The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie There is always time Railroad Co. for courtesy CONTENTS Page ( Smaroii*, Oculists, Hospitals, titni Anl Siuiinns Inside front coyer Time Table No. 9 S|in ml Instructions 2 FOR EMPLOYES ONLY rnulniiftli in Youngstown 29 YMBfMMM to Pittsburgh 30 Cmiiirlliville to Pittsburgh 31 PitUbttfgfa ii> i "iinrllsville 31 BfOWMfUh t<> "V anil Branches 32 S|>rril Table 36 Map Inside back cover EFFECTIVE 2:00 A. M., Eastern Standard Time Make Sunday, April 30, 1961 SAFETY Your A. J. Henderson, POLICY Superintendent. COMPANY SURGEONS ATTENTION ALBERT II. WINTERS, Chief Surgeon, Pittsburgh TRAIN AND ENGINE CREWS I'. & L. E. Annex Bldg., Phones—Office Court 1-3201, Line 581, Res. LOcust 1 11117 Always keep in mind that the customer is the BUYER and that it is your job to make every BUYER a satisfied customer. To that end, the following matters deserve your constant ALIQUIPPA: Geo. B. Hush, ."i20 Franklin \w. MONONGAHELA: P. F. Vaccaro, 210 Third St. Phones—Oflice ESscx 5-1101 Residence ESsex 5-1041. Phones—Office BLackburn 8-7919. attention: Residence BLackburn 8-7921. 1. If an error or misstatement has been made somewhere along the route, put forth every BEAVER FALLS: R. M. Patterson, 1008 Fifth We, Phone—Oflice and Residence Tllden 6-0348. NEW CASTLE: P. II. Wilson, 211 N. Jefferson St. effort to correct it. Nothing should be considered too trivial. Plumes—Office OLiver 2-3522; Res. OLiver 2-2752. J. W. Smith, 1417 Seventh A\<\ 2. Ever be alert to the safety and comfort of your passengers, and freely give information Phones—Office Tllden 6-0620; Residence Tllden 6-5836, and advice when requested. The aged, infirm and the young passenger traveling unaccom• \\ 1 > < lelimd, 432 Croton Ave. panied require special attention. Be helpful to them in every way possible, particularly in BROWNSVILLE: S. W. Huston, Union Station Bldg. Phone Office and Residence OLiver 2-1201. Phone—Office and Residence STatc 5-7242, assisting them on and off trains, and occasionally inquire as to their comfort. P111s111111.il Win I \ndcisoii, 2113 Shiloh Street, Pgh., 11 3. Protect both coach and sleeper passengers against undue noise or disturbance, partic• CONNELLSVILLE: S. Andolina, 601 2nd National Hank Building Phones-Office 111 nil. >< k I f.'H I Phones—Office MArket 8-2660; Res. MArket 8-9111. (Periodic Examinations Only) ularly at night. Remember they pay to sleep. 4. The avoidance of arguments or friction with passengers is a test of your diplomacy. CORAOPOLIS: Frank R. Braden, Jr., 1616 State Ave. John I llappcl, 111'/ ItioMiisvillc Komi Phones—Office AMhurst 4-0670; Res. AMhurst 4-4273. Phones—Office Tllxcdo 2 Ohlil A calm and pleasant manner, regardless of the circumstances, is the best assurance of your lies. II xedo I llldll success. EAST YOUNGSTOWN: E. J. Reilly, 247} 2 Robinson Road 5. Keep posted on connecting line train service, arbitrary holds they have in effect for Phones—Office PLaza 5-4116; Res. Riverside 3-0591. YANIH nun 1 : \\ illiaiii F. CoR In Phones—Oflice l.Akeside 9-7513; Res MArket 8-5853 our trains, and advise passengers so as to avoid, as far as possible, any uneasiness on their ELIZABETH: I. E. Rowland, 2nd Street part about missing connections, and when same is unavoidable, tell them what time the Phone—Office and Residence 11. WEST NEWTON: A. II. King, 125 Second Slrwl next connection is due to depart. Office 506 McKean Ave., Charleroi, Phones—Oflice 25-J; Hen 25-M. Phone—HUdson 3-5821. 6. Cheerfully offer explanation of unusual delays and pass such information to other YOUNGSTOWN: Edward A. Shoilen, 102 Oak Hill St. MCKEESPORT: Morris A. Rack, 302 Masonic Temple members of your crew—Brakeman, Porter, Sleeping Car, Pullman and Dining Car employes Phones—Oflice Riverside I 1,.I II,-, LEnnox 3-4020. Phones—Oflice ORchard 8-3001; Res. ORchard 3-7579. —so they too may advise passengers. Generally speaking, passengers will gladly accept a condition which they understand, but on the contrary are irritated when kept in ignorance. J. L. Auslander, Peoples City Bank Building W. II Tiiiiiei, M,ih, 11I Ceiiler, (iypsy Lime. Phone—Office and Residence ORchard 3-2601. Phones—Office HlNeiiide 7 ')lll, lies Hlvrrside 7-5530. 7. Neatness of appearance and courtesy bespeak pride in your job, and create good-will for the Railroad. MONESSEN: J. C. Griffith, 181 Schoonmaker Ave. Clarence Slelanski, ''Ill Miilioiiing Hank Bldg. Phones—Oflice and Residence MUrray 4-6722. Phones—Oflice Riverside I f, .()'). lira Skyline 7-1348. 