•^^ ^fcar^^^., rt!fesS^A^^:i;dS£^^sfe^^ 'i*m'^ •^^Wft! sF'-!;i-i.'u mi^m "V^"^ IS^iESKi*:; ^^^•S'AV%^^ M.r^Mv^yMAtK.-J^..ir'.-14-:WJJ'].:.. f 1 y<Ui4)itIu/€a/b THE PATENTED 3 WAY JACKET Unlined outdoor {ocket for mild weather wear. For every reason in every season—it's McGregor's patented Triple Threat Convertible Jacket. Wear the complete jacket for the brisk, blustery days. Flip o£F the outer jacket and you're wearing a fashionable pure wool collarless jacket for indoor or outdoor use. Or wear the outer jacket alone for the in-between days. Make all the changes with the sensational "quick-change" "Quick-Exit" zippers that flip you out with a lift of a finger! ^ $29.50 GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Michigan Street END L A R The Scholastic Rasmussen Men's Shop South Bend's Best Dear Editor: Mr. Young writes a provocative and highly entertaining letter. Since his questions are sincere and Slacks since his opinions of the Blue Circle are shared by numerous students, he s > deserves an adequate answer; especially for when the SCHOLASTIC story was not concerned with the aura of synthetic mysticism which surrounds the circle. the The Circle is not the Notra Dame branch of the Black Dragon society and its meetings and activities are hardly clandestine rendezvous held in hollow smart trees. It meets every Monday evening in the rather prosaic Koom 100 of the Law Building at 6:30. Drop in and college see us, Mr. Young. If the Blue Circle is anything, it is, to use the high dictum of official Notre wardrobe Dame, "The operating unit of the Stu­ dent Council." Translated this means that the Circle is a group of honorary flunkies (there is no better Avord) who run the errands and sweep the floors after the Council hands down one of its monumental decisions. The Circle aids in elections, runs pep rallies, send-offs, victory dances, takes up collections and in general, all the pick and shovel work ALL WOOL no one else vnll take on. The boys on the circle are just ordi­ $12.95 up nary, hard-working "Joes." Thsir pic­ ture wasn't in the SCHOLASTIC, not be­ cause of the cloak-and-dagger routine, but simply because there were too many of them to make good copy. You can find them, Mr. Young, on page 333 of the 1948 DOME. The circle goes about its work with­ Warm Up and Brighten Up Your Fall with . out blowing its own horn too loudly; it was, as the poet put it, "... born to blush unseen." • Gabardines * Doeskins J. P. Walker, • Dog Tooth Checks * Flannels Publicity Chaiiman, Blue Circle Dillon Hall • Worsteds • Corduroys —:— • Coverts • Glen Plaids Dear Editor: The WND staff is glad that the Messrs. Marshall, Hickman, Breslin, and Acey have expressed their dissatisfac­ Monday Store Hours: Noon 'til 8:30 tion with our presentation of classical music on the Collegium Musicum show ... we welcome constructive criticism of our efforts. Rasmussen Collegium Musicum is produced by Father Gallagher of the Department of MEN'S SHOP Music and his assistants, who handle the writing of scripts, selection of 106-108 So. Main St. 130-132 W. Washington music, and manner of presentation. The Oct. 29, 1948 announcing and engineei-ing is done by but we also try to avoid being verbose petty crooks and Marxists are not going WND staff members. because, from the technical angle, long to give us a better one, despite his agi­ With the expansion of broadcast announcements stop the tempo of the tating pilgrimages through the south hours this year, it has been necessary program. In the case of last week's and his promises of a Utopian existence. to enlarge our staff in order to handle program, we did everything in our As evidenced by his New York rally, the additional woi-k. It was not pos­ power to save time since we wei''a the Henry Agard Wallace is an island sur­ sible for us to give the new announcers second band to appear on the field, and rounded by people who don't know what and engineers the amount of prelim­ had the short end of the time allotment. they want. But behind him stand men inary training that we would like to If you will remember, we were just pre­ (Continued on Page 37) have given them. However, the per- paring to leave the field when the fomiances to date have been, in general, Michigan State team entered. satisfactory, and we are sure that the Again, we are sorry that you did not For the One and Only future wall bring even better results. see our complete show, and we shall do At present we are actually devoting everything in our power in the future more time to the broadcast of classical to provide an interesting show and to music than is warranted by the results describe