FALL 2011 FALL WATER LEVELS. WATER QUALITY. WETLANDS. INVASIVE SPECIES. WATER LEVELS THE BIGGEST STORY IN THE BAY JUST GOT A LOT BIGGER PAGE 5 INSIDE: NEW Mysterious Algae ROD & JoanneJONES BEAVER DAMS OUTBREAKS AND STEPPED- COMING HOME to & Water Chemistry UP Testing Standards SLEETH ISLAND & FolloWING THE FISH for PHOSPHORUS PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 7 Georgian Bay Forever is a proud member of the Waterkeeper Alliance. Georgian Bay Forever is a community response to the grow- ing need for major research and education projects to sustain the Georgian Bay aquatic ecosystem and the quality of life its communities and visitors enjoy. We help monitor the Bay’s well being, throughout the THE FOLLOWING seasons, year after year. We fund the research needed to protect the environmental health of Georgian Bay and the surrounding bodies of water. Using our research findings, we inform and educate the GEORGIAN BAYERS general public and governments about any threats to environmental health and propose possible solutions. ARE GENEROUS Through conferences, workshops and seminars we are educating the Georgian Bay community. By teaming up with reputable institutions we enhance the credibility of our research and we strengthen our ability to protect PATRONS OF what’s at stake. Georgian Bay Forever, formerly the GBA Foundation, is a GEORGIAN BAY registered Canadian charity (#89531 1066 RR0001). We work with the Great Lakes Basin Conservancy in the United States, as well as other stakeholder groups all around the Great Lakes. FOREVER Deeply rooted and broadly drawn, Georgian Bay Forever is steered by lifelong devotees to the Bay. We are committed advocates, educators, environmentalists, realists, idealists, and of course, residents. Eric Jackman DIRECTORS David Parkes, President Brenda Drinkwalter Rod & Joanne Jones Peter Hatcher Michael Hensel Rod Jones John Honderich Mike McKeown Hugh McLelland Penny Pepperell Cameron Wardlaw Peter Singer Larry Ward Scott White Hugh Wilkins Bob Ogilvy Executive Director David Sweetnam Brian Chapman OUR CONTACT DETAILS 48 Lesmill Road Robert Hay Toronto, ON M3B 2T5 tel: 905-880-4945 David Beatty You can reach David Sweetnam, our Executive Director, at [email protected] Anthony Munk or at (905) 880 4945 ext 1. U.S. citizens wishing to make a donation to support our work can do so by giving to: Penny & John Pepperell Great Lakes Basin Conservancy PO Box 504, Gates Mills OH 44040-0504 Ruth & Doug Grant USA (Please add a note saying: “For Georgian Bay Forever”) Geoff Hyland Family This newsletter is just a snapshot of our work. For the most up-to-date information on our projects, longer versions of newsletter articles and the latest on breaking news about Georgian Bay, please become a regular visitor of our website. GeorgianBayForever.org Tynan Studio (tynanstudio.com) graciously contributes photo services to Georgian Bay Forever FALL 2011 Design by Key Gordon (keygordon.com) PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE PUNCHING ABOVE OUR WEIGHT President’s Report By David Parkes eorgian Bay Forever is gaining momentum, the result of our Singer, Peter Hatcher, Brenda Drinkwalter, Rod Jones, former president board of directors punching above its weight in a number of Lloyd Posno and myself. Other new fund raising initiatives such as Gimportant respects. approaching businesses on the Bay, are also taking shape, led by Rod Jones and Mike McKeown, both new directors this year. Unlike so many organizations these days that rely on a ever-expanding team of employees (we have only our excellent executive director New director Penny Pepperell, who is heading up the communications David Sweetnam) our board members are hard at work not just committee, is providing high-value content for our newsletters and the providing direction for the organization but actually, in the best old- web. Scott White, our longest-standing board member continues to fashioned sense, getting the job done! play an active role, most recently in pulling together the annual report. Still to do is develop a higher presence in social media. FIRST FUNDRAISING: raising money in the present economic climate (well it’s never easy in any climate) requires tenacity, optimism, Director and treasurer Larry Ward has laid out the organization’s connections, and increasingly behind-the-scene’s fundamentals, implementing careful planning Our experts are pitch-perfect approaches and and cost controls. Please check out our newly published annual just the right collateral materials. report, available on our web site, georgianbayforever.org to a guide making a major New board member Brenda for the shape we’re in. impact on our Drinkwalter has applied her tireless scientific work, energies and professional moxie This year we struck a science advisory committee to evaluate our to the task of mounting a many- research projects, with a view to identifying what most needs doing in ensuring the most faceted fundraising campaign. the fields of wetlands, water