Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Fall 12-1-1989 The Parthenon, December 1, 1989 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, December 1, 1989" (1989). The Parthenon. 2750. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/2750 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Marshall University or enon Friday. Dec 1. 1989 HUNTINGTON. W. VA Vol. 91. No. 46 Marco's staying put Marriott to open rival pub-style restaurant in MSC By Jennifer Y. Scott cafeteria atmosphere." Reporter Marriott "could have made Marco's work downstairs if Mahon said the noise factor would not allow live bands they had wanted,• Mahon said. "We've had a hard time to play in the cafeteria ifit moved upstairs. Management officials at Marriott Food Service and dealing with Marriott. It seems we have a conflict ofstyles "We explained that we did not want to move. They made Campus Entertainment Unlimited are bickering over the and are always encountering resistance from them.• a big deal of the idea," Mahon said. "Marriott went ahead operation of Marco's, ditching plans to move the student­ But Stewart said since Marco's beginning in 1970 it "has and built the stage even after we refused to move upstairs. operated bar to the ground floor of the Memorial Student never been successful in the financial aspect.• "I think they're hoping we'll give up and they can take Center. Mahon said, "people around campus want to close Marco's over the idea of a campus pub: she said. As a result, Marriott plans to open its own pul:rstyle because it does not make money, but what they don't real­ Stewart said Marriott is willing to "work hand-in-hand• restaurant in the stwlentcenter next semester, said Elaine ize is that Marco's is not designed to make money, but to with CE:U to make the operations work. "We do not think Stewart, food service director. The restaurant will be open offer a student service. that the upstairs pub will interfere with the entertainment from 7 to 11 p.m. - the same hours as Marco's. , "Marriott is just not student orientated, and they didn't planned at Marco's. The only way we could is if the only Plans were discussed last semester by CEU, which op­ want to co-operate with us on making this-work,• she said. 'Teason students are going there for is snacks. Then yes, we erates Marco's, and Marriott, to move the bar from the Sherrie L. Hunt, Walton senior and president of CEU, will conflict becawie of convenience,• she said. basement of the Memorial Student Center to the upstairs said a committee decided against bringing the bar up­ Stewart said the planned upstairs pub-style bar will be cafeteria. stairs. "People are just realizing where we are and we felt an equivalent to Marco's offering snacks, alcoholic bever­ The plans were canceled after discussions about moving that moving upstairs would take away from the atmos­ ages and soft drinks to students. The pul:rbar area is the bar upstairs,' said Jan Mahon, CEU coordinator. phere of a campus pub,• Hunt said. "We didn't want the designed with a stage and disc jockey booth. Faculty senate recommends BOT give raise By Jodi Thomas Reporter Faculty Senate's Executive Committee The Tri-State Transit Authority tabled recommendations Thursday asking bwles will pick up passengers at the Board of'l'rustees toprotect funds allot­ ted for pay increases and asking for money the corner ofFourth Avenue and . ••••• TTA for another raise. 10th Street near the Keith-Albee Committee members decided to table the 'lbeatre and take them tn Hal recommendations after a controversial Greer Boulevard in front of Old discussion. President Dale F. Nitzschke Main. MontbJy permits will be $15. encouraged the committee not to put the MU Park and Ride Passes recommendations, presented by the Legis­ lative Affairs Committee, on the agenda for the Dec. 7 general senate meeting. The recommendations, if passed by the senate will be sent to the Legislative Task Force studying higher education. The first recommendation states a request from Marshallfacultythatthe"fundsearmarked , Attitude on education better delegate for the current pay raiaes. .. not be used for any of the state's revenue shortfall.• By Jill Zegeer passed to relieve colleges and universities The second recommendation deals with Prtsidtntud Corrtspondtnt ofthe "cumbersome• purchasing processes. the "development of new faculty salary '7here Is bigger and better Legislation has passed before in the House scales by the Board ofTrustees.