the Lord. Territorial Headquarters $191,046 Drawing on another biblical account where Grand Total $7,293,444 the blind man beseeches Get Your opinion counts... Connected! Check out our complementary material on the web. go to www.usc.salvationarmy.org/getconnected Resources/Links THE SALVATION ARMY www.usc.salvationarmy.org Prayer Central website 10 W. Algonquin Road • Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 847-294-2000 Australia East Territory (suicide prevention) COMMISSIONER BARRY C. SWANSON to take a brief survey on World Missions Bureau website Territorial Commander Officer Candidate website MAJOR JOHN WILKINS Community Relations and Development Secretary programming for future Volunteer website ELIZABETH KINZIE Editorial Director CSB Dresden clip on YouTube ANNE URBAN COMMISSIONING WEEKENDS Web exclusives Editor/Writer JACQUELYN MURSCHEL Clips from the Power Point Summit and Communications Specialist Commissioning weekend FERN CALDWELL Circulation Manager How to Make a Prayer Labyrinth KENNETH ROMIN List of books by Cymbala Graphic Design and Production CSB blog and more photos on European trip VISIT OUR WEBSITE— www.usc.salvationarmy.org Hurry! Survey ends on 8/31/09 Speech by Witnesses for Christ session speaker 1-800-SALARMY Lt.
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