Russian Entomol. J. 16(3): 273–279 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2007 Beetles of superfamily Hydrophiloidea (Coleoptera: Helophoridae, Hydrochidae, Spercheidae, Hydrophilidae) of the Crimean peninsula Æåñòêîêðûëûå íàäñåìåéñòâà Hydrophiloidea (Coleoptera: Helophoridae, Hydrochidae, Spercheidae, Hydrophilidae) Êðûìñêîãî ïîëóîñòðîâà S.K. Ryndevich Ñ.Ê. Ðûíäåâè÷ Baranovichy State University, Voykova str. 21, Baranovichy 225404, Belarus. E-mail: [email protected] Барановичский государственный университет, ул. Войкова 21, Барановичи 225404, Беларусь. KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Hydrophiloidea, check-list, Ukraine, Crimean peninsula. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Coleoptera, Hydrophiloidea, аннотированный список, Украина, Крымский полуостров. ABSTRACT: At present the fauna of the superfam- nus Thomson, Cercyon (Cercyon) pygmaeus (Illiger), ilies Hydrophiloidea of the Crimea includes 73 species Cryptopleurum minutum (Fabricius), Cryptopleurum sub- (Helophoridae — 13, Hydrochidae — 2, Spercheidae — tile Sharp, Enochrus (Enochrus) melanocephalus (Olivi- 1, Hydrophilidae — 57). Enochrus (Methydrus) nigri- er), Enochrus (Lumetus) fuscipennis Thomson, Enochrus tus Sharp and Helochares lividus (Foster) are reported (Lumetus) hamifer (Ganglbauer), Enochrus (Lumetus) for Ukraine and the Crimea for the first time. Eighteen quadripunctatus (Herbst), Hydrobius fuscipes (Linnae- species: Helophorus (Helophorus) liguricus Angus, us), Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) bipunctatus (Fabri- Helophorus (Rhopalhelophorus) brevipalpis brevipal- cius), Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) syriacus Guille- pis Bedel, Berosus (Enoplurus) bispina Reiche & Saul- beau, Laccobius (Laccobius) minutus (Linnaeus), Lacco- cy, Berosus (Enoplurus) spinosus (Steven), Cercyon bius (Microlaccobius) alternus Motschulsky, Sphaerid- (Cercyon) depressus Stephens, Cercyon (Cercyon) ium lunatum Fabricius являются новыми для фауны marinus Thomson, Cercyon (Cercyon) pygmaeus (Il- Крыма. Berosus guttalis Rey и Laccobiusstriatulus (Fab- liger), Cryptopleurum minutum (Fabricius), Cryptopleu- ricius) исключаются из состава фауны, так как их rum subtile Sharp, Enochrus (Enochrus) melanoceph- внесение в её состав связано с ошибкой определения. alus (Olivier), Enochrus (Lumetus) fuscipennis Thom- son, Enochrus (Lumetus) hamifer (Ganglbauer), Eno- Introduction chrus (Lumetus) quadripunctatus (Herbst), Hydrobius fuscipes (Linnaeus), Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) bipunctatus (Fabricius), Laccobius (Dimorpholacco- The Crimean peninsula is situated in the south of bius) syriacus Guillebeau, Laccobius (Laccobius) minu- Ukraine (Fig. 1). Its area is 25 500 km². The Crimea is tus (Linnaeus), Laccobius (Microlaccobius) alternus connected with the continent by the Perekop isthmus. Motschulsky, Sphaeridium lunatum Fabricius are re- In the west, south and south-east the peninsula is ported for the Crimea for the first time. Berosus guttalis washed by the Black sea, in the north-east — by the sea Rey and Laccobius striatulus (Fabricius) are struck off of Asov. The relief of the Crimea is varied due to which from the fauna of the Crimea, because they enter the list the peninsula is divided into Steppe and Mountainous by mistake in identification. Crimea. The northern and central parts of the peninsula are planes, that turn into hills in the west and east. The РЕЗЮМЕ: Фауна надсемейства Hydrophiloidea eastern edge extremity of the Crimea — Kerch peninsu- Крыма включает 73 вида (Helophoridae — 13, Hydrochi- la, which is about 3 000 km², also has a flat relief and dae — 2, Spercheidae — 1, Hydrophilidae — 57). Enoch- belongs to the steppe zone of the Crimea. In the south- rus (Methydrus) nigritus Sharp и Helochares lividus (Fos- ern part the Crimea mountains are situated. They con- ter) впервые приводятся для фауны Украины и Крыма. sist of 3 parallel ranges with gentle slopes in the north Восемнадцать видов: Helophorus (Helophorus) liguri- and steep slopes in the south. In the flat steppe part of cus Angus, Helophorus (Rhopalhelophorus) brevipalpis the Crimea the climate is moderately continental. In brevipalpis Bedel, Berosus (Enoplurus) bispina Reiche & Mountainous Crimea the climate is Mediterranean. Saulcy, Berosus (Enoplurus) spinosus (Steven), Cercyon The study of Hydrophiloidea fauna of the Crimea (Cercyon) depressus Stephens, Cercyon (Cercyon) mari- began at the end of the XIXth century. In paper of K.E. 274 S.K. Ryndevich Fig. 1. Map of the Crimea. Ðèñ. 1. Êàðòà Êðûìà. Lindeman 2 species from the Crimea are mentioned [Lin- Results and discussion deman, 1871]. The most significant faunistic review is presented in paper of F.A. Zaitszev devoted to water This paper is the most complete summary that em- beetles of Taman’ and the Crimea which includes data on braces the existing data on the