Tthe 2010 Nicholls State University Baseball

Tthe 2010 Nicholls State University Baseball

22010010 NNichollsicholls SStatetate UUniversityniversity BBaseballaseball MMediaedia GGuideuide Table of Contents CCreditsredits Introduction Colonel Baseball Honor Roll 19-20 TThehe 20102010 NichollsNicholls StateState UUniversityniversity bbaseballaseball Table of Contents/Quick Facts/Credits 1 Colonels in the Pros 19-20 mmediaedia guideguide waswas pproducedroduced bbyy tthehe NNichollsicholls TOOffiffi ccee ooff MMediaedia RRelationselations fforor AAthleticsthletics ttoo aas-s- 2009-10 Preview This is Nicholls ssistist mmediaedia mmembersembers iinn ttheirheir ccoverageoverage ooff CColonelolonel Roster 2 University Section 21-24 bbasketball.asketball. SShouldhould yyouou nneedeed aanyny aadditionaldditional iin-n- 2010 Schedule 3 fformationormation rregardingegarding mmen’sen’s bbasketballasketball oorr NNichollsicholls aathleticsthletics iinn ggeneral,eneral, ppleaselease ccontactontact tthehe NNichollsicholls MMediaedia RRelationselations OOffiffi ccee fforor AAthleticsthletics atat ((985)985) 4448-48- Coaches 44282282 withoutwithout hesitation.hesitation. Chip Durham 4 TThehe 22010010 NichollsNicholls StateState UUniversityniversity bbaseballaseball mmediaedia gguideuide Thibodeaux/Chris 5 wwasas wwritten,ritten, edited,edited, researchedresearched andand co-designedco-designed byby AssistantAssistant Tharp/Swenson/Jones 6 DDirectorirector ofof MediaMedia RelationsRelations CharlieCharlie Gillingham.Gillingham. AlsoAlso specialspecial tthankshanks toto opposingopposing SIDSID offioffi cceses forfor ttheirheir assistance.assistance. The Colonels PPhotographyhotography iiss aaccreditedccredited ttoo MMistyisty MMcElroy,cElroy, UUniversityniversity Players 7-13 PPhotojournalist,hotojournalist, aandnd LLisaisa NNeil.eil. JeradJerad DDavid,avid, aassistantssistant ddirectorirector ooff UUniversityniversity PPrintingrinting aandnd DDesignesign SServices,ervices, cco-designedo-designed tthehe 2008-09 Review mmediaedia gguide.uide. 2009 Game-by-Game 14 TThehe bbookook wwasas pprintedrinted oonn ccampusampus aass wwellell aandnd ccouldould nnotot 2009 Stats 15 hhaveave bbeeneen pproducedroduced withoutwithout tthehe hardhard workwork ofof pressmanpressman WWayneayne MMolaison.olaison. A sspecialpecial tthankshanks ggoesoes ooutut ttoo GGerarderard WWaguespack,aguespack, TTimim RRichard,ichard, GGerarderard LLotz,otz, LLisaisa NNeal,eal, MMikeike DDavisavis History aandnd aallll tthehe sstudenttudent wworkersorkers fforor allall ofof thethe hardhard workwork andand Team/Individual Records 16 ddedicationedication tthathat yyouou ggiveive ttoo tthehe pprogramrogram eeachach aandnd eeveryvery Year-by-Year Category Leaders 17-19 sseason.eason. Coach/Series Records 19 Quick Facts School Information Team Information Founded: 1948 2008-09 Overall/Conference record: 19-32/9-23 Location: Thibodaux, La. Overall Letterwinners returning/lost: 18/12 Enrollment: 6,800 Pitchers returning/lost: 6/7 Nickname: Colonels Position players returning/lost: 12/5 Colors: Red and Gray Overall Starters returning/lost: 7/5 President: Dr. Stephen Hulbert Starting Position Players returning/lost: 5/3 Athletics Director: Rob