SECTION 8.0 REFERENCES 8.0 REFERENCES, The documents listed below are incorporated by reference and are available for public review and inspection upon reasonable request and during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday) at SDSU, Department of Facilities, Planning, Design and Construction, Administration Building, Room 130, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, California. 1.0 Project Description City of San Diego, College Area Community Plan Map (1989; last amended August 5, 2002). City of San Diego Redevelopment Agency, College Community Redevelopment Plan (approved 1993L San Diego Association of Governments ("SANDAG"), 2030 Regional Growth Forecast Update (September 2006). 3.1 Aesthetics and Visual Quality California Department of Transportation ("Caltrans"), California Scenic Highway System, http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LandArch/scenic/cahisys.htm (accessed on May 6, 2009). City of San Diego, College Area Community Plan (1989; last amended August 5, 2002). College Community Redevelopment Plan - Master Project Plan, Resolution No. R-282801 (approved October 12, 1993). San Diego State University ("SDSU"), Physical Master Plan, Phase I (1997). 3.2 Air Quality and Global Climate Change Association of Environmental Professionals, Recommendations by the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) on How to Analyze Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global C1Lrnate Change in CEQA Documents (June 2007). California Air Resources Board, ARB Fact Sheet: Air Pollution and Health (December 27, 2005). September 2010 8.0-1 Draft EIR San Diego State Universihd Plaza Linda Verde 8.0 References EMFAC2007 Emissions Model (2007a). Staff Report, California 1990 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Level and 2020 Emissions Limit (2007b). Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan (October 2008a). Preliminary Draft Staff Proposal Recommended Approaches for Setting Interim Significance Thresholds for Greenhouse Gasesunder the California Environmental Quality Act (October 24, 2008b). Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 2020 Forecast (2010). California Climate Action Registry, General Reporting Protocol, Version (April3.0 2008). California Energy Commission, California Statewide Residential Appliance Saturation Survey (2004). California Commercial End-Use Summary (2006). Inventory of California Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990 to 2004 (December 2006). California Environmental Protection Agency, Climate Action Team Report to Governor Schwarzenegger and the California Legislature (March 2006). California Natural Resources Agency, California Climate Adaptation Strategy (2009). City of San Diego, Air Quality Significance Thresholds (2007). Rimpo and Associates, URBEMIS Model Version 9.2.4 (2007). San Diego Air Pollution Control District, Eight-Hour Ozone Attainment Plan for San Diego County (2007). 2009 Regional Air Quality Strategy Revision (April 22, 2009). South Coast Air Quality Management District, Final - Methodology to Calculate Particulate Matter (PM) 2,5 and PM 2.5 Significance Thresholds (October 2006). State of California, Risk Reduction Plan to Reduce Particulate Matter from Diesel-Fueled Engines and Vehicles (2000). September 2010 8.0-2 Draft EIR San Diego State Universi~d Plaza Linda Verde 8.0 References United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data, Predefined Queries, Annex I Parties - GHG total without LULUCF (2006). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, The Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act (2007). The U.S. Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: Fast Facts (2006). University of San Diego, Energy Policy and Initiatives Center, San Diego County Greenhouse Gas Inventory (September 2008). Wilkinson, R., and Wolfe, G., Energy Flow in the Water Cycle: A New Spaghetti Chart (January 24, 2005). 3.3 Historical Resources 1929-1955 Various photographs cited in text, on file at the San Diego Historical Society. 1930 La Jolla Quadrangle, San Diego Historical Society. 1930-1949 (Street) Map of the City of San Diego and Vicinity, San Diego Historical Society. 1940-1960 City of San Diego Directories, on file at the San Diego Historical Society. 1945 La Mesa Quadrangle (based on 1938 aerial photographs), San Diego Historical Society. 1962-1972 Various issues of the San Diego Union cited in text, San Diego State University Vertical File, San Diego Historical Society. 1972 San Diego Evening Tribune issue cited in text, San Diego State University Vertical File, San Diego Historical Society. 1995 National Park Service, National Register Bulletin No. 15, How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation. 