MAGICK ENTERPRISES SECOND-HAND BOOK LIST 80: APRIL 2019 As a guide, most second hand prices are 25% less than new, provided the book is in good condition. Bigger reductions are made if the book is marked or in poor, but readable, condition. In some cases identical items may appear at different prices. This may be because of different editions or condition. Please make it clear when ordering which version you require. When ordering books please state author as it appears in this list, as books are filed by author. Postage is charged at cost. Ring or email for details. Price when new appears in brackets (estimated for rare or long out of print editions), our second-hand price in bold. Abbreviations: 1st = first edition; comp. = complete (volume, set or run); dw = dust wrapper; edn = edition; ex-lib = library copy (may have library imprint or sticker); hb = hard bound volume; imp = impression; ltd = limited edition; sc = in slip case; sgd = signed. Updates: The latest version of this list in pdf format may be downloaded from our website at www.magick2go.com. Note that we are not just a major mail order magic dealer… In our Sheffield Studio you’ll find an enormous range of magic on permanent display. Our website lists only a fraction of our full range. And we’re easy to find a few minutes off M1 junction 33. We have a regular session every Saturday. So why not call in and see us. Apart from our own excellent range of magic props and books, we regularly import from leading dealers world wide. We also have a wide range of second-hand tricks and books on display so you might pick up a bargain. If you’d like to be kept informed of latest additions and new titles you can join our mailing list. Email [email protected] and you’ll receive approximately monthly updates plus details of any special offers. Page 1 ALAN, DON. Close-Up Time. Ireland, 1960, 20pp. (£7.20) £5.40 ABBOTT, PERCY. Magic for Magicians. Abbott, ALAN, DON. Pretty Sneaky. Ireland, 1960, 48pp. 1934, 64pp. (£8.00) £6.00 (£8.00) £6.00 ABBOTT. Sensational Spirit Cabinet Act. Supreme, ALAN, DON. Pretty Sneaky. Ireland, 1977 3rd, 1982, 7pp. (£3.00) £2.25 48pp. (£6.40) £4.80 ABRAM, DAVID. The Joker is Wild. 1982, 8pp. ALBOROUGH, JOHN. Mainly Manipulative (£5.00) £3.75 Magic. Supreme, 1978,hb, dw, 92pp. (£20.00) ACER, DAVID. 7 by Michael Huot. 2003, 36pp. £15.00 (£10.00) £7.50 ALBRIGHT, HOWARD P. Advanced Card Magic. ACER, DAVID. 7 by Patrick Kuffs. 2004, 32pp. Gen, 1948, 23pp. (£5.00) £3.75 (£10.00) £7.50 ALBRIGHT, HOWARD P. Advanced Card Magic. ACER, DAVID. 7 by Rick Bronson. 2005, 38pp. Supreme, 1980, 23pp. (£3.50) £2.63 (£10.00) £7.50 ALBRIGHT, HOWARD. Super-Psychic Mental ADAIR, IAN. 100 Magic Tricks. Quantum, 1996 Effects. Supreme, 17pp. (£7.00) £5.25 128pp, hb, dw. (£9.00) £6.75 ALFONSO. 2001 9pp. (£4.00) £3.00 ADAIR, IAN. 100 Magic Tricks. Quantum, 2003, ALFONSO. In the Capital. 1994, 12pp. (£4.00) 128pp. (£8.00) £6.00 £3.00 ADAIR, IAN. A La Zombie Plus. Supreme, 53pp. ALFORD, JASON. Cyber Sessions. 