Toll Free | 800.344.0321 Tel | 510.782.8100 Fax | 510.782.8101 www.InfraredIndustries.com The following is a list of gases and vapors that can be analyzed Gases Supported with certain gas analyzers from Infrared Industries. For any application of a particular gas, please contact us to by IRI Analyzers confi rm our ability to meet your needs. GAS/VAPOR GAS/VAPOR 1 Acetaldehyde (Ethanal) 30 trans2Butenal (Crotonaldehyde) 2 Acetaldehyde Diacetate (Ethylidene Diacetate) 31 2Butoxyetanol Skin (Butyl Cellosolve; Ethylene Glycol 3 Acetic Acid (Ethanoic Acid) Monobutyl Ether) 4 Acetophenone (Acetylbenzene; Methyl Phenyl Ketone) 32 Butyl Acetate 5 1Allyloxy2, 3Epoxypropane (A.G.E., Allyl Glycidyl Ether) 33 secButyl Acetate 6 1Aminobutane Skin (Butylamine) 34 tertButyl Acetate 7 Aminoethane (Ethylamine) 35 1tertButyl4Methylbenzene (ptertButyltoluene) 8 2Aminoethanol (Ethanolamine; Monoethanolamine) 36 Camphene 9 Aminomethane (Methylamine) 37 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 10 2Aminopropane (Isopropylamine) 38 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 11 2Aminotoluene Skin (oMethylaniline; oToluidine) 39 Carbonyl Sulfi de (CO 5) 40 Carbonyl Sulfi de (Carbon Oxysulfi de) 12 Ammonia (NH3) 13 Aniline Skin (Aminobenzene; Phenylamine) 41 Carvone (Carvol) 14 Benzaldehyde (Benzenecarbonal) 42 Chlorobenzene (Monochlorobenzene; Phenyl Chloride) 15 Benzene 43 1Chlorobutane (nButyl Chloride) 16 Benzyl Acetate 44 Chlorodifl uoromethane (Freon 22) 17 Bromobenzene (Phenyl Bromide) 45 1Chloro2, 3EpoxypropaneSkin (αEpichlorohydrin) 18 1Bromobutane (nButyl Bromide) 46 Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 19 2Bromobutane (secButyl Eromide) 47 2Cloroethanol Skin (Ethylene Chlorohydrin) 20 Bromochloromethane (Chlorobromomethane; Methylene 48 Chloroethene (Vinyl Chloride) Chlorobromide) 49 Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 21 Bromoethane (Ethyl Bromide) 50 1Chloropentane (nAmyl Chloride; Pentyl Chloride) 22 Bromoethane Skin (Methyl Bromide) 51 1Chloropropane (nPropyl Chloride) 23 Bromotrifl uoromethane (Freon 13B1; Trifl uoromonobromo 52 2Chloropropane (Isopropyl Chloride) methane) 53 3Chloropropene (Allyl Chloride) 24 Butane (C4H10 ) 54 1Chloro2Propanol (secPropylene Chlorohydrin) 25 1, 3Butadiene (Bivinyl; Erythrene; Vinylethylene) 55 3Chloro1Propanol (Trimethylene Chlorohydrin) 26 1Butanethiol (Butyl Mercaptan) 56 2Chloro1, 1, 2Trifl uoroethyl Difl uoromethyl Ether (En 27 1Butanol (nButyl Alcohol) fl urane; Ethrane) 28 2Butanol (secButyl Alcohol) 57 Citronellol 29 2Butanone (MEK; Methyl Ethyl Ketone) 58 Cycloheptane (Heptamethylene; Suberane) © 2012 Infrared Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contents and specifications are subject to change. Gases Supported by IRI Analyzers GAS/VAPOR GAS/VAPOR 59 Cyclohexane (Hexahydrobenzene) 96 N, NDimethylacetamide Skin 60 Cyclohexanol (Hexahydrophenol) 97 Dimethylethylamine (D.M.E.A.) 61 Cyclohexanone 98 N, NDimethylaniline Skin 62 Cyclohexene (1, 2, 3, 4Tetrahydrobenzene) 99 1, 2Dimethylbenzene (oXylene) 63 Decalin (Decahydronapththalene) 100 1, 3Dimethylbenzene (mXylene) 64 1, 2Diaminoethane (Ethylenediamine) 101 1, 4Dimethylbenzene (pXylene) 65 Dibromodifl uoromethane (Difl uorodibromomethane) 102 2, 2Dimethylbutane (neoHexane) 66 1, 2Dibromoethane (Ethylene Bromide; Ethylene Dibro 103 2, 