2004 Brian F. Smith and Associates, An Archaeological/Historical Study for the Paseo at San Diego State University Project, on file at the South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. September 2010 8.0-3 Draft EIR San Diego State University Plaza Linda Verde 8.0 References 2005 Brian F. Smith and Associates, A Cultural Resources Study for the SDSU Campus Master Plan, on file at the South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. 2006a Technical Assistance Series #6: California & National Register Programs Comparison, Sacramento, California. 2006b Technical Assistance Series #3: California Register Questions & Answers, Sacramento, California. 2007 Brian F. Smith and Associates, A Cultural Resources Study for the SDSU 2007 Campus Master Plan Revision, on file at the South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University. 2009 County Assessor Data accessed online at Realquest.com. 3.4 Geotechnical/Soils California Building Standards Commission, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, 2007 California Building Code (effective January 1, 2008). California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Report 153, Mineral land classification: aggregate materials in the western San Diego County production- consumption region (1982). City of San Diego, Seismic Safety Study (December 1995). "Greenbook," Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, published by BNi Building News (2009). International Code Council, International Building Code (2006). 3.5 Hazards and Hazardous Materials Air and Building Sciences, LLC (ABS), Airborne Bioaerosol Testing located at Talent Search Upward Bound, 5178 College Avenue, San Diego, California (March 15, 2005). City of San Diego, Final Environmental Impact Report, The Paseo at San Diego State University (Volume I) (July 2005). Official Zoning Map (December 10, 2008). September 2010 8.0-4 Draft EIR San Diego State University Plaza Linda Verde 8.0 References County of San Diego, Depart:ment of Environmental Health, Underground Storage Tank (UST) Case No. H12486-003 (2002). Underground Storage Tank Program DEH File No. H12309-003 Former Unocal Station No. 3991, 5140 College Avenue, San Diego, California (2005). Design for Health, Inc., Asbestos Survey San Diego State University Foundation (1989). Dudek, Memorandum Regarding Unocal, 5140 College Avenue, San Diego (May 2, 2006). ENSR International, Revised Closure Request for Former Unocal Station No 3991 5149 College Avenue, San Diego, California (February 28, 2005). Environmental Data Resources, Inc., The EDR Radius Map Report with GeoCheck (March 23, 2009). Environmental Engineering and Contracting, Inc., Review of Files for Former Unocal Service Station #3991, 5140 College Avenue, San Diego, California (March 28, 2002). Facility Management Department, Memorandum: Annual Asbestos Notification (January5, 2004). Geocon, Inc., Limited Soil Investigation Old Quetzal Hall 5186-5192 College Avenue, San Diego, California (September 30, 1983). Gradient Engineers, Inc., Soil Gas Survey Former Unocal Station No. 3991. (February 12, 2002). Ninyo and Moore, Hazardous Materials Assessment, College Community Redevelopment Environmental Impact Report San Diego State University (October 22, 1992). P&D Environmental, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment The Paseo at San Diego State University (November 19, 2003). San Diego State University Foundation, Voluntary Assistance Program Application for Assistance for Former Unocal Station #3991, 5140 College Avenue, San Diego, California (2005). September 2010 8.0-5 Draft EIR San Diego State University Plaza Linda Verde 8.0 Referet~ces Secor International, Inc., Request for Responsible Party Re-Assignment Former Chevron Service Station No. 9-8565, 5111 College Avenue, San Diego, California (2000). Soil Vapor Survey and Well Destruction Report, Former Chevron Service Station No. 9-8565, 5111 College Avenue, San Diego, California (2001). Tetra Tech EM, Inc., Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (August 2004). Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (October 2004). TRC, Request for Regulatory Case Closure for Former Mobil Station 18-EHB, 5130 College Avenue, San Diego, California (May 1, 2000). Site Assessment Report, Former Mobil Station, 5130 College Avenue, San Diego, California (2001). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Map of Radon Zones (2009). 3.6 Hydrology and Water Quality Arias, Christina, Phase II Permittee(s), phone conversationbetween C. Arias (SDRWQCB) and T. Driscoll (Dudek) (April 2009). California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Total Maximum Daily Loads for Indicator Bacteria,Project I - Beaches and Creeks in the San Diego Region, Final Technical Report (December 12, 2007). Order No. R9-2008-0002, General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Groundwater Extraction and Similar Discharges to Surface Waters within the San Diego Region Except for San Diego Bay (WDR) (March 12, 2008). City of San Diego,
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