Town Clerk R E Skinner Launceston Town Council Telephone 01566 773693 The Town Hall [email protected] Launceston Cornwall PL15 7AR MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING held on TUESDAY 21 JULY 2015 at 7pm in the Guildhall PRESENT Cllrs Conway, Crapp, Creagh-Osborne, Folkes (Cornwall Cllr), Gordon, Harris, Hogan (Town Mayor), Keighley, Nancarrow, O’Brien, Penhale, Phillips and Tremain. In attendance: Town Clerk (Rita Skinner), Amy Dennis (C&D Post), Revd Mary Williamson (Mayor’s Chaplain), Cornwall Cllrs Jade Farrington, Adam Paynter; Simon Blamey, Richard Allen, Tom Glendinning (Tempus Leisure); Iris Lindsay, Pat Ward, Angie Symonds (Lanstephan Play Area) 1507/32 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Facks-Martin, Sandercock and Young. 1507/33 Declarations of Interest Councillors were reminded that if a councillor has a registered disclosable pecuniary interest, or a non-registerable interest, in any agenda item s/he must leave the room while that item is discussed, unless a written request for a dispensation has been received. 1507/34 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the last meetings, previously circulated It was resolved to confirm and sign the minutes, previously circulated: Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 16 June 2015 at 7pm. Minute 1506/57 (4) amended to Hurdon not Pennygillam. 1507/35 To receive and adopt the minutes of committees and sub-committees, previously circulated It was resolved to receive and adopt the minutes of the following committees and sub committees: a)Tourism & TIC Management Committee held on 12 May 2015 at 10am b) Planning and Economic Development Committee held on Thursday 11 June 2015 at 7pm c) Properties Committee held on Friday 12 June 2015 at 10am d) Finance & General Purposes Committee held on Wednesday 1 July 2015 at 7pm. Amended to note Cllr Keighley’s attendance. e) Tourism & TIC Management Committee held on Tuesday 7 July 2015 at 10am f) Planning and Economic Development Committee held on Thursday 9 July 2015 at 7pm 1507/36 Public Representation Session Revd Williamson informed the meeting that the roof repairs to St Mary’s Church would be undertaken over the next 4-6 weeks. The church would remain open to visitors. The church welcomed 10,000 visitors each year, 6-8,000 during the summer months. Iris Lindsay updated the Council on plans for the Lanstephan Play Area. The estate had a large area of open space, owned by Cornwall Council, which was not being used. It could not be developed. There were 350 homes on the estate and local residents supported its 23 use as a play area. She estimated the cost would be in the region of £80,000. Rotary had already committed some funds. Mrs Lindsay asked the Town Council to consider taking on ownership and maintenance of the land to support their efforts. Cllr Folkes said he hoped Cornwall Council might gift the land. Cllr Paynter said the scheme was supported by the Council, the Community Network Manager was working with the Play Area committee. The Town Mayor said that once the scheme was in place the Town Council would consider the level of support it was able to give. 1507/37 Launceston Leisure Centre Mr Blamey gave a presentation on leisure centre provision in Cornwall. Tempus Leisure, a charity, had the contract until 31 March 2017. Cornwall Council was then withdrawing all support, and there would be a funding gap of £3.5-£4m. Tenders were being invited for provision from 1 April 2017. Tempus’ objectives were to protect the current business and to continue to invest, to maximise the potential of the leisure centres and in the longer term, to diversify. Tom Glendinning explained that the Phoenix Leisure Centre had 700 members and 25 schools used it. The lease from the Coronation Park Trust expired in 2023, there were limited development opportunities. Infrastructure changes would be needed . The deficit in 2014/2015 was £60k, even though the centre received 90% rate relief and benefitted from financial and other support from Cornwall Council. Cllr Folkes said that the community-run Camelford Leisure Centre broke even but it had received a dowry from Cornwall Council and did not require lifeguards. He said that most sites in Cornwall were reaching the end of their lives. The Phoenix had limited development opportunities and no alternative use value. The way forward for leisure centres might be to build for 25 years and then rebuild. Cllr Conway asked that in the event that the Phoenix could not be included in any future plans that a local organisation should be given the chance to take it on. Mr Blamey described a modern leisure centre as being a hub for many services, including health, the police, a library and information services. Cllr Hogan suggested a hydro pool. Mr Blamey said that the tennis court, underused due to water-logging, could become a MUGA but would require substantial funding. The Mayor thanked Mr Blamey, Mr Allen and Mr Glendinning for attending the meeting 1507/38 VJ Day commemoration – Saturday 15 August The Mayor said that the commemoration would be similar to that for VE Day. Councillors would meet at the Town Hall by 1030am and walk to the War Memorial. The British Legion would arrange a short service, with a silence. After the event the participants would return to the Town Hall for refreshments. 