IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL) ISSN (P): 2347–4564; ISSN (E): 2321–8878 Vol. 7, Issue 2, Feb 2019, 575–578 © Impact Journals RELIEF AND STRUCTURE OF SANTHAL PARGANA Dr. Suman Kumari Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Patna University, Patna, India Received: 17 Feb 2019 Accepted: 22 Feb 2019 Published: 28 Feb 2019 ABSTRACT Relief and Structure Santhal Parganas is mainly a dissected uplands of ancient crystallive rocks which are covered with thick flows of volcanic lava in the east: The latter froms the Rajmahal Hills. In between these two main geological formation is a narrow strip of lower Gendwana rocks which fringe the lawa formation along its western margin. The geological structure of Santhal Parganas displays two district aspects, one related to denudation of the precanbrian floor and the other being the a gradational plain around the old uplifted erosional surfaces specially laid down after the truncation of the chhotanagpur highlands and the formation of the Rajmahal-Maldah Gap. The Rajmahal Hills from a series of flat-topped plateau and ridges which rise abruptly from the palin with esearpments 1000 ft. to 2000 ft. high and run south from near Sakrigali Railway Station for about 100 miles Southwards along the border of the Birbhum district of west Bengal. The massive formation of hard rocks is responsible for forcing the Ganga to flow farther east, before finally taking the southerly course to the sea, round the north eastern adge of the lawa plateau,. Along its northern margain the Lavas extend for about 30 Km. to Pirpaiti railway station. Along but narrow strip of alluvial plain extends all round the edge of the plateau hemmed in between the river Ganga and the Rajmahal Hills. KEYWORDS: Relief and Structure INTRODUCTION The ancient cryrtalline rocks, collectively called the Archean gneisses, cover the greather part of the district in the western and south-western parts. The stretch uninterruptedly from a few kilometer north of Godda. In the north to about 30 Kms. South of Dumka, occasionally giving rise to low hills and range. The Principal rock is a granitoidgneiss known as the Bengal gneiss with wide variation in mineralogical composition and texture. In the region around Deoghar the gneisses have been intruded by olivine hypersthene gabbros and doletites. Hybrid streaky gneiss with streaks and bands of granuliticdiopsideamphibolitie in grey gneiss occers at Rakudih, Rohini, about one Kilometer to the east of Rakudih and on Nandan Pahar near Deoghar. Aroudn Simra near the north eastern border of the Godds district, the gneissic complex comprises granite grr3eisses and composite-gneissess formed by the litpar lit inection of older country rocks by a granitic magma. Impact Factor(JCC): 3.7985 – This article can be downloaded from www.impactjournals.us 576 Dr. Suman Kumari The hills consist of a succession of basaltic lava flows with interstratifications of shale and sandstone. The Rajmahal hills have given their name to a series in the Gondwana system and there is also a group of sandstone and Conglomerated to the south-east of Dumkadistt., south of Brahmani river, there is a small range of hills known as the4Ramgarh hills. There are an extension of the Rajmahal hills range and consist of bedded basic volcanic lavas or the nature of dolerites and basalts and also alternate beds of conglomerated, quartz, grit and neiss pebbles. The Jalwa Pahar is a huge mass of basic igneous rocks enclosed in the gneisses- It is about 584 ft. high above the level of the surrounding country. In addition, there are amphibolites containing pyrosene and garnet as in the area to the north near Deoghar. The Ramjahal landscape have evolved during the tertiary era through a series of fault troughs developed during the Nerayninan revoluation in the neighbouring gondwana coal bearing basin. Prior to the tertiary upheavals the Rajmahal area experienced outbursts of lava flows during the Himalayan revoluation. Rajmahal was uplifted in the west and tilted in the north and east forming a hinge between them. This upliftenent has been responsible for initiating a new and the latest denudation cycle. During the middle Jurassic and early Cretceous the super contiment disintegrated and the fragments begain to glide to the present relative position which had an important bearing on the landscape evoluation of Rajmahal. The Rajmahal highlands were eroded by the Gondwana cycle and the same cyclic Gondwana surface