8. Being considerate of others is the key to popularity. This applies to the institution and individual alike. Many of your passengers may be riding a train for their first time. OCULISTS This is especially true of the younger generation. Kind and attentive treatment to make them feel at home creates additional passenger traffic. CHARLEROI: I. E. Rowland, 506 McKean Ave. PITTSBURGH: Murray V McC«»lln, ('.arlton House, 9. Remember that people traveling on passes have a right to that privilege, and are Phone—HUdson 3-5821. ThonniH M Evans, I nil,111 House, Franklin I' Hoffman. Caritos Home, entitled to the same courteous treatment as other passengers. A satisfied "free-transporta• Phone: Office—ATlunlii I 1198. tion" passenger is always a booster. CONNELLSVILLE: T. G. McLellan, 108 2nd National Bk. Bldg. Phone—Oflice MArket 8-1560. YOUNGHTOWN: W. II. EVIIIIN, Dollni Hank Hldg. 10. On crowded trains, New York Central employes riding on passes should, and will if Phone H Iven Idi i ' i i • properly approached, cheerfully cooperate in seeing that revenue passengers are given every possible consideration. HOSPITALS 11. Train Porter should keep coaches clean and in tidy condition at all times. Toilets ALIQUIPPA: Aliquippa Hospital, 2500 Hospital Drive NEW BRIGHTON: Kcim-i \ alley (uncial 11,, |,il,,l. I'ron \ve. particularly are the source of adverse comment. Inspect them frequently. Phone—ESsex 5-6691. Phoiie-Tllil.n | 11(1(1 BEAVER FALLS: Providence Hospital, 3rd Ave. & 9th St. \i \\ CASH.I Ji son Memorial Hospital, West I-ensure Ave. 12. AVOID ROUGH HANDLING OF YOUR TRAIN. New York Central engine- Phone—Tllden 3-6002. Phone—OI nn II NCI, men have an enviable reputation for smooth starting, running and stopping of their trains. PnTMiriti.il: Soulh Side Hospital, 20th St., South Side. CONNELLSVILLE: State Hospital, East Murphy Ave. Never lose sight of this feature, as passengers are more disposed to avoid the route that does Phone—Office MArket 8-1500. I'll,,n,—Illlhhard I 3300, Km HI MI K: Rochester Ocneral Hospital, Pinney Ave. not give them a smooth ride, than they are to exert the effort involved in registering com• MCKEESPORT: McKeesport Hospital, 1500 Fifth Ave. Phone—HObart 6-4000. Phone SPriicc I MM,II plaints about it. Voi NGSIOWN: \ iniiigsiown City Hospital, Oak Hill & Francis MONONGAHELA: Monongahela Hospital, State llwy., Boute llli Streets. 13. Of equal importance is SMOOTH HANDLING OF FREIGHT TRAINS. Rough Phone—BLackburn 4-8400. Phone — 111verside 7-0751. handling results in damaged lading and delays due to damaged equipment, which creates dissatisfied customers. FIRST All) STATION 14. On-time delivery of passengers, mail, express and freight at destination is what PITTSBURGH: Room 40, Annex Building MCKEES ROCKS: Foot of Bradley SI nil customers pay for and expect. Your best efforts, always within the zone of safety, should Phone—COurt 1-3201, Line .>lll Phone—COurt 1-3201, Line 217 be extended to keep your trains on time. which spans the Mid ing Hiver and Division Street and on 14. ENGINE WHISTLE SIGNALS. Youngstown E-L Station: Passenger trains, verbally by SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS P&LE and E-L train dispatchers by telephone. No. I Bridge which spans P.II II. trucks at Brier Hill. The whistle must be sounded at whistle posts and where Special instructions prefixed by letter or number modify Rules required by rule or law. Youngstown New York Central Station: Passenger trains, verbally by P&LE train dispatcher by telephone. for the Government of the Operating Department with 0. m:\i>i\<. o\ i» nr. Sound Indication corresponding letter or number, unless otherwise specified. College: Passenger trains, verbally by operator at QA While on duly, books, magazines or papers other than com• (r) Flagman may return from east on No. 4 track.* pany instructions, must not be rend. by telephone. Al. OTHER RAILROADS. (8) Flagman may return from west on No. 1 track * Pittsburgh: Passenger trains, verbally by train dispatcher Between N and the E-L Station, Youngstown, Ohio, trains REPEATING INSTRU4 now (t) — o Flagman may return from the east on No. 3 by telephone. run via the E-L R. R. All verbid instructions all'eeling ham movements or involving track (except between DX and CH); on No. 2 MK: Westward trains by hand signal from switch tender. equipment or track conditions must he repeated back by the track between DX and CH. and on No 1 B2. LAWS AND REGULATIONS. employe recefc ing t hem, track between CS and DU, DF and PO, EG 84. STARTING SIGNALS. Cars shall not be stored within a distance of 300 feet of any and RP, RK and MO, CA and RS, N and Signals are located over tracks 1 to 6 inclusive, at Pittsburgh grade crossing in Pennsylvania. These instructions do not 1. STANDARD TIME. NYC Station.* train shed for the purpose of authorizing the departure of trains apply to cars spotted on industrial or public delivery tracks Eastern Standard Time is in use and is obtained from Wash• (u) o Flagman may return from the west on No. 2 from these tracks. Trains must not depart until Proceed for loading or unloading.
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