quality, and invasive species. Under the effective use of our Penny Pepperell has provided guidance of director Mike Hensel, our experts are making a major impact copy and Grant Gordon (not a on our scientific work, ensuring the most effective use of our donors’ dollars. board member but a highly-valued member of our communications committee) and his firm Key Gordon, have turned out some gorgeous, Sitting on a board of directors, any board of directors is increasingly credibility-generating materials. demanding, as donors, governments and competition from other charities set the bar high for transparency, accountability and a strong The results have been outstanding, especially with regards to the knowledge base. Our restructured board of directors has embraced marina sponsorship program, which got fully underway this past this new reality under the conscientious guidance of directors Hugh summer. As of this printing, we now have 14 marina sponsors. These are Wilkins and Hugh McClelland. businesses that have grasped what our mission is all about, and have assumed a prominent role in ensuring the health of Georgian Bay. The In closing, I must thank our many new donors who have joined the fold board members, who took the show on the road as it were, are Peter and those old friends who continue to give. GEORGIANBAYFOREVER.ORG | FALL 2011 page 3 THESE MARINAS STEPPED UP TO HELP PROTECT THE BAY. IS YOURS ONE OF THEM? ۤ◌ � Georgian Bay Forever THANKS THE ABOVE MARINAS FOR THEIR SteaDfast Support OF OUR WaterKEEPERS’ Boat FOR SCIENTIFIC ResearCH. WITHOUT THEIR HELP, WE WOULDN’T Stay Afloat! “THE Baykeeper” iNDIcates that GeorgIAN Bay FOREVER IS A MEMBER OF THE Waterkeeper ALLIANCE, A global MOVEMENT OF ON-THE-water ADVocates WHO patroL AND protect OVER 100,000 MIles OF RIVERS, streams AND coastlInes IN North AND SOUTH AMERIca, Europe, AustralIA, ASIA AND AFRIca. FOR MORE InformatION GO to waterkeeper.org MULTI-LAKE regULation IT’S NO LONGER JUST ABOUT US Forget the dredging issue in the St. Clair River, the IJC is looking at solving a much bigger problem: By Penny Pepperell multi-lake regulation he likelihood that the International Joint This tension, among Great Lakes users is Engineering challenges Commission will actually do something adding to the dilemma facing the IJC. But Lake Superior, an enormously deep and T about low water levels in Georgian Bay only by tying Georgian Bay’s interests into this wide lake, narrows to a relative trickle when has never been greater. Here’s why. larger, more ambitious engineering exercise, it funnels into the St. Mary’s River, and this The Study Board is now giving serious will there be any possibility that the greatest makes it difficult to control the outflow. fresh water ecosystem in the world will be consideration to multi-lake regulation, (which Regulation of Superior outflows can at best in broad strokes, is exactly what Georgian able to hang on to, and maybe get back, the water it needs. have only a very limited impact on the balance Bay Forever has been recommending for of water between Michigan-Huron and years.) This is the only possible way that the Superior. The sort of extreme and uncertain conflicting interests, Georgian Bay’s included, MULTI-LAKE REGULATION’S NEW TOOLS weather systems likely to be generated by around water levels can be reasonably The general objective of climate change would be impossible to dealt with. And it should benefit all of the manage with this limited tool. Great Lakes. multi-lake regulation, as The amount of water the Study Board is Originally, Georgian Bay Forever had focused conceived by the Study contemplating shifting about is absolutely its efforts on getting the IJC to address the Board, is to keep the “entire huge. If the IJC were to allow a few speed deleterious impact of channel alterations Great Lakes-St. Lawrence bumps (well-engineered boulders) in the St. in the St. Clair River; that foundered in 2009 River system within observed Clair River to increase the water in Michigan- when, after much study, the Upper Great Huron by a modest amount, three inches, Lakes Study Board recommended that this historical extremes on all under extreme low precipitation conditions, it problem be folded into a study of a much lakes, even under the more would take 25 to 30 years to fill the lakes up bigger problem: climate change across Lakes extreme projected climate if they wanted to be careful not to shock the Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, St. Clair and downstream hydrological system. Georgian Bay. conditions in the future.” But now, in addition to climate change, glacial Throwing rocks in the river The current infrastructure can’t cut it. The only isostatic adjustment is at work, as the earth’s So a problem that many people thought could form of regulation now upstream of Niagara crust adjusts to the lifting of the weight of the be fixed by throwing a few large boulders in Falls is on the St.
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