Hydrophiloidea of the 21 species of Hydrophilidae and 6 species of Helo- Crimea species structure. phoridae of the Crimea [Zaytsev, 1908]. To broaden the At present the fauna of the superfamiliy of Hydro- idea of the hydrophiloids fauna structure of the peninsu- philoidea of the Crimea includes 73 species (Helophori- la became possible due to later papers [Hebauer & Rynde- dae — 13, Hydrochidae — 2, Spercheidae — 1, Hydro- vich, 2005; Kirejtshuk & Shatrovskiy, 2001a; 2001b; philidae — 57). Enochrus (Methydrus) nigritus Sharp Ryndevich, 2000, 2001a, 2001b, 2003a, 2003b, 2004a, 2004b; and Helochares lividus (Foster) are reported for Ukraine Shatrovskiy, 1984, 1986, 1993a, 1993b; Smetana, 1980]. and the Crimea for the first time. Nineteen species are reported for the Crimea for the first time. Berosus guttalis Material and methods Rey and Laccobius striatulus (Fabricius) are struck off from the fauna of the Crimea, because they enter the list As the material basis there was used our own col- by mistake in identification. lection gathered in expeditions to the Crimea carried in The Hydrophiloidea fauna of Steppe Crimea differs 1991, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005 and 2006 as well as the from the same fauna in Mountainous Crimea. Accord- collections of Zoological Institute of Russian Acade- ing to literary data and the results of our own research my of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russia (ZISP); of Dr. from Steppe Crimea (Kerch peninsula included) there I.A. Solodovnikov, Minsk, Belarus (cIS); of Dr. A.A. are known 31 species of Hydrophiloidea (Helophori- Prokin, Voronezh, Russia (cAP); ofDr. A.O. Bien- dae — 4, Spercheidae — 1, Hydrophilidae — 26). The kowski, Moscow, Russia (cAB); type material pre- fauna of Mountainous Crimea is much richer and is served in Museum of Moscow State University, Mos- presented by 59 species (Helophoridae — 10, Hydro- cow, Russia (ZMMU); Zoological Museum of Belarus chidae — 2, Hydrophilidae — 47), which can be ex- State University, Minsk, Belarus (ZMBU); The Natu- plained by significant variety of natural conditions in ral History Museum, London, United Kingdom this region (the existence of steppe and afforestated (NHML); Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, areas, high-altitude zones in mountainous ecosystems, Austria (NHMLW). a wider range of water bodies’ types). This region of the We studied the collections of V. Pliginskiy, peninsula is inhabited by typically mountainous spe- V.Y. Yakovleva and A.N. Kirichenko which are situated cies such as Helophorus montenegrinus Kuwert, H. in ZISP. syriacus Kuwert, Hydrochus flavipennis Küsyer, Ana- Beetles of superfamily Hydrophiloidea of the Crimean peninsula 275 caena taurica Ryndevich, Hydrochara semenovi (Zay- 10. Helophorus (Rhopalhelophorus) griseus Herbst, 1793: tsev), Laccobius alternus Motschulsky, L. gracilis gra- [as Helophorus griseus Herbst and as Helophorus affinis cilis Motschulsky, L. obscuratus aegaeus Gentili and Marsham: Zaytsev, 1908]. The Crimea, near Krasnokamen- L. simulatrix Orchymont. Parallel with this there are ka, pool, S = 40 m², deep — 0.3 m, 6.07.2000, leg. S.K. species characteristic mainly of the forest zone: Cercy- Ryndevich, 26 spec. (cSR). 11. Helophorus (Rhopalhelophorus) illustris Sharp, 1916: on bifenestratus Küster, C. convexiusculus Stephens, [Kirejtshuk & Shatrovskiy, 2001a]. Hydrobius fuscipes (Linnaeus) and Laccobius minutus 12. Helophorus (Rhopalhelophorus) montenegrinus Ku- (Linnaeus) or the steppe: e.g., Berosus spinosus (Steven) wert, 1885. [Ryndevich, 2001a]. The Ukraine, the Crimea, and Enochrus bicolor (Fabricius). near Gurzuf, pond Lapot, 8.07.1999, leg. Ryndevich S.K., 1 The annotated check-list of Hydrophiloidea of the spec. (cSR). Crimea is given below. New species for the Crimea are 13. Helophorus (Rhopalhelophorus) obscurus Mulsant, marked with the star sign (*), new both for Ukraine and 1844: [Kirejtshuk & Shatrovskiy, 2001a]. The Crimea, near the Crimea — with two stars (**). Yalta, pools, 15.07.1991, leg. S.K. Ryndevich, 4 spec.; the Crimea, near Krasnokamenka, pool, S = 40 m², deep — 0.3 m, Annotated check-list of species 6.07.2000, leg. S.K. Ryndevich, 2 spec.; the Crimea, Gurzuf, ofHydrophyloidea of Crimea pond Lapot, 5.07.2000, leg. Ryndevich S.K., 4 spec.; the Crimea, near Gurzuf, streams, 3.07.2000, leg. Ryndevich S.K., Family Helophoridae 3 spec.; same data, stream, 18.07.2000, 1 spec.; the Crimea, 1. Helophorus (Empleurus) nubilus Fabricius, 1777: [Kire- Gurzufskaya Yayla, near Partizanskoe, pool, S = 40 m², deep — jtshuk & Shatrovskiy, 2001a]. 0.05–0.2 m, 12.07.2000, leg. S.K. Ryndevich, 2 spec.; the 2. Helophorus (Eutrichelophorus) micans Faldermann, Crimea, near Partizanskoe, mount. Ay-Iliya-Syrym, pools on 1835: [Zaytsev, 1908; Kirejtshuk & Shatrovskiy, 2001a]. place of stream, 12.07.2001, leg.
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