Index Ace Combat, 11 audience achievements, 368–369 age of, 29 Action Cartooning (Caldwell), 84n1 control needs of, 158–159 actuators, 166–167 pitch presentation and, 417–421 Advance Wars series, 11 Auto Race, 7 aerial combat, 270 autosave, 192, 363–364 Aero the Acrobat, 52 “ah-ha!” experience, 349 background music, 397–398 “aim assist,” 173 backtracking, 228 aiming, 263–264 badass character, 86–88, 86n2 Aliens (movie), 206 bad video games, 25, 429 “alley” level design, 218–219 Band Hero, 403 Alone in the Dark, 122 Banjo-Kazooie, 190 Alphabetical Bestiary of Choices, 304–313 Batman: Arkham Asylum, 46, 50, 110, 150, 173, 177, alternate endings, 376 184, 250, 251, 277, 278, 351, 374 American Physical Therapy Association exercises/ Batman comic book, 54 advice, 159–161, 159n3 Batman TV program, 86, 146 ammunition gauge, 174 Battle of the Bands, 404 amnesia, 47, 76, 76n9 BattleTech Centers, 5–6 Animal Crossing, 117n10, 385 Battletoads, 338 animated cutscenes, 408 Battlezone, 5, 14 animatics, 74 beat chart, 74, 77–79, 214–216 anthropomorphic characters/themes, 92, 459 Beetlejuice (movie), 18 anti-hero, 86n2 beginning/middle/end (stories), 41, 50–51, 50n9, 435 anti-power-ups, 361 behavior (enemies), 284–289 appendixes (GDD), 458 Bejeweled, 41, 350, 368 armor, 259–261, 361 bi-dimensional gameplay, 127 Army of Two, 112, 113 Bilson, Danny, 3 Arnenson, Dave, 217n13, 223–229 Bioshock, 46, 46n9, 118, 208n9, 212, 214, 372 artifi cial intelligence, 13,COPYRIGHTED 42, 71, 112, 113, 293 “bite-size” MATERIAL play sessions, 46, 79 artist positions (video game industry), 13–14 Blade Runner, 397 Art of Star Wars series (Del Rey), 84n1 Blazing Angels series, 11 The Art of Game Design (Schell), 15n14 Blinx: the Time Sweeper, 26 Ashcraft, Andy, 50 blocks/parries, 258–259, 287, 300–301 Assassin’s Creed series, 21, 172 Bluth, Don, 13 Asteroids, 5 bombs, 47–48, 247, 272, 358, 381 attack matrix, 248, 267, 279 bonus materials, 373–376 Attack of the Clones (movie), 202n6 bonus materials screen, 195 attack patterns (boss attack patterns), 323 rewards and, 373–376 attacks. See combat; enemies Borderlands, 175, 175n1, 372 auctions/trading (MMOs), 390–391 boring levels, 228, 363 bbindex.inddindex.indd 448383 55/12/2010/12/2010 44:54:27:54:27 PPMM 484 Index boss battles, 319–329 Civilization, 11 bosses, 71, 318–329 cliché game themes, 200–207 defi ned, 318 Cliffhanger, 184 design template, 469–470 clipping, 186 fi ght components, 323–324 close battles, 250 sizes of, 321–325 collectibles, 70, 457 Braid, 26, 48, 378 Collins, George, 426 brainstorming, 31–34, 340 collision (character’s collision), 94–95 breaks/time out, 35, 340, 429 Colossal Cave, 4, 10 Brütal Legend, 29, 49, 162, 195n16, 369, 414n7 combat, 243–280 buffs, 302, 358 guarding in, 258–261 bugs, 16–17, 58 moving in, 255–258 building upon predecessors (game ideas), 26–28 music theme for, 399 Burakumin, 422n2 sound effects, 400 Burgess, Gelett, 49n8 types of, 252–253, 270–271 Burnout Paradise, 219, 384, 386, 400, 426 violence and, 243–245 Bushido Blade 2, 277 waves and, 198–199 Bushnell, Nolan, 4 combat arena, 238 butt bounce, 256 combat chain, 249 button mashing, 159–161 combo meters, 175 buttons, 159–164 comedy Buzz!, 10 comedic characters, 