• Marshall State legislators are developing a more chance tor higher education of Delegates to give institutions more con­ recently has been placed at a Doctoral III positive attitude toward higher education, to receive money available trol over purchasing. And he said he thinks level. Therefore, faculty members think according to George E. Farley, chairman of it will pass this year through ooth legisla­ they should be paid at least at the average the House Finance Committee. now, but (they) wlll be In tive bodies in spring 1990. level with other institutions at the same The Wood County democrat came to compeffflon tor funding.· Farley stressed that this year's tax hike status. It also asks that salaries not be campus Thursday to meet informally with was used to pay off state debts and would capped at 20 years of service. the president's cabinet. Additionally, he take two to three years to pay these debts. "In my judgment, it would not be prudent spoke at a luncheon attended by area and George E. Farley He said West Virginia is the number one toraisethisnow:Nitzschketoldtheexecu­ campus leaders. state in the nation in paying the highest tive committee." "It used to be higher education was not a taxes per capita income. "Because of this, The committee members also discussed priority because only 28 to SO percent of there will be no new taxes,• he said. that West Virginia University already has West Virginians attended college,9 Farley 'Farley called the 1970 funding formula Capital Improvement. distributed a similar package to the Task said. "However, this bas changed. People for primary and secondary education •a In other matters, K. Edward Groae, vice Force. knownowtbereisanincreuedneed'toget problem the Legislature will have to ad­ president for administration said all final A recommendation presented by Lee A. a college education. , dress.• The formula mandates that state reviews have been turned in on the science Olson, College of Education senator, con­ -illere is bigger and better chance for funding to the .primary and secondary building and drawings will be available cerning the sale ofcomplimentary copies of higher education to receive money avail- education cannot be cut, despite recent able now, but (tliey) will be in competition dec:teaaea in enrollment.. for funding.• be said. Farley said ~ expects legislation to be See ATTITUDE, Page 8 SH FACULTY, Page 8 2 The Parthenon Friday, Dec.1, 1989 OJl,"10U £NOULO.N'1' The HAVS.I Comics by, .JON CALOARA .---------. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON S4 'I/JI/ IT TIE NITIIM. IJl JIJJ8I fM/.R/,JS THIT QWJ.ORO.' IISSl(/IT/dll /Jf RlRLLY .JiffTNlllf IJMf IJdllLI) Cl 1N3 tvonide F..,,_ IJIJ1 P/MTlC'T /Jl M STIJP/0 'IJIJ'O RLL IJl 8lL/lY£ TH£ Otttnb.ad _, ~ p,._. s,.l"OCIMII 12.-1 STl/f/0 l'lOl'Ll FM/If fllJ1) /gf {J/J( ST111'IDITY! /llfl'EN If t.E Sll.l'IO URl DI£ lff. THlORY 4F NRTIIMJ. RII THl RJGIIT 4Flfa/U "4' HLCOIIJL A/ID ~ IJIJS, G611 fllll 70 LM TIE /JI'/1,/l . SELICTll)I( SltJIJJ.D 70 8l STIIPIO ·' l,Jl f/lJIT J.Al,JS, INS/JR/INC[ MWS,Slllf 8£\ /Jf/TJ.ll,/£0. fll TIE Sllmlll. 8lLT MP llllJ'ET J.AIJS. 111/D I OF 71E /Jllie.' llL /..AIJS 1JIIT TRI([ /11,/1/Y I ,;:-,:; I ~18/J.ITY. \ . :I will roiactprimd,1.e ;Y\ class,. 1 will no"t «'1 \"';1"11;t;v, ·,n c /ass. r -w.1I not act P"';m·1 h1.t:> ·,n c\~s>. I will not act Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson 00 8Ro°'™ER ~ A~£R 0 0\S<.\lSS\Ot-1° /i8::ATr M'f ST\JDi \.lt-8\Th ~ND -mt 11'-t\~RU,IKt. Of \bl,\t.v,IOR.I(. I /Z · J HERE'S ONE COLLEGE ~iiM:t·ftiii ~Wtf:t1;.~ ~~1(k;.~ MEMORY WE'LL HELP Are You Searching For A YOUFORGET. Great Career? Check out the brand new BA degree in FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT For more information on the program and its exciting job opportunities contact Dr. Carolyn Dunn ext. 6641. fiiii ~wt f~Jilti.1;.·i)\ftiai ~~-1~~ If you're like a lot of people, your longest-lasting memory of "A New Taste For The Tri-State" college is the student loan you're still paying back. The Anny has a solution, though: qualify, sign up with us, and we'll sign offo n your loan. Each year you serve as a soldier, the Anny will reduce your China Garden college debt by 1/3 or $1,500, whichever amount is greater. So after Szechuan Style - Sea Food serving just 3 years, your government loan could be completely paid off. You're eligible for this program if you have a National Direct Dinner Special $3.50·- $4.25 Student Loan, or a Guaranteed Student Loan, or a Federally Insured Student Loan made after October l, 1975.
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