Murray State's Digital Commons The Paducah Evening Sun Newspapers 11-23-1906 The Paducah Evening Sun, November 23, 1906 The Paducah Evening Sun Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Paducah Evening Sun, "The Paducah Evening Sun, November 23, 1906" (1906). The Paducah Evening Sun. 96. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Paducah Evening Sun by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Pablicab tientitg VOL. XX. NO. 124 PADUCAH KY.. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 23. 1906. 10 CENTS PER WEEK MAYOR SCHMITZ GUARDED HIS BODY. ANOTHER STATION ,"'"),1 LOCAL TEACHERS DOEBLE (*RIME MERCHANTS WILL Fraud Died From Esposiure anti He lETTEB$ APPEARI N (.; 1 lllll tiled try Murderers of Preft) Remained With Him. ON THE ItAltleeltitot% Dora Gilman. MIS CHARGES ON WEST BROADWAY CAUSE APPREHENSIosi ON THE PROGRAM SUE FOR DAMAGES Sandusky. 0., Nov. 23.--Drench- Dayton, O.. Nov. 23.--Deep ruys- ed to the skin and exposed to cruel %%hal appeals to ... • of the tety still surrounds the murder of I cudorevl population as 0 Miss winds, :Fred Marshall stood over the Dora Gilman, whoa mutilated 'cation of Provklence, dead body of his friend and hunting and altar body was found near her home yes- Hasten To Frisco To Face Needed To Protect The City, front any point of view Will Participate In Education- Instead tot Enjoining The City Will eompanion, Ottamer Seistel, from i... a Er terday. All indications show it was IlinthIthle phenOntel.011, is early last evening until after day- Says Chief Woods al Convention committed by a degenerate. A post As Expected. His Accusers. vouched for by several people light this morning, when he was res- mortem developed that th4 who have steel a ecilored babe al cued by a boat in which the men murderers committed a double crime. 1411 Clay street, with the let- were, capsized, ant both reached People are raising a large purse to ters "D M" plainly: nuirked on Alleged Disappearance of the Relief short time Distance to Seventeenth Street Too Instrusestre of First Congressional employ detectives to reu down the Detectives Moore and Baker Will Be shore. Seistel died in a Its forehead. The child betimes. te.e Fends Claimed to tie at Great for Neareet companies District Meet at Prim-414m fiends isiae.e wheel rit.ecip from the exposure. to Pearl Franklin, and hier halite' Bott id All. to Reach. Nest Friday. lacrcissed to "rhirty., • • has' been the nosesd. •upemliti- • Steen Prepare', for Joint Funeral Services. ow/ and curious colored people Morocco. Madrid, Nov. 23.—Admiral Cerverie Chicago, Nov 23,-- Three hun- for several clay'., since the child conitnanding the naval areenat at El dred relatives and frtende of the dead was horn. 'rhose who have se••ta MUCH SOME 5E4'RETs ARE DIVULGED HOSE WAGON AND FOUR MEN INTEREST IN THE WORK Ferrol, is preparing a corps of 1,200i A NF:IV !WILDING ORDINANCE victims of the Woodville wreck on the child and belie. i• in ..t..tnos infantrymen which will leave the Baltimore & Ohio left Chicago to- anti portents have love.. pouring shortly for Cadiz., where the day for Chesterton, Ind., on a sPecial over dietionarises trying to nod Spanish squad- train to attend the funeral services of ron is under steam for Moroceste wa- New York, Nov. =I.— Mayor Paducah needs one more fire sta- U r ttillUtt011 tif tan words. of Paducah teachers are preparing to Taxpayers owning property on the the immigrants. The party is in ters, At Cartagena. a regiment of Schmitz, (if Sin Francesco, who ar- tion, says Chief Woods, to contplete • ntlioll 1111' birthmarks might he attend the First District Educational west side of Second st.reet bet wen Polish Roman marines is also being prepared for charge of the Catholic her fire the initials, dout tviiilliii cub....•y association Flroadway and Kentucky rived on the steamer Patricia, from department— to give ample meeting at PrInceton.No- possiblei_ditty in Moroceo. avenue will alliance . PA lllll• Itn••44libte to the .vorld. not enjoin the board Europe today, declarer+ there La not a protection to all parts of the city. vember 30 anti December 1. It is pro- of putslic works or city front word of truth in the charge. against The location of the station is sug- bable that half the local teachers instilling a hand, rail on 14041614•47401 the curb, butt may bring a suit for lean nee a bit of evideace against gested at Seventeenth street. and /Aststall•Isio-:+:170:444.1••• will attend. damages immediately on the city put- him. It is his hatention to hurry to TRAFFIC LIMITED Broadway, for the protectiou of the Among the Paducah teachers who BILLBOARDS ting in rite hand rail. This stalenmee San Isranctisro to face his accusers west end. are on the program are Supt. C. M. arts matte this morning by one of the and clear his RUM*. "I do not know what the commis- Lieb, on "Education and Material GUESTS OF CITY biggest property, ounces it is far sioners will do about it," Fire Chief Wealth"; Prof. W. H. Sugg. Frank- and ARE ON PRIX % I I , NoT PUBLIC frem tieing a bluff. was SOUTHERN LINES OF ILLINOIS James Wood said this ntorning, "but lin building, on "Federation of Siin Francisco, Nov. 23.