54 comedy theme (story theme), 459 calibration tool, 191 power-up, 360 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series, 68, 113, 173, comic books 219, 262, 269, 297, 328, 386, 409, 426 icons in, 182, 182n9 cameras (Three Cs), 121–153 onomatopoeic words in, 413, 413n6 camera angle guide, 145–146 Command and Conquer series, 11, 49 camera fl ipping, 132 companions, 111–113, 276, 359 camera-in-picture route, 152 competitive products (comps), 61, 437 camera movement guide, 146–149 comps. See competitive products camera relative, 164–166 Computer Space, 4, 175 camera shot guide, 141–145 conjugate gameplay, 382–385 on character, 150 consequences/choices, 214 Campbell, Joseph, 41 construction/management games, 10 Captain America and the Avengers, 381 context-sensitive prompt, 177–178 career paths (video games), 12–22 Contra series, 9, 246, 322, 338, 358 Castle Crashers, 9 controls, 155–169. See also buttons Castlevania, 66 camera and, 133–137 Castle Wolfenstein, 49 hand placement and, 155–158 cat mustaches, 350 third person camera and, 131–137 Cerny, Mark, 59, 342 Three Cs and, 155–169 Champions On-Line, 86, 89 cooperative games, 382 characters, 50–54, 83–119. See also enemies; copyright/legal screens, 194 specifi c characters coup de grace, 325 communication through, 110–111 cover system, 269 customization (by players), 89–90 Crackdown, 221 death, 51–52, 277–279, 401 crafting (MMOs), 387 metrics, 92–94, 450–451 cranks, 334–335 NPCs, 116–118, 457 Crash Bandicoot, 28, 125, 137, 208, 226, 276, 292, personality traits, 84 342, 345 “Three Cs” and, 83–119 crates, 340–341 cheats, 376 Crawford, Chris, 1n2 checkpoints, 152, 177, 232, 278, 345–346, 453, Crazy Taxi, 360 454 creative managers (publishing position), 20–21 Chekov, Anton, 150, 150n7 credit screens, 194–195 chili recipe/analogy, 57–59, 341–342, 481–482 crossing the line, 149, 165n4 The City of Lost Children (movie), 45 crotch whacking, 322 bbindex.inddindex.indd 448484 55/12/2010/12/2010 44:54:27:54:27 PPMM Index 485 crunch time, 58, 423 double bolting, 274, 274n9 Csíkszentmihályi, Mihály, 342 Double Dragon, 9, 111 customization, of characters, 89–90 double jump, 102 cutscenes, 407–416 downloadable content, 374 Dragon’s Lair, 13, 48, 184, 251, 339 Dabney, Ted, 4 Drawn to Life series, 90 Dance Dance Revolution, 403 Dude with Sword, 65, 419, 425 Dark Castle, 28, 162 Duke Nukem Forever, 425n4 The Darkness, 135 Dune (movie), 45 dark rides, 6, 6n7, 271, 271n8 Dungeons and Dragons, 10, 198, 202, 217, 217n13 Darksiders, 112, 118, 222, 251, 256 dynamic diffi culty balancing (DDB), 362 Darkstalkers, 14 dynamic score (music), 398 dashes (moving), 98, 256 Dynamite Heady, 217, 345 Dave Arnenson Memorial mapping section, 217n13, 223–229 Earthworm Jim, 360 Dawn of War series, 11, 123 economy Day of the Tentacle, 123 economic system (treasures), 370 The Day the Earth Stood Still (movie), 397 game economy (beat chart), 79 DC Universe Online, 10 MMO games, 387 DDB. See dynamic diffi culty balancing Electroplankton, 404 Dead Rising, 196n17 Elfman, Danny, 18 Dead Space, 110, 185, 186, 190, 208, 276 emergent gameplay, 424 Dead to Rights 2, 112 emotions (players’ emotions), 234, 234n17, 239, death (character death), 51–52, 