Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 1-26-1996 The Parthenon, January 26, 1996 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, January 26, 1996" (1996). The Parthenon. 3367. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/3367 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. FRIDAY pagepa^e edited by Chris Johnson Jan.26,1996Jan. 26, 1996 MarshaiViarsliail UniversityUniwersitf S · no Super Bowl plans? check out the life story on page 8 It's a struggle out there -Bookstore to see more changes CC^urrenturrent plans are to renovate the bowling lanes and combine the two floors of the bookstore. by STEPHANIE DEITZ textbotextbookok ddepartmentepartment changing reporter the wawayy sstudentstudents purchase their books by convconvertingerting to an More changes are coming to open selection procesprocesss that the Memorial StudStudentent CCenter.enter. allows ththemem to ententerer the stacks Those in charge at ththee and chochooseose ththeireir own ttexts.exts. student center are awaiting the Second phase cchangeshanges return of contracts from the consisted of expanding the attorney generalgeneral’s's officofficee in general reading section to Charleston. incorporate medical reference Current plans are to booksbooks,, adding coin returnable ·' renovaterenovate the bowling lanes and lockers, and the installation of to combine the two floors ofthP.of the new fixturesfixtures.. bookstore. According to CampbellCampbell,, there Age, wear and tear have isn'tisn’t enough spacespace to carry all - finally taken their toll on the supplies on one floorfloor.. "We“We’ve've bowling lanes llocatedocated on the done the best we can do with lower level of the student our space constraints right center. Plans are to replace the nownow.”." Third phase lanlaneses and the equipment modifications will attempt to behind them. change that. Plans are to As for the bookstore there combine the two floors to make are more things to entail. "Our“Our sshoppinghopping more convenient. objective is to take the ThereTTiere are no plans for the bookstore upstairs and add on room that will be empty onconcee to the student center,"center,” said Ray renovations have been Welty, director of auxilary completed. "“TheThe architect will services. _ work with us to determine what Michael CampbellCampbell,, bookstore would be best to do with that manager, said renovations are area,"area,” said Welty. Students will also bbee The Herd has had some difficulty putting together a winning streak this season. taking place in three stages. The Herd has had some difficulty putting together a winning streak this season. The first concentrated on the consulted, concerning what to Saturday the men'smen’s basketball team will try to make it two wins in a rowrow,. when the The first concentrated on the lower llevelevel and the second on add to the student center to Southern Conference Northern Division leading Davidson Wildcats come to the Henderson take the place of the textbook Center. Tip-off is set for 7:30 pp.m..m. rearranging the upper level. take the place of the textbook The third will attempt to department. Campbell hopes incorporate the lower and students will voice theirth-eir upper level into one. opinions so they will get CurriculumCuppiculum changes designed The first stage included the somethisomethingng they wantwant.. tote make students civic minded iniside / OUTside by CAREY HARDIN guidelines to direct the various require internships and some, reporter colleges and universities .in the such as criminal justice and University System in social work require work in the According to a bulletin issued developing a more civic minded community. SPORTS, page? by the University of West curriculum. Also, many Greek houses do Check out a Virginia System Board qfof ·- These guidelines emphasize volunteer work and sponsor Trustees, changes may havhavee to adding a citizenship component food drives, she said. feature on the be made in some of Marshall focusing on multiculturalism As the senate develops a w om en’s University'sUniversity’s curriculum in and democratic values to policy to comply with the TODAY, clouds order to help students become existing courses, and citizenship in curriculum basketball team more civic minded,minded. encouraging internships and · initiative, Baker said, "the“the first starting point w ith a 90 The BOT has developed a public service. step is to try to look at what percent chance plan of 34 initiatives to be Many of the programs that Marshall is already doing. But guard Stephanie implemented in compliance the BOT wishes to formalize there are certain programs in of rain. with Senate Bill 54547which7 which was throughout the university which probably something will Wine. passed in the West Virginia system are likely already in have to be created."created.” State