^^^^^^^t^^^^^^m^mmmm ^HBBPSBBBS"^ -'••'" • «' •„ WF^m^a^^^m ^ 1 H F M nF R^OM Nevada's Industrial Center Volume 43,54th Edition Henderson, Nevada 25e THE COMMUNITY'S NEWSPAPEP -wl \ Tuesday, July 7,1992 Old Vegas plans to be reviewed By Paul Szydeiko Managing Editor The Henderson City Council tonight will consider an architec- tural review and use permit to allow limited gaming and a lim- ited gaming liquor operation at Old Vegas. The council is scheduled to meet at4:30p.m.inCouncil Chambers, City Hall. 240 Water St. The applicant. Focus 20(X). in- tends to re-opcn the Old Vegas -pwHtaeHfty^iHeiutimg^afHttaunmfr-" and casino. All existing buildings will remain in nearly identical size, design arid layout, but will be re- furbished and landscaping will be added. Included in the use permit ap- plication is an overall master plan forthe 127-acre site. Afterthe fort is ie-upciicu,uieappiicant intends to add as many as three hotel and casino sites, three truck and rec- reation vehicle centers and pos- sibly a factory outlet mall. Old Vegas has been closed since 1986. In other business, the council will consider an ordinance which adds administrative guidelines to me vyaiefAlIocaiion Orainancej; The guidelines deal withlate ap^ plications, criteria for placement on the water deferral list and a DAMBOREE PARADE WINNER—A Henderson float, comprised of the City. More photos of the 44th Damboree celebration will appear in Thursday's schedule for council reconsidera- Demolay and Rainbow groups of the Masonic Lodge, won honors as best edition. tluii uf Uefeiied watcri Fraternal OrgaTsrzaiToinroal during Salurday^sTJambdree parailelrTBoulder' Photo by Aaron Mayts applications. Homeowners discuss Old Vegas, LIDs By Aaron Mayes fectively cutting the entire prop- conceptual plans for a recreation People are interested." News Staff Writer erty into half. -vehicle park and additional gam- Focus 2000 hopes to renovate .. Questions over the Old Vegas Bob O'Neil, Focus 2000 ex- ing facilities have been filed with the buildings, bringing them "up site and whether residents in the ecutive director of property de- the city of Henderson Planning to code" and re-open at the same RivcrMountain neighborhood arc velopment, told the audience of DcpartmenL Focus 2000 repre- time the U.S. 95 (Henderson ex- being forced into participating in more than 75 that plans for the sentatives said that conceptual pressway) extcns ion is completed. a Local Improvement District remaining property, approxi- plans arc just that, "conceptual" The property, which runs (LID) were abundant during the mately 80 acres, have not been and that the only thing that is set is northeast along Boulder Highway, area's homeowners' association set. the re-opening of the Old Vegas is "hard-zoned" in a CC-G meeting Wednesday at Fay Gal- He added that the reason for site. (community commercial with loway Elementary School. Focus 2000's involvement with O'Neil focused the company's gaming enterprise overlay) diS; Representatives from Focus the homeowners' association is presentation on the positive as- trict. With the CC-G zoning in 2000, fomneriy MaiCor Devel- promote a woilcing relationship. pects of opening the fort as well as place. Focus 2000 said, the re- opment, presented plans to clean- Residents and the company's the improvements being planned maining property's future will up and re-open the "old fort" as a planning staff should work to- for the existing buildings. mostlikely becommcreial of some commercial site with gaming. gether to create acceptable uses "We get 100.,pcpple'a Wy^ •type.-- -••>•••"••'"••'"• •" -••^- ^ " Focus 2000 represcntatiyes alsQ • for the remaininjg propeity^O'Ncil stopping by and ipokinj^at Jte^ outlined a plan to re-align Boul- said. site.'' O'Neirsaid. 'The 'Old See LIDs, Page 3 der Highway behind the site, ef- It was noted, however, that Vegas' site really survives itself. Chamber, merchants begin Tuesday's Shoppers Club Local merchants and the Small -BusinessCouncil of the Hcnder. son Chamber of Commerce .have initiated the Tuesday's Shoppers _Club in Henderson^ _^ Merchants can join the Tuesday's ShoRjer Club through the Chamber of Commerce. Par- ticipating merchants will display a poster and provide a 10% dis- WOMAN OF THE YEAR—Barbara Stafford won Opportunity count to any person holding a Village's Woman of the Year Friday for her hard work and membership card. The discount concern for other people. She displays the plaque at work following will be given on all items whether a presentation Wednesday at the Rio Hotel and Casino. ornottheyare fidl price ormarked Photo by Aaron Mayea down, a spokesman forthe project said. Consumers can join the Tuesday's Shoppers Qub through Opportunity Village the Chamberof Commerce for$5 for 1992. receive a membership card and shop at 10% off on honors Stafford Tuesdays. By Roy Theiss Opportunity Village in Hender- Among the merchants already ATeiriSUff Writer son, said she nominated Stafford