277–279, 401 239n19 death match/free-for-all, 383 employment possibilities (video games), 12–22 Defender, 50, 272, 338 encumbrance, 259–260 Defend My Castle, 199 endings, 48–49, 376. See also beginning/middle/end Defense Grid: The Awakening, 11 enemies, 71, 281–329. See also bosses defensive power-ups, 357–358 attacks, 299–304 Demolition Man (movie), 315 attributes, 282–294 demos, game, 420–421 designing, 304–314 Densha de Go! 64, 11 design template, 467–468 design blinders, 239, 363, 422, 427 fi ghting, 296–304 designers (game designers), 14–15, 227 hating, 314–317 Devil May Cry, 175, 247, 256, 295, 326, 335, 338 non-enemy, 317–318 Diablo, 138, 174, 276 enemy design template, 467–468 Diablo III, 123 enemy introductions, 295 diffi culty Entertainment Software Ratings Board. See ESRB diffi cult video games, 338 environments (list), 461–463. See also worlds diffi culty level adjustment, 362 environmental effects (music), 399–400 dynamic diffi culty, 324, 329, 362 ergonomics, 155–156 of game design business, 421–424 ESRB (Entertainment Software Ratings Board), 20, Dig Dug, 9 20n20, 60–61, 60n3, 61n4, 244–245, 244n3 Diner Dash, 9, 198 evolution of game ideas, 26–28 Disney, Walt, 209, 221n14 explore goal, 213 Disney Animation: the Illusion of Life (Abbeville extreme wide shot, 141 Press), 84n1 eye level, 145 Disneyland Haunted Mansion, 6n7, 136, 204n7, 271, 271n7 Fable series, 87, 214, 376, 377 imagineers, 209, 212, 221, 271, 393 falling, 101, 105–106 level design and, 208–214 Fallout 3, 48, 112, 213, 363, 371 dodges/rolls, 255 false kill, 325 Donkey Kong, 5, 13, 28, 210, 394 Fantasy! Cartooning (Caldwell), 84n1 Donkey Kong Country, 14 Far Cry, 49 Doom, 128, 277, 381 Farm Wars doom buggies, 136n6 high concept pitch presentation, 471–479 Doom-induced motion sickness (DIMS), 129 one-sheet sample, 431–432 doors, 333–334 ten-page sample, 438–444 bbindex.inddindex.indd 448585 55/12/2010/12/2010 44:54:27:54:27 PPMM 486 Index Fat Princess, 422 diffi cult, 338 F.E.A.R., 112, 400 genres, 8–12, 22 Feeding Frenzy, 368 history, 4–8 fencing, 92–93 kids and, 29–30 Field, Syd, 41 length of, 48, 363 FIFA Manager series, 11 licensed, 54–56 Final Draft, 411 objectives, 3, 22 Final Fantasy series, 175 stories’ role in, 46 Final Fantasy VII, 52 themes, 200–207 fi ngers (off of path), 228–229 titles for, 49–50, 446 fi rst person camera, 127–129 as training level, 239 fi rst person shooters (FPSs), 8, 9, 128 game world map, 209–210 Flash animated sequences, 408 Gard, Toby, 130n5 “Flex-O-Fingering,” 156–157 Gary Gygax Memorial mapping section, 217–223, Flight Simulator series, 11 217n13 fl ow, 342–343. See also game fl ow gating mechanisms, 388 Fluid, 404 Gauntlet, 140, 381, 382 FMV (full motion video), 408 GDDs. See game design documents forced scrolls, 125–126 Gears of War games, 49, 112, 199, 258, 263, 268, Force Unleashed (Star Wars), 214, 369, 374 269, 272 foreshadowing, 211–212 genres (game genres), 8–12, 22 form follows function, 83–84, 90, 118, 282, 329, gestalt, 68, 195, 195n15 344n9 Ghostbusters, 112, 276 four-fi ngered characters, 422, 422n2 Ghosts ‘n Goblins, 28, 110, 210, 260, 275, 338, 358 four-legged characters, 109 goals FPSs.
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