-- It "I ohaerve that the board of alder CENTRAL GET WORSE. we need the station house. This Is Teachers"; Miss May Ellis, Frank- PRoPERT1. teamed today on the beet •authority ARE THE men lust night voted to the only portion of Paducah without IOWANS lin building, on "Articulatiou of that the :real cease of the prevent in- hand rail on the eurb in front of 041i ample fire protection. I do not mean Child and Environments"; Miss Em- vestigation in title city is the alleged of blISilletiti for ne-anlY half looting of the relief fund. Many to say that so protection at all is ilia Morgan. McKinley bundling, on No Mr. Weil letterback Can Not See square for the protection of pod,s Tickets Sold to Points South of given property "Moral Education in Schools" indictments will be fouad on other in this section. but it To Be Entertained Public %% hat Hight Aidertnen Huse trians and to preclude is possible damn Rive*, Tenn.—Fulton Crowd- is Tomorretv Prineipal E. G. charges, and perhape seine of the big- too far from the three nearest sta- Payne, Washington t.. interfere. age suit," he said. "The eroposition ed With Strangers. Welding, gest grafters will be amt to prison on tions, the le 3 and 4. One station In At The Elks' Home will discuss "Kentucky's is to install tee rail beginning at Ken the Relative conviction for other offenses, but that locality with four firemen and Position in Education, High tucky avenue and running it pearls real inspiring aim of Astant Slate's one hose wagon wbuld he sufficient. School Department." Miss Anna Lar- to the alley where Englert & Bryant's Attorney Francis J. Hooey Is to bring This would entail little expense, kin. Washineton school, will give a Will The Illinois Central is experienc- and Utterletik, manager of the store is. This would block Ilt4 off home to Mayor Schmitz and Boss t•onisswrelial l'Itth hiss Arranged to would serve to decrease insurance reading litterimek front loading and unloadieg, stud ing more trouble In the emelt than it Receive tarty on Advertising Agence, is tUra. xi it- Um_ Jo-1We • sagLionee...- - Return Trip _ SchuiAs Rau Smoothles-- -110.04•61.-0.1hkratib-404—, d tirreerrItirer ago. If .1n- Tti ri711eIrthii- aPProVrigati4 the money seat to relieve it is probable that the The. inclement weather of the past the damage it occasions the great volume of water pouring board of use' the sufferings of the stricken people fire and police commissioners will few days affected the schools aldermen is overstepping its authori- The board of aldermen ec: Into the rapidly rising Mbelsivippi ty in of an Franc-taco. take the matter tip and petition the and teachers are gratified that the passing a measure regulating the Primerty owners to el*, Ties will be a week of indictments and spreading all over the lowlands. the general council for authority to man attendance has been so steady. Great height and position of bill boards city and thus the city would be freed if Heney and So serious is traffic impaired that WILL SPEND %VIRILE DAY HERE Lie Secret .Stervice Agent tcb a station. It has been stated interest is being taken in the work, is not in an antagonistic attitude, front Lability for any dsmages reseit- Burns get the witneeses they are af- the local agent was directed not to but that the board will this year increase and good results are apparent this merely spoke his mind clearly Mg front any one falling off the Imre, ter. sell tickets below Rives, Tenn., until They expect toisatise the filing early in the tet m. this morning. further notice. Some travel the pollee force, and the fire depart- of fresh charges agsfusrachmits and Is being "My bill boards are not on public, ment will require little in the way of Governor Albert S. Cut/twins, of Miss Emma Morgan, principal of eloore and Baker to Return. Hue( tomorrow, and every day in the done via Milan, Tenn., over the Lou- but private Improvements except the additional Iowa, and the McKinley school.
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