participating are Othena's Fash- For 10 years. Opportunity for the award because she is a hard ions, Sandi's Office Supply, Village's Woman of the Year worker. Stafford's discipline and Gene's Locksmith. Barbara's award has gone to one of the six dedication were the reasons she Boutique. Koffee Komer, Book TUESDAY'S SHOPPERS CLUB— The SmaU sumer membershipcard. From left areChamhec^. stores or centers outside of the gained the honor, Edwards said. Round-up. Henderson Drugs, Business Council of the Henderson Chamber of of Commerce Executive Director Gary John- Henderson area. But Barbara Opportunity Village employs ap- Henderson Union 76 Gas Sution Commerce and area ma>chants have teamed to son, Kesterson, local CPA William J. Sheehan, Suffoid changed all that as she proximately 300 intellectually and Nick's Supper Qub. Mtut the Tuesday's Stoppers Club. Participat- Othena Williams of Othcna*s Fashions, new became the flrst Henderson Op- challenged people. ing merchants offer a 10% discount of goods Chamber of Commerce President Paul Gargis, portunity Village employee to win Merchants^^ay contact the and services to participating club members. promotions and advertising specialist Elaine die award. See Stafford, Page 2 Chamber of Conunerce at 565- Mayor Loma Kesterson bought the first con- Blue and Greg Phillips of Phillips Furniture. Nlkki Edwards, manager of 8951 to enroll. FlMto kj Aarw Mayw ipiiniip^im»Bi III! iwpi iMi IIIiiimiiiwppi mi iiiiiii i!lnl.ni.|llH.i>,i^Bn»"' mmmmmmmmmmmmm T^TT tmmmm ••••••IHP Tuesday, July 7,1992 Page 2 Henderson Home News, Henderson, Nevada Tuesday, July 7,1992 Henderson Home News, Henderson, Nevada Page 3 Man pleads guilty Clearing out the editor's notebool( LIDs from Page 1 Easy Breathers to meet July 22 No one asked but: School^duate of 1991, and a to lewdness charges Of equal importance to River widi Public Worics Director Marie dents noted diat die deferal^ of sophomore at the University of Mountain homeowners was the Calhoun, Chief Planner Bill SmiUi off-site improvements will be Excellent comment: Mayor Easy Brcadiers will hold its well as our regular monthly can Hospital," said Sister Robert Nevada-Reno, Basic High question of a new ordinance re- and odier city staffers to explain conditioned as die City Council Loma Kesterson cut to the heart annual summer luncheon from meetings held at St. Rose E>o- Joseph Bailey, coordinator of School senior Mason Turner cently passed by die Henderson die ordinance. sees fit Williams refuted die ar- of the issue during last noon to 1:30p.m. July22 in die St minican Hospital," said Dave community education at St Rose and Green Valley High School Sexual assault counts to be dropped City Council diat requires off-site Williams said the ordinance's gument saying that die "defer- Tuesday's special meeting re- Rose Dominican Hospital Annex. Mehlbcrg, a certified respiratory Dominican. 'The luncheon wiU garding Sky Harbor Airport. senior Kara Kindstrom will improvements to be installed. Off- intent was not to force ments will most likely be until an sentencing by DisiKct Court Judge Easy Brcadiers is a lung support dierapist and coordinator for Easy give new participants a chance to Henderson City Council mem- learn a little about community By Katherine E. Scott site improv.ements include any homeowners in the River Moun- LID is developed." Lee Gates in Department 8. •_„ group sponsored by Nevada Brcadiers. "Our main goal is to meet and socialize with other bers expressed many reserva- newspapers and the workplace /Veifj Staff Writer r£ombination of pavement, curbs, tain neight)ortiood into choosing He ifdded diat LID'S are brought' The records state that the pros- Medical Supply and St. Rose help lung patients learn what diey respiratory patients before at- tions about buying and manag- for the next couple months. A Henderson man arrested in gutters, sidewalks and street lights. between patchwork impr^ove- fordi as a citizens' project and are ecuting attorney agreed to make Dominican Hospital to assist can do to relieve breathirig diffi- tending a regular meeting. New ing a reliever airport, but Dream Team: Watching May for the sexual assaults of Other improvements include ments or an LID, but rather to stop not forced or required by die city. no recommendations whether the pcoplc suffering from emphysema culties and avoid unnecessary members ar% always welcome to Kesterson said "We have to Team USA trounce all chal- several young giris is scheduled sewer and water hook-ups which homebuilders in Henderson from The process of Creating an LID sentences should run concurrently and other related chronic lung hospital admissions." attend." maintain some kind of control lengers the past week was great for sentencing on July 27 after must be brought across die face of circumventing dieir responsibili- starts widi a citizens' petition in'' or consecutively when Lanzon is disca.ses.
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