Bernardi Starting Pitchers returning/lost: 3/0 Faculty Representative: Dr. Glen Antizzo Relief Pitchers returning/lost: 3/7 Senior Woman Administrator: Louise “Do” Bonin Overall Newcomers: 17 Athletic Department Phone: (985) 448-4794 New Position Players: 8 Athletic Department Fax: (985) 448-4814 New Pitchers: 9 Ticket Offi ce Phone: (985) 448-4791/4792 Postseason History Home Field Information First Year of Baseball: 1960 Name: Ray E. Didier Field First Year of NCAA Division I Competition: 1981 Capacity: 1,000 Joined Southland: 1992 Surface: Natural Grass All-Time Record: 1,237-1,132-9 (.522) Dimensions: 331-400-331 Southland Record/Years: 172-310 (.356) Press Box Phone: (985) 448-4834 Southland Regular-season titles: None Southland Tournament titles (years): 1 (1998) Coaching Staff NCAA D II Tournament appearances (years): 4 (1972, 74, 76,77) Head Coach: Chip Durham NCAA D II College World Series Apperances (years): 1 (1977) Alma mater, Year: Arkansas-Monticello, 1994 (B.S.) NCAA D 1 Tournament appearances (years): 3 (1989, 92, 98) Delta State University, 1996 (M. Ed.) Last NCAA Postseason Appearance: May 21-22, 1998; South Regional II Record at Nicholls/years: 52-161/Entering Fifth Season Baton Rouge, La. Southland Conference Record at Nicholls 26-96 Last NCAA Postseason Result: May 22, 1998; L, 6-5 (11 inn.) Career record (four-year schools)/years: 52-161/Entering Fifth Season vs. Harvard Career record (two-year schools)/years/school: 94-84/2 years/Crowder College (Kan.) Media Relations Assistant Coaches: Seth Thibodeaux (William Carey, ‘03), Men’s Basketball SID: Charlie Gillingham Chris Prothro (Arkansas State, 2005), E-Mail: [email protected] Stephen Tharp (Arkansas State, 2006) Offi ce: (985) 448-4281 Student Assistant Coach: Josh Swenson (Nicholls, 2009) Cell: (708) 533-0820 Director of Baseball Operations: Walter Jones (Nicholls, 2009) Fax: (985) 448-4490 Baseball Offi ce Phone: (985) 448-4808 2010 Nicholls Baseball 1 22010010 NichollsNicholls StateState UUniversityniversity BBaseballaseball MMediaedia GGuideuide 2010 Nicholls State University Baseball Media Guide 2009-10 Colonels Numerical Roster AAlphabeticallphabetical RosterRoster No. Name Ht. Wt. Pos. B/T Yr./Exp. Hometown (Last School) # NNameame PPos.os. 1 Tristan Rogers 5-11 185 INF R/R JR/TR Houma, La. (Pearl River CC) 3399 AArceneaux,rceneaux, BBrianrian RRHPHP 2 Chase Jaramillo 6-0 185 INF R/R JR/TR Andalusia, Ala. (Ala. Southern CC) 2288 BBabin,abin, CCullenullen RRHPHP 3 Brady Bourque 5-10 195 INF R/R SR/1L Gonzales, La. (LSU-Eunice) 1133 BBarba,arba, MMikeike OOFF 4422 BBeauchamp,eauchamp, JJohnohn RRHPHP 4 Keith Kulbeth 5-9 175 INF R/R SR/3L Opelousas, La. (Westminister CA) 3388 BBergeron,ergeron, BBlakelake 11BB 5 Clint Dempster 6-2 193 LHP L/L JR/TR Thibodaux, La. (Miss. Gulf Coast CC) 2233 BBonvillian,onvillian, BrentBrent LLHPHP 6 Tyler Minto 6-2 195 INF/RHP R/R SR/1L Mobile, Ala. (Ala. Southern CC) 3 BBourque,ourque, BBradyrady IINFNF 10 Zach Tisdale 6-2 190 2B R/R SR/1L Petal, Miss. (Pearl River CC) 2222 CComer,omer, BBearear OFOF 11 Jason Dennis 5-8 165 C R/R SR/1L Mobile, Ala. (Alabama Southern CC) 3366 CCooper,ooper, RRyanyan LLHPHP 12 Steven Gauthe 6-1 200 SS R/R SR/1L Belle Rose, La. (Copiah Lincoln CC) 