Issued 'IbESD/nr Thursday Saturday he ourier azette T Entered as Second ClassC Mall Matte* -G Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, June 22, 1939 TWELVE PAGES Volum e 9 4 ................... Number 74. The Courier-Gazette Clock For Copeland [EDITORIAL] THREE-TIMES-A-WEF.K i UNDER A RIVER AND OVER IT HOW FINLAND PAYS THE MAN FROM WYOMING Editor Warren Man Gets Award WM. O. PULLER In this locality where there are many Finnish people, we Associate Editor For 25 Years Of Insur­ With “The Sleepy City” On One Side and Wide have all felt especially proud of the good sportsmanship shown Ralph H. Smith Of Cheyenne Visiting Relatives PRANK A. WINSLOW ance Service by that Nation in the meeting of its war obligations. Possibly many have wondered how a comparatively small nation Suhecrlptlons 63 W) oer year payable Awake World’s Fair On the Other Io advance: single copies three cen ts. Sidney F Copeland, well known could do this when the wealthy powers fail to meet their just and Friends Back East Advertising rates based upon circula­ tion and eery reasonable insurance man of Warren, who obligations. The Herald Tribune answers the query in the NEWSPAPER HISTORY represents the Fidelity-Phenix Flrp • By The Roving Reporter—Second Installment) following editorial: A Wyoming motor car parked in When Mr. Smith falls in com­ The Rockland Oaaette was estab­ Today Finland once more hes the honor of being the only lished In 1646 In 1614 the Courier w v Insurance Company, a member front of The Courier-Gazette office pany with one of ids best Cheyenne established and consolidated with the It was the last day of school all nation to pay its war debt to the United States government in •lazette In 1862 The Free Press was company of the America Fire In ­ along the line, and buses were scur­ full. Hungary is making a small payment, and Rumania is yesterday, and the editorial staff friends there's lots of Rockland talk •B’abllshed lb 1655 and In 1891 changed in the air. because that friend is It? name to the Tr'bune. These papers surance and Indemnity Group, has rying hither and yon, carrying talking of dcing the same. Finland not only is paying every found itself extending a greeting to consolidated March IT. 18B7 children who appeared to be highly cent, but has done so consistently in lean years and fat. another Rockland boy. Cyrus Hills, been presented with a beautiful Pew will ask why Finland pays. Every cne knows that the Ralph H. Smith of Cheyenne—a now prominently Identified with the elated. Finns are scrupulously honest, and that they pride themselves electric dock by the Fidelity-, former Rockland boy who adopted Kansas City Life Insurance. They Cement Highways Have It on carrying out their promises. But many may ask how Fin­ ■*■ To maintain a fault known Is •*• Phenix in token of more than 25 the West 29 years ago, and has been dug dandelion greens together in a double fault —Jewel ♦ •'Diners” are apparently popular, land pays. The answer to this may be found ln a few bare fads about what Finland has done during the last two decades. a resident there ever since, except the spring, and wondered if Rock­ years' representation for there are many of them in every It has increased its tilled acreage by 26 percent. Yields an while briefly employed by the Bath land was getting any. When Mr. On the back of the clock his name State through which we rode. acre have increased between 40 and 60 percent. Cows in Fin­ Iron Works. With Mr. Smith were Smith's Courier-Gazette arrived is engraved on a gold plate. The Flower gardens were much more land produce 50 percent more milk than in 1920. The national his wife, a native of Cheyenne; and he saw that Rockland was out in clock was given by Special Agent advanced than those back home. income has doubled. Industrial production has trebled. The his daughter. Miss Catherine Smith, froqt about two days. COMMUNITY Richard P Burke field man for the Delphiniums and peonies were in formation of capital has increased. The foreign debt has been reduced from 10,000,000,000 to 1.000,000.000 finnmarks. who is employed in the office of Mr. Smith brought along a car­ Company and accompanied toy a We pass another show boat at full bloom everywhere. What all of this presupposes is not only a spirit of initiative Wyoming's Governor. Unless Miss load of Wyoming literature. SWEET SHOP letter from President Bernard M. Tlogue Palm Beach, this one hav­ Cement highways have the call and a devotion to work and thrift on the part of individuals, Smith's leave of absence is