Legislature in 1995. existence at Marshall, said The BOT requires that the HiGH: 45 Among other things, the bill ElainElainee Baker, psychology university submit a report provides that students should professor and Faculty Senate outlining its plan on developing LOW: 30 be taught to be good citizens. presidentpresident.. a policy on citizenship in the The BOT has issued a set of Many courses of study curriculum by July 19971997.. pagepage adijededited by JemlerJenniler Hale the parthanon 2 I r I d a Yr J a n. 2 B, ·1 9 9 B ManMan gets new thumb, ,"thoe""thee Look for laughs on this page next I RIO RANCHO, N.M. (AP) -— Few of morphine and had him airlifted to Uni­ week. The comics will bebe here. people would choose to have their versity Hospital in AlbuquerqueAlbuquerque,, where toe peeled like a ban~abanana and then doctors saved his left thumbthumb.. His other sliced completely off. wounds were temporarily stitched upup.. But Gilbert Lucero, 34, gladly A few weeks later, stillstfll in great pain, gave up his big toe to get a new Lucero was sent to Cuadro, a plastic and thumbthumb.. Or "thoe,"“thoe,” _as his dcctordoctor CC.. reconstructive surgeon. Luis Cuadro calls itit.. Lucero listlistenedened intently to his optionsoptions;: Lucero'sLucero’s right thumb e could have the web of his hand sliced Thursday was blown off in October deeper to create a LadlesLadies NlteNile when his old-fashioned, small thumb stump, DrtnkDrink & Draft Specials muzzleloader rifle went an idea which he Party with off as he was reloading says "grossed“grossed me Ju and the Crew for an elk hunt near out."out.” Friday Tres Piedras in northern Or he could hahaveve Late Ntte New Mexico. a sausage of fat Happy Hour He didn'tdidn’t ilJlmediatelyimmediately taken from his DJ "SE>ey" BIii '• know how badly he was hurthurt,, but he waist and formed looked at his dad, brothersbrothers,, son and into an unmoving Jams the House nephews and saw their faces dropdrop.. thumb, but then His right thumb and llefteft index finger "I'd“I’d always be hitchhikinghitchhiking.”." Saturday Support thetha Herd were missing; his left thumb was dan­ The final option was to take the right LetLet’s'• Rock gling by a nerve. toetoe,, which LucLuceroero eveeventuallyntually chose. C•mCam Hender8onHenderson Center "To“To be .perfectly honest, I just started ' "I“I figured I'dI’d rather limp and be able to You know that running around like a chickenchicken,”," he sayssays.. play catch witwithh my kid and button my own you can doltdo it At the closest hospital, 90 minutes pants and work,"work,” he says."Bsays.“Butut I'mI’m not The after party with away in TaosTaos,, doctors gave Lucero a shot eveevenn going to.limp."to.limp.” DJ "SEXY"’’SEXY" BlltBitl Sunday Super Bowl Sunday The Cowboys during filming, but fans are McAuliffe, the other six vs Keanu Reeves IDckflick TheSt,elersThe Steelers being kept out by a fence and crewmates on the space Food by Big Guy•Guys filmingfflining at steel millmlR armed guardsguards.. shshuttleuttle Challenger and hherer if8B!T83nn Drink &&Di Draft aft daughter'sdaughter’s dream to become St>efiel•Specials an astronauastronaut.t . EAST CHIC...,.GO.CHICAGO. IndInd.. <AP)(AP) Exhibit INJnoringhonoring 918 4th Avenue -— Want a glimpse of KeanuKeeinu Reeves? DDon’ton't head to this ChallengerChailengep opens city'scity’s steel mill, where he'she’s ..~ ....... • /) _.,,.,. ,.....,. filming his latlatestest movie. BOSTON (AP) -— Grace InlInlandand Stee\'sSteel’s Plant 1 has Corrigan hahass spent a decade been transformed into a focusing on monuments and x laboratory for thethe new 20th teaching centecentersrs dedicated to Century Fox filmfilm,, "Dead“Dead her daughter Christa ;~ Drop,"Drop,” sstarringtarring RReeveseeves as a Mt:Auliffe.McAuliffe. scientist who is part of a Now she hahass something ;~ team developi~gdevelopipg a pollution-pollution­ new to think about: A state­state- bw-3 free energy. house exhibexhibitit openeopenedd ;\ GriU&Piib The mill remainremainss open Wednesday honorinhonoringg ;\ S2S-bwww Downtown \~~\ -H’rnye (AJin^f 2202 3rd. Avenue t-~ 528-~516528-9516 Beside Ropers Listen to the Sounds of ~i,\ SUPER BOWLBOWL Rick Blair ·-~ FRIDAY & SATURDAY ~ SUPER BARN 9 pmI -11 am \\Win Ill $$$$CASH$$ C:\SII $$ ~{ SUPER SUNDAY \\l·l·l--.hWeekly 111'-'11Higli slllll'Score l)l1on D.1\Daytona 1u11.1 RaceR,lll. Machine\Ltl·h111L· - ' . ~S bw-3bw>3 . Games 3 POOLP(X)L Tables.Tables, DARTS, 5 TV'sTV’s Satellite Channels ,'i lnt1ltesinvites "°"'your tecut1team to en}Oflenjoy :,-\ the Super IJOlllili}ouH didt Super SundaySun€iay with a ' ;iV Super ljarnSorn ofofbw~3 bw-.3 3amousfamous ljuffcdoguffaio Wings/Wings! ·-; EnJofl€njoy 100 wings for onlfJonly... ... ^ A t Ghoosefrom 11 different sauces ~ S ZS-49!* e,.,_'";..!'~=(lim it tiwo sauces please).
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