3Dimethylbutane mide) 104 N, NDimethylformamide Skin 67 1, 3Dibromopropane (Trimethylene Bromide) 105 2, 6Dimethyl4Heptanone (Diisobutyl Ketone) 68 Dibutyl Ether (Butyl Ether) 106 2, 4Dimethylpentane 69 1, 2Dichlorobenzene 107 Dimethyl Sulfate Skin (Methyl Sulfate) 70 1, 3Dichlorobenzene (mDichlorobenzene) 108 1, 4DioxaneSkin (Diethylene Dioxide) 71 1, 4Dichlorobenzene (pDichlorobenzene) 109 1, 3Dioxolane (Ethylene Glycol Methylene Ether) 72 2, 2Dichlorodiethyl Ether Skin (Bis (2Chloroethyl) 110 Diphenyl Ether (Diphenyl Oxide; Phenyl Ether) Ether; Dichloroethyl Ether) 111 D1tertButyl Peroxide (DTBP) 73 Dichlorodifl uoromethane (Freon 12) 112 1, 2Epoxy3Butoxypropane (B.G.E.; 1nButoxy2, 3Ep 74 1, 1Dichloroethane (Ethylidene Chloride; Ethylidene oxypropane; nButyl Glycidyl) Dichloride) 113 1, 2Epoxyethane (Ethylene Oxide; Oxirane) 75 1, 2Dichloroethane (Ethylene Chloride; Ethylene Dichlo 114 1, 2Epoxypropane (Methyloxirane; Propylene Oxide) ride) 115 Ethane (C2H6) 76 cis1, 2Dichloroethene (cis1, 2Dichloroethylene) 116 Ethanenitrile (Acetonitrile; Cyanomethane; Methyl Cya 77 trans1, 2Dichloroethene (trans1, 2Dichloroethylene) nide) 78 Dichlorofl uoromethane (Dichloromonofl uoromethane; 117 Ethenyltoluene (arMethylstyrenes; Vinyl Toluene) Fluorodichloromethane; Freon 21) 118 2EthoxyethanolSkin (Cellosolve; Ethylene Glycol Mono 79 Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) ethyl Ether) 80 1, 1Dichloro1Nitroethane 119 2Ethyoxyethyl AcetateSkin (Cellosolve Acetate; Ethylene 81 2, 2Dichloro1, 1Difl uoroethyl Methyl Ether (Methoxyfl u Glycol Monoethyl Ether Acetate) rane; Penthrane) 120 Ethyl Acetate 82 1, 2Dichloropropane (Propylene Chloride; Propylene 121 Ethyl Acrylate Skin Dichloride) 122 Ethylalcohol (Ethanol) C2H5OH) 83 1, 3Dichloropropane (Trimethylene Chloride) 123 Ethylbenzene 84 1, 1Dichloropropene (1, 1Dichloropropylene) 124 Ethyl Butanoate (Ethyl Butyrate) 85 1, 2Dichloropropene (1, 2Dichloropropylene) 125 2Ethyl1Butene (3Methylenepentane) 86 Diethylamine 126 Ethylene (C2H4) 87 2Diethylaminoethanol Skin (βHydroxytriethylamine) 127 Ethylene Oxide (C2H4O) 88 Diethyl Ether (Ether; Ethoxyethane; Ethyl Ether) 128 Ethyl Formate 89 1, 2Difl uoro1, 1, 2, 2Tetrachloroethane (Freon 112; 1, 129 Ethyl Heptanoate 1, 2, 2Tetrachloro1, 2, Difl uoroethane) 130 2Ethylhexyl Acetate (Octyl Acetate) 90 Diisopropylamine Skin 131 4Ethylmorpholine Skin (NEthylmorpholine) 91 Diisopropyl Ether (Isopropyl Ether) 132 Ethyl Propanoate (Ethyl Propionate) 92 1, 1Dimethoxyethane (Dimethylacetal) 133 Fluorobenzene 93 1, 2Dimethoxyethane (Ethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether) 134 Fluorotrichloromethane (Freon 11; Trichlorofl uorometh 94 Dimethoxymethane (Formal; Methylal) ane) 95 2, 5Dimethoxytoluene 135 Formic Acid (Methanoic Acid) Contents and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. © 2012 Infrared Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Gases Supported by IRI Analyzers GAS/VAPOR GAS/VAPOR 136 Freon 11 (C CL3 F) 178 2-Methyl-1, 3-Butadiene (Isoprene) 137 Freon 114 (C2 CL2 F 4) 179 2-Methylbutane (Isopentane) 138 Furfural Skin (Fural; 2Furaldehyde) 180 3-Methyl-1-Butanol (Isoamyl Alcohol; Isopentanol) 139 (2Furyl) Methanol (Furfurol; Furfuryl Alcohol) 181 3-Methyl-2-Butanone (Methyl Isopropyl Ketone) 140 Heptane 182 2-Methyl-1-Butene 141 1Heptanol (nHeptyl Alcohol) 183 