f - 1 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1967 PAGE TWENTY Manrt;f0t^r Eupning A v «h «B D bRy N et PkiMB R oi The Weather Vor Ute W«Us M m M MoaUy cloudy tonlgWt wtih ’The W om an'* ^AuxUtefy of Autpm 26, 1967 dianco cf abowera. Low 60 to tile' MlancheaitcT Midget and Night School liegistration About Town 66. C to u ^ tomorrow mocnfaiff. Pony Football AModatlpn will efiaexiag in alltemoon. High isi Manchester Veterans Council havo tte flrsit meeting o f the Sept. 19-20 at Tech School 14,590 70*. will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at season Monday at 8:30 p m . at POHED ROSE Manche$ter— A City of VUlage Charm the home of Mrs. James Ray SALE the American Legion Home. ''at least two years of exper- of 180 Ferguson Rd. The meet­ Registration for adult eve- (Okuwlfled AdvertifibiK on Fnf« 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS fience in machine work. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,* 1967 ing lis open to all interested ■'itlng courses at Howell' Cheney VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 289 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) Manchester Ckirden Club will Shop math is offered to Uiose women. REG. $2.50 have a member's horticultural Technical School will be held who wish to learn baste al­ dhq>lay Monday, at 8 p.m. at Sept 19 and 20 from 7 to 9 p.m. gebra, trigonometry, ■with a Center CongcegatlohUl ^u rcb. Orange Hall bingo will open 1.50 at the school office. brief review of the fundamen­ for Uie season tomorrow at 7:30 Mrs. Anthony Sherlock is chair­ Evening school director Len­ tals given where necewery. PLANT Jeer* and j6Uy man of the event. Mrs. J. W il­ p.m. at the hall. nart Johnson cumounces that Leaking Valve Precludes A ll courses are tidcion free liDBANDN, Ore. (AP)— lis tCriley and Mrs. John this year’s prog^ram has been and available to Connecticut Loralne HeodofWn cC Leba­ Obuchowski are hostesses. , The Presbyterian CJhurch is expanded to meet an Increasing Dropped Deep residents' in the Manchester non mibM ufae wtoUunitod by sponsoring a Book Forum to­ public dem.and, as well as new area. Preference is given those a carioaU of lioiya who The Ladies of St. James will morrow at 8 p.m. at the manse .licensing requirements in the LAWN SEED at 43 Spruce 5t'. The event is now employed in the trade. Soft Surveyor Landing threw gravd et her oer and have its first meeting of this various trades. open to the public. Inquiries may be made at called her dbCy nunea ns season Monday at W illie’s The electrical code course has the spokesman the school or by telephone. PASADENA, Cdif. (A P) «»• tank ehould be sum- to the moon, rfie drove alonjg. Steak House. Dinner will be been enriched to cover state li­ Mrs. Laura Briggs, director — A leaky htUom gas valve d«nt to stop the leak. said. served at 7 p.m. after a so­ censing requirements both for NOW Mno. HendertUon, who had of the Department of Social has prevented America's The spokesman said if the He said Ita esuneras might be cial time, at 6:30. The Bt. Rev. apprentices and for those seek­ USE OUR MIX BPIEXIEAUiY a ja r otr JeVy handy, eadd Vietnam Service at Manchester Memor­ Now Many Woor Snrveym ’ 5 from ronVIng a leak stops then, a decision for a of ,ome use in taUiv earth plm- Msyr. Edward J. Reardon, pas­ ing the master’s license. FORIMUIjATBD f o r TIHSIIS AREA. fihe itoaaed Ot through the ial Hospital, will speak Mon­ § o it Inniilnjg q q th e mOOD, landing would probaMy be tographs, but Its soil-testing tor of St. James’ Church, will Color T V curriculum will pre­ rear 'window o f the car the SAIGON (AP) — U. S. day at 1 p.m. at a meeting of FALSE TEETH eay adratists at Hie Jet made, it the helium continues to equipment would be wasted. boya 'were in, then drove be guest speaker. pare qualified technicians and the executive' board of , the B52 bombers aimed tons of repairmen for the state colpr With More Comfort Propokhm LatXffatory. scientists said the heUiim away. Women’s Auxiliary of Manches­ explosives today at N<»th test. This course has been ad­ To overcome discomfort when A — ~ said early today ^ tank’s valve must be cloeed to ter Memorial Hospital at Chap­ Vietnamese guns threaten­ justed to approximately twelve dentures slip, slide or loosen. Just anitinH^*7n> mnaiiiarinr aithAP engineering tests and pjeserve the helium, required to man House. sprinkle a little PABTggTH on your ing the South, after figh t­ sessions to keep the time re­ plates. FASTBETH holds dentures television picturespressurise the U q u l d ^ l in the quired to a minimum of nights firmer. You eat