Page 1 18. XII The Funeral Ceremony 18.2.8. Masters and Servant (a) Velvet paw - or smiles Note 133 (24 November) cases raised in the reflection of the previous note, before yesterday, are not the only ones to my knowledge, which confirm this presentiment that a superyang imbalance in the father (that this imbalance takes despotic forms or not), reverberates in the children by a rejection of the yang, which in turn can be expressed in many different faces. In boys, in the cases that are known and present to my mind at the time of writing, this refusal takes the form of a repression (more or less complete) on the manly side in his own person - and this refusal will surely follow him throughout his life (except deep renewal, something extremely rare). The case of my mother makes me realize that it is not always the same in a girl - unless there was at my mother also some refusal on the side manly of his being, speaking more subtle and would have escaped me until now 149 (*). Which is on the other hand, it is the opposite extreme effect - that of over-development of traits virile in it (in addition to an aversion to all that is feminine). I have heard of other cases in the same direction, in men (eg in the father of my mother) - that of a revolt against the father, expressing himself by the development of a strongly virile personality, able to face the father "to Since I have not had the opportunity to know such a case closely, I tend to believe that must be more rare. But it does not really matter. 0 If there is one point common to all the cases of which I knew near or far, it would be this one: a p. 609 superyang father imbalance affects the child by an imbalance, which can be in the direction yin (case perhaps the most common), or towards yang 150 (*). In all cases that are in my mind (without thinking of making a systematic survey of all those of which I have been aware), this imbalance free accompanied by an antagonistic relationship with his father. I have the impression that it is also accompanied by visceral antagonistic attitude towards third parties men, in which the lines are yang strongly marked, at least when they are not balanced by complementary yin traits - that is to say, vis-à-vis men who prevails a superyang imbalance, recalling that of the father. Such superyang imbalance (as the opposite unbalance) is certainly likely to generate a ma- laise by anyone, as I have already had the opportunity to see 151 (**). But this discomfort does not translate necessarily by an automatic antagonistic attitude - it is not uncommon, for example, that it resolves (or at least it disappears from the field of consciousness) by an attitude of submission, of admiration more or less unconditional, or allegiance. The association comes to me here that it was these tones that were most common surely, in the relations to my person (prestigious halo), within the mathematical world - at least among those of colleagues (or students) who (as I wrote elsewhere) "did not feel protected by a comparable name", or (I will add here) those in whom a certain inner balance, some spontaneous knowledge of their own force, did not exclude such overhangs. But no doubt he is in the nature of such a relationship of "allegiance" that it conceals a hidden antagonism, which is 0 manifest (openly, or in a way that is still hidden) p. 610 149 (*) A similar situation is that of a mother domineering temperament, invasive, superyang sign of imbalance. In the two cases which are known to me closely, this is translated in the girl by a very strong repression of the "virile" traits in her. 150 (*) When I speak here of "imbalance towards yin", that does not mean development (perhaps excessive, one-sided) of its yin lines, but rather a repression of yang lines, which is not at all the thing-even. In the opposite qualified case of "imbalance in the yang direction", it is indeed an "excessive development" of yang traits, which often goes hand in hand with a more or less severe repression of certain yin traits. 151 (**) In the note "The Superpère (yin yang bury (2))", n ◦ 108. 534 Page 2 18.2. THE KEY OF YIN AND YANG when presents itself a favorable occasion. I have just followed some associations, which resume and complete the reflection of the day before yesterday (in the previous note "The overthrow of yin and yang (2) - or revolt"), and thus also that of the note of 18 November, "The enemy father (3) - or yang buries yang". They make me realize that the relationship between a certain state of imbalance yin or yang in one of the parents (in this case, a yang imbalance of the father), and the its repercussions on the child is not unambiguous, as I hastily suggested. Do not doubt, the form in which the parental imbalance is transmitted, in this case the father, must depend on many other factors, both in the family environment (and more specifically in the person and the attitude mother), that the child's birth temperament 152 (*). But to tell the truth, it was not in that direction that I thought I was going to engage, starting to think sometimes. Rather, I was thinking of pursuing another association of ideas, which has been present since November 12, or introduced for the first time in the dynamic reflection of the reversal of roles yin and yang (in the note of the same name, "- or the vehement wife", (126)). Perhaps the reader will does he make the connection on his side - is it still that when I raised this issue on November 12, then the day before yesterday on the 22nd, there was somewhere in my head, as if in mute, the thought of two others occasions where there had already been talk of "reversal", during this reflection on the Burial. The first time it was in the note of the same name of the Procession V, "My friend Pierre" (note (68 ') of April 28). The second occurrence is, in the footnote, the reflection of 30 September, which is part of the note "The Funeral Praise (2) - or halo and strength". There is even a third such opportunity, but between the lines, at the beginning of the reflection due two days later, which opened the reflection "The key of yin and yang". (This is the note "Muscle and tripe (yang buries yin (!))" (106), of October 30.) 0 This is the page of content. 611 the famous "association of ideas, inspired by the Triune Funeral in three parts", to which it is alluded - the same one that triggered me the same day, to leave on this digression on wine and yang that I have been pursuing for nearly two months. This might be the time now to never sell the wick, since I speak about it, not to mention that I've been thinking about it since the day after May 12, after the note "The Praise Funeral (1) - or compliments ", more than six months ago. The common point in these three situations is that it is a "reversal" of roles between my friend and ex-student Pierre, and me. In the two cases that were formulated in clear, recalled a moment ago, I ap- as the "collaborator" of my ex-student (if not exactly as his student!). The first time is like the one who would have contributed (in a confusing way certainly, but sometimes interesting, one concedes it) to the development of the "powerful tool" of l-adic cohomology by my brilliant predecessor and friend. The second time, when we are quoted in a breath (to have "linked the topology, the algebraic geometry brick and number theory by "interdisciplinary" means. "), it is by the clever way of a "forgetting" typographic that the same reversal of a reality is suggested, as by the greatest chances of 153 (*). The meaning of this reversal becomes more tendentious than a simple question of precedence (within here, of an institution that I was alone, with Dieudonné, to "start" at the scientific fique, but that I had left long ago), when we pay attention to the choice of epithets ("theories of legendary depth" for one, "brilliant discoveries" for the other who is entitled to more to the underlined, with everyone except me). This meaning has been illuminated "strikingly" in the reflection "The 152 (*) Thus, I find that in each of the three brothers of my mother (all younger than she) continued a development well different from that of my mother (who was a little bit like a swan in the duck brood), and also different from that of other brothers. 153 As I had been noticing it earlier in the note "The Massacre" (No. 87 ◦), chance often have it, as long as typographers and movers get involved! 535 Page 3 18. XII The Funeral Ceremony funeral of yin (yang buries yin (4) "((124), of November 10), by which the reflection on yin and yang was suddenly "landed" in full ceremony Funeral: to one the accumulation of epithets (dithyrambiques at times) yin and superyin, at the other yang and superyang. This is what struck me already the day after the note 0 "The compliments" of May 12, even before p. 612 to have had the opportunity to explain it as detailed as it was two weeks ago. Next way I then felt things (and that I must see here), there was there a real reversal of the reality, or more precisely, a "reversal", pushed to an extreme caricature, of a basic reality that I felt like something nuanced, balanced.
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