1999, 160pp. Some damage to spine and cover so (£10.00) £7.50 (£20.00) £15.00 ADAIR, IAN. A1 Magic by IA. Supreme, 1987, ALI, ALI BEN. Utility Pack. Magick, 1987, 16pp. 43pp. (£5.00) £3.75 (£3.00) £2.25 ADAIR, IAN. Adair Devils. Supreme, 1985, 12pp. ALI. Gagsterisms. 67pp. (£8.00) £6.00 (£3.00) £2.25 ALLEN, HARRY. Sleight of Foot in Mouth. 1985, ADAIR, IAN. Conjuring as a Craft. D&C, 1972, 23pp. (£5.00) £3.75 160pp. (£8.00) £6.00 ALLEN, HARRY. Sleight of Lips. 1986, 24pp. ADAIR, IAN. Conjuring as a Craft. David & (£5.00) £3.75 Charles, 1972, 160pp, hb, dw. (£10.00) £7.50 ALLEN, HARRY. Sleight of Mouth. L&L, 1995, ADAIR, IAN. Dove Dexterity. Supreme, 23pp. 182pp, sgd. (£20.00) £15.00 (£4.00) £3.00 ALLEN, HARRY. Sleight of One Liners. 1991, ADAIR, IAN. Magical Menu: Entertaining Children 50pp. (£5.10) £3.83 – Mental Magic – Illusions. 66pp, hb, dw. (£10.00) £7.50 ALLEN, HARRY. Sleight of Tongue in Cheek. 1984, 23pp. (£5.00) £3.75 ADAIR, IAN. Novel Notions. Supreme, 1981, 48pp. (£4.00) £3.00 ALLEN, HARRY. Sleight of Tongue. 1982, 19pp. (£5.00) £3.75 ADAIR, IAN. Oceans of Notions. Supreme, hb, dw, 88pp. (£10.00) £7.50 ALLEN, KEN. DIY Lecture No. 1. 1957, 29pp. (£5.00) £3.75 ADAIR, IAN. Party Planning & Entertainment. David & Charles, hb, 150pp. (£3.00) £2.25 ALLERTON, BERT. The Close-Up Magician. Ireland, 1958, 72pp. (£15.00) £11.25 ADAIR, IAN. Television Card Manipulations. Supreme, 55pp. (£5.50) £4.13 AMIRA, PABLO, & TITANAS. Mysteries Anywhere. 56pp. (£19.35) £14.51 ADAIR, IAN. Television Puppet Magic. Supreme, hb, dw. (£20.00) £15.00 AMMAR, MICHAEL. Easy to Master Lecture. 1995, 16pp. (£10.00) £7.50 ADAIR, IAN. The Encyclopedia of Children’s Entertainment. 1991, #405 of ltd edn sgd, 414pp AMMAR, MICHAEL. Encore 3. Secret Service, hb. (£60.00) £45.00 1983, 93pp, hb, dw. (£17.00) £12.75 ADAMS, ANTHONY, & LEACH, ROBERT. AMMAR, MICHAEL. Encore II. Secret Service, The World of Punch & Judy. Harrap, 1982, 40pp. 1981, 44pp. (£17.00) £12.75 (£5.00) £3.75 AMMAR, MICHAEL. Fourth World Lecture Tour. AINSLIE, ARTHUR. Water Wizardry: Magical L&L, 1991, 20pp. (£10.00) £7.50 Experiments with Liquids. Pearson, 1922, 124pp, AMMAR, MICHAEL. Success & Magic. Secret hb. (£4.00) £3.00 Service, 1984, 36pp. (£10.00) £7.50 AIRE. Behind The Mind. 33pp. (£11.75) £8.81 ANDERSON, ERIC. Lecture Notes. 19pp, sgd. (£6.00) £4.50 Page 2 ANDERSON, GENE, & MARSHALL, ANDREWS, VAL. Sherlock Holmes & the Houdini FRANCES. Newspaper Magic. Magic Inc., 1976, Birthright. Breese, 1995, 160pp, sgd to Paul & 159pp, sgd. (£20.00) £15.00 Debbie (Daniels). (£7.50) £5.63 ANDERSON, GENE. The Part-Time Pro. 1976, ANDREWS, VAL. Sherlock Holmes & the Houdini 30pp, sgd. (£4.00) £3.00 Birthright. Breese, 1995, 160pp. (£5.99) £4.49 ANDERSON, GENE. The Part-Time Pro. 1976, ANDREWS, VAL. Spook Show Stoppers. Supreme, 30pp. (£3.60) £2.70 1984, 20pp. (£6.00) £4.50 ANDERSON, GENE. Topper’s Mad, Mad, Magic. ANDREWS, VAL. You’re On Your Own: Encyc of Magic Inc, 1974, 54pp. (£10.00) £7.50 