1507/39 An Daras Multi-Academy Trust Cllrs Keighley and O’Brien left the meeting, both being Governors. Cllr Nancarrow said she had attended the meeting on 29 June and had been impressed with the enthusiasm for the idea, she felt it would be a good partnership. Cllr Conway suggested that the new school (Hay Common) should be invited to join. 24 It was agreed to note the consultation document from the Executive Head 1507/40 Rota for surgery - September The rota for September was agreed. 1507/41 Launceston Show Cllrs Creagh-Osborne, Gordon, Harris, Nancarrow, Penhale and Tremain would support the Town Council stand at the Launceston Show. 1507/42 Charles Causley Trust The Town Clerk reported that the Charles Causley Trust had appointed Jennifer McDerra as Literature Development Officer, starting on 1 September. The Trust was advertising Cyprus Well for weekly lets. The open garden at Penheale had raised £3000. The minutes of the Consortium meeting of 16 June were noted. 1507/43 Correspondence and matters to note It was agreed to note the following: Launceston Library – results of consultation Library survey analysis (LTC) Town Hall bookings for May and June 2015 Thank you from NSPCC for use of Town Hall for charity lunch (£1,659.35 raised) Minutes of the Community Network Meeting held on 17 June Ruth Burden Community Trust Fund LGiU policy briefing on the recent budget Letter from Lanner PC re Case for Cornwall Request from NALC Chairman to fly the Commonwealth flag on 14 March 2016 1507/44 Reports from Cornwall Councillors Cllr Folkes said that the Deal for Cornwall, an agreement for devolved services between the Government and Cornwall Council, had been signed. A new facility provider had replaced Ringo and there was no longer a cost attached to paying for parking via a mobile device. Scott Mann MP had raised the issue of the medical centre at PMQ last week. The Policy and Advisory Committee (PAC) had rejected the recommendation from officers to put the library service out to tender. Councillors preferred a local solution for each library. The double taxation issue had been recognised and the Council was re-examining the options. Cllr Paynter said the devolution deal for Cornwall was top down but was a start and he believed that more devolution would follow. Cllr Farrington said she had attended the PAC meeting, councillors had voted for community-led libraries in the budget. The Ruth Burden Community Trust Fund would provide £10k per annum for 25 years; the fund was administered by the Cornwall Community Foundation. Cllrs Farrington and Folkes, and Cllr Gordon, had undertaken a pavements inspection on 20 July, with the Cormac inspector. The paving was historic and therefore could not meet modern standards. It was expensive to maintain but added to the character of the town. Inspections were undertaken every 2 months. Any trips would generate a repair within 24 hours. Cllr Gordon added that 26 repairs were identified on their visit and all were completed by the morning of 21 July. 25 1507/45 Reports and Questions from Town Councillors Cllr Harris had attended the AGM of the street pastors. There were now 12 pastors and the number of incidents had declined by 61%. Cllr O’Brien had attended the first meeting of the Planning Forum; the Deputy Town Clerk was a member. Cllr Conway said smaller parishes had objections to the imposition of paperless planning. Cllr O’Brien said that a joint CALC/SLCC letter to the Chairman of Planning had pointed out the need for support for smaller councils. 1507/46 Report from the Town Mayor The Mayor’s engagements report is appended to these minutes. The Mayor had attended a meeting of Cornish Mayors in Truro on 15 July. All towns had similar concerns and there had been useful discussion. Another meeting was planned for September. 1507/47 Urgent Items Cllr Harris asked about the Hurdon Road phone box. The Town Clerk said it had been decommissioned, belonged to the Town Council and was insured. The box would be removed to the museum during the winter. 1507/48 Exclusion of members of the press and public It was resolved that under s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items as they involved the likely disclosure of confidential information.
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