it fully. Flowers h ivuuams of the audience survey wa conducted Chase Black last spring. Off-Campus ORCHIDS & GARDENIAS On Friday, October 8, it was neces­ sary to rearrange our program sched­ Dear Editor: Specializing in uling because of failure of our broad­ May I remind the SCHOLASTIC'S po­ Corsages casting equipment. We hope to avert litical wx-iters that an objective anal­ such failures in the future by th« in­ ysis of a party is never realized in the stallation of a new control panel and an absence of a penetrating analysis as V auxiliary transmitter. well . Lawi-ence D. Gilling, To brand the American Press as un­ Business Manager Williams, The Florist fair in its treatment of Wallace and Badin 219 West Washington his Moscow vaudeville troupe, does in "Just West of the Oliver" no way excuse your manifested gulli­ Dear Mr. Eoberts and Mr. Browser: bility. Thank you for your letter of con- You stated "He (Wallace) does not stmctive criticism in last week's SCHO­ believe in appeasement." In Philadel­ MAKE EXTRA MONEY LASTIC. During each moment the Notre phia this same clown cried for the ces­ Dame Band is in the marching field an sation of aid "to the Chiang Kai-shek Excellent opportunity for announcer is in the public address booth dictatorship"— ignoring the obvious live wire student inter­ to describe the frolics of the men in ested in representing es­ fact that Chiang is waging his war tablished Orchestra and blue and gold. against the Communist army . Entertainment s e rv i c e. The half-time show for the game with There is much apparent truth in Generous commissions of­ fered. Michigan State was so arranged that Henry's words and some of his aims the musical continuity would present a are noble ones. But do these ends jus­ ZAINEY BROTHERS ENTERPRISES short snappy program. In every show tify their realization by just any 304 Inland Building for the past four years we have tried means? We don't live in an idealistic Indianapolis, Indiana to give adequate PA announcements. society, but Henry and his gang of HERE'S THE ONLY SHOE OF ITS KIND IN THE WOJtLDi No other shoe lias the hand-built, hand-pegsed arch that can't and won't break down. It retains its original shape indefinitely! This is the same footwear with the famous "made-to-order feel" that has been manufactured since 1868 by the old guild of master shoemakers of The Copeland & Ryder Co., Jefferson, Wisconsin, now a division of The SchoU Mfg. Co., Inc. You'll like the restful, firm, close fit it gives you under the arch . the energetic, well balanced footing it provides. Come in today for a new experience in walking pleasure! FEET HURT? Take advantage of our Foot Relief Facmties: Dr. SchoH's Shoes, Foot Remedies, Arch Supports, Appliances, Surgical Hosiery. Trained Attendants. Private Rtting Rooms. D^Scholl fOOT COMFORT' SHOP TELEPHONE 4-7471 215 WEST WASHINGTON C. A. Heovington, prop. The Scholastic (Editor's note: The Dixiecrat party was bom last July of a meeting between a Biloxi mimeograph paper maker and a Tallahassee tobacco treater.. "Yes, sir, THE WEEK seventeen boys," said the mimeograph paper maker introducing his family to By Bob Vierhile the tobacco treater, "and all of them Democrats but, John, the little rascal; he got to readin'." John was the Mis­ sissippi delegate at the Democratic con­ vention.) —•— Top of the Week know-how as well as weight in the last Once Over Lightly "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Light drama four years. It is rumored that the Office of Student about ole South New York. HENRY WALLACE. Is sure of only .•- Welfare is taking the students on the one thing: that Roosevelt passed on trip to Washington with them. That "And If I'm Elected, I'll..." during the wrong term. Agrees with steak (and I use the word loosely) we The march to the polls begins within Bertie McCormick that the Marshall had the other night was so tough it five days. For the bean-fed students Plan is a long-ranga plan to short­ knocked Ziggy down twice before he who have read the Chicago Tribune, the change "the downtrodden American tax­ could set it on the counter. election campaign has been as one-sided payer." Ducks flj^ng eggs with the ease as a Notre Dame-Nebraska game. And of a Coney Island vaudeviller. Denies Probably Vince O'Reilly for the few Notre Dame men who have that he's a Red; says he's a White; Two Notre Dame students were out indulged in the trappings of the Chi­ turns blue whenever that particular duck hunting at Barron lake last week cago Daily News, those trunks that have part of the alphabet, F-D-R, is repeated.
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