1166 CCulverson,ulverson, KKaseyasey OOFF 13 Mike Barba 6-2 188 OF R/R FR/HS Thibodaux, La. (South Terrebone HS) 3377 DDelatte,elatte, BBradrad LLHPHP 15 Ray Eureste 5-9 165 SS R/R FR/HS Houston, Texas (St. Pius X HS) 5 DDempster,empster, CClintlint LLHPHP 16 Kasey Culverson 5-9 165 OF L/R JR/TR Phenix City, Ala. (Ala. Southern CC) 1111 DDennis,ennis, JJasonason C 4400 DDufrene,ufrene, CCodyody C 17 Josh Labiche 6-2 185 INF R/R SR/1L Reserve, La. (Delgado CC) 1199 DDunnam,unnam, JJarretarret LLHPHP 18 Beau Faulk 6-2 225 3B R/R RS JR/1L Houston, Texas (Strake Jesuit) 2211 EErwin,rwin, DDrewrew RRHPHP 19 Jarret Dunnam 6-1 195 LHP L/L SR/1L Saraland, Ala. (Ala. Southern CC) 1155 EEureste,ureste, RRayay SSSS 20 Adam Miley 6-2 190 INF L/R SR/1L Baton Rouge, La. (Bossier Parish CC) 1188 FFaulk,aulk, BBeaueau 33BB 21 Drew Erwin 6-1 190 RHP R/R JR/2L Alvin, Texas (Alvin) 1122 GGauthe,authe, SSteventeven SSSS 22 Bear Comer 5-10 160 OF L/R JR/TR Pace, Fla. (Pensacola JC) 3322 HHughes,ughes, KKyleyle RRHPHP 23 Brent Bonvillian 6-4 172 LHP L/L FR/HS Thibodaux, La. (Thibodaux HS) 2 JJaramillo,aramillo, CChasehase IINFNF 24 Scott Moseley 6-3 185 OF L/R SR/1L Enterprise, Miss. (Meridian CC) 2277 KKonnoff,onnoff, SSamam IINF/OFNF/OF 25 Leroy Trahan 5-10 185 OF S/R JR/TR Rialto, Calif. (Arkansas State) 4 KKulbeth,ulbeth, KKeitheith IINFNF 1177 LLabiche,abiche, JJoshosh IINFNF 26 Seth Webster 6-5 220 RHP R/R JR/2L Deville, La. (Buckeye High School) 2200 MMiley,iley, AAdamdam IINFNF 27 Sam Konnoff 6-1 190 INF/OF L/L JR/TR San Bernardino, Calif. (S.B. Valley CC) 6 MMinto,into, TTyleryler IINF/RHPNF/RHP 28 Cullen Babin 5-11 175 RHP R/R FR/HS Houma, La. (Ellender Memorial HS) 2244 MMoseley,oseley, SScottcott OOFF 30 Corey Poche 5-9 175 LHP L/L FR/HS Lutcher, La. (Lutcher HS) 3333 NNorton,orton, RRyanyan LLHPHP 31 Neil Robertson 5-9 185 OF R/R FR/HS Houma, La. (Terrebone High School) 3300 PPoche,oche, CoreyCorey LLHPHP 32 Kyle Hughes 6-6 235 RHP R/R SR/HS Orange, Texas (Little Cypress HS) 3344 RRaburn,aburn, GGarrettarrett C 33 Ryan Norton 6-1 190 LHP L/L JR/TR Jackson, Miss. (Pearl River CC) 3311 RRobertson,obertson, NNeileil OOFF 34 Garrett Raburn 6-1 210 C R/R JR/TR Dallas, Texas (Temple College) 1 RRogers,ogers, TTristanristan IINFNF 35 Kevin Schlegel 6-0 205 C R/R SR/1L Oklahoma City, Okla. (N.E. Texas CC) 3355 SSchlegel,chlegel, KKevinevin C 1100 TTisdale,isdale, ZZachach 22BB 36 Ryan Cooper 6-3 205 LHP L/L SO/1L Sulphur, La. (Sulphur) 2255 TTrahan,rahan, LLeroyeroy OOFF 37 Brad Delatte 6-0 190 LHP L/L SO/1L St. Amant, La. (St. Amant) 2266 WWebster,ebster, SSetheth RRHPHP 38 Blake Bergeron 6-3 235 1B R/R RS FR/RS Houma, La. (Terrebonne) 39 Brian Arceneaux 6-4 190 RHP R/R JR/TR Houma, La. (Delgado CC) PPronunciationronunciation GGuideuide 40 Cody Dufrene 6-2 220 C R/R FR/HS Thibodaux, La. (Thibodaux HS) Brian Arceneaux R-sin-oh 42 John Beauchamp 6-1 200 RHP L/R SR/2L Clinton, La. (Silliman Institute) John Beauchamp BO-shamp Brent Bonvillian BON-vill-ann Coaching Staff Brady Bourque BURKE Brad Delatte duh-LATT Head Coach – #14 Chip Durham (Arkansas-Monticello, 1994) Ray Eureste u-REST-ee Assistant Coach – #7 Seth Thibodaux (William Carey, 2003) Steven

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