extend­ “When I’m In the East.” said he, Culver, which said: ing a rather vague style of architec­ throughout Southern New England, but policies of placing no obstacles to business and of eschew­ OPENS ed, she will return to Cheyenne “I boast Wyoming, hut when I am It is with great pleasure that I ture, a marine critic would say. at least, and as we journeyed to­ ing all reckless spending toy government. The record of Fin­ land in these respects also is so exemplary that no American shortly, but her parents will pro- in Wyoming you never saw a man j and my associates welcome you into And we wondered if the advertised ward the Keystone State we were to SUNDAY, JUNE 25 can read it without blushing—no extravagances, no deficits long their Eastern visit two weeks, j more loyal to the good old Pine the "Old Guard" that Association bean-hole bakes were as near to the see hundreds of miles of them, on The Latchstring is Out • except for a brief time in 1930> and a steady decrease In gov­ Yesterday they went to Vinalhaven, Tree State.’’ ! of local agents and company em- real article as the show boat was to the four-lane basis. Gold mines— ernment expenditures in the last four years, with the present The Larder la Full! and expect to be there also when- Mr. Smith is a member of Chey­ I ployees who have been connected a real ship. pardon me. I meant gravel banks— level well below the peak of 1928 the Sesquicentennial is celebrated. enne Lodge, No. 1, FA M . and the MATTIE. with the companies of the America Continuing our journey south­ are very common. The terms are What more can be said? The mere recital of these facts 74-75 shows that Finland's debt payment to the United States is no Coming East—and this was one State’s No. 1 consistory. i Fore Group for over 25 years. Our ward we noted the Rhode Island synonymous. And ln the Con­ [ Company has grown and prospered mere "beau geste." but is illustrative of the Finnish character. of the primary purposes of their He is enjoying every minute of Insect Zoo. I could only guess the necticut River, at Saybrook, a sand- The world would be better to live in if there were more visit—they stopped off at the his stay in the East, and this goes I greatly during the period of your character of the contents, but lf sucker was in full operation. A Finlands—and more Finns. World's Fair in New York, and were for the feminine members of the association with us, and we wish to it has anything on my back-yard “diner de luxe" in gay red, white so greatly delighted with it that party. acknowledge your contribution to garden I sheuld like to see it. and blue colors attracted attention USED CAR SALE ! this success Wc thank you for they will revisit “The World of To­ On through Richmond and we FIRE COMPANY WAS AWAY “Ketchen's Antiques,” read a morrow" before returning home. 193* Chevrolet Master DeLuxe your loyalty, and sincerely trust observe a sign which reads "The sign. Ketchin’ whom? Sport Sedan ...........- ............*649 l that your splendid representation Out of Boston comes the story of the house which burned Before transferring his affections Wins Scholarship Cookie Jar.” Westerly has a strik­ Where Gas Is Cheap 193* Plymouth DeLuxe Tour. of this company will continue for alongside a fire station because the firemen were engaged in a to the West Mr. Smith was em­ ing World War memorial, construc­ The prices of gasoline varied Sedan ....................._................ *649 many years to come." practice drill in a different section of the city. That would ployed by the Maine Music Com­ Howard Reed, a Lincoln ted of granite. Pawtucket also wherever we went, the highest price 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Tour. have been a laugh in the Boston papers had it happened down pany. the proprietors of which at Academy Graduate, Will has an Impressive soldiers' monu­ being *1 for six gallons, and the Sedan .....-.......................... *4*9 Sec the new and festful "honey" here in the sticks. that time were Leroy F. Chase and ment. lowest price eight gallons for 95 Enter Boston University 1937 Ford DeLuxe Sedan *419 coats at Lucien Green's. They are o — o 0 the late John E. Leach 193* Plymouth DeLuxe Tour. Aroostook Will Laugh Last cents. When he pulled stakes here it was in white and pastel shades — “the The announcement of 54 scholar­ Sedan ..............-......................*449 Natives of the rural sections At 9 45 a. m. Friday morning FALSE SECURITY to go with the late Frank A.
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