RJ•.GISTRY OF 1 6 SEP 2016 MEMBERS' INTERESTS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS STATEMENT OF REGISTRABLE INTERESTS 45TH PARLIAMENT Returninr,Members declare at p.2-6. interests as at the date of dissolution of the House in the 4411 Parliament (9 May 2016) AND at p. 7 alteratiolls since the date of dissolution Newly elected Members declare at p.2-6, interests as at the date of election (2 Ju�y 2016) AND at p. 7 alteratio11s since the date of election SURNAME (please print) ALY OTHER NAMES ANNE ELECTORAL DIVISION STATE COWAN WA Notes (I) It is suggested that the accompanying ExplanatoryNotes be read beforethe statement is completed. (2) The information which you are required to provide is contained in resolutions agreed to by the Hou e of Representatives on 9 October 1984 a.m. amended 13 February 1986, 22 October 1986, 30 November 1988, 9 November 1994, 6 November 2003 and 13 Februaiy 2008 a.m. It consists of the Member's registrable interests and the registrable interests of which the Member is aware (a) of the Member's spouse and (b) of any children who are wholly or mainly dependent on the Member for support. For the definition of"dependent children•· see the introduction to the Explanatory Notes. (3) If there is insufficient space on this fonn for the infonnationyou are required to provide, you may attach additional pages for that purpose. Please date and initial each page of any attachment. (4) Forward the·original, signed copy of alJ pages of this statement to the Registrar of Members' Interests, RG.39 Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600. I. Shareholdings in public and private companies (including holding companies) indicating the name of the company or companies Name of company (including holding and subsidiary companies if applicable) Self Spouse Dependent Children 2. Family and Business Trusts and Nominee Companies (i) in which a beneficialinterest is held, indicating the name of the trust, the nature of its operation and beneficial interest Name of Trust/nominee company Nature of its operation Beneficial interest Self Spouse Dependent Children (ii) in which the Member, the Member's spouse, or a child who is wholly or mainly dependent on the Member for support, is a trustee (but not including a trustee of an estate where no beneficial interest is held by the Member, the Member's spouse or dependent children), indicating the name of the trust, the nature of its operation and the beneficiary of the trust Name of Trust/nominee company Nature of its operation Beneficial interest Self Spouse Dependent Cltildren 2 3. Real estate, including the location (suburb or area only) and the purpose forwhich it is owned Location Purpose for which owned Self WILSON WA RESfDENTIAL BELMONT WA INVESTMENT Spouse BELMONT WA INVESTMENT Dependent Children 4. Registered Directorships of companies Name of company Activities of company Self SHARAKAT PTY LTD CONSULTING Spouse SHARAKA T PTY LTD CONSULTING Dependent Children 5. Partnerships indicating the nature of the interests and the activities of the partnership Name Nature of interests Activities of Partnership Self Spouse Dependent Children 3 6. Liabilities indicating the nature of the liability and the creditor concerned Nature ofliability Creditor Self MORTGAGES ING PERSONAL LOAN ANZ Spouse MORTGAGES rNG PERSONAL LOAN ESSANDA- MACQUARIE BANK CREDIT CARD BANK.WEST Dependent Children 7. The nature of any bonds, debentures and like investments Type of investment Body in which investment is held Self Spouse Dependent Children 8. Saving or investment accounts, indicating their nature and the name ofthe bank or other institutions concerned Nature of account Name of bank/institution Self SA VrNGS- DEBIT CARD BANK.WEST MORTGAGE OFFSET ACCOUNT ING SAVINGS rNG Spouse SAVINGS- DEBIT CARD BANK.WEST MORTGAGE OFFSET ACCOUNT ING Dependent Children 4 9. The nature of any other assets (excluding household and personal effects) each valued at over $7,500 Nature of any other assets Self Spouse Dependent Children 10. The nature of any other substantial sources of income Nature of income Self RENT AL INCOME Spouse RENT AL INCOME Dependent Children 11. Gifts valued at more than $750 received fromofficial sources,or at more than $300 where received from other than official sources provided that a gift received by a Member, the Member's spouse or dependent children from family members or personal friends in a purely personal capacity need not be registered unless the member judges that an appearance of conflict of interest may be seen to exist Details of gifts Self Spouse Dependent Children 5 12. Any sponsored travel or hospitality received where the value of the sponsored travel or hospitality exceeds $300 Details of travel/hospitality Self Spouse Dependent Children 13. Membership of any organisation where a conflict of interest with a Member's public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to arise Name of organisation Self FOUNDING CHAIR- PEOPLE AGAINST VIOLENT EXTREMISM ASS INC Spouse Dependent Children 14. Any other interests where a conflict of interest with a member's public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to arise Nature of interests Self WA AMBASSADOR- BALI PEACE PARKASSOCIATI ON INC ADJUNCT PROFESSOR- EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR- CURTIN UNIVERSITY Spouse Dependent Children 6 NOTIFICATION OF ALTERATION(S) OF INTERESTS SINCE DISSOLUTION OR DATE OF ELECTION Returning Member.