better, feel mors ??? BSarth. he said. SUcecraft’s three control rtek- ^ t ^ t e i V e M ? « er-bombers dodged hiMivy Polish National Alliance, comfortable. FABTXETH U alkaline make a hard landing or piitUiv School’s Open for customer service calls. — won’t sotu-. Helps check plate cUor. The J P L spokesman aaid the ets. defenses and flew within 20 Group 1989, will meet Sunday It Into a high orMt a r o i ^ the Relax Courses in Electronics I and Dentures that fit are essential to decision m ay not be made until without the control rockets, miles of Red China to blast at 1 p.m. at 77 North St. health. See your dentist recularly. Barth. Coiirt Holds Don’t be chained to Get FASTBETH at all drug counters. this afternoon If Surveyor's con- ^hlch would slow the spacecraft a jammed rail yard. II are available for beginners Flight engineers predicted your weekly luun- as well as for those with experi­ dltkm is not immediately clear. a landing of 10 mUea an hour ■Three waves ot the eight- Loyal Circle of Kings Daugh­ that th* helium would stop leak­ I dry, tTse our "wife- ence. EJlectrical courses are also The leakage deveh^;>ed after a or less, the vehicle would plum- engine B52s struck artillery and ters will have Its first meeting ing about no<m today. At that D e lg a d o in saver” available in I and I I levels. routine m ldcoune correction met at high speed into the lunar rocket launchers In the demili­ of the season Monday at 7 :46 GROWN CLUMPS time, they said, the pressure In Wash, D ry and Technical English has been RANGt was ordered, requiring the surface. tarized zone to prevent them Fold Seiwlce p.m. at the Fellowship Room of added to provide knowledge and from harassing U.S. Marines In L U C K Y L A D Y Center Congregational Church. craft’s three liquid fuel engines Surveyor’s main tiutlst rocket Young Death experience in the proper pro­ northern South Vietnam, al­ LAUNDRY Mrs. Ruth Muldoon and Mrs. FUEL OIL to be fired. can’t alow the craft to less than cedure in business letter w rit­ J O H N E. BioBtOdiUe , ready busy chasing reinforced iS Purnell Place Margaret Kottke are hostesses. Strattons Wed 40 Years The spacecraft had been due 850 miles an hour, scientists ex- HARTFORD (AP) — A man Manchester GASOLINE Red troops. The B82a also ing, report writing and in basic Operating Well to land on the moon—221,575 plain. accused of killing a Hartford (Rear of Burton’s) Mr. and Mrs . William J. Louis Pateili, Mrs. Robert grammar review. made one of their Infrequent Manchester Bridge Club will WASHIMaTON (AP) — -A miles from earth— Sunday after- Scientists fired and refired the policeman w m released from .649-2002 Dehnel and Miss Mary Strat­ Other courses offered are In noon. raids north of the zone ^Friday sponsor a duplicate bHdge game Stratton of 1956 Ridgemont 7-foot-lohg orbiting biology labo- t ^ e Uqdd-fuel e n ^ s repeat- Hartford Hospital Friday and ton, all of Manchester, and 22 automotive repair, carpentry night to attack the Communist tonight at 8 at the Italian Amer­ ratmry exposed millions c< Uv- “ Orbiting the spacecraft edly, trying to Jiggle the auto- Dr., Clearwater, Fla., formerly £ind drafting. The machine blue­ BANTLY OIL arraigned on a murder charge gun positions. The big planes grandchildren. WHITHAM Ing, organlsma to arUti- around the earth would save the matte helium tank valve to the ican Club, 138 Eldridge St. R eg­ gtomiig o f 35 Garden St., are marking Before his retirement this print reading and machine shop CO.MI’.W Y, i.\(. LANDSCAPE NURSERY thirty minutes later. generally stay away from North istrations will be taken at 7:30. d a l radiation ""iT almoet pure spacedralt—hut we wouldn’t closed position. The attempts their 40th wedding anniversary year Mr. Stratton was club per­ practice courses are offered to ::;;i m a i .n .s t u k k 'i “GROW wmm US” Roberto Salaberrlo Delgado, Vietnam to avoid Red surface- The event is open to the public. weightlessness in It* aoTSiyRA full' Imve any hope of ever getting it failed, to-air missiles. today. mittee of the Washington So­ both beginners and to advanced ri';i.. (i I!)- Route 6, Bolton^^dOO Yd*, from Bolton N otdi— 643-7802 35, wiU be tried for the ahooUng day In space today. Despite the B52 raids, Com­ The couple was married Sept. cial Club and a member o f that adults. The tool and die course Open Dally 9.-6 — Sunday 5:80 of Patrolman H arvey Young two A meeting scheduled by the KiicU viIIc S7.I- 'il!7 I The BioeatelUte 2 spacecraft munist rockets hit the sand­ 8, 1927 in the old Methodist club and Orangemen’s Lodge.
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