Emergency Material for Magicians & Comperes. ANDERSON, GEORGE B. You, Too, Can Read Supreme, 14pp. (£5.00) £3.75 Minds. Magic Inc, 1968, 63pp, ex lib. (£7.00) ANDRUS, JERRY. Andrus Deals Again. Star, 1957, £5.25 6pp. (£8.00) £6.00 ANDERSON, GEORGE B. You, Too, Can Read ANDRUS, JERRY. Andrus Deals You In. Chazpro, Minds. Magic Inc, 1968, 63pp. (£8.00) £6.00 2006, 147pp. (£38.00) £28.50 ANDERSON, GEORGE. It Must be Mindreading. ANDRUS, JERRY. Andrus Notes: A Collection of Magic Inc, 1974, 62pp. (£20.00) £15.00 Jerry Andrus Lecture Notes & Photographs. Chazpro, ANDERSON, HARRY, & PIPKIN, TURK. 2004, 100pp. (£30.00) £22.50 Games You Can’t Lose. Burford, 2001, 160pp. ANDRUS, JERRY. Kurious Kards & Five Dollar (£10.00) £7.50 Trix. Chazpro, 2001, 55pp. (£12.00) £9.00 ANDERSON, HARRY, & PIPKIN, TURK. ANDRUS, JERRY. Nameless Notes. 1964, 9pp. Games You Can’t Lose. Pocket Books, 1989, 189pp. (£6.00) £4.50 (£6.80) £5.10 ANDRUS, JERRY. Sleeving from the Deck. 1961, ANDREWS Jr, CARL. Making a Living in Magic 18pp. (£6.00) £4.50 Performing at Restaurants and Hotels, 1999, 28pp. ANDRUS, JERRY. Up Close with Andrus. 1957, (£16.00) £12.00 21pp. (£8.00) £6.00 ANDREWS, MAX. 16 Card Index Gems. Vampire, ANDRUS, JERRY. Up Close with Andrus. 1957, 1950, 17pp. (£5.00) £3.75 9pp + 6 plates (183 pics) + extra notes loose in ANDREWS, MAX. 16 Thumb Tie Gems. Supreme, folder.] (£16.00) £12.00 1981, 50pp. (£3.00) £2.25 ANNEMANN, THEO. 202 Methods of Forcing. ANDREWS, VAL. A Gift From The Gods: The Story Holden, 1978, 35pp. (£8.00) £6.00 of Chung Ling Soo. Goodliffe, 1981, 200pp, 1st, ltd ANNEMANN, THEO. Mental Bargain Effects. 1500, hb, dw, sgd by Hector Robinson. (£65.00) 16pp. (£5.00) £3.75 £48.75 ANNEMANN, THEO. Mental Bargain Effects. ANDREWS, VAL. A Gift From the Gods: The Story Armstrong, 1955, 24pp. (£6.00) £4.50 of Chung Ling Soo. Goodliffe, 1981, 200pp, 1st, ltd ANNEMANN, THEO. Mental Club Act. Magic 1500, hb, dw. (£60.00) £45.00 Wand, 1956, 18pp. (£5.00) £3.75 ANDREWS, VAL. David Devant: The Junior ANNEMANN, THEO. No Card Mystery Act. Partner. Magical Treasury, 1988, 44pp, ltd #61, Magic Wand, 1956, 18pp. (£5.00) £3.75 sgd. (£8.00) £6.00 ANNEMANN, THEO. One Man Mental & Psychic ANDREWS, VAL. Egg Bags & Egg Gags. Routine. Armstrong, 1956, 33pp. (£18.00) £13.50 Supreme, 18pp. (£3.50) £2.63 ANNEMANN, THEO. Sh-h-h-h--! It’s a Secret. ANDREWS, VAL. Goodnight Mr Dante. Tannen, 48pp. (£10.00) £7.50 Goodliffe, 1978, 120pp. (£30.00) £22.50 ANON. 125 Tricks with Cards or Sleight of Hand. ANDREWS, VAL. How Do You Doodle? Supreme, c1910, 64pp, only fair so (£4.00) £3.00 21pp. (£4.00) £3.00 ANON. 49 Easy-to-Do Card Tricks with Any Deck. ANDREWS, VAL. Manual of Balloon Modelling Supreme, 21pp. (£4.00) £3.00 Vol. 1. Magico, 1981, 56pp. (£4.25) £3.19 ANON. 49 Easy-to-Do Card Tricks. 32pp. (£3.00) ANDREWS, VAL. Murray. Goodliffe, 1974, 90pp, £2.25 hb, dw, sgd, with memorial dinner brochure. ANON. 50 Kute Koin Tricks. Supreme, 6pp.
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