�· declare from the date of dissolution of the 44th Parliament (9 May 2016) Newlv elected Members declare from the date of election (2 July 2016) The following alteration(s) of interests have occurred: ADDITION Item Details 11. GIFT PROVLSION OF QANTAS CHAIRMAN'S LOUNGE ACCESS TO SELF AND SPOUSE 11. GIFT GIFTED FIVE DVD'S FROM SCREEN AUSTRALIA 12. TRAVEUHOSPlTALlTY FLIGHT MELBOURNE- CANBERRA AND OVERNIGHT ACCOMODA TlO IN MELBOURNE TO DELIVER SPEECH AT THE CAST AN CENTRE DELETION Item Details 13. MEMBERSHIP RESIGNED POSITION AS FOUND£NG CHAIR OF PEOPLE AGAINST VIOLENT EXTREMISM ON 6/8/16 DATE 16/9/16 I 7 RI• ( I IS'I I{\ OJ• I 3 OCT 201S l\lEJ,IBERS' INTERESTS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS NOTIFICATION OF ALTERATION(S) OF INTERESTS 45rn PARLIAMENT SURNAME (pleaseprim) ALY OTHER NAMES ANNE ELECTORAL DIV1SION COWAN I STATE WA I wish to alter my statement ofregjstrable interests as follow: ADDITION Item Details 3. REAL ESTATE PURCHASE OF RESLDENTTAL PROPERTY AT MADELEY- OWN AND SPOUSE 3 REAL EST A TE CHANGE OF STATUS OF PROPERTY AT WILSON WA FROM RESIDENTIAL TO INVESTMENT PROPERTY TO BE LEASED- OWN 6. LIABILITIES MORTGAGES WlTH WESTPAC BANK BEfNG FOR RESJDENTIAL PROPERTY AT MADELY WA, INVESTMENT PROPERTY AT WILSON WA AND INVESTMENT PROPERTY BELMONT WA- OWN AND SPOUSE ADDITION OF WESTPAC ALTITUDE BLACK CREDIT CARD- OWN AND SPOUSE 8.SAVINGS OR ADDITION OF WESTAPAC MORTGAGE OFFSET INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT- OWN AND SPOUSE 12. TRAVEL/HOSPITALITY FLIGHT AND ACCOMODATlON PERTH- SYDNEY­ PERTH FOR A PHOTO SHOOT FOR HARPER'S BAZAAR MAGAZINE. FLIGHTS AND ACCOMODATION BOOKED BY STAGE AND SCREEN 6 OCTOBER 2016 DELETION Item Details 6 LIABILITIES MORTGAGES AT ING BANK PAID OUT AND REPLACED BY MORTGAGES WITH WESTPAC BANK (SEE ADDITIONS ABOVE) 8. SA VIN GS OR INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS MORTGAGE OFFSET ACCOUNT HELD IN BOTH OWN AND SPOUSE NAME 13/10/16 SIGNATURE DATE 0 f FEB 2017 i\.lJEM HJ�RS' INTERE'"'l' ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS NOTIFICATJON OF ALTERA TION(S) OF INTERESTS 45 °' PARLIAMENT SURNAME (pleaseprint) ALY OTHER NAMES ANN£ ELECTORAL DIVISION COWAN l STATE WA I wish to alter my statement of registrable interests as follow: ADDJTION ltem Details Accommodation and Airfares Return Flight Perth to Brisbane 17 18 November 2016 - lnvitation to speak at the Migration Institute of Australia Conference, Brisbane. Accommodation at Rydges Southbank, Brisbane - $229 + GST. Return Airfare Perth to Brisbane $537.27 + GST. TickeL,;and Donation 4 x complimentary tickets to BLANK at the Blue Room Theatre. T otaJ cost $92. Donation of $300 made in lieu of Youth Futures WA in lieu of perfonnance fee. Gift Vegan Leather Jacket received on 9 December 2016 as company promotional gift James & Co (Australia) Pty Ltd. Value $1 SO Membership Malaga Business Association Wanneroo Business Association DELETlON Item Details SIGNATURE\._/- ( DATE a.,I./ Ii" REGISTRY OF 0 8 MAR 2017 J\,IEMBER..'i' INTf:RESTS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS NOTIFICATION OF ALTERA TION(S) OF INTERESTS 45TH PARLIAMENT SURNAME (please print) ALY OTHER NAMES ANNE ELECTORAL DIVISION COW AN I STATE WA I wish to alter my statement of registrable interests as follow: ADDITION Item Details Accommodation and Airfares Return Flight Perth to Adelaide 28 - 29 January 2017 - Invitation to speak at the Al Salam Festival, by the Islamic Society of South Australia. Accommodation at Sage Hotel, Adelaide - $130. Return Airfare Perth to Adelaide $729.39. DELETION Item Details ra'..·,;1s TJ<\ or / 0 6 APR 2017 i\ fE.1 \1BVc R•S " IN 'fENE�,TS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS NOTIFICATION OF ALTERATION(S) OF INTERESTS 45TH PARLIAMENT SURNAME (pleaseprint) ALY OTHER NAMES ANNE ELECTORAL DIVISION COW AN I STATE WA J wish to alter my statement of registrable interests as follow: ADDITION Item Details Accommodation, Airfares and AIJAC Labor MP Group Study Visit to Israel Ground Costs $10,000 DELETION Item Details SIGNATURE 1 0 APR 20,7 i fVtEMBE!tS' lNTERESTS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES---------1 REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS NOTIFICATION OF ALTERATION(S) OF INTERESTS
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