2-Methyl-2-Butene 142 4Heptanone (DinPropyl Ketone) 184 3-MethylbutylAcetate (Isoamyl Acetate; Isopentyl Acetate) 143 2Heptanone (Methyl nAmyl Ketone) 185 Methylcyclohexane 144 3Heptanone (Ethyl Butyl Ketone) 186 3-Methylcyclohexanol (Hexahydrocresol; Hexahydrometh- 145 Hexacloroethane Skin (Perchloroethane) ylphenol) 146 Hexane (C6H14 ) 187 2-Methylcyclohexanone - Skin (o-Methylcyclohexanone) 147 2, 5Hexanedione (Acetonylacetone) 188 3-Methylcyclohexanone 148 1Hexanol (nHexyl Alcohol) 189 1-Methylcyclohexene 149 2Hexanone (Methyl Butyl Ketone) 190 Methylcyclopentane 150 1Hexene (Hexylene) 191 Methyl Formate 151 2Hexene 192 Methyl Heptanoate 152 Hexyl Acetate 193 5-Methyl-3-Heptanone (Ethyl Amyl Ketone) 153 Hydrogen Sulfi de 194 3-Methylhexane 154 3-Hydroxy-2-Butanone (Acetoin) 195 Methyl Hexanoate (Methyl Caproate) 155 4-Hydroxy-4-Methyl-2Pentanone (Diacetone Alcohol) 196 5-Methyl-2-Hexanone (Methyl Isoamyl Ketone) 156 α-Hydroxytoluene (Benzyl Alcohol) 197 Methyl-2-Hydroxybenzoate (Methyl Salicylate) 157 Indene (Indonaphthene) 198 Methyl-2-Hydroxy-2-Methylpropanoate (Methyl α-Hydroxy- 158 1-Iodobutane (n-Butyl Iodide) isobutyrate) 159 Iodomethane - Skin (Methyl Iodide) 199 Methyl Methacrylate 160 Isobutyl Acetate 200 1-Methylnaphthalene 161 Isobutyl Formate 201 Methyl Octanoate (Methyl Caprylate) 162 Isophorone (3, 5, 5-Trimethyl-2-Cyclohexen-1-one) 202 2-Methylpentane 163 Isopropenylbenzene (α-Methyl Styrene) 203 3-Methylpentane 164 Isopropyl Acetate 204 2-Methyl-1-Pentanol 165 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 205 4-Methyl-2-Pentanol - Skin (Methylamyl Alcohol; Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol) 166 Methane (CH4) 167 1-Isopropyl-4-Methylbenzene (p-Cymene) 206 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone (Hexone; Isopropylacetone; Methyl 168 Methanethiol (Methyl Mercaptan) Isobutyl Ketone; MIBK) 169 Methanol (Methyl Alcohol) 207 4-Methyl-3-Penten-2-One (Mesityl Oxide) 170 2-Methoxybenzene (Anisole) 208 2-Methyl-1-Pentene 171 2-Methoxyethanol - Skin (Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl 209 4-Methyl-1-Pentene (1-Isohexene) Ether; Methyl Cellosolve) 210 3-Methylphenol - Skin (m-Cresol; Cresylic Acid; 3-Hydroxy- 172 2-Methoxyethyl Acetate - Skin (Methyl Cellosolve Acetate) toluene) 173 bis (2-Methoxyethyl) Ether (Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl 211 2-Methyl-1-Propanol (Isobutanol; Isobutyl Alcohol) Ether; Diglyme; Dimethyl Carbitol) 212 2-Methyl-2-Propanol (tert-Butanol; tert-Butyl Alcohol) 174 Methyl Acetate 213 2-Methylpropene (Tetramer) (Tetraisobutylene) 175 Methyl Acrylate - Skin 214 Morpholine - Skin (Tetrahydro-1; 4-Oxazine) 176 N-Methylaniline - Skin (Monomethyl Aniline) 215 Nitrobenzene - Skin 177 2-Methylaziridine - Skin (Propyleneimine) 216 Nitroethane Contents and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. © 2012 Infrared Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Gases Supported by IRI Analyzers GAS/VAPOR GAS/VAPOR 217 Nitromethane 246 Propyne 218 1Nitropropane 247 Pyridine 219 2Nitropropane 248 Styrene (Ethenylbenzene; Phenylethylene; Vinylbenzene) 220 3Nitrotoluene Skin 249 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 221 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 250 Sulfur Hexafl uoride 222 Octane
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