can be identified in southAfrica, South America, India and Australia. A systematiac study of geological events related to the Rajmahal highlands from Archean to the tertiary may be made in the following words:- A long period of erosion led to the beveling of the Archean mountain. The Continioussaulpturing further removed the grantic and gneissic pre-cambrian surface. Discontinued Gondwand accumulation took place over the eroded pre-cambrian surface. Rajmahal eruptions of Jurassic period were laid down over the Gondwana sediments. Denudation modified the original form of Rajmahal traps. An uplift of western and south-western parts of Rajmahal followed. Tilting of Rajmahal to the east and north occurred during the Himalayan revolution. The river Ganga forms the northern boundary of Santhal Parganas hills rise abruptly some 300 to 400 metre on the south bank of the river leaving at certain points scarcely enough space for the loop line of the Eastern Railway to pass. The narrow strip of plain land was of immense importance during the pre-railway days and during the Moghal regime, it was the gateway to Bengal. The hill range bifurcate near Borio in Rajmahal Subdivision. The western range passes through Godda and Dumka district and the easter range runs parallel to the loop line of of the Eastern Railway upto Patna, here it bends estward to join the western range. These hillranges enclose between the, abpit3000sq. km. of hilly tract, 2000 sq. kms. Of which are known as Damini-koh. NAAS Rating: 3.10 – Articles can be sent to [email protected] Relief And Structure of Santhal Pargana 577 The southern and south eastern portion of the district, lying west of the hills, is an upland. The monotony of the region is broken by protruding hill here here and there. As one travels from east to west, he can have a glimpse of the iphuljorepatardha, Tieurand Koeridh peaks from the terrain situated in the central portion of the region are Nanihat and Massanjore hill which seem to accentuate the general undulatory pattern of the terrain. To the east of the eastern range to the Rajmahal hills lies the plain formed by the alluvium of the hilly rivers and the Ganges. The general structure of the study area reveals the presence of Pre-cambrian granite and gneiss with a tilt towards the east and north. The out brusts of lava in alliance with faulting to minor importance has resulted is territory was under the grip of late carboniferous glaciations which has had some important bearing on the landscape in the peripheral areas of the study region. CONCLUSIONS Detailed study of the geographical conditions specially physical landscape, land use & agriculture and other a spects and its ampacts on appraisal of human resource has enabled the investigator to point out some of the findings observed in the present research work These findings concern impact of physical landscape on land-use agriculture human inhabitation, human resource, rural development etc. The area is marked with rough terrain having number of flat tophills and valleys where different tribal habitations have developed hill top settlements of different tribes is the spaciality of the study area. The rough terrain of the area and river has considerably influenced land use pattern. The highly dissected areas or steep slope areas are marked with forest and the low lying areas existing between the hills or ranges are used for agriculture. These low lying area known as ‘Don’ and relatively higher area known as ‘Tanr’. The’ Don’ area remain productive and ‘Tanr’ area remain productive and ‘Tanr’ area remains relatively less fertile. Despite the considerable attention of the government the area is least developed. There is lack of proper development of infrastructure facilities like road ways irrigation facilities etc. more particulaturly villages having tribal dominance lacks proper development. REFERENCES 1. Ahmad, E. (1965): Bihar: A Physical, Economic and Regional Geography. Ranchi: Ranchi University Press. 2. Arora, G.S. (1967) The New Frontier Mail: A Sociological Studey of Indians Immigration in U.K., Bombay: Popular Prakashan. 3. Baden Powell, B.H. (1896) The Indian Village Community, London, 4. Malley, O’ L.S.s. Santhal Parganas, The Bengal District Gazetters, Bengal Secretariate, Book Depot, Calcutta, 1910. 5. Singh R.L.: OP Cit 6. Duggal S.L. OP Cit Impact Factor(JCC): 3.7985 – This article can be downloaded from www.impactjournals.us .
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